Videos & Webinars


AASHE’s video library showcases webinar recordings and videos about sustainability in higher education.

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446 resources

STARS Data Quality Boot Camp Webinar Series: Academics

  • AASHE (MA)

Expanded from last year, the STARS Data Quality Boot Camp Series will help you gain the insights you need to submit a high-quality STARS report in time for the 2019 ...

  • Posted Jan. 25, 2019
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STARS Data Quality Boot Camp Webinar Series: Overall Tips

  • AASHE (MA)

Expanded from last year, the STARS Data Quality Boot Camp Series will help you gain the insights you need to submit a high-quality STARS report in time for the 2019 ...

  • Posted Jan. 23, 2019
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How to Prove ROI and Get Funding for an Energy Management Information System (EMIS)

  • Weber State University (UT)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • Atrius (CA)

Still on the fence about purchasing an Energy Management Information System to manage your university’s resource data? The time to act is now.

According to the U.S. Department ...

  • Posted Jan. 17, 2019
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Setup a Food Hub as a Community Resilience Tool

  • Black Hills State University (SD)
  • AASHE (MA)

Black Hills State University (BHSU) and Spearfish community partners are seeking to create a culture that supports and values local food in order to expand the reach and depth of ...

  • Posted Nov. 15, 2018
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A New Way to Benchmark your Sustainable Purchasing Program

  • AASHE (MA)
  • Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council (MA)

The members of the Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council have collaborated to produce a Benchmarking System for evaluating the maturity of Sustainable Purchasing Programs. The new tool is being used by ...

  • Posted Nov. 8, 2018
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JUST Label and STARS – Comparison and Synergies

  • AASHE (MA)
  • International Living Future Institute (WA)

The JUST Program has been adopted by organizations worldwide as a robust organizational transparency platform with a specific lens into social equity performance. As organizations and institutions seek to be ...

  • Posted Oct. 31, 2018
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Position your Student Sustainability Committee as a Leadership Training Opportunity

  • Johnson County Community College (KS)
  • AASHE (MA)

Johnson County Community College’s Student Sustainability Committee is our campuswide student sustainability leadership group. The Committee, formed in 2011 as part of a student-led initiative for a dollar-per-credit hour ...

  • Posted Oct. 25, 2018
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Making the Shift to Climate-Friendly Food Service

  • University of Massachusetts Amherst (MA)
  • University of New Hampshire (NH)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • Friends of the Earth (DC)

The webinar will provide information covering broad menu-based strategies to reduce the carbon footprint of dining service. Friends of the Earth’s Food & Agriculture program consultant will introduce the ...

  • Posted Oct. 18, 2018
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EPA’s new ENERGY STAR College Course

  • Murray State University (KY)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (DC)

ENERGY STAR now offers an updated curriculum on commercial building efficiency. The three-unit, college-level curriculum is more focused and interactive, and can be integrated as a module into existing courses ...

  • Posted Oct. 11, 2018
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How to Build the Best Bike Share Program for your Campus

  • University of North Carolina, Greensboro (NC)
  • AASHE (MA)

Bikeshare is quickly becoming the most popular sustainable transportation program on many college campuses, with several different models available for consideration. Join this webinar to learn how to conduct a ...

  • Posted Sept. 20, 2018
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The Climate-Friendly Global Academic Conference with a Human Touch

  • Swarthmore College (PA)
  • Tufts University (MA)
  • University of California, Santa Barbara (CA)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • University of Graz

Aviation is responsible for a large proportion of the climate impact of professional life in university communities. One much-discussed option for reducing this climate impact is to shift some conferencing ...

  • Posted Sept. 13, 2018
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Professional Skills in Sustainability

  • Arizona State University (AZ)
  • AASHE (MA)

There is often a mismatch between the learning outcomes of higher education programs and the professional skills required for sustainability jobs. This webinar provides an overview of professional skills in ...

