Conference Presentations


AASHE’s database of conference presentations includes thousands of abstracts and presentation materials from AASHE’s annual Conference & Expo as well as presentation materials from other sustainability in higher education conferences.

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6596 resources

Stay Rad, Post Grad!

  • Post-Landfill Action Network (NH)

Are you graduating? Are you panicking? Or maybe you know exactly what you want to do, but it's just a matter of making it happen. Join the PLAN staff ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Renewable Energy and Carbon Offset Discussions: Peer to Peer Strategy Share

  • Chatham University (PA)
  • University at Buffalo (NY)
  • Swarthmore College (PA)
  • Center for Resource Solutions | Green-e (CA)

Renewable energy and carbon offsets are key components for decarbonization and therefore higher education institutions must develop sourcing strategies both to be good stewards to their community and planet as ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Is Carbon Neutrality the Right Goal? Lessons From Leaders in the Second Nature Carbon Commitment

  • Smith College (MA)

The most important number in climate policy is zero – we need to achieve global carbon neutrality as quickly as possible to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. Nearly 800 ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Buying Carbon Dioxide Removals

  • Raritan Valley Community College (NJ)

Carbon Dioxide Removals are coming onto the market as an alternative to traditional carbon offsets. Microsoft, Stripe, and Shopify are supporting the development of CDR technologies and companies by vetting ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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BIPOCs in Sustainability Networking

  • AASHE (MA)

This networking and discussion session will ideate around best practices and strategies sustainability professionals can use to center BIPOC voices. We aim to provide a safe space while giving voice ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Benchmarking Higher Education Zero Waste Programs

  • Resource Recycling Systems (RRS) (MI)

Sometimes building a zero-waste program can feel like you are on an island. But according to recent research conducted by RRS that looked at over 300 universities and colleges across ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Advising for Sustainability

  • West Chester University of Pennsylvania (PA)

All campus spaces and interactions are pedagogical, and since NACADA, the main professional organization devoted to academic advising, maintains that advising is teaching, we can use advising as a powerful ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Building Resilient, Long Lasting Student Led Movements

  • University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (WI)

Often times university student movements come and go due to graduating leaders and loss of knowledge. These groups are full of fire and passion and at points drift into nothing ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Implementing a New Campus-Wide Bin Infrastructure: From Setting Standards to Deploying Bins

  • Austin Community College (TX)
  • Case Western Reserve University (OH)
  • Busch Systems International Inc. (ON)

Have you ever dreamed about completely replacing all of the waste and recycling bins on your campus with shiny new, perfectly selected, and ideally placed bins? What would you do ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Zero Waste as a Tool for Transformation: How Swarthmore College Engages Campus and Reduces Waste

  • Swarthmore College (PA)

Swarthmore College’s Office of Sustainability hires 20 student employees annually to participate in its Green Advisor program. Green Advisors act as campus sustainability advocates and often express concern about ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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A Fresh Take on Recycling Contamination Education: Moving Beyond the Traditional Waste Audit

  • University of Arizona (AZ)

The University of Arizona began a residential waste auditing program over ten years ago. What started as a typical waste audit project with sorting and weighing has grown into something ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Preparing Our Urban Forests for Our Changing Climate

  • Urban Forest Initiative (KY)

Urban forests are vital to mitigating the negative effects of climate change to urban residents. Urban trees help reduce storm-water runoff, cool cities, filter air and water pollutants, sequester carbon ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Creating Meaningful Volunteer Opportunities for Students Online

  • University of Guelph (ON)
  • Humber College (ON)

COVID-19 has uprooted our day-to-day lives and has made it challenging to provide meaningful learning experiences for students who are now pursuing their education and extracurricular activities entirely online. In ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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A Tectonic Shift in Dining Services: Brandeis' New Metrics for Advancing Sustainability Through Food

  • Brandeis University (MA)
  • Sodexo USA (MD)

In the year leading up to the covid-19 crisis, Brandeis University was busy preparing an RFP for a new dining vendor. This presented a pivotal opportunity to incorporate sustainability in ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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SDGs Cities Challenge

  • University of Texas at Arlington (TX)
  • University of Melbourne (Victoria)
  • ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability

The United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognizes that local and subnational governments are key stakeholders to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By aligning local sustainability actions and ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Coming Together to Address the World's Greatest Challenges

  • University of Minnesota System Office (MN)

At the University of Minnesota, sustainability is a priority highlighted by our recent Systemwide Strategic Plan. Learn how our campuses work together to build a fully sustainable future.

