

AASHE’s publications library is the leading repository of reports, journal articles, books, and student research on sustainability in higher education. Certain publication types are entered in the annual AASHE Awards Program.

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3958 resources

Students as change agents in a town-wide sustainability transformation: the Oberlin Project at Oberlin College

  • Clark University (MA)
  • Oberlin College (OH)

An increasing number of colleges and universities are playing a crucial role in driving societal transformations and creating the physical and social conditions for accelerating progress towards sustainability. The potential …

  • Posted April 20, 2016
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Establishing sustainability science in higher education institutions: towards an integration of academic development, institutionalization, and stakeholder collaborations

  • University of Tokyo
  • University of Zurich
  • Lund University
  • Erasmus University Rotterdam

The field of sustainability science aims to understand the complex and dynamic interactions between natural and human systems in order to transform and develop these in a sustainable manner. As …

  • Posted April 20, 2016
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Teaching and learning sustainability: An assessment of the curriculum content and structure of sustainability degree programs in higher education

  • Furman University (SC)
  • Lund University

Sustainability degree programs in higher education have proliferated with the emergence of sustainability as a recognized academic field. This study evaluated the curricula of English-language programs granting degrees in sustainability …

  • Posted April 17, 2016
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Making Textbooks Affordable: Student Government Toolkit

The Making Textbooks Affordable toolkit explains how to expand the use of open textbooks on your campus. These free, high-quality, open-source books can save students on your campus millions of …

  • Posted April 16, 2016
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Running a Campus Food Pantry: Student Government Toolkit

The Running a Campus Food Pantry toolkit explains how to create and manage a campus food pantry. As food insecurity becomes more common among college students, starting a food pantry …

  • Posted April 16, 2016
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Interdisciplinary Environmental and Sustainability Education and Research: Institutes and Centers at Research Universities

  • Global Council Science and the Environment (DC)

Interdisciplinary environmental and sustainability (IES) academic and research programs have an important and unique role in higher education. IES programs study the interfaces and interactions of coupled social-nature systems using …

  • Posted April 15, 2016
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Job Market Sees Growing Demand For Sustainability Managers

Way back before the turn of the century (when we partied like it was 1999), I could count the number of real "sustainability managers" on my fingers and toes and …

  • Posted April 15, 2016
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Are Employers Seeking Sustainability Literate Graduates?

  • Higher Education Academy (York)

Using structured questionnaires and follow-­up semi‐structured telephone interviews, this study seeks to establish to what extent adoption of the sustainability agenda within higher education and built environment organisations is being …

  • Posted April 15, 2016
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Higher Education for Sustainable Development

  • University of Otago (Otago)

This book asks how higher education should approach the task of educating for sustainability and then sets to answering it. It provides a guide for those who advocate for sustainability …

  • Posted April 14, 2016
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Engineering Education for Sustainable Development

Produced by the World Federation of Engineering Organizations's Committee on Education In Engineering, this publication includes contributions from a variety of engineering educators about the role of engineering education in …

  • Posted April 14, 2016
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LEED Certification of Campus Buildings - A Cost-Benefit Approach

This is the first comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) buildings certified within the higher education sector. 16 institutions of higher education (IHEs) were surveyed …

  • Posted April 14, 2016
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College Students Starting To Demand 'Living Wage' Sportswear

This article explores how students can impact campus purchasing decisions. It provides insight into the difference between “fair trade” and “living wage” companies, and what students can do to promote …

  • Posted April 12, 2016
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Academic Librarians and the Sustainability Curriculum: Building Alliances to Support a Paradigm Shift

  • University of Massachusetts Amherst (MA)

Sustainability is a fast evolving movement in higher education demonstrated by a proliferation of academic programs, co-curricular initiatives, and campus projects. Sustainability is now viewed as vital to the mission …

  • Posted April 12, 2016
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Engagement of Academic Libraries and Information Science Schools in Creating Curriculum for Sustainability: An Exploratory Study

In 2010, the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education released, “Sustainability curriculum in higher education: A call to action,” encouraging infusion of sustainability topics into universities' teaching …

  • Posted April 12, 2016
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Focus on Educating for Sustainability: Toolkit for Academic Libraries

Academic libraries must respond to the increasing focus on educating for sustainability and go beyond greening libraries to become active partners in advancing education and research for sustainability. This edited …

  • Posted April 12, 2016
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Report on Catholic Ecology Courses in Catholic Seminaries in the United States, Canada, Rome, and the Holy Land

This report highlights courses on ecological themes offered at a number of Catholic seminaries in North America, Rome, and the Holy Land. 48 Catholic seminaries and theological schools in North …

  • Posted April 12, 2016
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Report on Faith and Ecology Courses in North American Seminaries

This report details over 170 faith and ecology courses offered at about 60 theological schools and seminaries. It also highlights twenty-five seminaries in North America that excel in offering courses …

