
8018 resources

University of Oregon GrowPod Tomato Harvest

  • University of Oregon (OR)

University of Oregon students and staff harvesting tomatoes in the experimental GrowPod.

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee - Alliance for Water Stewardship Partnership

  • University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (WI)

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee has partnered with the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) to develop the first curricular program in the nation dedicated to training students in professional water stewardship planning …

Toward Sustainable Communities: Solutions for Citizens and Their Governments, 4th edition

  • Arizona State University (AZ)
  • Simon Fraser University (BC)

The need to make our communities sustainable is more urgent than ever before. Toward Sustainable Communities remains the single most useful resource for creating vibrant, healthy, equitable, economically viable places. …

  • Posted Oct. 23, 2020
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Ontario Tech University - Solar Panels

  • Ontario Tech University (ON)

Ontario Tech University’s long-established reputation as a post-secondary leader in conservation and green community-building has achieved a Gold rating from AASHE’s Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS) in 2019, …

University of Cincinnati Environmental Literacy Certificate Program Poster

  • University of Cincinnati - Clermont (OH)

Recognizing that environmental literacy is integral to the University of Cincinnati's mission of serving the world and enriching our global community, UC provides students the opportunity to earn an Environmental …

University of Cincinnati Students on a Tour of Fernald Nature Preserve

  • University of Cincinnati (OH)

University of Cincinnati students on a tour o as part of one of the requirements for the Environmental Literacy Certificate Program, where experiential learning collides with real world experience.​

Fernald …

Humber College - Learning by Leading

  • Humber College (ON)

Learning by Leading™ Program is based on the idea that students learn best by taking leadership in helping to solve real-world problems. The Humber Arboretum was selected as the only …

Humber College - Forest Nature Program

  • Humber College (ON)

The Forest and Nature Program (FNP) is a unique play and learning experience that offers children the opportunity to succeed and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in …

Central New Mexico Community College, Main Campus Detention Basin

  • Central New Mexico Community College (NM)

Photos # 1 & 2 Description: This detention basin slows and filters stormwater that drains from a large parking lot located at CNM Main Campus, near University Avenue. It also …

Central New Mexico Community College Westside Campus Solar Array & Energy Storage System

  • Central New Mexico Community College (NM)

Contractors commission the tracking equipment at the Westside Campus Solar Array & Energy Storage System. Students in the CNM Electrical Trades Photovoltaic Concentration Program stand by to learn. It was …

UMass Amherst Clean Energy Corps

  • University of Massachusetts Amherst (MA)

Clean Energy Extension students review and photograph architectural plans for an elementary school they are assessing, as well as present their findings.

Unity College Sustainability Science Curriculum

  • Unity Environmental University (ME)

Sustainability science is at the heart of everything we do at Unity College because to us, nothing is more important than the mark we make on this planet.

Sustainability science …

Santa Clara University Waste Characterization with Campus Residents

  • Santa Clara University (CA)

Center for Sustainability interns Nate Redinbo ('20), Ali Deambrosio ('20), and Amanda Eason ('20) teamed up with Dunne Hall residents for a Waste Characterization event. These events involve gathering waste …

CSU Monterey Bay - Laundry to Landscape

  • California State University, Monterey Bay (CA)

CSU Monterey Bay implemented a pilot laundry to landscape project that is connected to 8 washing machines. The greywater is filtered and then distributed to adjacent landscaping. The project was …

Colorado State University Photo for 2020 SCI

  • Colorado State University (CO)

Photo attached for use in 2020 SCI

Central Community College - Hastings Wind Turbine for SCI 2020

  • Central Community College (NE)

SCI Overall Top Performer, Associates Institutions

The long- and near-term Central Community College action plan is to provide students and the community with a campus-wide living learning laboratory for resiliency …

Appalachian State University - The Impact Clinic

  • Appalachian State University (NC)

The Impact Clinic - The Impact Clinic at Appalachian State University is an applied learning initiative that partners teams of faculty and students with local business representatives to evaluate the …

Race, Equity, and Leadership in Schools

  • Harvard University (MA)

Race, Equity, and Leadership in Schools, a program of The Principals’ Center, offers a historical and cultural context for understanding how inequality plays out in schools and provides educators with …

  • Posted Oct. 8, 2020
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Center for Social Justice Research, Teaching & Service

  • Georgetown University (DC)

The Center for Social Justice Research, Teaching, and Service (CSJ) is a hub at Georgetown University through which students, faculty, and staff engage in Washington, DC through activism, advocacy, service, …

  • Posted Oct. 8, 2020
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Center for Environmental Justice & Sustainability

  • Seattle University (WA)

CEJS serves as a clearinghouse for Seattle University’s environmental programs and sustainability initiatives. If you have any questions about CEJS, campus sustainability, CEJS events, or have an interest in partnering: …

