

AASHE’s publications library is the leading repository of reports, journal articles, books, and student research on sustainability in higher education. Certain publication types are entered in the annual AASHE Awards Program.

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3958 resources

Leading Techniques for Energy Savings in Colleges and Universities

  • Schneider Electric (TX)

This paper describes how building automation products and services can reduce energy costs at colleges and universities. It outlines proven techniques to achieve energy conservation results with an attractive return …

  • Posted March 28, 2016
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Higher Education’s Role in Adapting to a Changing Climate

  • Second Nature (MA)

This report describes the role of colleges and universities in preparing society for a changing climate through their education, research, operations, and community engagement activities.

  • Posted March 28, 2016
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The GHG Protocol Corporate Standard: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard

  • World Resources Institute (DC)
  • World Business Council for Sustainable Development

The GHG Protocol Corporate Standard provides standards and guidance for organizations preparing a GHG emissions inventory. The GHG Protocol Initiative’s vision is to harmonize GHG accounting and reporting standards internationally …

  • Posted March 24, 2016
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The State of Sustainability in Higher Education 2015: Emissions Metrics, Consumption Trends & Strategies for Success

  • University of New Hampshire (NH)
  • Gordian (SC)

Over the past decade, campuses across North America have invested significant effort, attention, and money toward the key challenges of sustainability in higher education, which are embodied by the carbon …

  • Posted March 21, 2016
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The Role of IT in Campus Sustainability Efforts


As the impact of worldwide carbon emissions comes into sharper focus, college and university sustainability efforts are increasingly turning green, focusing on ways to use resources more efficiently, consume less, …

  • Posted March 21, 2016
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The Responsible Business Person: Studies of Business Education for Sustainability

The Södertörn University doctoral dissertation, The Responsible Business Person: Studies of Business Education for Sustainability, by Pernilla Andersson, identifies the roles of a responsible business person that are articulated in …

  • Posted March 15, 2016
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The Impact of Environmental Science Research

The 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF) assessed the impact of research undertaken by UK universities for the first time. Universities submitted case studies to demonstrate their research impacts on “the …

  • Posted March 15, 2016
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The Debt Divide: The Racial and Class Bias Behind the “New Normal” of Student Borrowing

This report, The Debt Divide, provides a comprehensive look at how the “new normal” of debt-financed college impacts the whole pipeline of decision-making related to college. This includes, whether to …

  • Posted March 13, 2016
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The Student Debt Crisis

  • Center for American Progress (DC)

Higher education is an integral part of the American Dream. But today more and more young people increasingly have to finance their education through student loans. In the past three …

  • Posted March 13, 2016
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The Student Debt Review: Analyzing the State of Undergraduate Student Borrowing

Student debt is not a new concern. But it is a complex story, the details of which vary greatly depending on the type of college a student attends, and the …

  • Posted March 13, 2016
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Academic Freedom in the 21st-Century College and University: Academic Freedom for All Faculty and Instructional Staff

This statement by the American Federation of Teachers responds to ongoing political attacks on higher education faculty and staff as well as the increasing reliance on contingent faculty who have …

  • Posted March 12, 2016
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Fairness & Equity: Standards of Good Practice in the Employment of Part-Time/Adjunct Faculty

American Federation of Teachers' quality standards for the employment of part-time/adjunct faculty in colleges and universities. The report outlines a coordinated program to improve the financial and professional circumstances of …

  • Posted March 12, 2016
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There Is No Excuse for How Universities Treat Adjuncts

Students are paying higher tuition than ever. Why can’t more of that revenue go to the people teaching them?

  • Posted March 12, 2016
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Indispensable But Invisible: A Report on the Working Climate of Non-Tenure Track Faculty at George Mason University

  • George Mason University (VA)

According to institutional data, during the 2012-2013 academic year, adjunct and other

contingent faculty made up 71 percent of the total faculty at George Mason University. Like

contingent faculty at …

  • Posted March 11, 2016
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Reclaiming the Ivory Tower: Organizing Adjuncts to Change Higher Education

In the last twenty years, higher education in the United States has been eroded by massive reliance on temporary academic labor—professors without tenure or the prospect of tenure, paid a …

  • Posted March 11, 2016
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The Politics of Contingent Academic Labor

  • American University (DC)

The alarming stories from adjunct faculty, who now comprise a majority of higher-education teachers nationally, share troubling commonalities. The frustrations are financial, personal, and professional. In decades past, most adjunct …