  • Posted Sept. 6, 2018
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Campus Sustainability Month 2018: Nonpartisan Engagement and the November Elections

  • National Association of Independent Colleges & Universities (DC)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • Higher Education Associations Sustainability Consortium (HEASC) (PA)

The theme for this year’s Campus Sustainability Month is Nonpartisan Engagement and the November Elections. Please join AASHE and the Higher Education Associations Sustainability Consortium (HEASC) as we explore ...

  • Posted Aug. 30, 2018
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If We’d Known Then: Lessons in Sustainability Engagement

  • AASHE (MA)
  • MacEwan University (AB)
  • National Union of Students

In 2012 MacEwan University entered an unique and innovative partnership with the National Union of Students (NUS) to be the first non-UK university to run the award winning Green Impact ...

  • Posted Aug. 23, 2018
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Accelerating Change through the President’s Sustainability Research Program

  • Swarthmore College (PA)
  • AASHE (MA)

This webinar describes the President’s Sustainability Research Fellowship (PSRF) model, an innovative program at Swarthmore College that matches motivated students with staff and faculty mentors to research, develop, and ...

  • Posted Aug. 2, 2018
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Natural Herbicides: For a Greener Campus Environment

  • Cornell University (NY)
  • Georgia Institute of Technology (GA)
  • AASHE (MA)

This webinar will cover how colleges can improve the sustainability of weed management on their campuses and engage students in thinking about finding substitutes to environmentally detrimental products and practices ...

  • Posted July 26, 2018
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Motivating and Quantifying the Impacts of Behavior Change

  • Stanford University (CA)
  • AASHE (MA)

In today’s increasingly technological and individualized world, how do sustainability professionals provide opportunities to engage their audience in a way that is relevant to them, but still quantifies the ...

  • Posted July 19, 2018
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The Nitrogen Footprint Tool for Universities

  • University of California, Davis (CA)
  • University of New Hampshire (NH)
  • University of Virginia (VA)
  • AASHE (MA)

The Nitrogen Footprint Tool (NFT), designed for institutions of higher education, assesses the impact of campus consumption and activities on excess reactive nitrogen (N) in the environment. Excess reactive nitrogen ...

  • Posted June 28, 2018
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Making Your Campus A Bee Campus USA Affiliate

  • University of North Carolina, Asheville (NC)
  • University of Connecticut (CT)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • Portland Community College, Rock Creek Campus (OR)
  • The Xerces Society (OR)

While pollinators are imperative for the reproduction of 90% of the world’s wild plant species and three-quarters of crops, announcements of their national and global staggering declines seem relentless ...

  • Posted June 21, 2018
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The Decolonization of Curriculum for a Sustainable Future

  • Cal Poly Humboldt (CA)
  • AASHE (MA)

When you think about it, does your coursework perpetuate stories of paternalistic dominance by a few? Do you teach how and what you learned? Given our other many responsibilities, do ...

  • Posted June 7, 2018
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AASHE Connect – Online Community Webinar

  • AASHE (MA)

Join us as we tour AASHE’s new online community. AASHE Connect will serve as a place for members to exchange ideas, engage meaningfully with peers and find solutions to ...

  • Posted June 1, 2018
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Grappling with Climate Uncertainties: MIT’s Resiliency Approach

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MA)
  • AASHE (MA)

Heightened awareness from recent extreme weather events and emerging data about current and future climate risks is placing increasing pressure on university campuses to develop processes for enhancing the resilience ...

  • Posted May 31, 2018
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Beyond Diversion: Qualitative Data to Measure Zero Waste Efforts

  • Carleton College (MN)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • Post-Landfill Action Network (NH)

Absence of a streamlined and holistic framework through which to measure and communicate waste reduction efforts has Zero Waste loosely defined among colleges and universities. This issue is aggravated by ...

  • Posted May 25, 2018
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Higher Education and the Sustainable Development Goals

  • AASHE (MA)
  • University College London (London)
  • University of London

The challenges the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) present to Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) go deeper than did those of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). They require a rethink of the ...

  • Posted May 18, 2018
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Mobilization Strategies for Environmental Policy Influence

  • University of Saskatchewan (SK)
  • AASHE (MA)

Those of us who research and teach about sustainability issues are often interested in the potential social impact of our own work, in order to help address environmental challenges of ...

