MBA in Energy & Sustainability Studies

Franklin Pierce University

Date Posted: Feb. 25, 2016
Submitted by: Monika Urbanski
Sustainability Topics: Curriculum, Energy
Content Type: Academic Programs
Tags: mba
Program Type: Master's Degree
Distance: Local Only
Commitment: Full-Time


The MBA in Energy & Sustainability Studies prepares graduates to assume positions of greater influence within their organizations and to become change agents in corporate and community sustainability practices. The curriculum focuses on developing a depth of knowledge and wide range of skills in the areas of leadership, business management, finance, marketing as well as energy and resource management. Food, water, raw materials, non-renewable and renewable energy sources are studied in detail, along with conservation and exploitation issues. Students are exposed to worldwide energy markets and the need for reserve management, further exploitation and improved technology for all energy sources are examined. Corporate social responsibility and business as an agent for social change topics expand the dialogue on global sustainability.

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