

AASHE’s publications library is the leading repository of reports, journal articles, books, and student research on sustainability in higher education. Certain publication types are entered in the annual AASHE Awards Program.

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3958 resources

A university's responsibility to campus sustainability: An analysis of the social and fiduciary responsibilities associated with sustainable building

  • Florida State University (FL)

This study deals with a university's responsibility to adopt sustainable practices in both education and building. The study places emphasis on both the social and fiduciary responsibilities that affect students, …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Sustainable Transportation Policy at Cal Poly Pomona: An Alternative Outlook

  • California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (CA)

This report documents an initiative to create a sustainable transportation policy that would reduce the amounts of students who travel to campus alone by private vehicle at California Polytechnic University, …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Carbon Neutral U

  • Columbia University (NY)
  • Harvard University (MA)
  • Yale University (CT)

In the age of global warming, the greening of the American college campus is a largely grassroots effort driven by students, faculty, and in-house staff dedicated to sustainable thinking.

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Interview with Senator Bernie Sanders on Federal Support for Campus Sustainability

  • AASHE (MA)

In late December, the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 was signed into law. The Act included language introduced by Senator Bernie Sanders (VT) that authorizes $250 million annually …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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The Green Campus: Meeting the Challenge of Environmental Sustainability

This sustainability anthology explores the meaning of genuine environmental sustainability—in global and local terms—while profiling excellent campus environmental programs. The book offers guidance and inspiration to campus leaders and advocates …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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University Reform in an Era of Global Warming

In order to address global warming and other environmental issues in higher education, there must be a change in the role of the university. Many of the cultural assumptions and …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Green Campus Success in 30 Minutes or Less!

Ways to teach your students about every area of sustainability in which they can make a difference on campus. Use email/text message tips as way to get to students to …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Simulating energy efficiency in laboratory buildings

  • Iowa State University (IA)

Today's laboratory buildings are large consumers of energy. The ventilation requirements of these buildings mandate that large quantities of outside air be brought into the building. The advent of air-to-air …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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2008 Higher Education Sustainability Staffing Survey

  • AASHE (MA)

Provides information about the roles, salaries, and positions of college and university sustainability officers. The report includes data about when and why sustainability officer positions were formed, primary job duties …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Organizing an Effective Campus Energy Program: Lessons from the University at Buffalo

  • University at Buffalo (NY)

The first step a campus should take to become green is to reinforce, reinvigorate, and expand its energy conservation program. Energy consumption produces the most significant environmental impacts associated with …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Striving for Climate Neutrality on Campus: 7 Steps to Writing a Climate Action Plan for a Reduced Carbon Footprint

  • Environmental Health & Engineering, Inc. (MA)

A climate action plan (CAP) is a university-sanctioned strategic infrastructure planning document that provides a roadmap for achieving a greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction target. It provides the decision-making framework to …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Higher Education in a Warming World - The Business Case for Climate Leadership on Campus

  • National Wildlife Federation (VA)

This richly detailed guide to climate action at colleges and universities focuses on the numbers -- with examples showing how schools cut emissions, saved money and made a difference. It …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Social Marketing as a Means to Influence Student Behavior Towards Energy Conservation

  • University of Mary Washington (VA)

Social marketing is one of many approaches to changing behavioral patterns. In this paper, the specific behavior is electricity conservation and the social marketing is provided by NORESCO, one of …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Best Practices Guide for Purchasing Green Power

  • Energy Action Coalition

Many colleges and universities are searching for ways to improve their sustainability performance. One popular method to demonstrate commitment to the sustainability is green power purchasing. Purchasing green power is …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Sustainable SCU: An Analysis of Santa Clara University's Current and Future Energy Usage

  • Santa Clara University (CA)

The goal of this project was to assess the effectiveness of Santa Clara University's Sustainability Program in conserving energy and reducing emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2). The study found that …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Organizational networks as catalysts for strategic sustainable development

  • Blekinge Institute of Technology

In an increasingly connected and interdependent world, the global sustainability challenge needs to be addressed by organizational networks from a whole-systems perspective. This study explores organizations through the lens of …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Alternative Class Scheduling

  • California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (CA)