  • Posted May 15, 2018
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Introduction to the Leading Deep Change in Higher Education Workshop

  • Wilfrid Laurier University (ON)
  • AASHE (MA)

In response to member interest in higher level, leadership- and change-management focused programming AASHE has partnered with REFOCUS to offer a 1.5 day leadership development workshop in Summer 2018 ...

  • Posted May 15, 2018
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Ontario Helping Colleges and Universities Fight Climate Change

  • Ontario Tech University (ON)
  • Upper Canada College (ON)
  • Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (ON)
  • Sheridan College (Ontario) (ON)
  • Niagara College Canada (ON)
  • Fairtrade Canada (ON)

Ontario is investing in colleges and university campuses to improve energy efficiency while also fostering student involvement. Ontario is helping fund green projects such as installing energy-efficient windows, high-efficiency boilers ...

  • Posted May 8, 2018
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Career Paths in Sustainability

  • Duke University (NC)

The Managing Director of the Center for Energy, Development, and the Global Environment at Duke University provides guidance for students on exploring careers in sustainability. She emphasizes the connections between ...

  • Posted May 8, 2018
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What is your Communication Strategy? - Tools for Marketing Sustainability Across Campus (Webinar)

  • Pennsylvania State University (PA)
  • GreenerU (MA)

Join GreenerU and Penn State in this insightful webinar targeted at improving your school's communication strategies when it comes to sustainability. Learn helpful marketing tips from Penn State's ...

  • Posted May 8, 2018
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Purchasing Carbon Offsets 101

  • Second Nature (MA)

"Join this webinar for an introduction to purchasing carbon offsets through the voluntary carbon market. The webinar will cover how schools can use verified carbon offsets to meet emissions reduction ...

  • Posted May 8, 2018
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Where does it go? Composting at GWU

  • George Washington University (DC)

In February 2018, the George Washington University’s Office of Sustainability and Campaign GW embarked upon a new, risk-taking endeavor to expand access to composting and sustainable food waste across ...

  • Posted May 8, 2018
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Avoided Costs from Shared Laboratory Equipment and Space at CU Boulder

  • University of Colorado Boulder (CO)
  • AASHE (MA)

CU Green Labs at the University of Colorado Boulder has spent the last year writing a case study to highlight the benefits of our Biochemistry Cell Culture Facility to our ...

  • Posted May 4, 2018
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Facilitating a World Climate Negotiation Simulation

  • University of Massachusetts Lowell (MA)
  • AASHE (MA)

The World Climate Simulation has been run with over 35,000 people in nearly 80 countries to enable people to experience the dynamics of the UN climate negotiations. Join this ...

  • Posted April 26, 2018
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Green Your Room

  • Princeton University (NJ)

This is an educational video created by James Tralie, Princeton University student, to inform students about how to be sustainable in dorm rooms. He describes ways to conserve energy including ...

  • Posted April 23, 2018
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Sustainability: Why Universities Can Lead by Example

  • North Central College (IL)

This TEDx Talk describes the benefits of adopting more energy-efficient systems and technology on college campuses. Such practices pay off for these institutions in the long run while also helping ...

  • Posted April 23, 2018
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Reducing Electricity Use in Campus Residence Halls

  • Radford University (VA)
  • AASHE (MA)

Our quasi-experimental design exposed first-year students in four matched residence halls to three different interventions designed to encourage energy conservation, specifically electricity conservation. We employed active and passive programming and ...

  • Posted April 20, 2018
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Training in Environmental Policy Advocacy During Challenging Times

  • DePauw University (IN)
  • AASHE (MA)

Many positive environmental policy gains are under threat across the country. Students who are motivated to take action are more important than ever. Over the last decade, DePauw University has ...

  • Posted April 12, 2018
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AASHE Webinar: Going Green - Financially and Environmentally

  • Texas A&M University (TX)
  • Siemens Industry, Inc. (IL)
  • AASHE (MA)

This introductory webinar is designed to help campus representatives think critically about what it means to "go green" both financially and environmentally.