  • Posted April 12, 2016
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Toward Instruments of Assessing Sustainability Knowledge: Assessment development, process, and results from a pilot survey at the University of Maryland

  • University of Maryland, College Park (MD)

Colleges and universities strive to educate all students for a sustainable future; however, few institutions assess students’ knowledge of sustainability concepts. Hundreds of institutions are currently measuring their overall sustainability …

  • Posted April 11, 2016
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Education for sustainability in business education programs: a question of value

This paper posits that sustainability is essentially a question of value, a notion that is situated within the context of an individual, organisational and community perspective. Each person or group …

  • Posted April 11, 2016
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Undergrad Perspectives: The Business of Changing the World

  • Net Impact (CA)

Net Impact surveyed 1,650 undergraduate students on their beliefs about the current state of business, the role they see themselves playing in improving the world through their careers, and whether …

  • Posted April 11, 2016
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Building a Sustainability Road Map for Engineering Education

Major environmental, economic, and social trends are transforming the application of sustainability thinking within the engineering profession and within organizations that hire engineers. These include the growing demand for new …

  • Posted April 11, 2016
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Business Skills for a Changing World: An Assessment of What Global Companies Need from Business Schools

  • Net Impact (CA)

The World Environment Center and Net Impact partnered to identify the core skills needed by business school students to prepare them better for future employment in companies with strong sustainability …

  • Posted April 11, 2016
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Culture of Disengagement in Engineering Education?

  • Rice University (TX)

Much has been made of the importance of training ethical, socially conscious engineers, but does US engineering education actually encourage neophytes to take seriously their professional responsibility to public welfare? …

  • Posted April 11, 2016
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Missing the wood for the trees: systemic defects and the future of education for sustainable development

The division in approaches to education for sustainable development (ESD) as described by Vare and Scott is revisited. A strong bias in ESD towards personal behaviour change and aspirations to …

  • Posted April 11, 2016
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Covering the Cost: Why We can no Longer Afford to Ignore High Textbook Prices

  • The Student PIRGs (OR)

This report investigates the degree to which high textbook prices affect student financial standing and behavior.

Key Findings from the Report:

  • Almost one-third (30%) of students replied that they had …

  • Posted April 11, 2016
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Commonfund Study of Responsible Investing: A Survey of Endowments and Their Affiliated Foundations

  • Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges (DC)
  • National Association of College & University Business Officers (NACUBO) (DC)

Commonfund Institute, NACUBO and AGB survey builds upon the 2014 NACUBO-Commonfund Study of Endowments by delving in to responsible investing practices, policies and portfolio strategies. Topics covered include:

  • Defining responsible …

  • Posted April 8, 2016
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The State of Campus Resilience in the Face of a Changing Climate

  • Haley & Aldrich, Inc. (MA)
  • Society for College and University Planning (MI)

Climate-related events pose a major threat to college and university campuses across the country, and this is only expected to worsen as the climate continues to change. Along with an …

  • Posted April 8, 2016
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Institutional Pathways to Fossil-Free Investing: Endowment Management in a Warming World

  • Responsible Endowments Coalition (PA)
  • Sustainable Endowments Institute (MA)

This report provides an analysis of climate-related portfolio risk faced by educational and philanthropic endowments and presents three pathways toward reallocating an endowment portfolio into fossil-free investment opportunities, across asset …

  • Posted April 8, 2016
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The Reinvestment Handbook: Green Endowments Initiative

The Reinvestment Handbook is a resource for the next generation of responsible investors. It is designed to help students better understand their university endowment, the key pillars of SRI funds …

  • Posted April 8, 2016
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Learning and Teaching Academic Standards Statement for Environment and Sustainability

The Learning and Teaching Academic Standards Statement for Environment and Sustainability has been developed by the environment and sustainability higher education community. This statement describes the minimum or threshold learning …

  • Posted April 7, 2016
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Lecturers’ perspectives on how introductory economic courses address sustainability


– The purpose of this article is to explore sustainability commitments’ potential implications for the curriculum of introductory economics courses. Universities have signed the Talloires Declaration, committing themselves to …

  • Posted April 7, 2016
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The Efficient Drowning of a Nation: Is Economics Education Warping Gifted Minds and Eroding Human Prospects?

Humanity has put itself in great peril, as the impending demise of the nation of Kiribati due to global warming illustrates. This failure to act is in part due to …

  • Posted April 7, 2016
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Introductory economics courses and the university’s commitments to sustainability

  • University of British Columbia (BC)

The three largest public universities in British Columbia, Canada have signed the Talloires Declaration, committing themselves to promoting students’ environmental literacy and ecological citizenship. As a result, there is pressure …

  • Posted April 7, 2016
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Teaching (un)sustainability? University sustainability commitments and student experiences of introductory economics

The three largest public universities in British Columbia, Canada have signed the Talloires Declaration, committing themselves to promoting sustainability and creating expectations that they will integrate sustainability across the curriculum …

  • Posted April 7, 2016
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Sustainability in the Curriculum and Teaching of Economics: Transforming Introductory Macroeconomics

  • Bridgewater State University (MA)

Present models of economic growth primarily focus on the role of expenditures as captured in the commonly cited economic indicator, gross domestic product (GDP), where GDP is defined as the …

  • Posted April 7, 2016
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Introductory economics textbooks: what do they teach about sustainability?