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona has the ability of reducing their 2010 emissions by 5% of the class set baseline by using a bottom up multi-faceted strategic approach. A combination …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Signaling Change: Studying the effect of price signals on disposable hot beverage cup consumption

  • Tufts University (MA)

Every year, American food service businesses give away over 52 billion disposable paper coffee cups. Interestingly enough, the monetary and environmental costs of the production, purchase, and disposal of these …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Food and Fuel: Biogas Potential at Broward Dining Hall

  • University of Florida (FL)

Biogas, a sustainable natural gas equivalent, can be produced from food waste using anaerobic digestion. Large amounts of food waste are produced at campus dining halls. The goals of the …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Developing a Climate Action Plan for UNH: Analysis, Collaboration and Implementation

  • University of New Hampshire (NH)

Under its American College & University Presidents Climate Commitment obligation, the University of New Hampshire is developing a climate action plan to address the threat of global climate change by …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Benefits of Compact Fluorescent Lights in Residence Life Housing at Arkansas State University: Students Take Action

  • Arkansas State University (AR)

The technology of electricity production has liberated man from darkness (i.e. usage of the candles, and the lanterns), but some repercussions accompany this technology. According to the Department of Energy, …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Tracking Greenhouse Gas Emissions on College Campuses in the U.S.

  • Harvard University (MA)

This paper discusses the methodology behind reporting an institution (or regional) greenhouse gas inventory; explaining the scope of emissions included in GHG inventories, standards and variations in reporting GHG inventories …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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An optimal investment tool for "greening the campus"

  • Georgia Institute of Technology (GA)

Buildings consume about 40% of total global energy production, and their greenhouse gas emissions and solid waste generation constitute a major part of global environmental impacts. Current "greening the built …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Earth Day as a Catalyst for Campus Environmental Leadership

  • Antioch University, New England (NH)

This paper explores the impact of Earth Day on the development of campus environmental leadership. Personal narratives on the significance of Earth Day are presented in a series of interviews …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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U.S. higher education and global climate change: An exploration of institutional factors that affect greenhouse gas emissions

  • Tufts University (MA)

In this study, I explored the differences between greenhouse gas emissions of different colleges and universities in the U.S.A. and analyzed some of the factors that might explain these differences. …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Going Green on Campus: Sustainability in Offices at Santa Clara University

  • Santa Clara University (CA)

A group of students enrolled in Santa Clara University's Applied Sociology course Fall 2007 conducted both a survey and individual interviews with office administrators to collect data on what is …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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A Commitment to Climate Neutrality at the University of Massachusetts Amherst: Environmental urgency and financial prudence

  • University of Massachusetts Amherst (MA)

In the past year, the ambitious goal of climate neutrality has exploded out of the higher education sustainability movement, with over 450 schools, including the entire University of Massachusetts system, …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Conserving Energy in Existing Buildings: A Case Study of Purdue University's Residence Halls

  • Purdue University (IN)

Residence halls are a good example of potential for energy savings in large buildings with varied and complex usage like hotels, youth hostels, and apartment complexes. In such settings, motivating …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Calvin College Carbon Neutrality Project

  • Calvin University (MI)

In Fall 2007, students in two capstone courses at Calvin College were challenged with the question "What would it take to make Calvin College carbon neutral?" Twenty-four Engineering and Biology …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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From principle to product: Exploring process through the Solar Decathlon

  • University of Maryland, College Park (MD)

The premise of this thesis is to examine the process and development of the evolution of words into built form. The abstract principle followed through the design process is the …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Sustainability of Western Kentucky University: An examination of environmental policy, performance, and potential for change

  • Western Kentucky University (KY)

Institutions of higher learning are in a pivotal position to address the environmental problems that global society faces now, but response to this challenge requires transformation in priorities and practices. …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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The Politics and Economics of Parking on Campus

Universities have tried almost every possible way to deal with the shortage of campus parking: lotteries, hunting licenses, first-come-first-served, waiting lists, seniority, and need-based systems. As another way to eliminate …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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A Guide to Developing a Sustainable Food Purchasing Policy

  • Portland State University (OR)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • Food Alliance (OR)
  • Health Care Without Harm (VA)
  • Institute for Agricultural Trade and Policy (DC)