  • Posted Oct. 8, 2020
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Diversity in Higher Education: Creating Equity in Evaluation of Faculty

  • Antioch University, New England (NH)
  • Gustavus Adolphus College (MN)
  • Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (MD)

Despite efforts to improve hiring practices to diversify the faculties of colleges and universities in the US, a lack of strong attention to retention practices may negate progress. At predominantly …

  • Posted Oct. 8, 2020
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Race and the Environmental Movement: History and Legacies

  • Antioch University, New England (NH)

This webinar explores some of the roots of the American conservation movement as they relate to white supremacy and patterns of discrimination and marginalization. The webinar explores four windows into …

  • Posted Oct. 8, 2020
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The Connected Classroom of the Future

  • North Carolina State University (NC)
  • University of Connecticut (CT)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • Legrand North America, LLC (CA)

Today’s higher education campuses are expected to prepare students for success in an increasingly connected world. Students, lecturers, and staff are seeking dynamic classroom experiences and new spaces to create …

  • Posted Oct. 8, 2020
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Warren Wilson College Civic Identity Framework

  • Warren Wilson College (NC)

Civic Identity serves as the overarching educational framework at Warren Wilson College, and it prioritizes civic responsibility and sustainability as the core ethos for each graduate. There are explicit …

Central Community College, NE Katy Ayers Myconoe eBadge project for SCI 2020

  • Central Community College (NE)

eBadges - Students at Central Community College can earn eBadges to demonstrate skills and knowledge in environmental stewardship. eBadge opportunities are available at no additional cost for all fields of …

"A Changing Planet" Video and PPT Resources for Environmental Studies 1000 taught at the University of Colorado Boulder

  • University of Colorado Boulder (CO)

The Sustainability Innovation Lab at CO (SILC) Director & Environmental Studies Professor Jason Neff has developed a series of PowerPoint and YouTube videos for Introductory Environmental Science courses for free …

  • Posted Sept. 22, 2020
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Community Sustainability (CSUS) PhD

  • Michigan State University (MI)

The CSUS graduate program is designed for students interested in issues of community sustainability in either a domestic or international context. Broadly speaking, faculty, academic staff, and graduate students working …

  • Posted Sept. 11, 2020
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Community Sustainability (CSUS) MS

  • Michigan State University (MI)

The CSUS graduate program is designed for students interested in issues of community sustainability in either a domestic or international context. Broadly speaking, faculty, academic staff, and graduate students working …

  • Posted Sept. 11, 2020
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Sustainability & Environment MS

  • University of North Carolina, Greensboro (NC)

Focusing on the interconnectedness of social equity, the environment, the economy, and aesthetics, the customizable M.S. in Sustainability & Environment (MSS&E) is designed for professionals pursuing sustainability in any field. …

  • Posted Sept. 11, 2020
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Higher Education for Sustainability after the Sh*t Hits the Fan

  • West Chester University of Pennsylvania (PA)
  • AASHE (MA)

This webinar will engage participants in deep dialogue and a thought experiment aimed at articulating transformational climate initiatives and generating momentum for overcoming barriers to action. The science tells us …

  • Posted Sept. 10, 2020
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Sustainability Education in the Food-Energy-Water-Nexus

  • University of Nebraska - Lincoln (NE)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • Sustainability Curriculum Consortium (MD)

Worldwide, there has been growing interest in research, education, and discourse around the FEW-Nexus, which serves as a framework to describe and aid in addressing complex coupled human-natural systems and …

  • Posted Aug. 27, 2020
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Teaching Psychology for Sustainability

  • University of St. Thomas (MN)
  • Willamette University (OR) is periodically updated; revisions are currently underway, thanks to a grant provided by the Willamette University Green Fund. We invite suggestions from users for additions, revisions, and other improvements. …

#MakeClimateaClass: Resources for Online Education on Climate Solutions and Justice

  • Bard College (NY)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • Higher Education Associations Sustainability Consortium (HEASC) (PA)

Solve Climate by 2030 is mobilizing US educators of any discipline to engage their students in dialog about ambitious stabilizing the climate over the next decade. This project offers a …

  • Posted Aug. 13, 2020
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Routledge Handbook of Ecocultural Identity

  • Routledge

The Routledge Handbook of Ecocultural Identity (2020) is a timely book, as across the globe more and more of us awake to our always interconnected selves. The Handbook brings the …

  • Posted July 10, 2020
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Benchmarking Sustainable Engineering Education: Final Report

  • Arizona State University (AZ)
  • Carnegie Mellon University (PA)
  • University of Texas at Austin (TX)

The primary objectives of this project were to: (1) identify accredited engineering programs at US institutions that incorporate sustainability concepts into engineering curricula and within these programs characterize the design …

