Environmental Studies

Haverford College

Date Posted: June 10, 2022
Submitted by: Lillian Makhoul
Sustainability Topic: Curriculum
Content Type: Academic Programs
Program Type: Baccalaureate degree


The Bi-Co ES major cultivates in students the capacity to identify and confront key environmental issues through a blend of multiple disciplines, encompassing historical, cultural, economic, political, scientific, and ethical modes of inquiry.

Learning Outcomes

Cultivation of environmental literacies, and the ability to read, analyze, and create products from the environmental social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities Experience with praxis activities in the context of intellectual work, with particular emphasis on experience working with community groups in a socially just and participatory framework Development and refining of written and oral communication skills for a variety of academic and non-academic audiences Knowledge of, and the ability to articulate, the role of different divisions of intellectual inquiry in environmental issues An understanding of the diverse modes of environmental theory, and experience translating complex environmental data into actionable conclusions or revised theory.

Links and Materials