Energy Storage Strategies for the University of New Hampshire: A Feasibility Analysis of Energy Storage Opportunities on the Durham Campus

University of New Hampshire

Publication Release Date: Aug. 11, 2017
Date Posted: April 11, 2018
Submitted by: Rachel Young
Sustainability Topic: Energy
Content Type: Publications
Office or Departments: Facilities Management, Planning/Architect
Type: Undergraduate Student Research


Energy storage systems manage the power supply in order to create a more resilient energy structure, incorporate cleaner energy sources, and to bring cost savings to utilities and consumers. [2] At the University of New Hampshire Durham, energy storage technologies would reduce the amount of electricity purchased from the utility. As a result, the University would experience a decrease in energy costs, an increase in campus resiliency, and the reduction of Scope 2 emissions, emissions associated with the University through the purchase of electricity from the grid. The goal of the 10-week project is to deliver a report that inventories different energy storage opportunities, estimated life-cycle costs, estimated greenhouse gas reductions, implementation considerations, possible co-benefits, outstanding questions, and next steps. [1] This report recommends two energy storage projects, a chilled water thermal energy storage tank and an electrochemical battery, and an energy efficiency project, individual hot water heater controllers to flatten the electricity demand curve, induce energy savings, and increase campus sustainability and resiliency.