  • Posted April 12, 2018
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AASHE Webinar: Retrofitting Existing Buildings for Energy Efficiency and Demand Response

  • Western Michigan University (MI)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • Cypress Envirosystems (CA)

This is an educational webinar presented by AASHE Business Leader Cypress Envirosystems.
Compared with new facilities, existing buildings and plants often have legacy equipment which waste energy, require more maintenance ...

  • Posted April 12, 2018
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Developing Campus Sustainability Plans in a Capstone Course

  • Furman University (SC)
  • AASHE (MA)

Sustainability education high impact practices emphasize the importance of project-based, applied learning experiences as well as collaborative learning. Higher education professionals also emphasize the importance of capstone signature experiences. Students ...

  • Posted April 5, 2018
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Promoting Sustainable Campus Landscapes: Making a Case for Campus Trees

  • Old Dominion University (VA)
  • Penn State Mont Alto (PA)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • Arbor Day Foundation (NE)
  • Bartlett Tree Experts (IL)

This webinar explores the benefits of sustainable campus landscapes and how to build long-lasting support, specifically for the trees on your campus, by conducting tree inventories, publicizing your findings, educating ...

  • Posted April 3, 2018
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Culturally Competent Sustainability Professionals

  • Portland State University (OR)
  • University of Colorado Boulder (CO)
  • AASHE (MA)

This webinar will explore how cultural differences influence perception of sustainability and how to navigate these differences effectively. Participants will gain an understanding for an alternative approach to framing and ...

  • Posted April 3, 2018
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Incorporating Sustainability into Campus Strategic Planning

  • Spelman College (GA)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • Waste Management (TX)

This webinar is designed to assist school officials who are in the strategic planning process incorporate sustainability into their goals. Presented by Waste Management and Spelman College on April 2 ...

  • Posted April 3, 2018
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Everything You Need to Know About STARS 2.0

  • Alfred State College (NY)
  • AASHE (MA)

Tune in to learn about the new and improved STARS 2.0, which made its debut in the fall of 2013. Led by AASHE staff and the STARS Steering Committee ...

  • Posted April 3, 2018
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Taking Action to Mitigate Climate Change on Campus and Beyond

  • Colby College (ME)
  • University of Minnesota, Morris (MN)
  • Clean Air-Cool Planet (NH)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • Energy Action Coalition

"Scientific instruments showed that the gas had reached an average daily level above 400 parts per million — just an odometer moment in one sense, but also a sobering reminder that ...

  • Posted April 3, 2018
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Mission Zero Waste with Waste Management

  • Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, Central Office (NJ)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • Waste Management (TX)

In this free, one-hour webinar, you will hear about Waste Management's Think Green ® Campus Model, a comprehensive framework to help universities improve diversion, drive toward zero waste, and make ...

  • Posted April 3, 2018
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Implementation Strategies for Campus Green Revolving Funds

  • Agnes Scott College (GA)
  • University of New Hampshire (NH)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • ICF International (VA)

Many colleges and universities have begun to adopt or seriously consider the green revolving fund model to help finance urgently needed energy efficiency upgrades on campus. This webinar will provide ...

  • Posted April 3, 2018
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Investment and Divestment: Making Sustainable Choices with Campus Endowment

  • Unity Environmental University (ME)
  • Responsible Endowments Coalition (PA)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • (NY)

You've read about it in the news and have maybe even participated in the discussion or campaign on your campus -- divesting the campus endowment from fossil fuel resources is ...

  • Posted April 3, 2018
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Using Energy and Water Reduction Competitions to Effect Tangible Change

  • AASHE (MA)
  • Atrius (CA)

This webinar provides a better understanding of how to coordinate campus energy and water reduction competitions. Learn how to facilitate an effective competition on campus to inspire behavioral change and ...

  • Posted April 3, 2018
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Enhancing Sustainability and Climate Focused Curricula with AMS Climate Studies

  • Coppin State University (MD)
  • Second Nature (MA)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • American Meteorological Society (DC)

The intention of this webinar is to highlight the important of studying climate science and global change topics and working toward a climate literate society. Presenters will inform participants about ...

  • Posted March 29, 2018
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