  • Posted March 11, 2016
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Collegiate Game Changers: How Campus Sport is Going Green

  • AASHE (MA)
  • Green Sports Alliance (OR)
  • Natural Resources Defense Council (DC)

Collegiate Game Changers documents the substantial greening initiatives taking place throughout North American colleges. The case studies in this report powerfully confirm that collegiate athletics and recreation departments are embracing …

  • Posted March 11, 2016
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Transformational Model of Principles for Responsible Management Education Implementation

The Transformational Model for Principles for Responsible Management Education Implementation is a guide on how to systemically approach the implementation of Principles for Responsible Management Education, taking into consideration the …

  • Posted March 3, 2016
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The Campus as a Living Laboratory: Using the Built Environment to Revitalize College Education

  • American Association of Community Colleges (DC)
  • U.S. Green Building Council (DC)

As community colleges redesign and retrofit campuses in greener ways, many forward-thinking institutions are using these projects as hands-on learning opportunities for students. These so-called “living laboratories” merge academics and …

  • Posted March 3, 2016
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A Guide to Climate Resiliency & The Community College

  • American Association of Community Colleges (DC)

Too many municipalities are crafting climate adaption and resiliency plans without community colleges as partners. Yet, community colleges are positioned to be powerful partners in implementing a holistic local response …

  • Posted March 3, 2016
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Michigan State University Sustainable Food Procurement Guide

  • Michigan State University (MI)

This guide will clarify to existing and potential new supply chain partners what is important

to MSU as we strive to make increasingly responsible choices in food service sourcing, and …

  • Posted March 3, 2016
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The University’s Role in the Dissemination of Research and Scholarship — A Call to Action

  • Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU) (DC)

The Association of Research Libraries (ARL), the Association of American Universities (AAU), the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI), and the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), issued …

  • Posted March 2, 2016
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A Crucible Moment: College Learning and Democracy’s Future

  • Association of American Colleges and Universities (DC)

This report from the National Task Force on Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement calls on the nation to reclaim higher education’s civic mission. Commissioned by the Department of Education and …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Transdisciplinary research in sustainability science: practice, principles, and challenges

  • Arizona State University (AZ)
  • Stellenbosch University (Western Cape)
  • Maastricht University
  • Leuphana University of Lüneburg
  • Aberystwyth University

There is emerging agreement that sustainability challenges require new ways of knowledge production and decision-making. One key aspect of sustainability science, therefore, is the involvement of actors from outside academia …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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The Campus Wild: How College and University Green Landscapes Provide Havens for Wildlife and “Lands-on” Experiences for Students

  • National Wildlife Federation (VA)

This richly detailed guide highlights how colleges and universities are playing a dynamic role in protecting wildlife and restoring habitats in campus green spaces - including on-campus landscapes and natural …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Zero Waste Campus Toolkit

  • University of Oregon (OR)
  • College & University Recycling Coalition (DC)

Created by the University of Oregon Zero Waste Program in partnership with College & University Recycling Coalition, this toolkit contains resources regarding the concept of Zero Waste, Zero Waste management …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Intentionally Designed Endowments Primer

  • Intentional Endowments Network (MA)

The Intentionally Designed Endowments Primer was developed to help endowment stakeholders establish a baseline understanding of the key issues related to aligning investment practices with institutional mission and values. It …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Environmental Literacy and Sustainability as Core Requirements: Success Stories and Models

  • Oakland Community College (MI)

At a number of colleges and universities, the core General Education requirements for all degrees include an in depth exposure to environmental literacy. Many colleges are also including a degree …

  • Posted Feb. 25, 2016
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Major University Towns Seek University Partners to Improve Energy Efficiency in Off-Campus Rental Housing

  • City of Bloomington (IN)

In Bloomington (pop. 83,565), where 75% of Indiana University’s 40,000+ students live off-campus, the impact is tremendous. Two-thirds of local housing units are rentals, making it exceedingly difficult to achieve …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Takeaways from UConn at COP21

  • University of Connecticut (CT)

Now that we’ve had a month or so since our return from Paris to reflect, what are the key takeaways from UConn’s first-ever participation in the UN’s annual Climate Summit? …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Top Ten AASHE Bulletin Stories of 2015

  • AASHE (MA)

To celebrate the campus sustainability community’s accomplishments in 2015, AASHE has compiled a list of the 10 most clicked AASHE Bulletin stories in 2015.

