Air & Climate


Global climate change is having myriad negative impacts throughout the world, including increased frequency and potency of extreme weather events, sea level rise, species extinction, water shortages, declining agricultural production, and spread of diseases. The impacts are particularly pronounced for low-income communities and countries. In addition, institutions that inventory and take steps to reduce their air pollutant emissions can positively impact the health of the campus community, as well as the health of their local communities and regions.

1209 resources

Carbon footprint analysis of student behavior for a sustainable university campus in China

  • Drexel University (PA)

Sustainable urban design, systems-level organizational planning, and human behavior have all been recognized for their potentially important roles in helping to reduce energy costs and associated environmental impacts, including greenhouse …

  • Posted June 10, 2016
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Doubling Energy Efficiency at the University of Michigan by 2030

  • University of Michigan (MI)
  • Johnson Controls, Inc (WI)

Approximately 84 million Americans spend their days in colleges, universities, and public or private primary and secondary schools. The commercial building sector, which includes educational institutions, accounts for 18.44 percent …

Development of a Carbon Capital Methodology for use by the Higher Education Community

  • Ball State University (IN)

Over a multiyear period, Ball State University collaborated in the development and piloted the implementation of a new methodology by which colleges and universities can qualify their carbon reduction credits …

Carbon Neutral ExpoSaludable Fair Event in Bolivia

  • Berea College (KY)

We calculated the carbon emissions released during the ExpoSaludable fair in Bolivia to offset our footprint by planting trees in Santa Cruz, the city where the event takes place. The …

Sustainable Fleet at Yale University

  • Yale University (CT)

At Yale University, transportation is vital to the University's operation. Fleet Management is a department that has gone to tremendous lengths to provide exceptional transit services for the entire university. …

UC Cool Campus Challenge

  • University of California, Office of the President (CA)

In the fall of 2015, the Cool Campus Challenge (CCC) engaged nearly 20,000 staff, students and faculty at the University of California (UC) in an online pledge campaign aimed at …

Stanford Carbon Offsets to Reduce Emissions (SCORE)

  • Stanford University (CA)

The Stanford Athletic Department boasts 36 varsity sports teams and over 900 student-athletes. These teams travel all over the country to compete at the highest levels of collegiate competition, but …

The Urgent Need for Universities to Comprehensively Address Global Climate Change Across Disciplines and Programs

  • Minot State University (ND)

I review the status of scientific, political, and moral problems of global climate change (GCC) and, based on lessons from environmental and sustainability programs in universities, demonstrate that universities have …

Report on the Study Group on Climate Change Participatory Workshop

  • Smith College (MA)

New England’s climate is projected to experience signifiant changes in the near future, including warmer temperatures, varied precipitation and extended periods of drought, with more extreme rainfall and snowfall events. …

Compact Advanced Facility for Conversion of Waste Cooking Oil to Biodiesel to power the University Bus system

  • University of South Florida (Tampa) (FL)

The University Bus system is powered by a Biodiesel mixture. The project investigated feasibility of generating its own Biodiesel from the waste cooking oil generated by the dining facilities and …

Carbon On-Setting: Community Impact through Home Weatherization in Greenville, SC

  • Furman University (SC)

The Community Conservation Corps (CCC), a program of the David E. Shi Center for Sustainability at Furman University, provides free home weatherization to low-income homeowners in the greater Greenville, South …

Prairie Climate Atlas

  • University of Winnipeg (MB)

The new Prairie Climate Atlas is an interactive, online tool that uses climate data, geovisualizations and multimedia to map the dramatic changes predicted for the Canadian Prairies. The Atlas is …

The methodology and results of using life cycle assessment to measure and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions footprint of Major Events at the University of Arizona

  • Michigan Technological University (MI)
  • University of Arizona (AZ)

In 2012 and 2013, the University of Arizona’s Office of Sustainability conducted environmental life cycle assessments of two Homecoming events that drew 60,000 attendees each. Based on reviews of published …

Going Geothermal: The Project Dedication Video

  • Ball State University (IN)

True to our tradition of innovation, Ball State continues to be revolutionary and responsible. We are creating the nation's largest ground-source, closed-loop district geothermal energy system, benefiting both the economy …

  • Posted May 13, 2016
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Academic Jet-Setting in a Time of Climate Destabilization: Ecological Privilege and Professional Geographic Travel

  • Vassar College (NY)

This article analyzes the interrelationship among resource consumption, sociospatial justice, and what is popularly known as global warming by interrogating the ecological footprint of professional geographers, especially in terms of …

The Carbon Footprint of Conference Papers

The action required to stem the environmental and social implications of climate change depends crucially on how humankind shapes technology, economy, lifestyle and policy. With transport CO2 emissions accounting for …

