Date Posted: May 5, 2019
Submitted by: Claire Pope
Sustainability Topic: Curriculum
Content Type: Academic Programs
Program Type: Baccalaureate degree


Environmental Science is the study of physical, chemical and biological processes of the Earth and of human interactions with these processes. It uses a multi-disciplinary perspective to consider approaches to protecting, preserving and managing the environment.

Environmental Science has become more important in recent years because of the need to protect the natural and human environment for present and future generations.

Environmental issues such as climate change, conserving biodiversity, management of waste and natural resources, production of energy and protecting human health are now high on the agenda of all governments, resulting in more stringent regulations and standards. This in turn has created a greater need for knowledgeable and appropriately trained Environmental Scientists.

Dealing with these current and future environmental issues requires a multidisciplinary approach, an open mind, and problem-solving skills.

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