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Guest Post: UConn COP21 Update

  • University of Connecticut (CT)

Gazing out at the cacophony of asphalt, metal, and concrete, an inner conflict is brewing. As the scenes of Connecticut civilization blur by the bus window on the first leg …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Guest Post: Bonjour from UConn @ COP21

  • University of Connecticut (CT)

We have finally arrived in Paris at the UN’s 21st annual international climate summit or Conference of the Parties (aka COP21). After a 3-hour bus ride from Storrs to JFK, …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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AASHE Attends the White House’s American Campuses Act on Climate Round Table

  • AASHE (MA)

On Nov. 19, I joined college and university executives, student leaders, nonprofit representatives and Obama administration officials at the American Campuses Act on Climate Round Table organized by the White …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Opportunity - Upcoming White House Day of Climate Action to Feature Campus Climate Leadership

  • AASHE (MA)

On November 19th, the White House and the State Department will bring together leadership from higher education institutions, including school administrators and student leaders, to collectively call for action on …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Collaborating for the Future of Higher Education Sustainability

  • National Wildlife Federation (VA)
  • U.S. Green Building Council (DC)
  • AASHE (MA)

Last week Julian Keniry from the National Wildlife Federation (NWF), Jaime Van Mourik from the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), Tim Carter from Second Nature and I came together at …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Natural Area Stewardship as Part of Campus Sustainability

Despite a growing body of evidence that spending time in nature through leisure, stewardship, and related activities is critical to the healthy development of humans and can lead to pro-environmental …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Universities, Colleges and Students Mobilize for Paris Climate Action

  • AASHE (MA)

The time to address climate change is now. AASHE believes the higher education community is poised to find and implement solutions to the drastically changing climate patterns that are sure …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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2015 Sustainable Campus Index

  • AASHE (MA)

The 2015 Sustainable Campus Index highlights top-performing colleges and universities in 17 areas, as measured by the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS). The Index also highlights best practices …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Getting Your Green Revolving Fund to Revolve

  • Efficiency Vermont (VEIC) (VT)

In 2011, in partnership with the Sustainable Endowments Institute (SEI), my colleagues and I led a statewide campaign to promote the adoption of green revolving funds (GRF) at Vermont’s 25 …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Campus Transport Management: Trip Reduction Programs on College, University and Research Campuses

  • Victoria Transport Policy Institute (BC)

Campus Transport Management programs are coordinated efforts to improve transportation options and reduce trips at colleges, universities and other campus facilities. TDM tends to be particularly effective and appropriate in …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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2015 Higher Education Sustainability Staffing Survey

  • AASHE (MA)

AASHE has been conducting a survey of campus sustainability staff since 2008. This report presents the results of the 2015 Higher Education Sustainability Staffing Survey. It examines the nature of …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Preaching to the Choir

  • Baylor University (TX)

Stop me if you’ve heard this before: 97 percent of climate scientists agree that we are the main reason the planet is warming at an alarming rate and if we …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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The Benefits of Sustainable Purchasing

  • Green Seal (DC)

The credits in the AASHE Sustainability, Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS) program can serve as a road-map to more sustainable purchasing policies. Green purchasing can benefit higher education campuses …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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The Power of Sustainable Purchasing

  • Green Seal (DC)

Summer marks the beginning of the new fiscal year on many campuses - this is a good time to do some housecleaning and review your purchasing policies. Green purchasing is …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Learning Through Eating: Bringing Campus Dining Operations into an Introductory Environmental Science Course

  • University of Wisconsin-Madison (WI)

Sustainability initiatives in higher education often flourish as the result of cross-functionality of teaching, research, and operational staff. At the University of Wisconsin - Madison, the Nelson Institute for Environmental …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Is STARS Worth the Investment? Furman University’s Point of View

  • Furman University (SC)

After devoting much of the past fifteen months to painstakingly completing Furman’s first Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS) 2.0 submission, while juggling myriad other professional and personal endeavors, …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Environmental Fixes + Urban Problems

  • The New School (NY)

Social preservation and the preservation of nature have for too long been treated as separate matters but when looked at as a holistic system, operating under market-driven devices, it is …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Ten Tips for Students to be Sustainable on Earth Day and Beyond

  • AASHE (MA)

Happy Earth Day to everyone! To commemorate this important day we are highlighting the impact students can have to advance sustainability efforts at their institution and reduce their individual carbon …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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Listening Project Report: Recap

  • AASHE (MA)

Through the ongoing Listening Project (LP), the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) is working to instill a listening culture throughout our programs and operations. However …

  • Posted Feb. 24, 2016
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