This guide is intended to help universities, colleges, hospitals, and other institutions - as well as those advocating for food system change - create, promote and implement practical sustainable food …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Environmental management accounting within universities: current state and future potential

  • RMIT University

Environmental management accounting (EMA) is attracting increased recognition as a management tool that assists in improving financial and environmental performance through enhanced environmental accountability. Various industries have been included in …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Report 1995-2005

  • California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (CA)

This report summarizes Cal Poly Pomona’s anthropogenic green house gas emissions for fiscal years 1995-2005. The inventory process is a first step towards quantifying the environmental impact of the University’s …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Carbon Neutrality Makes the Grade

Business schools are enlisting students' help in developing their own carbon-neutral schemes, and they may develop leaders of tomorrow's sustainable economies.

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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A community-based social marketing campaign to green the offices at Pacific University: Recycling, paper reduction and environmentally preferable purchasing

  • Antioch University (OH)

This study describes a community-based social marketing (CBSM) research project to bring awareness and behavior change around paper reduction, recycling, and purchasing of environmentally preferred products (EPP) at a small …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Student Activities Climate Change Resource Guide: How Student Affairs Professionals Can Contribute to Campus Climate Neutrality

  • University of Colorado Boulder (CO)

Campus presidents and chancellors across the country are committing their institutions to a climate neutral future. As of this writing, more than 550 campus leaders have signed the American College …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Evergreen's Comprehensive Greenhouse Gas Inventory

  • Evergreen State College, The (WA)

This study provides the results of The Evergreen State College's comprehensive greenhouse gas inventory. In light of the latest scientific research on the issue of global warming and in response …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Prototyping a campus sustainability management system

  • University of California, Santa Barbara (CA)

A growing number of cities and universities have created sustainability plans that include specific environmental, social, and economic performance goals. Sustainability metrics or indicators are often used to track progress …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Degrees That Matter: Climate Change and the University

  • Tufts University (MA)

Universities and colleges are in a unique position to take a leadership role on global warming. As communities, they can strategize and organize effective action. As laboratories for learning and …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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A sense of power: an energy analysis of the University of Cincinnati's west campus

  • University of Cincinnati (OH)

This study consists of an energy analysis of UC's west campus. The central component of this thesis examines the Aronoff Center, analyzing its design and function in relation to its …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Creating a Campus Sustainability Revolving Loan Fund: A Guide for Students

  • Macalester College (MN)
  • AASHE (MA)

This publication describes innovative and powerful mechanisms for financing sustainability projects on campus including energy efficiency upgrades and renewable energy installations. The guide provides step-by-step guidance for establishing revolving loan …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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The feasibility of implementing a farm-to-college program at the University of Cincinnati

  • University of Cincinnati (OH)

Some of the major issues confronting environmental planners today are affected by the modern system of food production, distribution, and consumption. The major contributing factor to this relationship is movement …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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AASHE Digest 2007

  • AASHE (MA)

Includes over 800 stories about higher education institutions that are leading the way to a sustainable future. It is organized into 24 chapters spanning education, research, campus operations, administration, and …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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A Call for Climate Leadership: Progress and Opportunities in Addressing the Defining Challenge of our Time

  • Second Nature (MA)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • ecoAmerica (DC)

Higher Education has a unique role in society. It has been granted tax-free status, the ability to receive public and private funds, and academic freedom, in exchange for educating students …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Campus Climate Action and Multilevel Environmental Governance

The growing recognition that the future of the climate regime may also lie in strong local and regional initiatives (Dimitrov, et al., 2004) stems from the belief that our familiar …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Environmental sustainability plan for the University of Southern California

  • University of Southern California (CA)

The purpose of this project was to compare the characteristics of environmental sustainability programs at leading institutions with those already in place, while not formalized, at the University of Southern …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Design of energy efficient building with radiant slab cooling

  • University of Calgary (AB)

Air-conditioning comprises a substantial fraction of commercial building energy use because of compressor-driven refrigeration and fan-driven air circulation. Core regions of large buildings require year-round cooling due to heat gains …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Campus commuting: Barriers to walking and bicycling use in a university town

  • Clemson University (SC)

Amongst the growing calls for environmental sustainability comes the frequently-expressed desire to increase the use of non-motorized modes of transportation for commuting. However, walking and bicycling are only viable commuting …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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