

AASHE’s publications library is the leading repository of reports, journal articles, books, and student research on sustainability in higher education. Certain publication types are entered in the annual AASHE Awards Program.

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3958 resources

Advancing Sustainability in Higher Education: New Directions for Institutional Research

This volume details sustainability issues in institutional research (IR) and covers: the sustainability challenges we face as institutions, individuals, and the particular need for educational institutions to embrace and address …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Transportation Demand Management at the University of Toronto: Context and Financial Feasibility

  • University of Toronto (ON)

This study was conducted as a second year Research Opportunity Program at the University of Toronto from October 2006 to April 2007. The scope of the project encompasses research from …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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The Campus Sustainability Movement: A strategic perspective

  • Blekinge Institute of Technology

Society is facing a crisis of un-sustainability. The sector of higher education is well poised to support transition to a sustainable society. This thesis assesses the efforts of the Campus …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Sustainability in higher education

  • Stony Brook University (NY)

Sustainability—"development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs" (qtd. in Clugston et al., 1)—is a vitally important concept …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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UC Davis Alternative Transportation and Parking Investment Study

  • University of California, Davis (CA)

The purpose of this study is to examine the potential for the University of California at Davis (UCD) to invest in expanding its alternative transportation programs (ATP) as a means …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Social Sustainability of Alternate Transportation Modes at the University of British Columbia

  • University of British Columbia (BC)

A clear understanding of the social factors that influence transportation choice will enable the University of British Columbia to improve the existing portfolio of demand management strategies, including the student …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Lighting efficiency feasibility study of three Ohio university buildings

  • Ohio University (OH)

This thesis aims to evaluate the lighting efficiency of three Ohio University campus buildings. The primary research question is: What are the short- versus long-term costs and benefits to Ohio …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Will Sustainability Take Root?

  • AASHE (MA)
  • Berea College (KY)
  • University at Buffalo (NY)
  • University of Florida (FL)
  • Middlebury College (VT)
  • Georgia Institute of Technology (GA)

Do you know sustainability when you see it? The results of an institution’s commitment to environmental, social, and economic health are often subtle. Campus advocates and practitioners who have been …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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AASHE Digest 2006

  • AASHE (MA)

Includes over 600 stories about higher education institutions that are leading the way to a sustainable future. It is organized into 8 chapters covering: 1) institutional change, 2) education and …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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The Greening of America's Campuses

  • Berea College (KY)
  • Carnegie Mellon University (PA)
  • Emory University (GA)
  • Portland State University (OR)
  • University of South Carolina (SC)

Colleges have long marketed their campus amenities, their rosters of scholars, their selectivity and study-abroad programs. To that list, add one more thing: their green credentials. From Berea College in …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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The integrative role of the campus environmental audit: experiences at Bishop's University, Canada

  • Bishop's University (QC)

This paper seeks to suggest that the campus environmental audit can become an important tool that synergizes active learning and operations planning and management approaches to promote sustainability on university …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Energy Service Companies as a Component of a Comprehensive University Sustainability Strategy

  • Clarion University of Pennsylvania (PA)
  • Pennsylvania State University (PA)

This paper aims to quantify and critically analyze the best practices of a comprehensive environmental stewardship strategy (ESS), which included a guaranteed energy savings program (GESP) that utilized an energy …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Benefits of Campus Transit Pass: Study of Students' Willingness to Pay for Proposed Mandatory Transit Pass Programs

  • Western Washington University (WA)

The problem of estimating the expected net benefits of an unlimited-access campus transit pass, which would also fund an increase in critically needed services, is an example of the problem …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Transportation-focused Generic Environmental Impact Statement

  • Cornell University (NY)

Addresses potential transportation impacts of Cornell population growth over next ten years.

