

AASHE’s publications library is the leading repository of reports, journal articles, books, and student research on sustainability in higher education. Certain publication types are entered in the annual AASHE Awards Program.

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3958 resources

Obama, Bill Gates to lead major effort to spur spending on climate research

  • The Washington Post (DC)

This article describes the launch of two separate initiatives to invest billions of dollars in clean energy research and development. "Mission Innovation” is a commitment by countries - including United …

  • Posted Nov. 14, 2016
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Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2016

  • United Nations Environment Programme

This report tracks private and public investments in renewable energy, including research and development funding. Key findings in relation to R&D funding include:

  • Research and development spending on renewable energy …
  • Posted Nov. 14, 2016
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Implementing Sustainability in Higher Education: Learning in an age of transformation

In a time of unprecedented transformation as society seeks to build a more sustainable future, education plays an increasingly central role in training key agents of change. This book asks …

  • Posted Nov. 14, 2016
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Assessing sustainability in university curricula: exploring the influence of student numbers and course credits

  • University of Leeds (West Yorkshire)

As more universities become interested in, and engaged with, sustainability, there has been a growing need to assess how their curricula addresses sustainable development and its myriad issues. Different tools …

  • Posted Nov. 14, 2016
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Effective change management, governance and policy for sustainability transformation in higher education

  • Western Sydney University (NSW)
  • Leuphana University of Lüneburg


Numerous policy announcements and articles have been produced over the past 20 years calling for higher education institutions to give greater focus to social, cultural, economic and environmental sustainability …

  • Posted Nov. 14, 2016
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Education for sustainable development and global citizenship: An evaluation of the validity of the STAUNCH auditing tool


The purpose of this paper is to test the validity of the curriculum auditing tool Sustainability Tool for Auditing University Curricula in Higher Education (STAUNCH©), which was designed to …

  • Posted Nov. 14, 2016
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Organisational learning towards sustainability in higher education

  • University of Southampton


Research on sustainability in higher education has focused on environmental management of the university campus, case studies and examples of good practice. Although the value and contribution of these …

  • Posted Nov. 14, 2016
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Sustainable university research and development: inspecting sustainability in higher education research

  • Leuphana University of Lüneburg

Sustainability in higher education is dominated by practical ‘greening the campus’ programs and initiatives. This paper examines sustainable university research and development projects as part of the ‘greening the campus’ …

  • Posted Nov. 14, 2016
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The INDICARE-model – measuring and caring about participation in higher education's sustainability assessment

The implementation of sustainability in higher education has been advanced over at least the last two decades and brought sustainability assessment on the research agenda of Education for Sustainable Development …

  • Posted Nov. 14, 2016
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‘The Biophilic University’: a de-familiarizing organizational metaphor for ecological sustainability?

  • Oberlin College (OH)
  • Universiti Sains Malaysia

A new primary, root metaphor the ‘Biophilic University’, is introduced here, underpinning a potential de-familiarizing human-nature narrative and heuristic to contest and break free of what is conceptualised as the …

  • Posted Nov. 14, 2016
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Embodying Tao in the ‘Restorative University’

  • Universiti Sains Malaysia
  • Schumacher College

This paper proposes a new generative metaphor, the ‘Restorative University’ which embodies an associated Taoist human–nature narrative. It aims to counter what is contextualized here as the bio-cultural disconnection of …

  • Posted Nov. 10, 2016
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Participatory processes in sustainable universities – what to assess?


This paper aims to connect participatory sustainability implementation with sustainability assessment, exploring learning theories, the principles of Higher Education for Sustainable Development (HESD) and respective indicators applied in the …

  • Posted Nov. 10, 2016
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Sustainable Campus Development: Campuses Go Green: Colleges and universities take environmentally responsible design to new levels

  • Society for College and University Planning (MI)
  • AASHE (MA)

Three projects profiled here exemplify that next level: a new campus designed for sustainability from first principles, an academic building now proving itself under the Living Building Challenge, and a …

  • Posted Nov. 10, 2016
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Developing the concept of sustainability in nursing

  • University of Plymouth (Devon)

Sustainability, and the related concept of climate change, is an emerging domain within nursing and nurse education. Climate change has been posited as a serious global health threat requiring action …

  • Posted Nov. 10, 2016
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The disappearance of cooperatives from economics textbooks

Discussion of cooperatives abounded in early twentieth century economics textbooks, but is virtually absent from their modern counterparts. In this paper, I assemble a dataset of economics textbooks used at …

Curricular Cop-Out on Co-ops: Business schools ignore a key form of enterprise

  • University of Colorado Boulder (CO)
  • Chronicle of Higher Education (DC)

This article highlights the dearth of academic training related to cooperative enterprises at U.S. business schools.

