JD/Master in Environmental Management (JD/MEM)

Vermont Law School, Yale University

Date Posted: Feb. 25, 2016
Submitted by: Monika Urbanski
Sustainability Topic: Curriculum
Content Type: Academic Programs
Program Type: Joint Degree
Distance: Local Only
Commitment: Full-Time


The Juris Doctor/Master of Environmental Management (JD/MEM) Program requires four years in residence at both schools—two and one-half years at VLS, and one and one-half years at Yale. Students should begin the program at VLS, as courses taken at Yale prior to beginning the JD at VLS cannot be applied to the JD degree. Students are required to meet the American Bar Association (ABA) requirements for attendance and curriculum at VLS, and satisfy all VLS JD graduation requirements. Students are also required to attend the Yale Environmental School Summer Modules and complete a Summer Internship Project required by the Yale MEM program.

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