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26 resources

Addressing the Misalignment of Retirement Options and Stated Values on a University Campus

  • University of North Carolina, Asheville (NC)

There is a growing interest in personal retirement investments that consider both building wealth and making long-term positive impacts on our planet, society, and future. However, at many colleges and …

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Student Involvement in Supporting the Carbon Commitment at UNC Asheville

  • University of North Carolina, Asheville (NC)

This session will explain steps to take toward climate action on a university campus. In a UNC Asheville course entitled "Communicating Climate Change," a group of students led an initiative …

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Accessibility in Campus Green Spaces

  • University of North Carolina, Asheville (NC)

This presentation will discuss the beneficial role UNC Asheville's urban green spaces play on campus, with a special focus on accessibility. When considering college enrollment, I was worried by the …

  • Posted Nov. 15, 2021
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Food Waste Reduction Initiatives at the University of North Carolina Asheville

  • University of North Carolina, Asheville (NC)

Minimizing food waste is an integral part of the dining experience at the University of North Carolina Asheville. Campus programs include eco-clamshell 'takeout' containers, waste diversion campaigns, partnerships with local …

  • Posted Nov. 15, 2021
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Food Waste Warriors: Combating Food Waste with Strong Relationships and Education

  • University of North Carolina, Asheville (NC)

Through strong partnerships with community members both on and off campus, UNC Asheville Dining Services continues to reduce waste, while increasing educational opportunities around food waste. UNC Asheville Dining Services …

  • Posted Nov. 15, 2021
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The Process of Developing a Sustainability Certificate Program

  • University of North Carolina, Asheville (NC)

This talk will cover the three-year process of developing and launching an interdisciplinary Sustainability Certificate at the University of North Carolina Asheville. The multi-step process included developing campus support (with …

  • Posted Nov. 15, 2021
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Resilient Learners, Learning Resilience: Contemplative Practice in the Sustainability Classroom

  • Michigan State University (MI)
  • University of North Carolina, Asheville (NC)

Through literature review, anecdote, and empirical case study, this chapter explores the role of contemplative practice—yoga, meditation, reflection, breathwork—in the sustainability classroom as a way to increase both learner resilience …

Outdoor Program Gear Purchasing: Applying Leave No Trace Ethics to Create a Circular Economy

  • Auburn University (AL)
  • University of North Carolina, Asheville (NC)

This session will explore how outdoor programs can become more sustainable in regard to purchasing, maintenance, and transportation while effectively educating the student population on these topics. Presenters are two …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Meatless to Mindful Monday: The Progression of Promoting Less and Better Meat at UNC Asheville

  • University of North Carolina, Asheville (NC)

In this presentation, we will review the evolution of one school's efforts to promote less and better meat eating on campus. In 2015, UNC Asheville Dining Services began hosting monthly …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Tokenism versus authentic inclusion: Evaluating equity efforts within sustainability programs

  • University of North Carolina, Asheville (NC)

Colleges and universities can be key players in increasing DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) in traditional environmental careers and pathways. But how well are we serving our students of color …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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A University-Community Research Collaboration to Promote Sustainable Agriculture for Food Security

  • University of North Carolina, Asheville (NC)

Many counties of Western North Carolina have high levels of food insecurity that may be addressed by training communities to grow, prepare, and preserve their own food. Through the McCullough …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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Divestment: How Public Universities Can Defund Climate Change

  • University of North Carolina, Asheville (NC)

This presentation addresses widely held beliefs regarding institutional investors, specifically higher education's approach to investments, and provides a review of methods of fossil fuel divestment campaigns across the country. By …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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Using FEEDS Communication Platform to Share Sustainability News From Dining Services

  • University of North Carolina, Asheville (NC)
  • Chartwells Higher Education (NY)

As part of our commitment to sustainability, in October 2017 UNC Asheville Dining Services, a division of Chartwells Higher Ed, rolled out a new public communications platform called FEEDS: Farm-Forward …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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Decolonizing a College's Farm-to-Table Dinner

  • University of North Carolina, Asheville (NC)

This interactive workshop will explore how Whiteness and other form of dominant social power structures can be inadvertently reproduced within farm-to-table events when embedded assumptions in regards to the program, …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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Reel Sustainability: Connecting to Audiences Through Video Storytelling