  • Posted July 10, 2020
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Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics MS

  • Michigan State University (MI)

The Master of Science (M.S.) degree in Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics equips students with a strong base in applied microeconomics that can lead to exciting careers in business, government, …

  • Posted July 10, 2020
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Environmental and Natural Resource Economics PhD

  • University of Massachusetts Amherst (MA)

Our PhD students typically spend an average of five years in our program. Comprehensives in Microeconomics, Econometrics and a field (Industrial Organization, Environmental Economics or Experimental & Behavioral) are typically …

  • Posted July 10, 2020
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Environmental and Natural Resource Economics MS

  • University of Massachusetts Amherst (MA)

Most MSc students complete their program in 17 months. Students typically take three courses per term, for three terms as well as three research credits. After this, students spend an …

  • Posted July 10, 2020
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Agricultural and Resource Economics MS and PhD

  • University of Maryland, College Park (MD)

The Department offers both MS and PhD degrees from one of the nation's premier graduate programs in applied economics. The program focuses on the application of advanced economic theory and …

  • Posted July 10, 2020
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Environmental and Resource Economics concentration

  • University of Maryland, College Park (MD)

The Agricultural and Resource Economics (Ag-Econ) concentration provides students with the flexibility to select a field of study that fits their career interests. Students can also customize their degree program …

  • Posted July 10, 2020
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Environmental Studies and Sustainability, BA

  • University of Massachusetts Boston (MA)

The School for the Environment's nationally recognized Environmental Studies and Sustainability program emphasizes solutions integrating the humanities and social sciences with economics and business. As environmental and sustainability advocates, students …

  • Posted July 10, 2020
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Community Development, BA

  • University of Massachusetts Boston (MA)

Community development is a multi-disciplinary field based in the social sciences. In UMass Boston's Community Development program students can customize their focus of study drawing on a breadth of disciplines …

  • Posted July 10, 2020
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Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Education (BS)

  • Michigan State University (MI)

The Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Education major has a unique focus on agriculture, food and natural resources sustainability for the benefit of communities in Michigan, the U.S. and the …

  • Posted July 10, 2020
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Environmental Studies

  • Sarah Lawrence College (NY)

Environmental studies at Sarah Lawrence College is an engagement with human relationships to the environment through a variety of disciplines. Sarah Lawrence’s environmental studies program, a critical component of a …

  • Posted July 10, 2020
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Master of Arts in Applied Community Development

  • Future Generations University (WV)

The Master’s program is flexible to fit you, allowing you to focus your degree around your interests and career goals. You can be a full-time and finish in 20 months, …

  • Posted July 10, 2020
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Environmental Journalism Masters

  • Michigan State University (MI)

Any MSU School of Journalism masters student can enroll in an environmental journalism class to fulfill graduate requirements or electives. Students can also complete a specialized master’s degree environmental option …

  • Posted July 10, 2020
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MA Journalism (Science and Environment)

  • University of Nebraska - Lincoln (NE)

There is growing demand for science journalists who can report on health and environment issues accurately and succinctly. This Master’s programme is designed to offer the practical and theoretical training …

  • Posted July 10, 2020
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Environmental Science and Natural Resource Journalism Master's Degree

  • University of Montana (MT)

The School of Journalism’s graduate program is a hands-on, skills-based program that puts students in the field reporting on issues affecting society and the natural world.

The master's program is …

  • Posted July 10, 2020
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Science & Environmental Journalism (MA)

  • University of Arizona (AZ)

Genetically modified foods … climate change … vaccines … stem cell research … evolution. Americans persistently misunderstand, misrepresent or disregard the science behind these hot-button issues and others. Courses in …

  • Posted July 10, 2020
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Environmental Journalism (MA)

  • Point Park University (PA)

Point Park University will offer a 36-credit Master of Arts in Environmental Journalism starting in Fall 2020. This unique new master's program combines practical communication and journalism courses with graduate-level …

  • Posted July 10, 2020
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This tab provides access to data collected through AASHE’s Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS). STARS is a transparent, self-reporting framework for colleges and universities to measure their sustainability performance. STARS enables meaningful comparisons over time and across institutions using a common set of measurements developed with broad participation from the campus sustainability community.

All responses reference content from reports under the latest version of STARS, version 2.2. AASHE membership and log-in is required.

AC 1: Academic Courses

AC 2: Learning Outcomes

AC 3: Undergraduate Program

AC 4: Graduate Program

AC 5: Immersive Experience

AC 6: Sustainability Literacy Assessment

AC 7: Incentives for Developing Courses

AC 8: Campus as a Living Laboratory

Additional analysis on scores and quantitative fields can be conducted using the STARS Benchmarking Tool.

Curriculum Partners