

AASHE’s publications library is the leading repository of reports, journal articles, books, and student research on sustainability in higher education. Certain publication types are entered in the annual AASHE Awards Program.

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3958 resources

Sustainability reporting at German and Austrian universities

  • Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg

This paper advances the development of a ‘universal’ reporting framework for higher education. It is the first paper that reviews the current state of sustainability reporting in German and Austrian …

The Application of Ecological Footprint Analysis to Distance Learning University Contexts: A Case Study of the College of Education, University of South Africa

  • University of South Africa

The Ecological Footprint (EF) analysis can be considered as an indicator for assessing the environmental impact of universities, since it indicates flow of natural resources consumption and waste generation caused …

Sustainability Curriculum in UK University Sustainability Reports

  • Oxford Brookes University

One of the major barriers to incorporating sustainability in the higher education (HE) curriculum is its absence from the university sustainability strategy, the annual reflection of which is the annual …

Indicator-Based Analysis of the Process Towards a University in Sustainable Development: A Case Study of the University of Tübingen

  • Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

In order to contribute to sustainable development (SD), complex and heterogeneous institutions such as universities need instruments to define SD goals as well as to assess and to communicate their …

Sustainability in Higher Education

  • Elsevier

Support in higher education is an emerging area of great interest to professors, researchers and students in academic institutions. Sustainability in Higher Education provides discussions on the exchange of information …

Identifying effective climate change education strategies: a systematic review of the research

  • University of Florida (FL)

Increased interest in climate change education and the growing recognition of the challenges inherent to addressing this issue create an opportunity to conduct a systematic review to understand what research …

Sustainability at Stanford 2018-19 Year In Review

  • Stanford University (CA)

Explore the 2018-19 academic year milestones, key initiatives, and performance metrics that underscore Stanford's pledge to meaningful progress and applied innovation on sustainability.

2019 Sustainable Campus Index

  • AASHE (MA)

The 2019 Sustainable Campus Index (SCI) recognizes top-performing colleges and universities overall by institution type and in 17 sustainability impact areas, as measured by the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating …

Turning the Page: A Behavior Change Toolkit for Reducing Paper Use

  • Portland Community College (OR)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • Root Solutions (CA)

In 2017, the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) and Root Solutions, with funding from the Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund, created the Turning the Page …

Sustainable Development Goals and Institutions of Higher Education

  • University of South Africa

This volume brings together both theoretical and case study based contributions to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Institutions of Higher Education (IHE), presenting an impactful combination …

Canada's colleges and universities among the greenest in the world

  • University of Saskatchewan (SK)
  • Dalhousie University (NS)
  • Thompson Rivers University (BC)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • Nova Scotia Community College (NS)
  • Mohawk College (ON)

CBC News shares the news that college and university campuses across Canada are some of the greenest schools in the world according to the 2019 Sustainable Campus Index.

  • Posted Sept. 30, 2019
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Higher education teachers’ conceptions of sustainable development: implications for interdisciplinary pluralistic teaching

  • University of Turku

An interdisciplinary and pluralistic approach to teaching and learning has been proposed as one solution to the lack of a consensus definition of sustainable development (SD). For teachers, such an …

  • Posted Sept. 30, 2019
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Toward critical environmental education: a standpoint analysis of race in the American environmental context

  • University of Oregon (OR)

This article advocates for critical environmental education that is responsive to power inequities. Standpoint theory is used to help explain why environmental education has been slow to become race-conscious/responsive. Standpoint …

  • Posted Sept. 24, 2019
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Class of 2023 receives reusable water bottles to reduce plastic waste

  • George Washington University (DC)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • Fill it Forward (ON)

George Washington University explores water savings with "Fill It Forward" campaign from Cupanion.