  • Princeton University (NJ)
  • University of California, Berkeley (CA)
  • University of North Carolina, Asheville (NC)
  • University of Montana (MT)
  • Emory University (GA)
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MA)
  • Central New Mexico Community College (NM)

From television commercials to YouTube, Snapchat, and even Facebook Live, it's no secret that video has become a staple of our everyday lives. Video provides an easy and efficient way …

  • Posted Nov. 5, 2018
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Making Your Campus A Bee Campus USA Affiliate

  • University of North Carolina, Asheville (NC)
  • University of Connecticut (CT)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • Portland Community College, Rock Creek Campus (OR)
  • The Xerces Society (OR)

While pollinators are imperative for the reproduction of 90% of the world’s wild plant species and three-quarters of crops, announcements of their national and global staggering declines seem relentless. However, …

  • Posted June 21, 2018
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Using Contemplative Practices to Cultivate Resilient Students and Social-Ecological Systems

  • Michigan State University (MI)
  • University of North Carolina, Asheville (NC)

This joint session will offer two presentations on the uses of contemplative practices and mindfulness-based pedagogy for teaching about environmental sustainability. Topic 1 (Goralnik): If sustainability is the effort to …

  • Posted Dec. 1, 2017
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Resilience of Social-Ecological Systems and Communities: A Mindfulness-Based Pedagogy

  • University of North Carolina, Asheville (NC)
  • AASHE (MA)

Human and non-human communities have varying capacities to respond to disturbance while maintaining the same basic functions. That is the main argument behind resilience theory and practice, which seek to …

  • Posted Sept. 11, 2017
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Pollinator-Friendly Programs and Campuses

  • Emory University (GA)
  • University of North Carolina, Asheville (NC)
  • Milkhouse Design Studio and Workshop (PA)
  • Friends of the Earth (DC)

This presentation provides information on how to pass a pollinator protection policy on campus.

  • Posted Nov. 18, 2016
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WTF Reduction! Waste, Technology and Facebook; Utilizing Social Media, Technology and Outreach to Effect Behavioral Change

  • State University of New York at Oswego (NY)
  • University of North Carolina, Asheville (NC)
  • University of Virginia (VA)
  • Fill it Forward (ON)

This panel will discuss the use of social media and technology and how it can be applied it to various re-use and waste reduction programs. Partnered with Cupanion, these three …

  • Posted Nov. 18, 2016
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B.S. in Environmental Studies

  • University of North Carolina, Asheville (NC)

The Environmental Studies Program at UNC Asheville prepares students for graduate studies or for employment in government, education, industry, consulting, and nonprofit organizations. The curriculum addresses environmental issues from an …

  • Posted Aug. 18, 2016
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Environmental and Cultural Sustainability Certificate

  • University of North Carolina, Asheville (NC)

The Environmental and Cultural Sustainability Certificate program is designed for individuals employed in or seeking employment in fields in which sustainability concepts play an integral role such as: land use …

  • Posted Aug. 18, 2016
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Building Political Effectiveness and Accountability at a Student-Led Sustainability Office

  • University of North Carolina, Asheville (NC)

The University of North Carolina Asheville is among a small group of colleges that chose to establish an entirely student-run, student fee-funded department to house sustainability efforts on campus. In …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Food Tracking: Identifying Problems and Solutions to Reach the Most Accurate Report for Your Campus

  • University of North Carolina, Asheville (NC)
  • Chartwells Higher Education (NY)

This session will assist university students and staff working on tracking sustainability progress in dining. Many universities currently use multiple tracking tools and processes to synthesize data for STARS, and …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Build Your Own Shareable Campus

  • University of North Carolina, Asheville (NC)
  • CoFED (NM)
  • Shareable (CA)

In this half-day workshop, participants will dive head first into the sharing economy: Part campus sustainability, part new economics, part DIY, and part open education. With support from key leaders …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Leveraging Student Fees to Facilitate Student Led Initiatives

  • University of North Carolina, Asheville (NC)

In 2007, the University of North Carolina at Asheville instituted a $20/semester student green fee to create a sustainability fund, and created the Student Environmental Center (SEC), a student-led organization …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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