Key competencies to action: Transdisciplinary learning of key competencies for sustainability

  • Lund University

Purpose: According to literature there is a set of six key competencies that distinguish sustainability professionals, including researchers, from professionals and researchers in other fields, making them “systemic problem …

The Piedmont Project: Fostering Faculty Development Toward Sustainability

  • Emory University (GA)

Many universities recognize urgent environmental dilemmas and embrace efforts to move campus operations and university culture toward sustainability. However, the broader academic mission across departments and programs is often slower …

Long-Term Impacts of Faculty Development Programs: The Experience of Teli and Piedmont

  • Emory University (GA)
  • Tufts University (MA)

A long-term study of two faculty development programs on sustainability and the environment reveals enduring changes in teaching, research, interdisciplinary collaboration, and engaged action. Participants in cohorts of Tufts University's …

Sustainability Science in a Global Landscape

This report describes a bibliometric analysis of the sustainability science research landscape between 2009 and 2013. Key findings include:

  1. Research on sustainability has grown almost twice as fast as research …

Assessment matters: What are students learning about sustainability?

  • Columbia University (NY)
  • New York University (NY)

This article provides a model to integrate sustainability efforts, student learning, and assessment into one coherent process.

Enhancing Sustainability Campuswide: New Directions for Student Services

This sourcebook provides a primer on how to best organize specific programs and services as well as overall campus operations to address the critical challenge of sustainability. Presenting research, operational …

Sustainability behaviors among college students: an application of the VBN theory

  • Michigan State University (MI)

While Value-Belief-Norm (VBN) theory has been widely applied to various populations, it has seldom been tested on college students. This study extends VBN theory to examine what socio-psychological factors influence …

Trans-Disciplinary Education for Sustainable Marine and Coastal Management: A Case Study in Taiwan

The present study aims to investigate the effect of a trans-disciplinary design of curricula, deemed a powerful tool for teaching and research on complex environmental problems, with a goal to …

Communities of Opportunity: Smart Growth Strategies For Colleges and Universities

  • National Association of College & University Business Officers (NACUBO) (DC)
  • Ayers Saint Gross (MD)

This publication provides an overview of smart growth strategies and the better outcomes that these strategies have yielded when adopted by colleges and universities and communities across the country. It …

Validating the Need to Include the Economic Returns of Graduates as a Metric of a Higher Education Institutions Level of Sustainability

  • Eastern Michigan University (MI)
  • Technische Universiteit Delft

Higher education institutions play an important role in sustainability, in their own management and operation, in research and education, and in the undergraduate and graduate degrees they deliver. Often ignored, …

Stakeholders Perceptions of a Universal Sustainability Assessment in Higher Education - A Review of Empirical Evidence

  • Eastern Michigan University (MI)
  • Technische Universiteit Delft

The progress of sustainability within higher education has steadily increased in focus over the last decade and has increasingly become a topic of academic research. As institutions investigate, implement and …

UCSB and Campus Sustainability Group Come to Agreement

  • University of California, Santa Barbara (CA)

This article describes an agreement regarding University of California, Santa Barbara's Long Range Development Plan between the University and Sustainable University Now (SUN), a coalition of community organizations). The agreement …

Harvard to limit greenhouse gas emissions in new Allston construction

  • Harvard University (MA)

This article describes Harvard University's agreement to limit greenhouse gas emissions from new buildings constructed on its Allston campus. The agreement between the University and the Executive Office of Energy …

Contemplative Approaches to Sustainability in Higher Education: Theory and Practice

How do we foster in college students the cognitive complexity, ethical development, and personal resolve that are required for living in this "sustainability century"? Tackling these complex and highly interdependent …

When the informal is the formal, the implicit is the explicit: Holistic sustainability education at Green Mountain College

  • Green Mountain College (VT)

Purpose - The purpose of this project is to provide an account of the student experience at a higher education institution known for its holistic approach to sustainability education.

Design/methodology/approach …

The interrelations between competences for sustainable development and research competences

Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to explore how competences for sustainable development and research interrelate within a context of competence-based higher education. Specific focus is oriented towards …

Combining forces: Fostering sustainability collaboration between the city of Vancouver and the University of British Columbia

  • University of British Columbia (BC)

Purpose - This paper describes the sustainability partnership between the City of Vancouver and the University of British Columbia (UBC) and, in particular, the co-curricular Greenest City Scholars graduate student …

Campus prosociality as a sustainability indicator

  • Arizona State University (AZ)
  • University of Maine (ME)

Purpose - Prosociality may in part determine sustainability behavior. Prior research indicates that pro-environmental behavior correlates with prosocial attitudes, and separately, that prosociality correlates with social support in homes and …

