Environmental Studies (BA)

Saint Louis University

Date Posted: Jan. 11, 2019
Submitted by: Claire Pope
Sustainability Topic: Curriculum
Content Type: Academic Programs
Program Type: Baccalaureate degree


Environmental studies focuses on the relationship between the environment and social, economic, political, legal and human aspects of society. As global population and consumption rises, understanding the interplay between environmental and social systems has become an increasingly important component of decision-making and planning.

SLU’s environmental studies curriculum is built upon a “breadth-depth” model that requires all students to complete a core set of science and skill-development courses that provide an introduction to the environmental sciences.

Students will complete a minimum of 38 credit hours in math and science core classes before focusing upper-division studies in one concentration area:

  • Philosophy, religion and ethics
  • Economics, politics and public policy
  • Society and the environment through space and time
  • Advocacy and discourse
  • Natural sciences

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