

AASHE’s publications library is the leading repository of reports, journal articles, books, and student research on sustainability in higher education. Certain publication types are entered in the annual AASHE Awards Program.

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3958 resources

2011 Higher Education Sustainability Review

  • AASHE (MA)

Looking through the lens of AASHE Bulletin stories in 2011, this year's review reveals an increased focus on higher education access, affordability, and success; more green building efforts than ever …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Where Meaning Lies: Student Attitudes and Behaviors related to Sustainability in College

  • New York University (NY)

While sustainability is a national priority, an intriguing gap seems to exist between peoples' perceptions of sustainability as an issue and their levels of actual engagement. This study aimed to …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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2010 Higher Education Sustainability Staffing Survey

  • AASHE (MA)

Shows that despite national unemployment rates that hovered near 10 percent in 2010, those with positions in the higher education sustainability workforce report a sense of job security and feel …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Sustainability and Catholic Higher Education: A Toolkit for Mission Integration

  • Association of Catholic Colleges & Universities (DC)

Eight U.S. Catholic organizations published this toolkit in partnership with AASHE. It is designed for Catholic colleges and universities to strengthen Catholic mission and sustainability on campus and publicly commit …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Starting from Scratch: Greening Your Game Day

  • AASHE (MA)
  • Keep America Beautiful (CT)
  • College & University Recycling Coalition (DC)

Supported by AASHE, Keep America Beautiful, and the College and University Recycling Coalition, this toolkit provides a guide for institutions of higher education across the country to implement or improve …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Greening the Bottom Line: The Trend toward Green Revolving Funds on Campus

  • Sustainable Endowments Institute (MA)
  • AASHE (MA)

In collaboration with AASHE and 10 other partner organizations, this Sustainable Endowments Institute publication highlights current trends based on a 2010 survey of green revolving funds that included 52 institutions …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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An Environmental Sustainability Assessment of Taylor University

  • Taylor University (IN)

This is a master's thesis project for the Department of Environmental Science at Taylor University in Upland, IN. It is focused on sustainability which requires considering the social, economic, and …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Student Green Fund Implementation in U.S. Colleges and Universities from 1973-2010

  • Harvard University (MA)
  • University of Vermont (VT)

College campuses across the U.S. and abroad have seen a growth of student campaigns to take institutional action on climate change. The campus sustainability movement, an outgrowth of the environmental …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Sustainability Curriculum in Higher Education: A Call to Action

  • AASHE (MA)

This report is a culmination of the ideas presented during AASHE’s Summit on Sustainability in the Curriculum to address how higher education institutions can further infuse sustainability topics into college …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Proposal for University of Georgia Energy Reform

  • University of Georgia (GA)

University of Georgia Students for Environmental Action (SEA) created this proposal for presentation to our senior administration as a part of SEA's "UGA Beyond Coal" campaign to replace UGA's coal …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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UCLA Campus Recycling Action Research Team

  • University of California, Los Angeles (CA)

The UCLA Action Research Teams (ART) program gives students the opportunity to form research teams of 5-7 students that tackle issues of campus sustainability such as energy efficiency, transportation, waste …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Perception and Organizational Outcomes in Higher Education Sustainability Inquiry

  • The College of Saint Scholastica (MN)

The concept of sustainability has become a topic of prime consideration for government and business alike in the 21st century, both in terms of its conceptual definition and practical application. …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Cross-Border Carbon Footprints: University Study Abroad and Carbon Offsetting Programs

  • American University (DC)

The progress made in the past decade in incorporating higher education institutions into the carbon emissions reduction equation is remarkable. Organizations like the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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H204U: The Culture of Water Consumption at New York University

  • New York University (NY)

While an abundance of information about the negative environmental impacts of bottled water exists, there are few, if any, bottom-up studies of why and how people choose and understand the …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Real-world learning opportunities in sustainability: from classroom into the real world

Academic sustainability programs aim to develop key competencies in sustainability, including problem-solving skills and the ability to collaborate successfully with experts and stakeholders. These key competencies may be most fully …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Best Practices for Starting Sustainable Food Cooperatives in University Communities

  • University of California, Berkeley (CA)

This study makes recommendations for starting new student-run food co-ops (grocery stores, cafes, delis and other eateries), based on the findings of an investigation on seven co-ops in university communities …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Peer to Peer Sustainability Outreach Programs: The Interface of Education and Behavior Change

  • University of Vermont (VT)

The current climate change crisis demands immediate and creative approaches for systemic shifts in our culture and actions. In the past several decades, education has played a role in bringing …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Thermal Modeling with eQUEST Of Winthrop House: Engineering Sciences 96 Final Report

  • Harvard University (MA)

This abstract applies to all four papers written for Engineering Sciences 96.

