Social Justice Organizing Program

Reconstructionist Rabbinical College

Date Posted: April 12, 2016
Submitted by: Julian Dautremont-Smith
Sustainability Topic: Curriculum
Content Type: Academic Programs
Program Type: Specialization/Concentration/Emphasis


The Social Justice Organizing (SJO) program at RRC trains rabbis to be Jewish leaders in bringing about a socially just, environmentally sustainable and spiritually fulfilling society. It is the first specialized academic track at a Jewish seminary to focus on justice organizing. Through coursework and supervised internships, the program develops rabbis who:

  • can authentically integrate their passion for justice with Judaism

  • are grounded in Jewish tradition, text and history

  • know their personal mission as rabbis

  • have an understanding of systems of power and money that dominate today's world

  • have the skills to both participate in and help lead transformative change.

Students are expected to cultivate the qualities of personal reflection, humility, compassion, courage, and connection to the earth and all creation.They acquire skills in finance (e.g., reading budgets, fundraising), nonprofit administration, active listening, social entrepreneurship, community organizing and nonviolent action, and learn how the Jewish community functions.

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