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Fun with Food Systems: Creative Ways to Increase Food Sovereignty and Build Community Remotely

  • Portland Community College (OR)

Food shortages skyrocketed at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and community college students were notably affected. Normal campus supports such as in-person food pantries, learning gardens, and our campus ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Keeping Campus' Buildings Healthy: Managing 3D Printer Emissions for Occupant Safety and Health

  • University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas (TX)
  • UL (Underwriters Laboratories) (IL)

Years of research prove that designing, operating and managing our buildings with a focus on good indoor air quality (IAQ) is essential to protect the health and productivity of building ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Creating Alumni Connections Through a Sustainability Course

  • Connecticut College (CT)

Once per year, the Office of Sustainability offers a 2-credit course called SUS 293: Applied Sustainability. The course is designed for interns in the Office and other students interested in ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Assessing Food Security in Higher Education

  • Arizona State University (AZ)
  • Michigan State University (MI)

Food security exists when all people in a community, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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College Campuses as the "Great Equalizer" - Or Are They: A Critical Perspective to Sustainability

  • Winthrop University (SC)

College campuses have often been touted as the great equalizer, a place where those who are marginalized, either racially or economically, have as much ability to succeed as their non-marginalized ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Growing Future Leaders: How to Foster Growth in Sustainability Leadership Programs

  • Bentley University (MA)
  • Boston University (MA)
  • Tufts University (MA)
  • GreenerU (MA)

In this session, you will hear from the sustainability offices with well-developed student leadership programs, and share your questions, suggestions, and learn lessons from being a student leader or managing ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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A Zero Waste Campus Is Possible

  • Post-Landfill Action Network (NH)

In this workshop we will facilitate a discussion around how students can lead specific efforts to solve waste issues on their campuses. We start with a short presentation on the ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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STARS Assessment as a Curricular Opportunity

  • Furman University (SC)

The Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS) is a transparent, self-reporting framework used to measure a university’s overall sustainability performance. In most cases the STARS assessment is conducted ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Virtually Vital-Going Green, Globally

  • Dallas College (TX)

The members of the Cedar Valley Student Green Club used creativity to utilize a virtual platform to pioneer a variety of firsts for our campus at a time when many ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Current Issues in Online Sustainability Education

  • Indiana University South Bend (IN)

The future is online. Over the last five years, there has been an increased demand for hybrid and online courses. Online learning can offer multiple ways of learning and supporting ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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TreeCATs (Collegiate Arborist Trainings): A Model for Campus Tree Engagement

  • University of Kentucky (KY)

The TreeCATs (Collegiate Arborist Training) workshops, facilitated by the UK Urban Forest Initiative (UFI), promote knowledge, insights, skills, and engagement for college students, emboldening them to take a more active ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Creating an Equity-Based Climate Action Plan Through Stakeholder Engagement

  • Portland Community College (OR)
  • GreenerU (MA)

Many college campuses are looking for paths to climate neutrality - that is - reducing and sustaining zero-emissions operations. Climate action planning is one strategy to achieve this goal. But a straight ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Project-based Education Approaches to Help Communities Meet Global Sustainability Challenges

  • Worcester Polytechnic Institute (MA)

The needs and challenges in assuring a sustainable society are now greater than ever. The challenges range from water pollution and lack of potable drinking water, to solid waste management ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Converting Sustainability Case Studies From Problem-Solving to Problem-Posing

  • University of Central Oklahoma (OK)

Given that sustainability demands paradigmatic change in the current climate (Springett, 2005; Sterling, 2011; Hermes, J. and Rimanoczy, 2018), a transformative learning approach to sustainability education is essential to foster ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Grassroots to Green Energy: How Five Students Brought Five Acres of Solar to UW-Platteville.

  • University of Wisconsin-Platteville (WI)
  • McKinstry (WA)

While hundreds of United States colleges and universities have signed the Presidents' Climate Leadership Commitments, HOW to actually start and land renewable energy projects within the complex, frequently cash-strapped world ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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A Campus Sustainability Map Organized by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

  • University of Wisconsin-Madison (WI)

"Designing a map is not a trivial task." (1) This session discusses the purpose, process, and outcomes of developing a campus sustainability map. However, as we will demonstrate, while designing ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Change Management Campfire Stories: Telling Stories About Our Stumbles and What We Learned

  • Georgetown University (DC)
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MA)
  • Stanford University (CA)
  • University of California, Office of the President (CA)

This session will provide a virtual campfire story swap where long-time campus sustainability professionals will talk about their  stumbles, unexpected outcomes, how they felt, and what they learned. The saying ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Advocacy for Justice: Classrooms, Colleagues and Community

  • Catawba College (NC)

