A Call for Climate Leadership: Progress and Opportunities in Addressing the Defining Challenge of our Time

Second Nature, AASHE, ecoAmerica

Publication Release Date: March 1, 2007
Date Posted: Feb. 24, 2016
Submitted by: Monika Urbanski
Sustainability Topic: Air & Climate
Content Type: Publications
Type: Published Report


Higher Education has a unique role in society. It has been granted tax-free status, the ability to receive public and private funds, and academic freedom, in exchange for educating students and producing the knowledge that will result in a thriving and civil global society. With global warming, society faces a crisis that threatens its very viability. Reversing global warming is the defining challenge of the 21st century. Addressing this threat successfully will mean transforming our economy, our institutions, our daily lives - and doing so within a generation. This is a challenge of massive proportions, one that desperately calls for vision and leadership of higher education.


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