MS in Environmental Education

Southern Connecticut State University

Date Posted: Feb. 25, 2016
Submitted by: Monika Urbanski
Sustainability Topic: Curriculum
Content Type: Academic Programs
Program Type: Master's Degree
Distance: Local Only
Commitment: Full-Time


The Master of Science in environmental education is useful preparation for educators and others whose interest and/or responsibilities involve improving the environment. It is open to graduate students regardless of their undergraduate academic majors. An emphasis on practicality and application of theory reflects a focus on bringing about environmental change through educational processes. The objective of the program is to prepare well informed people who are dedicated to improving environmental conditions. The program is designed for certified teachers or others with a strong interest in environmental issues and education. Courses are designed to enhance students' understanding of environmental sciences, policy development, belief systems, and environmental teaching methods. The typical program is composed of thrity-six (36) credits of coursework selected by the student in consultation with his/her graduate adviser from the environmental education offerings and includes a special project. Cognate courses from other areas may be included when the planned program of study is developed. There are no required courses other than those associated with the degree path taken.

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