In response to accelerating ecological deterioration, many universities have made commitments to integrate sustainability across the curriculum and to ensure they graduate ecologically responsible citizens. This study involves a content …

  • Posted April 7, 2016
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Internal Carbon Accounting at a Small Liberal Arts College

  • Vassar College (NY)

As colleges and universities pursue greenhouse gas reductions, it has become clear that some

approach is necessary for putting a price on carbon emissions and communicating that cost to energy …

  • Posted April 6, 2016
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Compendium of Organics Recovery Programs at Colleges and Universities

  • University of Louisville (KY)
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (DC)

The Center for Environmental Policy and Management at the University of Louisville in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 4 and select southeastern U.S. schools have released a …

  • Posted April 6, 2016
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The Need for Social Ethics in Interdisciplinary Environmental Science Graduate Programs: Results from a Nation-Wide Survey in the United States

  • Michigan State University (MI)
  • Oregon State University (OR)

Professionals in environmental fields engage with complex problems that involve stakeholders with different values, different forms of knowledge, and contentious decisions. There is increasing recognition of the need to train …

  • Posted April 3, 2016
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Plastic Free Campus Manual

  • Post-Landfill Action Network (NH)

This document will help guide you through the process of helping your campus go plastic-free. Comprised of over 60 pages worth of training, best-practices guidance, case studies and project resources, …

  • Posted March 31, 2016
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Pulling Up the Higher-Ed Ladder: Myth and Reality in the Crisis of College Affordability

This brief attempts to pinpoint the cause(s) of spiraling tuition by taking a deep dive into public university revenue and spending data from the National Center for Education Statistics’ Delta …

  • Posted March 31, 2016
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Pursuing Sustainability: A guide to the science and practice

  • Harvard University (MA)
  • Stanford University (CA)
  • University of Colorado Boulder (CO)

The book Pursuing Sustainability suggests that the ultimate determinants of intergenerational well-being should be thought of as the stocks of assets on which people now draw and will draw in …

  • Posted March 31, 2016
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Committing to Equity and Inclusive Excellence: A Campus Guide for Self-Study and Planning

  • Association of American Colleges and Universities (DC)

Committing to Equity and Inclusive Excellence: A Campus Guide for Self-Study and Planning provides a framework for needed dialogue, assessment, and action to address inequities in higher education institutions. Focusing …

  • Posted March 30, 2016
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Sustainable Development Primer for Higher Education Presidents, Chancellors, Trustees and Senior Leaders

  • Higher Education Associations Sustainability Consortium (HEASC) (PA)

This primer describes the sustainability related, crucial roles and tasks for presidents, trustees and senior leadership and explains how sustainability is a robust national trend in higher education. The primer …

  • Posted March 30, 2016
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Learner-Centered Teaching Activities for Environmental and Sustainability Studies

The broad goal of this volume from Springer International Publishing is to help advance environmental education practices that help increase students’ environmental literacy through learner-centered teaching activities.

  • Posted March 29, 2016
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Flying along the supply chain: accounting for emissions from student air travel in the higher education sector

Higher education institutions (HEIs) can play a key role in facilitating the transition to a low carbon economy, where reporting greenhouse gas emissions is an important step in this process. …

  • Posted March 29, 2016
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A New Course: How Innovative University Programs Are Reducing Driving on Campus and Creating New Models for Transportation Policy

Universities and colleges across the country are taking steps to encourage their communities, students, faculty and staff to decrease their reliance on personal vehicles. These efforts are working well – …

  • Posted March 29, 2016
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WaterSense at Work: Best Management Practices for Commercial and Institutional Facilities

  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (DC)

WaterSense at Work is a compilation of water efficiency best management practices (BMPs) that help commercial and institutional facilities understand and better manage their water use, establish an effective water …

  • Posted March 29, 2016
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New Energy for Campuses: Energy-Saving Policies for Colleges and Universities

  • Energy Action Coalition

New Energy for Campuses highlights more than 30 universities in 24 states that have implemented a range of programs including improving the energy efficiency of classrooms, putting solar panels on …

  • Posted March 28, 2016
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The Energy Smart Guide to Campus Cost Savings

  • APPA: Leadership in Educational Facilities (VA)
  • National Association of College & University Business Officers (NACUBO) (DC)
  • United States Department of Energy (DC)

Rebuild America created The Energy Smart Guide to Campus Cost Savings to help college and university managers sort through the opportunities and possibilities for saving energy and money on their …

  • Posted March 28, 2016
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