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Community partner indicators of engagement: An action research study on campus-community partnership

  • Antioch University (OH)

The central purpose of this research study was to develop common indicators of engagement for civic initiatives between institutions of higher education and their community organization partners. The unique aspect …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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University of Washington U-Pass 2006 Report

  • University of Washington, Seattle (WA)

Each year the Transportation Office publishes an annual report about the U-PASS program. This publication provides information for measuring the program’s performance during the year; highlights its activities, initiatives, and …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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The relationship of pedagogy and students' understanding of environment in environmental education

  • University of Technology Sydney

This study has two main findings. First, the pedagogy of environmental education has strong classification and framing (after Bernstein 1971) that supports the objectification of the environment. Second, there is …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Survey of LEED Water Efficiency Credits and Strategies in the Southeastern United States

  • University of South Carolina (SC)

Sustainable building design is growing in popularity partly due to the success of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Rating System. LEED is becoming more common in the …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Sustainability and the University

While universities are often depicted in the popular press as being at odds with prevailing trends in society, the opposite is far closer to the truth. The twin developments of …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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U-Pass at the University of British Columbia: Lessons for Effective Demand Management in the Campus Context

  • University of British Columbia (BC)

U-Pass at the University of British Columbia: Lessons for Effective Demand Management in the Campus Context (2005) draws on the U-Pass program at the University of British Columbia to provide …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Education for sustainable development at the university level: Interactions of the need for community, fear of indoctrination, and the demands of work

  • Florida State University (FL)

The goal of this study was to describe the factors that influence education for sustainable development (ESD) in American universities. Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) was employed as the theoretical …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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2005 EFS-West Salary Survey of Sustainability and Environmental Coordinators

  • AASHE (MA)

The survey was completed in August 2005. Any survey respondents who did not have titles similar to “Sustainability or Environmental Coordinator” were not included. Thirty-six American coordinators were included in …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Making The Business Case For Sustainability: It's Not Just About Getting Points

  • Virginia Tech (VA)

Architects and designers have done an admirable job of bringing sustainability and “green” buildings to the front of our consciousness in recent years. Once only the battle cry of environmental …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Colleges Compete to Shrink Their Mark On the Environment

  • Berea College (KY)
  • University at Buffalo (NY)
  • Princeton University (NJ)
  • Tufts University (MA)
  • Harvard University (MA)
  • College of the Atlantic (ME)

From the College of the Atlantic's zero-waste graduation this month in Maine to Ball State University's biodiesel-powered shuttle fleet in Indiana, schools are moving in ways large and small to …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Goal setting for sustainability: a new method of environmental education

  • Murdoch University (Western Australia)

If current environmental problems are to be addressed and future environmental problems are to be prevented, significant changes are needed in the way people live. Environmental education has been identified …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Toward a greener campus : Experiments with sustainable resource management at one Mexican university and two United States universities

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MA)

Modern society faces a range of difficult resource management problem like climate change, acid rain and soil depletion. To confront problems like these successfully, educational institutions, along with all other …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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U-Pass Review: Final Report

  • University of British Columbia (BC)
  • Simon Fraser University (BC)

Student U-Pass programs were implemented in September 2003 at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and Simon Fraser University (SFU). Each of these U-Pass agreements were implemented under agreements between …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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The Hidden Economics of Campus Sustainability

  • Colorado State University (CO)

Most of us are familiar with the obvious economic and environmental benefits associated with utility cost avoidance programs. For example, Colorado State University has actively encouraged energy management and water …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Environmental sustainability 'inreach' : How the campus community informs itself about environmental issues

  • North Carolina State University (NC)

As many higher education institutions join in the sustainability challenge, several studies recently have emerged that examine the experiences of these institutions in greening their campuses. These studies have identified …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Big News on Campus

  • Carnegie Mellon University (PA)
  • Clemson University (SC)
  • Yale University (CT)

Provides information on the environmental practices of several colleges in the U.S. Benefits of the Yale Sustainable Food Project for local farmers; Condition of living at the dormitories in Carnegie …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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AASHE Digest 2005

  • AASHE (MA)

Includes almost 250 stories about higher education institutions that are leading the way to a sustainable future. It is organized into 8 chapters covering: Institutional Change; Education & Outreach; Social …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Green Expectations: From Wind Turbines to Green Dorms, from Turf Roofs to Eco-Friendly Cleaning Fluids, IHEs Are Exploring Environmentally Friendly Ways to Conserve Energy, Save Money-And Help the Planet

  • Carleton College (MN)

In a cornfield within eyesight of Carleton College's (Minn.) campus stands a towering sleek, stark-white structure that looks Like the Mercedes-Benz logo. But it's hardly an advertisement for the luxury …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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We Rise to Play a Greater Part: Students, Faculty, Staff, and Community Converge in Search of Leadership from the Top

  • Society for College and University Planning (MI)

