Environment and Society Minor

Syracuse University

Date Posted: May 5, 2019
Submitted by: Claire Pope
Sustainability Topic: Curriculum
Content Type: Academic Programs
Program Type: Minor


The Environment and Society (E&S) minor examines the social dimensions of environmental issues and sustainability. Through a range of interdisciplinary course offerings, it seeks to foster environmental literacy and citizenship among students. Those completing the minor will gain a deep understanding of the political, cultural, and economic factors that affect our use of the environment. Courses in the minor draw primarily from the social sciences and humanities and ask a variety of questions. Who determines how the environment is used? How has the way we value nature and wildlife changed over time? How do social divisions influence who is affected by climate change, pollution, or natural disasters? How can we create a more sustainable society?

The Environment and Society minor is an excellent accompaniment to majors in other fields. For those interested in the natural sciences, the minor offers perspectives on the social dimensions of nature less emphasized in science courses. For those interested in public policy and economics, it allows students to delve more deeply into environmental matters. For those interested in business, finance, or management, the minor offers an opportunity to learn more about the relationships between environment, economy, and society. Finally, for those seeking a future in the media, it enables students to learn more about the environmental issues they will report on during their career. In short, the E&S minor is a program for those who care about nature and want to find solutions to environmental problems. It is also a way for students to document their knowledge and expertise in environmental issues for the growing number of ‘green’ jobs and industries.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe and explain the features, patterns, and processes of the physical environment, and the human impact on natural systems

  2. Explore and critically reflect on the political, cultural, and economic factors that affect our use of the environment

  3. Discuss and think critically about who determines how the environment is used

  4. Discuss and think critically about the way we value nature and wildlife and how those values have changed over time

  5. Discuss and think critically about how social divisions influence who is affected by climate change, pollution, or natural disasters

  6. Discuss and think critically about how social divisions influence who is affected by climate change, pollution, or natural disasters

Links and Materials