This session will provide an opportunity for an in-depth and perceptive discussion surrounding the intersections of justice across the varied social landscapes within Higher Education. Connected to this is an ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Sustainably Revisioning the Future: Insights to Build Upon from the COVID-19 Pandemic

  • Texas A&M University-Commerce (TX)
  • University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (WI)

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented a unique global opportunity to reset longstanding practices. The societal, economic, and environmental challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic have reached every facet of life ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Climate Action Simulation (With en-Roads): A Group Role-Playing Game

  • University of Massachusetts Lowell (MA)
  • University of Minnesota System Office (MN)

In a lightning fast and immersive method that the presenters have perfected in numerous online trainings, participants will learn how to facilitate a group role-playing simulation (which functions as a ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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What's in Your Toolkit? Laboratory Efficiency for Cutting Edge Labs

  • National Renewable Energy Laboratory (CO)

Cutting-edge research often hosts hazards that must be contained effectively to maintain a safe work environment for researchers. As a result, laboratories are complex buildings that can be challenging and ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Filling the Education Gap for Agenda 2030: SDG Academy Educational Tools and Partners

  • United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (NY)

This discussion will cover filling the gap in higher education systems for Agenda 2030. The mission of the SDG Academy is to create and curate the best educational content on ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Learning How to Move Corporations on Climate and Racial Justice

  • Ceres (MA)
  • Intentional Endowments Network (MA)
  • As You Sow (CA)

SEC Commissioner Allison Lee recently shared with the corporate community that "A study from 2018 .. showed that 71 of the top 100 revenue generators globally were corporations while only 29 ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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COVID, Climate Action Plans and Resiliency in Davis, California: Leveraging a Town-Gown Relationship

  • University of California, Davis (CA)
  • City of Davis (CA)

UC Davis and City of Davis sustainability staff will share how the city and campus have repeatedly leveraged our college town-gown relationship for mutual benefit and support, and helped us ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Implementation of a Single-Use Plastics Ban: Navigating Contracts, Procurement, and Outreach

  • University of California, Office of the President (CA)

In 2020, the UC system passed a single-use plastics policy that aims to greatly reduce plastics on campuses and health systems. The policy went into effect in 2021, starting with ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Building a Climate Movement Within a Field

  • Temple University (PA)

This session will report on the founding and growth of Philosophers for Sustainability, an international organization of philosophers working to promote sustainability within and outside philosophy. Our projects include a ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Conducting a Voluntary University Review to Engage a Campus With the Sustainable Development Goals

  • University of California, Davis (CA)

In this presentation, UC Davis Sustainability staff will share how we leverage our sustainability performance assessment as an engagement tool, and we will specifically focus on the process we used ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Herbicide Free Campus: Re-Engaging Students With Their Environment

  • Re:wild Your Campus (TX)

Herbicide-Free Campus (HFC) envisions a toxin-free world created by student action. Founded by students, HFC empowers youth leaders to re-engage their campuses with creative outdoor work to end campus reliance ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Immersion & Collaboration: Engaging Students, Staff, and Faculty in Sustainability Reporting

  • Ball State University (IN)

For more than a decade, student teams from Ball State University have applied the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) principles and standards to document the operational management approach and annual sustainability ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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How To Decarbonize With Renewable Natural Gas

  • University of New Hampshire (NH)
  • Vanguard Renewables (MA)
  • ONE Gas (OK)

Many colleges and universities have set aggressive carbon neutrality targets and are struggling to find practical ways to meet the numbers. As colleges move toward reducing their carbon footprint by ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Move Out Programs: Finding the Solution for Your Campus

  • Post-Landfill Action Network (NH)

Every year when students move out of their dorms and apartments, tons of useful stuff is left behind or discarded. Over the past decade or so, campuses all across the ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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The Sustainability Mindset Indicator

  • oikos International
  • FOM University of Applied Sciences for Economics and Management

It has become clear that change is urgent in order to halt the many impacts humans have on our planet. Research has shown that if we want to promote engagement ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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A Beginner's Guide to Developing a Comprehensive Communication Strategy

  • Lehigh University (PA)

As sustainability professionals, we tend to wear many hats. This session is designed for those who are new to communications and unsure of where to begin developing a communications plan ...

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Approaches to Teaching Sustainability-Key Competencies

  • Colorado Mountain College (CO)
  • University of Dayton (OH)
  • University of Hawaii System Office (HI)
  • Sustainability Curriculum Consortium (MD)

As courses and programs in sustainability continue to expand in higher education, instructors are called on to develop and adapt new and innovative approaches to teaching that enable students to ...

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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