Master of Arts with Concentration in Religion and the Environment

Sewanee - The University of the South

Date Posted: April 12, 2016
Submitted by: Julian Dautremont-Smith
Sustainability Topic: Curriculum
Content Type: Academic Programs
Program Type: Specialization/Concentration/Emphasis


The Master of Arts (M.A.) program of the School of Theology is designed as a general academic degree for people who wish to begin advanced study of theological disciplines in a church-related setting. Drawing on strengths of the School of Theology and the Environmental Studies Program and affiliated departments of the College of Arts and Sciences, the M.A. with a concentration in religion and the environment provides a basic grounding in the tools of Biblical studies, theology, and ethics while also exposing students to a variety of perspectives on environmental issues, ranging from the “hard sciences” to policy studies. Further elective work within the concentration allows the student to pursue specific interests, and a research project serves as the capstone in the concentration.

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