Synchronizing Sustainability Education Across Higher Education Community Orientations

University of British Columbia

Publication Release Date: June 25, 2020
Date Posted: May 4, 2021
Submitted by: Tessie Devlin
Sustainability Topic: Curriculum
Content Type: Publications
Publisher: Vancouver : University of British Columbia Library
Periodical Name: UBC Social Ecological Economic Development Studies (SEEDS) Student Report University of British Columbia
Type: Undergraduate Student Research


With increased concerns surrounding the global climate emergency, the need to address the issue emerges across individuals and large organizations alike. The University of British Columbia is one of the world’s leading institutions in pushing the envelope of sustainability literacy amongst its staff, students, and faculty through various sustainability-focused workshops and zero-waste education initiatives. There is still, however, a strong opportunity to explore integrating more centralized, high-level sustainability education into student, staff and faculty orientations so that every new member of the UBC community receives a basic/introductory level of education around sustainability. By exploring how other higher education intuitions have successfully approached and implemented such programs, UBC can consider a scan of alternatives when implementing their own.