In the coming decade, Harvard University will confront a system-wide student housing renovation project. For the past eighty …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Financing Models of Campus Charging Infrastructures For Electric Vehicles

  • University of California, Berkeley (CA)

California is always a leader in mitigating and reducing its greenhouse gas emissions in coordination with our climate change mitigation policies as outlined in AB32. UC Berkeley, one of the …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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The Franklin Sustainability Report

  • Franklin University Switzerland (Ticino)

The capstone course for Environmental Studies followed a case-study approach to examine the interdisciplinary nature of environmental issues. As students in out final semesters at Franklin College, we were asked …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Creating Carbon Offsets: A New Alternative for Colleges and Universities?

  • Whitman College (WA)

Mandatory and voluntary carbon offsets have been promoted as an important part of the solution to the climate crisis. They are touted for their economic and environmental efficiency as well …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Green Labs at Emory University

  • Emory University (GA)

Sustainability Student Research Award Nomination

Emory Green Labs Project: Rachel Croessmann, Kate McDonald, Andrew Park, Erin Saven


As part of the CSR & Sustainability class taught by Prof. Peter …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Harvard House Renewal Program Energy Monitoring and Control Group

  • Harvard University (MA)

This abstract applies to all four papers written for Engineering Sciences 96.

In the coming decade, Harvard University will confront a system-wide student housing renovation project. For the past eighty …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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House Life: A closer look at the fundamental underpinnings of the House Renewal Project (Engineering Sciences 96 Final Report)

  • Harvard University (MA)

This abstract applies to all four papers written for Engineering Sciences 96.

In the coming decade, Harvard University will confront a system-wide student housing renovation project. For the past eighty …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Rethinking Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC) in Harvard University's River Houses: Engineering Sciences 96 Final Report

  • Harvard University (MA)

This abstract applies to all four papers written for Engineering Sciences 96.

In the coming decade, Harvard University will confront a system-wide student housing renovation project. For the past eighty …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Harnessing Human Power for Alternative Energy in Fitness Facilities: A Case Study

  • University of California, Berkeley (CA)

As energy usage across the world continues to rise, there is a strong need to develop new methods for energy conservation and power generation, particularly approaches that have less environmental …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Shifting from Saying to Doing: Evaluation of an Environmental Course Designed to Create Environmental Change Agents

  • Tufts University (MA)

This study evaluated a semester-long environmental course designed to enable students to become environmental change agents. Sixteen undergraduate students self-selected into the program course, which integrated social science-focused materials with …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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University Avenue Redevelopment: Prioritizing Pedestrians and the Environment

  • Dalhousie University (NS)

This report presents a redevelopment plan for the main road on the Dalhousie University campus in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The plan is designed to achieve three goals: promote active transportation, …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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2010 Higher Education Sustainability Review

  • AASHE (MA)

Revealing new ways of thinking about and incorporating sustainability into campus operations, planning and curriculum, the "2010 Campus Sustainability Review" takes a look at the higher education sustainability movement through …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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The Sustainability Professional: 2010 Competency Survey Report

  • International Society of Sustainability Professionals (ISSP) (OR)

In response to a growing need to move the world towards sustainable development and sustainable practices within government and industry, a whole new profession is emerging. This research study was …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Are Canadian Universities Taking Sustainability Seriously? A case study analysis of sustainability initiatives at three Canadian campuses and the lessons decision-makers can learn from these efforts

  • Carleton University (ON)

This study attempts to answer the question 'are universities taking sustainability seriously'? Specifically, this paper examines the extent higher education institutions have institutionalized sustainability into their decision-making processes. It investigates …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Higher Education Green Building Sector Analysis

  • University of Michigan (MI)

This sector analysis describes the growing focus on green building in higher education. It then explores key drivers of the increased attention to green buildings and examines the remaining obstacles …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Sustainability and the Western Civilization Curriculum: Reflections on Cross-pollinating the Humanities and Environmental History

  • Willamette University (OR)

Standard Western civilizations curricula of the premodern period, while ably incorporating postcolonial, feminist, and ethnic studies scholarship, reflect virtually nothing of the larger cultural consciousness regarding sustainability or the critiques …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Roadmap to a Green Campus

