Funding Opportunities from DOE to Advance Climate Solutions

AASHE, United States Department of Energy, Urban Sustainability Directors Network

Date Created: July 26, 2023
Date Posted: July 26, 2023
Submitted by: Aubrey Organ
Content Type: Videos & Webinars

Video Content


A webinar brought to you by AASHE, Second Nature, and the Office of State and Community Energy Programs (SCEP) at the Department of Energy.

The Office of State and Community Energy Programs at the Department of Energy has several programs that provide funding and technical assistance to support climate solutions in communities. Higher education institutions are the center of many communities and we know many campus sustainability efforts are deeply connected to, if not embedded, with their surrounding community. This webinar will provide campus sustainability and climate champions, including researchers and those focused on community engagement, more information about these funding opportunities and recommendations for collaborating with state and local governments.

Presented on July 26, 2023.


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