Sustainable Science? Reducing the Carbon Impact of Scientific Mega-Meetings

  • University of California, Santa Barbara (CA)
  • University of North Texas (TX)

Scientists across the globe recognize the importance of reducing carbon emissions to combat climate change. At the same time, we have increased our carbon footprint through air travel to the …

Responsible academia: optimizing conference locations to minimize greenhouse gas emissions

  • Florida International University (FL)

The greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions attributable to many scientists, including ecologists and conservation biologists, are often much greater than those attributable to average non-scientists (Fox et al. 2009, Synolakis and …

Carbon footprint of science: More than flying

  • KU Leuven

Previous efforts to evaluate the climate change impact of researchers have focused mainly on transport related impact of conference attendance, and infrastructure. Because these represent only a part of the …

Academic mobility in the Anthropocene era: a comparative study of university policy at three New Zealand institutions

  • University of Otago (Otago)
  • University of Auckland

Anthropogenic climate change is a wicked problem, requiring fundamental behavioural and technological responses now, in the Anthropocene, a term denoting the current era of human dominance of biological, chemical and …

Integrating environmental sustainability into universities

  • Monash University (VIC)

Universities play a fundamental role in addressing global environmental challenges as their education, research and community involvement can produce long-lasting environmental effects and societal change. By demonstrating best practice in …

Greenhouse Gas Emissions from U.S. Institutions of Higher Education

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission estimates from signatories of the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) were compared across Carnegie institutional classifications. Average annual emissions from all institutional classifications …

Green, Greener, Greenest

Green is good for the planet, but also for a college’s public image. In a Princeton Review survey this year of 10,300 college applicants, 63 percent said that a college’s …

At students' behest, colleges add efforts to address climate change


More and more, prospective students want to know what universities are doing about climate change - from reducing their own carbon footprint to preparing students for the environmental challenges ahead.

Smooth(ie) Pedal-Power at Southern Oregon University's Earth Week Transportation Options Grill-Out

  • Southern Oregon University (OR)

Southern Oregon University Bike Program and ECOS volunteers cheer on a student who's "crushing it" on the bike blender! ECOS- the Ecology and Sustainability Resource Center of SOU hosted a …

  • Posted April 27, 2016
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Portland Community College Sustainability: We're all in this together

  • Portland Community College (OR)

Published on Mar 30, 2015

Sustainability at Portland Community College


Video produced by the PCC Office of Sustainability and the PCC Video Production Unit

Producers: Michael Annus and …

  • Posted April 26, 2016
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Shifting Diets for a Sustainable Food Future

  • World Resources Institute (DC)

Installment 11 of Creating a Sustainable Food Future shows that for people who consume high amounts of meat and dairy, shifting to diets with a greater share of plant-based foods …

  • Posted April 26, 2016
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As the heating happens: Education for Sustainable Development or Education for Sustainable Contraction?

  • University of Plymouth (Devon)

There is widespread consensus within the international scientific community that global warming is happening and that its causes are primarily anthropogenic. Future histories anticipate massive environmental and social upheaval unless …

  • Posted April 25, 2016
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Rutgers Climate Institute

  • Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick Campus (NJ)

The Rutgers Climate Institute is a University-wide effort to address one of the most important issues of our time through research, education and outreach. The Institute draws upon strengths in …

  • Posted April 25, 2016
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Linde Center for Global Environmental Science

  • California Institute of Technology (CA)

Scientists from a broad range of disciplines are collaborating at The Linde Center to generate a comprehensive understanding of our global environment—including the impacts of human activities on it. They …

  • Posted April 20, 2016
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  • Johns Hopkins University (MD)

RISING-SEAS.ORG is an online alliance of passionate individuals dedicated to bridging climate awareness and action from all angles. It features visual advocacy campaigns to visualize the communities most endangered by …

  • Posted April 20, 2016
  • Case Studies
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U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit

  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (SC)

The U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit provides scientific tools, information, and expertise to help people manage their climate-related risks and opportunities, and improve their resilience to extreme events. The site is …

Berkeley Energy and Climate Institute (BECI)

  • University of California, Berkeley (CA)

Berkeley Energy and Climate Institute (BECI) is the coordinating hub for energy and climate research at UC Berkeley. BECI fosters collaboration between UC Berkeley, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) …

  • Posted April 11, 2016
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Climate Change Discussion Activity

  • (OR)

Active, personally relevant learning is at the heart of an effective education. This

activity takes students or other campus participants through a process of exploring sustainability through small group discussion …

  • Posted April 11, 2016
  • Course Materials
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The State of Campus Resilience in the Face of a Changing Climate

  • Haley & Aldrich, Inc. (MA)
  • Society for College and University Planning (MI)

Climate-related events pose a major threat to college and university campuses across the country, and this is only expected to worsen as the climate continues to change. Along with an …