In the past few years, some aspects of sustainability have become mainstream concepts in much of higher education. A growing number of students, faculty, and staff believe that sustainability principles …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Car-Sharing: Where and How it Succeeds Final Report

  • Transportation Research Board (DC)

TCRP Report 108: Car-Sharing: Where and How It Succeeds will be of interest to individuals, organizations, and communities who are interested in knowing more about car-sharing and to those who …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Campus Sustainability Practitioners: Challenges for a New Profession

  • Harvard University (MA)

The purpose of this paper is to put forward a number of ideas about the deep challenges that must be faced by campus sustainability practitioners, in the hope that it …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Planet U: Sustaining the World, Reinventing the University

  • University of Victoria (BC)

Planet U places the university at the forefront of the sustainability movement. Questioning the university’s ability to equip society to deal with today’s serious challenges such as economic growth, democratic …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Integrating Sustainability in the Learning Community

  • Second Nature (MA)

Buildings have a significant impact on the environment, accounting for one-sixth of the world’s freshwater withdrawals, one-quarter of its wood harvest, and two-fifths of its material and energy, leaving a …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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  • APPA: Leadership in Educational Facilities (VA)

Themed issue of "Facilities Manager," January/February 2005. Facilities Manager brings the reader the views and experiences of the people behind the facilities operations. Articles are written by facilities professionals for …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Creating a Culture of Sustainability: How Campuses Are Taking the Lead

  • Herman Miller (CO)

Colleges and universities throughout the U.S. are taking a leadership role, as it did in the space race and the war on cancer, in preparing students and providing the information …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Designing a Preferential Carpool Parking Program to Effectively Reduce Parking Demand and Traffic Congestion on University Campuses

  • University of South Florida (Tampa) (FL)

This paper addresses the development of preferential carpool parking programs in a university setting, as a strategy to work toward pre-determined goals such as improving mobility, reducing parking demand, decreasing …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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A campus environmental sustainability assessment for Miami University

  • Miami University (OH)

In order to assess the state of Miami's environmental stewardship this author coordinated a Campus Environmental Sustainability Assessment of Miami University's operations. The assessment featured 13 indicators in three categories: …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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A Transit Pass in Everyone's Hand? - Implementing Unlimited Access Pass Programs as a Strategy to Increase Transit Ridership

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MA)

Unlimited Access Pass (UAP) Programs -- arrangements between transit agencies and universities that provide transit passes to group members at a heavily discounted rate through a group purchase program -- …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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An overview of ecological footprinting and other tools and their application to the development of sustainability process: Audit and methodology at Holme Lacy College, UK

  • Herefordshire and Ludlow College

A sustainability audit of Holme Lacy College is described. The approach adopted a “triple bottom line” assessment, comprising a number of key steps: a scoping review utilising a revised Royal …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Solving Campus Parking Shortages: New Solutions for an Old Problem

Universities and colleges across the country are faced with growth in the campus population and the loss of surface parking lots for new buildings. The response of many institutions is …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Transportation and Sustainable Campus Communities: Issues, Examples, Solutions

Transportation and Sustainable Campus Communities presents a comprehensive examination of techniques available to manage transportation in campus communities. Authors Will Toor and Spenser W. Havlick give readers the understanding they …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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The Sustainability Curriculum: The Challenge for Higher Education

The links between education and sustainable development are deepening, although subject to much controversy and debate. The success of the sustainability discourse depends both on the pedagogic and research functions …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Higher Education and the Challenge of Sustainability: Problematics, Promise, and Practice

Sustainability challenges universities around the world to rethink their missions and to re-structure their courses, research programs, and life on campus. Graduates are increasingly exposed to notions of sustainability, which …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Recreating the university from within: Sustainability and transformation in higher education

  • University of British Columbia (BC)

Universities around the globe have signed international declarations and agreements that recognize the importance of higher education in creating a more sustainable future. These agreements oblige universities to integrate sustainability …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Earth In Mind: On Education, Environment, and the Human Prospect

The author begins by establishing the grounds for a debate about education and knowledge. He describes the problems of education from an ecological perspective, and challenges the "terrible simplifiers" who …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Sustainability on Campus: Stories and Strategies for Change

  • Emory University (GA)
  • San Diego State University (CA)

In Sustainability on Campus campus leaders recount inspiring stories of strategies that moved eighteen colleges and universities toward a more sustainable future. This book is for faculty, students, administrators, staff, …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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