  • Posted Sept. 24, 2019
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Integrated Management: How Sustainability Creates Value for Any Business

  • Duquesne University (PA)

Endorsed by the CEO of Unilever Paul Polman, John Elkington, Scholars from Harvard, MIT, Boston College, American University, The Aspen Institute, The Living Futures Institute and industry consultants. No cost …

  • Posted Sept. 10, 2019
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Engineering for One Planet: Launching a Collaborative Effort to Proliferate Principles of Environmentally Responsible Engineering in Higher Education Institutions

  • The Lemelson Foundation (OR)

Engineers build our human-made physical and virtual worlds, and many engineers will become the inventors and entrepreneurs that envision and create the future material world we live in. Engineers hold …

  • Posted Sept. 5, 2019
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Managing Trees on Campus: A Survey of North American College and University Tree Care Practices and Operations

  • James Madison University (VA)
  • APPA: Leadership in Educational Facilities (VA)
  • Arbor Day Foundation (NE)

In 2017 and 2018, a study was conducted to better understand the extent to which college and university campuses are treed and how trees are managed. A web-based survey was …

  • Posted Sept. 5, 2019
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Diversity in Higher Education Information Technology: From Today's Workforce to Tomorrow's Leaders

  • University of Richmond (VA)

The information technology (IT) workforce serves many vital functions in higher education, supporting campus computing needs ranging from advanced research and business and administrative operations to student learning and technology …

  • Posted Sept. 5, 2019
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Faculty awareness of the economic and environmental benefits of augmented reality for sustainability in Saudi Arabian universities

  • Curtin University

In recent decades, smart technology has been one of the major thought-provoking research subjects in the quest to meet the needs of society in ways that do not damage or …

Academic air travel has a limited influence on professional success

  • University of British Columbia (BC)

Lowering the growth in greenhouse gas emissions from air travel may be critical for avoiding dangerous levels of climate change, and yet some individuals perceive frequent air travel to be …

Institutional Emissions and Energy Planning: A Practical Guide for Administrators, Managers and DecisionMakers on the Interactions Between Carbon Accounting, Institutional Goal Setting and Energy Procurement

  • Princeton University (NJ)

This report provides a practical guide about institutional emission and energy planning for administrators, managers and decision-makers. A key finding of this report is that institutions require an awareness and …

  • Posted July 19, 2019
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A Framework for Leadership for Sustainability Education at Portland State University

  • Portland State University (OR)

In response to the hitherto unchallenged assumptions supporting a globalized economy, the Leadership for Sustainability Education (LSE) program, formerly Leadership in Ecology, Culture, and Learning, was developed as part of …

  • Posted July 19, 2019
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Climate adaptation planning in the higher education sector

  • RMIT University

Purpose There is a growing interest in climate change action in the higher education sector. Higher education institutions (HEIs) play an important role as property owners, employers, education and research …

  • Posted July 19, 2019
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Taking stock of sustainability in higher education: a review of the policy literature

  • University of Saskatchewan (SK)
  • Dalhousie University (NS)

This paper provides a review of the current literature that examines the uptake of sustainability policies in higher education. Articles were retrieved from both ERIC and Scopus databases and then …

  • Posted July 19, 2019
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Lessons Learned from Developing a New Distance-Learning Masters Course in the Green Economy

  • Bournemouth University (Dorset)

It is widely recognised that for the green economy to develop successfully, new educational curricula will be required to help professionals develop appropriate knowledge and skills. Relatively few university courses …

  • Posted July 19, 2019
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Understanding the limits of assessing sustainability at Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ, Ecuador, while reporting for a North American system

  • Universidad San Francisco de Quito - USFQ (Pichincha)

Purpose Universidad San Francisco de Quito, USFQ, completed an assessment study to understand its performance in sustainability in 2012. This study aims to recognize the limitations of applying a North …

  • Posted July 19, 2019
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The state of sustainability reporting in universities

  • University of Leeds (West Yorkshire)

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to review and assess the state of sustainability reporting in universities.