A sustainability education academic development framework (SEAD)

  • RMIT University

Academic development is one means of reorientating education within higher education (HE) to include sustainability principles. This paper identifies the requirements of academic development programs that will provide educators with …

Can Urban University Expansion and Sustainable Development Co-Exist?: A Case Study in Progress on Columbia University

  • Albany Law School (NY)
  • Columbia University (NY)

This article uses the expansion of Columbia University as a case study to demonstrate the difficulty in labeling projects as "sustainable" or "unsustainable" when key stakeholders view the process and …

  • Posted Oct. 31, 2016
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Columbia Announces Deal on Its 17-Acre Expansion Plan

  • Columbia University (NY)

This article describes an agreement relating to the Columbia University's plans to expand its campus in Harlem. Among other things, the university committed to contribute $20 million to start a …

  • Posted Oct. 31, 2016
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Bringing Responsible Investment to Campus: A Handbook for Committees on Investor Responsibiity

  • Responsible Endowments Coalition (PA)

This toolkit is intended to be a guide to the creation, organization, and operation of Committees on Investor Responsibility that function effectively. Many schools have adopted the model of the …

  • Posted Oct. 31, 2016
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An international Master's program in green ICT as a contribution to sustainable development

Various principles of sustainable development are currently being integrated into national policies and programs. Such principles relate to a range of aspects of human activities requiring urgent attention, including heating, …

  • Posted Oct. 31, 2016
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Promoting energy efficiency in a South African university

  • University of Johannesburg (Gauteng)

Electricity supply issues have resulted in widespread blackouts and increased utility costs in South Africa. This is placing financial pressure on universities as they have limited means of increasing their …

  • Posted Oct. 28, 2016
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Comparative Analysis of Ecological Footprint on Ecological Campus of an Urban University in China

  • Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology

The componential method of ecological footprint is applied to estimate the ecological footprint of the Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology (XAUAT) in 2011. An EF value for the urban …

  • Posted Oct. 28, 2016
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Making the invisible visible: how students make use of carbon footprint calculator in environmental education

  • University of Gothenburg

Problems concerning carbon dioxide emissions and other climate change-related issues are on the global political agenda and constantly debated in media. Such issues are important for individuals to enable active …

  • Posted Oct. 28, 2016
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Use of Life Cycle Assessment methodology in the analysis of Ecological Footprint Assessment results to evaluate the environmental performance of universities

  • Universitat Politècnica de València (Valencia)

The assessment of the environmental performance of an organization is an essential part of the decision-making process of an Environmental Management System. Having robust indicators enables a reliable assessment. The …

  • Posted Oct. 28, 2016
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Application of the componential method for ecological footprint calculation of a Chinese university campus

The componential method of ecological footprint is applied to estimate the ecological footprint of Northeastern University (NEU) in 2003. The components considered in this study include energy (coal, natural gas, …

  • Posted Oct. 28, 2016
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Development of a hands-on toolkit to support integration of ecodesign in engineering programmes

In recent years, the integration of sustainable development in higher education has received a growing amount of attention. During the last decade, initiatives have aimed at integrating sustainable development at …

  • Posted Oct. 28, 2016
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Composite indicators for a sustainable campus—Design rationale and methodology: The case of the Catholic Institute of Lille

Having first appeared in the mid-1990s, policy actions for improving how sustainable development principles are put into practice on university campuses have been growing more and more. This has taken …

  • Posted Oct. 28, 2016
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Using ecological footprint analysis in higher education: Campus operations, policy development and educational purposes

  • UC Leuven-Limburg
  • KU Leuven

Ecological footprint analysis has been used worldwide in a variety of organizations (enterprise, public authorities, non-governmental organizations, (higher) educational institutions) and at different levels (personal level, (parts of) organizations, cities, …

  • Posted Oct. 28, 2016
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Framework for the inter-comparison of ecological footprint of universities

The ecological footprint (EF) method represents the suitability of a given population on the carrying capacity of the total system. It was developed in order to measure the relationship between …

  • Posted Oct. 28, 2016
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An urban university’s ecological footprint and the effect of climate change

  • University of Illinois Chicago (IL)

Ecological footprint analysis (EFA) has been used since the early 1990s as a measure of sustainability for geographical regions, products, and activities. EFA is used as a measure of land …

  • Posted Oct. 28, 2016
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A Nearly Carbon-Neutral Conference Model: White Paper & Practical Guide

  • University of California, Santa Barbara (CA)

This document was created to help stage nearly carbon-neutral (NCN) conferences based on a model first implemented at UC Santa Barbara (UCSB) in May of 2016. Compared to fly-in conferences, …

  • Posted Oct. 28, 2016
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