  • Posted April 8, 2016
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Institutional Pathways to Fossil-Free Investing: Endowment Management in a Warming World

  • Responsible Endowments Coalition (PA)
  • Sustainable Endowments Institute (MA)

This report provides an analysis of climate-related portfolio risk faced by educational and philanthropic endowments and presents three pathways toward reallocating an endowment portfolio into fossil-free investment opportunities, across asset …

  • Posted April 8, 2016
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Internal Carbon Accounting at a Small Liberal Arts College

  • Vassar College (NY)

As colleges and universities pursue greenhouse gas reductions, it has become clear that some

approach is necessary for putting a price on carbon emissions and communicating that cost to energy …

  • Posted April 6, 2016
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Flying along the supply chain: accounting for emissions from student air travel in the higher education sector

Higher education institutions (HEIs) can play a key role in facilitating the transition to a low carbon economy, where reporting greenhouse gas emissions is an important step in this process. …

  • Posted March 29, 2016
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Waste Reduction Model (WARM)

  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (DC)

The US EPA's Waste Reduction Model (WARM) calculates and totals GHG emissions of baseline and alternative waste management practices—source reduction, recycling, combustion, composting, and landfilling. The model calculates emissions in …

A New Course: How Innovative University Programs Are Reducing Driving on Campus and Creating New Models for Transportation Policy

Universities and colleges across the country are taking steps to encourage their communities, students, faculty and staff to decrease their reliance on personal vehicles. These efforts are working well – …

  • Posted March 29, 2016
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Green Power Partnership

  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (DC)

The Green Power Partnership is a free, voluntary program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that encourages organizations to use green power as a way to reduce the environmental …

New Energy for Campuses: Energy-Saving Policies for Colleges and Universities

  • Energy Action Coalition

New Energy for Campuses highlights more than 30 universities in 24 states that have implemented a range of programs including improving the energy efficiency of classrooms, putting solar panels on …

  • Posted March 28, 2016
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Leading Techniques for Energy Savings in Colleges and Universities

  • Schneider Electric (TX)

This paper describes how building automation products and services can reduce energy costs at colleges and universities. It outlines proven techniques to achieve energy conservation results with an attractive return …

  • Posted March 28, 2016
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Higher Education’s Role in Adapting to a Changing Climate

  • Second Nature (MA)

This report describes the role of colleges and universities in preparing society for a changing climate through their education, research, operations, and community engagement activities.

  • Posted March 28, 2016
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The GHG Protocol Corporate Standard: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard

  • World Resources Institute (DC)
  • World Business Council for Sustainable Development

The GHG Protocol Corporate Standard provides standards and guidance for organizations preparing a GHG emissions inventory. The GHG Protocol Initiative’s vision is to harmonize GHG accounting and reporting standards internationally …

  • Posted March 24, 2016
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Scope 3 Evaluator

  • World Resources Institute (DC)
  • Quantis

To help facilitate the adoption of the Scope 3 Standard, GHG Protocol teamed up with Quantis to develop this free scope 3 screening tool. This tool provides users a simple …

The State of Sustainability in Higher Education 2015: Emissions Metrics, Consumption Trends & Strategies for Success

  • University of New Hampshire (NH)
  • Gordian (SC)

Over the past decade, campuses across North America have invested significant effort, attention, and money toward the key challenges of sustainability in higher education, which are embodied by the carbon …

  • Posted March 21, 2016
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University of Maryland Center for Global Sustainability

  • University of Maryland, College Park (MD)

Global sustainability depends on a robust global economy, a healthy environment, clean energy services, and a stable climate. Yet these issues are major policy challenges on which progress has been …

  • Posted March 8, 2016
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Shut the Sash Sticker

  • Indiana University Bloomington (IN)

This sticker is intended to remind lab workers to shut the sash of their fume hood.

  • Posted March 3, 2016
  • Outreach Materials
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Shalini Gupta Presents AASHE 2015 Closing Keynote Address

  • AASHE (MA)
  • Center for Earth, Energy and Democracy (MN)

Co-founder and Executive Director of the Center for Earth, Energy and Democracy Shalini Gupta presented the closing keynote address for the AASHE 2015 Conference & Expo.

Ms. Gupta's extensive experience …

  • Posted March 3, 2016
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This tab provides access to data collected through AASHE’s Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS). STARS is a transparent, self-reporting framework for colleges and universities to measure their sustainability performance. STARS enables meaningful comparisons over time and across institutions using a common set of measurements developed with broad participation from the campus sustainability community.

All responses reference content from reports under the latest version of STARS, version 2.2. AASHE membership and log-in is required.

OP 1: Emissions Inventory & Disclosure

OP 2: Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Additional analysis on scores and quantitative fields can be conducted using the STARS Benchmarking Tool.

Air & Climate Partners