PhD in Geography & Environmental Engineering

Johns Hopkins University

Date Posted: Feb. 25, 2016
Submitted by: Monika Urbanski
Sustainability Topic: Curriculum
Content Type: Academic Programs
Program Type: Doctoral Degree
Distance: Local Only
Commitment: Full-Time


A DoGEE PhD student will explore the current state of knowledge in his or her field. Information and ideas developed by others are critically examined and placed in proper context. Through this activity, subject areas are identified that are important to achieving the goals of the discipline, but which have not been explored or developed. The student will propose new research to improve understanding in this key area. A research proposal should then outline, in an orderly and logical manner, how key questions are addressed. While pursuing these research hypotheses, the student must take time to consider alternative explanations for experimental observations, and devise new experiments that critically test assumptions and theories. The student will learn to state problems clearly and solve them in a reliable and efficient manner. Whatever lines of reasoning one uses, one must be sure as possible that the conclusions are correct, particularly since there is always some uncertainty in science and engineering. The student must think through his/her research plans to avoid unproductive activities. Because research involves managing time and resources, the Ph.D. student is receiving excellent preparation for future professional work.

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