Air & Climate


Global climate change is having myriad negative impacts throughout the world, including increased frequency and potency of extreme weather events, sea level rise, species extinction, water shortages, declining agricultural production, and spread of diseases. The impacts are particularly pronounced for low-income communities and countries. In addition, institutions that inventory and take steps to reduce their air pollutant emissions can positively impact the health of the campus community, as well as the health of their local communities and regions.

1209 resources

Climate Action Unbound: A New Curricular Model Driving Institutional Change

  • Hampshire College (MA)
  • AASHE (MA)

Equipping students with both the knowledge and skills to be effective change agents is essential to solving the climate crisis. The inaugural Climate Action Semester Unbound at Hampshire College offered …

  • Posted Sept. 20, 2024
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Research Overview on Plant-Based Nudges

  • Better Food Foundation (DC)

This research, produced by Better Food Foundation and based on their DefaultVeg strategy, summarizes dozens of academic studies and explains how to apply their findings in food services.

  • Posted Sept. 18, 2024
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Air Travel Emissions Mitigation Initiative - The University of Toronto

  • University of Toronto (ON)
  • University of Toronto Mississauga (ON)
  • University of Toronto Scarborough (ON)

Air travel emissions mitigation initiative - The University of Toronto mitigates emissions for business air travel by investing in university-based projects aimed at reducing the institution’s carbon footprint. Through the …

SunZia Wind

  • University of California, Office of the President (CA)

Construction photos of SunZia Wind

How to Make the Most of your Sustainability Event

  • University of British Columbia (BC)
  • AASHE (MA)

This webinar on “How to make the most of your Sustainability Event” will focus on learnings and successes based on a several weeks long Sustainability programme at UNBC that was …

  • Posted Aug. 15, 2024
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Climate change poster installation at 4TH SPACE

  • Concordia University

Climate change is one of the most significant challenges of our time, and an important priority for the entire Concordia University community.

In keeping with Concordia’s ongoing engagement in sustainability …

UC San Diego Seventh College Synthesis Program Decarbonization Living Laboratory

  • University of California, San Diego (CA)

Beginning in the 2023-2024 academic year, faculty from the Seventh College Synthesis Program have partnered with staff from Operations Management and Capital Programs to develop living laboratory, project-based courses for …

UMass Boston Students enjoy New Green Infrastructure & Sustainable Landscaping Projects

  • University of Massachusetts Boston (MA)

UMass Boston used organic landscape management and protects biodiversity in our grounds. In the past years an important project has created a new 5 acre green space where a building …

Catawba College: Ornithology & Preserved Wetlands

  • Catawba College (NC)

Dr. Joe Poston takes ornithology students for a walk in Catawba College's Fred Stanback Jr. Ecological preserve.

Campus Barcelona - Executive Education Building

  • IESE Business School - Barcelona (Barcelona)

Campus Barcelona - Executive Education Building All lecture rooms and common areas are equipped with a CO2 concentration control system.

People for the Planet Festival

  • Bentley University (MA)

In spring 2024, Bentley's Office of Sustainability hosted a People for the Planet festival. This gathering provided a space for the Bentley Community to come together to enjoy art, music, …

Celebrating hosting the SSLS conference

  • Bentley University (MA)

This is a photo of Bentley's Office of Sustainability team celebrating the hosting of the Student Sustainability Leadership Symposium a regional student led conference for colleges and universities in the …

GW explores climate and sustainability in Fairbanks, Alaska

  • George Washington University (DC)

Members of the GW research team celebrate with Asikłuk Topkok (left) and his family after an Indigenous dance performance near Denali National Park. Asikłuk, a professor at the University of …

Bates Students at Their Solar Array

  • Bates College (ME)

After crunching the financing numbers, Bates students stand in front of the solar array that they helped make happen. The array accounts for 75% of Bates' total power.

Initiatives that deliver our #1 in Climate Action ranking

  • University of Tasmania (TAS)

The University of Tasmania has embedded the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) across everything that we do, including making them a focus on discussions at our Orientation and Open Day events. …

Cli Fi, Sci Fi, and the Culture of Sustainability

  • University of Hawaii Kapiolani Community College (HI)
  • AASHE (MA)

Climate fiction, or cli-fi, is a form of literature that features a changed/changing climate or global warming as part of the character, setting, or plot of a novel or short …

  • Posted June 26, 2024
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Sustainable Heat: Options for Decarbonizing Cold-Region Higher Education Campus Heating Systems

  • Bates College (ME)
  • Boston University (MA)
  • Connecticut College (CT)
  • Denison University (OH)
  • Pennsylvania State University (PA)
  • The Ohio State University (OH)
  • University of Iowa (IA)
  • University of Maine (ME)

American higher education campuses in cold-weather areas have traditionally used oil- and coal-fired boilers to generate steam for heating. But many institutions, including some that have already shifted to natural …

  • Posted June 17, 2024
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Earth Month Activities at CSU Channel Islands

  • California State University, Channel Islands (CA)

California State University Channel Islands celebrates Earth Day throughout the entire month of April. In April 2024, the university organized a series of events to celebrate the earth and promote …

Students of Department of Bioinformatics Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University Peshawar (SBBWUP), Pakistan celebrated Earth Day at campus through plantation and cleanliness campaign.

  • Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University

Female students of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University Peshawar took part in plantation and cleanliness drive at campus under the supervision of Dr. Nosheen Bibi, Assistant Professor, Department of Bioinformatics, …

Students of Department of Food and Nutrition, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University Peshawar (SBBWUP), Pakistan celebrated Earth Day at campus to raise awareness about sustainability for DNGFE activity.

  • Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University

Female students of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University Peshawar, showcased importance of environmental conservation and sustainability for encouraging other students, faculty and staff to come together and take action for …

Students of Department of Biochemistry, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University Peshawar (SBBWUP), Pakistan, Gain Insights into Sustainable and Eco-friendly Transportation during BRT System Visit for DNGFE activity.

  • Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University

Female students of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University Peshawar (SBBWUP), Pakistan, had the opportunity to gain a firsthand understanding of urban mobility and sustainable transport initiatives during an informative visit …

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory - Earth Day Beach Cleanup

  • Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (NY)

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory held a beach cleanup for their beach on the campus. This was organized through the Sustainability Committee as an attempt to bring the lab community together …

  • Posted April 23, 2024
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New Campus-wide Composting System Launched at Lafayette College

  • Lafayette College (PA)

January, 2024

Easton, Pennsylvania – Lafayette College launched a new campus-wide food waste composting program this fall, using an odor-controlled In Vessel composting system that automatically processes food waste into …

  • Posted March 19, 2024
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How To Accelerate Your Institution’s Scope 3 Emissions Reductions

  • Catawba College (NC)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • GreenPlaces (NC)

With campus leaders facing mounting pressure to reduce carbon emissions, many institutions are struggling to measure and manage scope 3 emissions. Data collection is highly manual, and many institutions simply …

  • Posted March 6, 2024
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UBC Okanagan Climate Action Plan 2030 - The Impact of Collective Action

  • University of British Columbia Okanagan (BC)

In December 2019, UBC declared a climate emergency, which included a commitment to accelerate the reduction of emissions at UBC. A key step is UBC Okanagan’s development of a Climate …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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Finished the Climate Action Plan - Now What?

  • University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (MN)
  • University of Minnesota System Office (MN)

Climate action plans can be a big endeavor, but really they are only the first step in the process. Now what? Join colleagues to discuss how they advanced priorities (or …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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COP28 Dubai Climate Conference - Delegation Organizers or Members

  • University of Massachusetts Lowell (MA)
  • University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (MN)

Meet and learn about the plans and interests of other faculty, academic staff or students who are organizing or participating in University or other delegations to the Climate Conference known …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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Campus Decarbonization Masterclass Panel - Featuring Leah Bamberger, Dennis Carlberg, & Dano Weisbord

  • Boston University (MA)
  • Dartmouth College (NH)
  • Northeastern University (MA)
  • Tufts University (MA)

Panelists from 3 Boston-area institutions will swap stories and share lessons learned from their institution’s efforts to decarbonize and strengthen community resilience to climate change. This panel will feature Leah …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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Ben Jealous Masterclass

  • Boston University (MA)
  • Sierra Club (DC)

With experience leading social change organizations from the NAACP to the Sierra Club, Benjamin Jealous will make the case that we cannot solve the climate crisis without also tackling racial …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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Climate Leadership Network Networking Meeting

  • Second Nature (MA)

Attendees representing campuses that have signed the Presidents' Climate Leadership Commitments and those interested in learning about the Climate Leadership Network will hear from Second Nature staff about recent accomplishments, …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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Collaborative Sustainability: Unlocking the Power of Scope 3 Partnerships

  • Follett Corporation (IL)
  • GreenPlaces (NC)

With time running out on climate commitments, many institutions struggle with addressing Scope 3 emissions. Data collection is highly manual, and many institutions simply don’t know where to start given …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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What Greenhouse Gas Inventories Tell Us About our Carbon Goals

  • University of Pittsburgh (PA)

Decarbonizing college campuses is an important step in reducing net global emissions. It is also important to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at universities because of the role colleges play …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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Not Your Average Emissions: Scope 3 Challenges, Opportunities, and Taking a Holistic Approach

  • Harvard University (MA)

Reducing Scope 3 emissions is an urgent sustainability challenge, but while the opportunity for impact is great, the journey forward is not always clear or easy. For most organizations, including …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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Advancing Sustainability Initiatives Beyond Campus to Communities

  • Vanderbilt University (TN)
  • Clearloop (TN)
  • Panola Partnership (MS)

As more higher education institutions seek to reduce their carbon footprints and implement sustainability goals, a new partnership between Clearloop and Vanderbilt University showcases climate and community leadership in action …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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From Pride to Planet: Queer Communities and Climate Justice

  • Rochester Institute of Technology (NY)
  • University at Buffalo (NY)