  • U.S. Green Building Council (DC)
  • AASHE (MA)

This U.S. Green Building Council publication, with support from AASHE, provides strategies for using the LEED green building certification program as a framework for developing campus-wide sustainability plans. The document …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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The Human Dimension of Energy Conservation and Sustainability

  • University of Michigan (MI)

The purpose of this paper is to determine the behaviors, attitudes, and levels of understanding among faculty, staff, and students in efforts to design programs aimed at reducing energy use …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Climate Neutral Campus Report

  • U.S. Green Building Council (DC)
  • AASHE (MA)

This report by Kyoto Publishing, in collaboration with AASHE and USGBC, aims to educate major stakeholders about the successful initiatives and rapid return on investment that colleges and universities are …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Higher Education Leadership Stages and Strategies that Relate to Campus Environmental Sustainability at U.S. Colleges and Universities

  • Mercer University (GA)

This study explored and described leadership strategy implementation stages that related to the development of environmental sustainability on college and university campuses within the United States. The goals of the …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Time to Get Real: A Food Assessment of Dining at Pomona College

  • Pomona College (CA)

It is well established that current conventional food production practices contribute significantly to environmental degradation and climate change, compromise the well-being of workers and animals involved, and produce foods of …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Environmentally Responsible Attitudes and Behavior among Elon University Students

  • Elon University (NC)

In 2008, the Elon administration made a commitment towards becoming a carbon-neutral campus. However, most of the action plans are largely infrastructural and do not encourage active student engagement/participation. As …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Understanding Energy Conservation Attitudes, Knowledge and Behaviors in Science Laboratories at a Tier 1 Research-Intensive University

  • Michigan State University (MI)

Energy use per square foot from science research labs is disproportionately higher than other university building uses. Necessary use of energy intensive equipment as well as the time and extent …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Recycling after consumption: A Theory of Planned Behavior approach

  • Texas A&M University (TX)

Research is needed to understand consumers' recycling behaviors to potentially increase the recovery rate of recyclable materials. Drawing from the Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 1985), we sought to understand …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Accelerating Campus Climate Initiatives: Breaking Through Barriers

  • Rocky Mountain Institute (CO)
  • AASHE (MA)

Published by Rocky Mountain Institute with support from AASHE, this is a practical guide for anyone working to reduce GHG emissions on campus. Offering real-world examples, the book helps readers …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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2009 Collegiate Athletic Department Sustainability Survey Report

  • AASHE (MA)

Shows that while sustainability efforts appear to be growing within collegiate athletics, commitment to sustainability is lower among athletic departments than compared to their institutions as a whole and to …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Cool Campus! A How-To Guide for College and University Climate Action Planning

  • AASHE (MA)

This manual is designed to assist colleges and universities in creating climate action plans. It is intended to fill the gap in currently available resources by outlining a how-to approach …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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EVs with PVs: Analysis of Electric Vehicle Integration at Stanford University Using Solar PV Panels

  • Stanford University (CA)

As electric vehicles (EVs) are growing in popularity, Stanford University realizes that there may be great value in providing EV charging spots on campus for commuters and residents who switch …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Evaluating the Sustainability Tracking, Assesment and Rating System (STARS) at The Evergreen State College

  • Evergreen State College, The (WA)

Higher education provides an ideal setting for engaging in the dialogue of sustainability while creating opportunities to integrate sustainability into society today. The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Understanding the UCSD Market for Sustainable Foods: The Sustainable Agrifood Systems Fellowship

  • University of California, San Diego (CA)

If UC San Diego is serious about becoming a university leader in sustainability, it is imperative that more attention and resources be directed toward its food system, and in particular …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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UC San Diego vs. Preuss Ecology Club - Top Down vs Bottom Up

  • University of California, San Diego (CA)

For a university like UC San Diego (UCSD), it appears that they are at the forefront of most innovative environmental projects and objectives. However, as they continue to receive national …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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The Feasibility and Benefits of Biodiesel at the University Level (The University of Florida)

  • University of Florida (FL)

This paper was written after a year of researching biodiesel at the university level as well as visiting major biodiesel facilities in the Southeast. The intention of the paper and …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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The Institutionalization of Sustainability at Willamette University A Case Study

  • Willamette University (OR)

This case study will explore how Willamette evolved from its early beginnings in environmentalism, with various independent projects throughout campus, to becoming nationally recognized for its cohesive institutions that facilitate …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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