Design/methodology/approach – Analysis of the performance level of 12 universities sustainability …

  • Posted July 19, 2019
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Building an Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge Initiative at a Research University: Decolonization Notes from the Field

  • University of Oregon (OR)

In this article, we discuss the importance of Indigenous traditional ecological knowledge as the foundation of sustainability education, and we describe the need for, and successful efforts to, begin building …

  • Posted July 19, 2019
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The role of green and Sustainability Offices in fostering sustainability efforts at higher education institutions

  • Leuphana University of Lüneburg
  • Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
  • University of Passo Fundo
  • University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz

Green and Sustainability Offices are special settings which assist initiatives within higher education institutions to coordinate their efforts and work in the field of sustainable development. The set-up of such …

  • Posted July 19, 2019
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Sustainable Development Goals and sustainability teaching at universities: Falling behind or getting ahead of the pack?

  • Nottingham Trent University
  • University of Beira Interior
  • University of Passo Fundo
  • Bournemouth University (Dorset)
  • University of Aveiro
  • Manchester Metropolitan University
  • Universidade federal de Santa Maria
  • Universidade Aberta
  • University of Malta (Northern Harbor District)
  • Hamburg University of Applied Sciences

The fact that the world community is engaged in pursuing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) means that an unrivalled opportunity is provided to universities, both in respect of teaching and …

  • Posted July 19, 2019
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Introduction to Systems Thinking for the Chemistry Education Community

  • University of Nevada Las Vegas (NV)
  • American Chemical Society (DC)

Within recent history, both science research and science education have been largely reductionist in perspective. While the reductionist approach has resulted in a significant increase in our knowledge of the …

  • Posted July 19, 2019
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Interacting Pedagogies: A Review and Framework for Sustainability Education

  • Arizona State University (AZ)

Although the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005–2014) was a period of rapid pedagogical revitalization and innovation, much sustainability education today is still delivered using transmissive and instrumental pedagogies …

  • Posted July 19, 2019
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Sustainability assessment tools for higher education: An empirical comparative analysis

  • European University of Madrid

Sustainability assessment tools are currently influencing sustainability strategies and activities in higher educational institutions. Thus, in this paper a short overview of sustainability in universities will be provided, which will …

  • Posted July 19, 2019
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The future of sustainability science: a solutions-oriented research agenda

  • Arizona State University (AZ)
  • Portland State University (OR)
  • University of Massachusetts Lowell (MA)
  • University of British Columbia (BC)
  • Lund University
  • Erasmus University Rotterdam

Over the last decade, sustainability science has been at the leading edge of widespread efforts from the social and natural sciences to produce use-inspired research. Yet, how knowledge generated by …

  • Posted July 19, 2019
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Humanities for the Environment—A Manifesto for Research and Action

  • Arizona State University (AZ)
  • University of Oxford
  • University of Sydney (NSW)
  • Trinity College Dublin (The University of Dublin)
  • National Sun Yat-sen University
  • National Taiwan University

Human preferences, practices and actions are the main drivers of global environmental change in the 21st century. It is crucial, therefore, to promote pro-environmental behavior. In order to accomplish this, …

  • Posted July 19, 2019
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How to Assess Transformative Performance towards Sustainable Development in Higher Education Institutions

  • University of Graz

This article highlights the role of sustainability appraisal for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Traditional HEI appraisal systems lack a way to assess the integration of sustainability principles reflecting societal needs …

  • Posted July 19, 2019
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Sustainability Reporting in State Universities: An Investigation of Italian Pioneering Practices

  • Università di Bologna

Recent years have witnessed an increasing interest towards sustainability reporting from scholars all over the world, especially focusing on large corporations. Research has only recently been carried out regarding sustainability …

  • Posted July 19, 2019
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Making the hidden curriculum visible: sustainability literacy in higher education

  • University of Plymouth (Devon)

Despite strong political support for the development of sustainability literacy amongst the UK graduates, embedding sustainability in the higher education curriculum has met with widespread indifference, and in some cases, …