Climate change is one of the greatest threats faced by people and nature worldwide, but marginalized communities feel the impacts of this threat more severely than others. Although these communities …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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Carbon Budget Implementation at University of Gothenburg: Meeting the -50% CO2e Goal

  • University of Gothenburg

The session will describe how the University of Gothenburg decided to meet the challenge of reducing the CO2-emissions by implementing a carbon budget at faculty level. Working together with a …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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Integrating Sustainability into Daily Decisions: A Path to Greener Practices for Campus Partners

  • Montana State University (MT)

This presentation showcases the unique benefits of the Green Cats Program at Montana State University, and helps audience members learn how to implement similar programming at their home institutions. The …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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Let’s Play Carbon Crunch – A Game for Climate Action Planning

  • Colorado State University (CO)

Trying to reduce your institutions carbon emissions? Play ‘Carbon Crunch’ – a game of strategy, risk, collaboration, chance, and innovation. Tasked with achieving your university's carbon reduction goals, you and …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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Hot Topic: Heat Waves & Cool Campuses Planning for Climate-Resilient Communities

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MA)
  • University of Washington, Seattle (WA)
  • Yale University (CT)

Join this session to network with colleagues from around the country and discuss ways we can effectively prepare for heat in this changing climate. As temperatures rise, schools in the …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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Climate Action Implementation: Governance Approaches for Climate Implementation

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MA)
  • University of California, Office of the President (CA)

Colleges and universities across the globe have set very ambitious targets for climate action ranging from steep mitigation goals of zero carbon, to ensuring a resilient campus and preparing for …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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Campus Decarbonization Through Comprehensive Energy Retrofits

  • College of the Atlantic (ME)

Over the last two years, College of the Atlantic has reduced our buildings' fossil fuel consumption and the resulting scope 1 carbon emissions from our buildings by 50%/square foot campus-wide. …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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How to Achieve 70% Carbon Footprint Reduction for Minimal Cost and Beyond

  • University of Toledo (OH)

The University of Toledo has achieved approximately 70% carbon footprint reduction, saves millions in energy costs, and has one of the lowest energy usages in the region. This technical presentation …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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Where’s the Easy Button? Rolling Up Your Sleeves & Advancing Climate Action Through Electrification

  • Columbia University (NY)
  • University at Buffalo (NY)
  • Wendel

Renewables, check; food systems, working on it; conservation programs, being advanced; electric vehicles, in route. What? We still have another 40% of our footprint to decrease (even without embodied carbon)? …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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Mitigating Air Travel Emissions

  • University of Pennsylvania (PA)
  • University of Toronto (ON)

Air travel is inextricably linked with the research and outreach mission of universities and as a result is a significant contributor to GHG emissions when Scope 3 is accounted for. …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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Climate Action Simulation: How Will You Solve the Climate Crisis

  • University of Massachusetts Lowell (MA)
  • University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (MN)

The highly interactive, team-based Climate Action Simulation will immerse participants for two full hours. The Climate Action Simulation enables people to gain insights into the factors that affect climate change …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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UBC Okanagan - Building Resilience to Climate Change

  • University of British Columbia Okanagan (BC)

The impact of climate-related events poses a major threat to higher education institutions and this is expected to amplify as the climate continues to change. The importance of making investments …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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Fostering Collaborative Action to Meet Voluntary and Regulatory Climate Goals

  • Harvard University (MA)
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MA)
  • Tufts University (MA)
  • PowerOptions, Inc (MA)

The Cities of Cambridge and Boston have recently passed some of the most advanced building-level climate action targets in the country. This field report-style panel will discuss and explore the …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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Scope 3 Data, Reporting, & Mitigation Strategies: An Interactive Session

  • Stanford University (CA)
  • University of New Hampshire (NH)

The University of New Hampshire and Stanford will convey lessons from their scope 3 journeys to give other institutions tools and approaches that simplify scope 3 and enable strategic action. …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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Strategic Planning for Equitable Climate Mitigation

  • Carnegie Mellon University (PA)
  • Robert Morris University (PA) (PA)
  • University of Pittsburgh (PA)

As a group of colleges and universities dedicated to reducing their individual and collective climate impacts, the Higher Education Climate Consortium of Pittsburgh (HECC) has been convening for 15 years. …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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Missing Pieces in Higher Education Climate Action Planning: Food, Reuse and Empowerment

  • AASHE (MA)
  • Gaia Education
  • Center for Biological Diversity (AZ)

Climate plans can help colleges and universities address climate concerns specific to the students, faculty and staff of that campus. Staff from the Center for Biological Diversity and GAIA will …

  • Posted Feb. 15, 2024
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This tab provides access to data collected through AASHE’s Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS). STARS is a transparent, self-reporting framework for colleges and universities to measure their sustainability performance. STARS enables meaningful comparisons over time and across institutions using a common set of measurements developed with broad participation from the campus sustainability community.

All responses reference content from reports under the latest version of STARS, version 2.2. AASHE membership and log-in is required.

OP 1: Emissions Inventory & Disclosure

OP 2: Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Additional analysis on scores and quantitative fields can be conducted using the STARS Benchmarking Tool.

Air & Climate Partners