  • Posted July 19, 2019
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Knowledge, agency and collective action as barriers to energy-saving behaviour

  • University of Plymouth (Devon)

Energy saving is becoming a rising priority as a response to climate change and fossil fuel depletion in recent years. However, despite energy-related behaviour change being an important part of …

  • Posted July 19, 2019
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Online disclosure of university social responsibility: a comparative study of public and private US universities

  • Universidad de Granada

Public and private universities tasked with incorporating principles of social responsibility (SR) into their activities face the multiple challenges of addressing expectations of diverse stakeholders, establishing mechanisms for dialogue, and …

  • Posted July 19, 2019
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Learning Economics and Attitudes to Market Solutions to Environmental Problems

  • Stockholm University
  • University of Gothenburg
  • University of Birmingham

Climate change challenges governments to reduce emissions, and to gain support for such actions from their citizens. This can be in the form of taxation or legislation, or other forms …

  • Posted July 19, 2019
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Designing low carbon higher education systems: Environmental impacts of campus and distance learning systems

  • The Open University

Purpose – This paper aims to summarise the methods and main findings of a study of the environmental impacts of providing higher education (HE) courses by campus‐based and distance/open‐learning methods. …

  • Posted July 19, 2019
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Distributed leadership: Building capacity for interdisciplinary climate change teaching at four universities

  • UNSW Sydney (NSW)
  • University of Wollongong (New South Wales)
  • Murdoch University (Western Australia)
  • University of Tasmania (TAS)

Purpose – Interdisciplinary approaches to climate change teaching are well justified and arise from the complexity of climate change challenges and the integrated problem-solving responses they demand. These approaches require …

  • Posted July 19, 2019
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Design of higher education teaching models and carbon impacts

  • The Open University

Purpose – This research aims to examine the main findings of the SusTEACH study of the carbon-based environmental impacts of 30 higher education (HE) courses in 15 UK institutions, based …

  • Posted July 19, 2019
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Carbon footprint of a scientific publication: A case study at Dalian University of Technology, China

  • Dalian University of Technology

Knowledge of the carbon footprint (CF) of a scientific publication can help to guide changes in behavior for mitigating global warming. A knowledge gap, however, still exists in academic circles. …

  • Posted July 19, 2019
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Teacher Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship

  • Liverpool Hope University

This book examines how educators internationally can better understand the role of education as a public good designed to nurture peace, tolerance, sustainable livelihoods and human fulfillment.

Bringing together empirical …

  • Posted July 19, 2019
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The Circular Economy Beneath Your Feet. Take Ownership of your Plastic Flooring Footprint.

  • Interface, Inc (GA)

Colleges and universities around the world are committed to sustainability, climate change action and carbon footprint reduction. However, many of these same colleges and universities overlook two of the largest …

The role of higher education institutions in sustainability initiatives at the local level

  • University of Passo Fundo
  • Allegheny College (PA)
  • Università di Verona
  • Università di Bologna
  • University of Latvia
  • Manchester Metropolitan University
  • University of Belgrade
  • Hamburg University of Applied Sciences

Universities are central players and important economic actors in many regions, and many of them are, in general, nationally and internationally active in respect of matters related to sustainable development. …

  • Posted June 25, 2019
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Examining environmental fan engagement initiatives through values and norms with intercollegiate sport fans

  • North Carolina State University (NC)
  • Seattle University (WA)

The United Nations has asserted that sport organizations and/or allied sponsors can influence fans to engage in more sustainable behaviors intentions at sporting events and at home; however, more investigation …

  • Posted June 13, 2019
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Anchor Collaboratives: Building Bridges With Place-Based Partnerships and Anchor Institutions

  • Democracy Collaborative (DC)

The Democracy Collaborative’s new report Anchor Collaboratives: Building Bridges with Place-Based Partnerships and Anchor Institutions discusses the role of anchor institutions and collaboratives in leveraging the power of their economic …