

AASHE’s publications library is the leading repository of reports, journal articles, books, and student research on sustainability in higher education. Certain publication types are entered in the annual AASHE Awards Program.

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3958 resources

Surveying employment listings to inform curricula of environmental science degree programs

  • Brigham Young University (UT)

Environmental Science has emerged as a common bachelor’s of science (B.S.) degree at colleges and universities throughout the USA, with growing enrollment and more than 1100 degrees offered. Many B.S. …

Distinguishing collaboration from contribution in environmental research

  • University at Buffalo (NY)
  • State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (NY)

In this paper, we distinguish contributory from collaborative approaches to interdisciplinary environmental research. A characteristic feature of the collaborative approach is that emphasis is placed on the process of collaborative …

The University as a Site of Food Insecurity

  • Texas A&M University (TX)

The project investigated a topic of increasing importance, that of food security among undergraduate students while away at school. Specifically, we examine the topic through two methodological approaches. First, a …

Shared place and space: a comparison of two interdisciplinary graduate programs

  • University of Wisconsin-Madison (WI)

Interdisciplinary training has an important role to play in environmental research, but what aspects of interdisciplinary training are most helpful for graduate students as they seek to define themselves as …

A framework for collaborative climate change research

  • Colgate University (NY)

There is a growing understanding in the scientific community that the traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) of indigenous peoples and other local communities is both different from data collected by scientists …

Integrated traditional and applied education—exploring sustainable cities and regions in classrooms and communities

  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (NC)

The most effective and promising models for teaching sustainability sciences and studies in a university setting are a topic of vigorous debate. This paper discusses an integrated sustainability curriculum at …

Schaumburg’s Sustainable Future: student research, social media, and suburban sustainability

  • Roosevelt University (IL)

The Schaumburg’s Sustainable Future (SSF) online social media project is a student-faculty collaboration at Roosevelt University that addresses sustainability issues, challenges, and solutions in the northwest suburbs of Chicago and, …

Applying the process of backward design in revising an environmental science program

  • Georgia College & State University (GA)

The purpose of this article is to share our model of a successful curriculum reform process and provide an overview so that it can be replicated by other programs. The …

Scholarly motivations to conduct interdisciplinary climate change research

  • University of Massachusetts Amherst (MA)
  • Northern Illinois University (IL)
  • University of Pennsylvania (PA)
  • Boston University (MA)
  • Whitman College (WA)
  • Idaho State University (ID)

Understanding and responding to today’s complex environmental problems requires collaboration that bridges disciplinary boundaries. As the barriers to interdisciplinary research are formidable, promoting interdisciplinary environmental research requires understanding what motivates …

Fostering STEM literacy through a tabletop wind turbine environmental science laboratory activity

  • University of Southern Maine (ME)

Increasingly, national education policy is focusing on improving science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) literacy by using energy as a subject matter. In particular, The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS …

From polyps to politics: using a coral reef living laboratory in a politics of sustainability course

  • Rosemont College (PA)

Teaching Global Environmental Politics faces several challenges to meet student learning objectives. For one, the interdisciplinary nature of global environmental politics requires significant knowledge of environmental issues, as well as …

Re-imagining environmental science and policy graduate education for the twenty-first century using an integrative frame

  • Clark University (MA)

To meet society’s need to better understand and respond to ever-more complex, interwoven problems of environment, development, and society - including environmental health risks, climate change adaptation, and sustainable development …

Teaching Social Research Methods on an International, Collaborative Environment & Sustainability Degree Programme: Exploring plagiarism, group work, and formative feedback

International collaboration is central to the Sustainable Development agenda given environmental challenges that span national boundaries. Education for Sustainability therefore needs to account for international/intercultural understandings, such as though international …

Perspectives on the University as a Business: the Corporate Management Structure, Neoliberalism and Higher Education

  • Rider University (NJ)

In the past three decades, the administration of many institutions of higher education have progressed towards a corporate style management structure. What has been a collegial, collaborative approach to managing …

The Future of Sustainability in Higher Education

  • Bowling Green State University (OH)

In this article, I explore the future of higher education within the context of teaching and learning for sustainability. Challenges currently facing sustainability education are identified along with opportunities to …

Catholic Universities and Social Action in the Context of the Transgressing of Planetary Boundaries

  • Creighton University (NE)

This paper will reflect upon Catholic universities’ mission of pursuing the truth and promoting justice in light of the ecological crisis. First, it will examine how the truth of our …

Sustainable knowledge transformation in and through higher education: A case for transdisciplinary leadership

  • Ollscoil na Gaillimhe - University of Galway (Co. Galway)

This article explores inter- and transdisciplinarity, given the need for more complex, relevant, and transformative knowledge to shift society towards more sustainable futures. It connects practical questions about economic, societal, …

Sustainable Academia: Translating the Vision of a Full Sustainable University into a Measurable Reality

  • Technische Universiteit Delft

There is a growing public expectation that universities should start focusing on delivering sustainability. The topic of sustainability in higher education has gathered a significant amount of interest from students, …

Resources for hope: Ideas for alternatives from heterodox higher education institutions

  • Berea College (KY)
  • Deep Springs College (CA)

This report describes my field visits to Berea and Deep Springs Colleges in the U.S.A. and explores their forms of ownership/control, governance, financing and organisational structure. Berea and Deep Springs …

Is Education for Sustainable Development the means to bring about inclusive development? Between idealist and alternative positions

  • Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences

‘Adjectival educations’, include a great diversity of proposals within which Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) features prominently. ESD has enjoyed privileged attention from international organizations, in order to move political …

Higher Education in the Environmental Century

The environmental crisis that threatens the future of our species is unprecedented as we begin the “environmental century.” Natural conditions that were favorable for the development of civilization have been …

An On-Campus Botanical Tour to Promote Student Satisfaction and Learning in a University Level Biodiversity or General Biology Course

  • Xavier University of Louisiana (LA)

Outdoor, hands-on and experiential learning, as opposed to instruction-based learning in classroom, increases student satisfaction and motivation leading to a deeper understanding of the subject. However, the use of outdoor …

High Performance Education Fails in Sustainability? - A Reflection on Finnish Primary Teacher Education

  • Åbo Akademi University (Varsinais-Suomi)
  • University of Helsinki

Sustainability is internationally often emphasized as an essential aim of higher education, but more as a principle than on the practical level. This is also obvious in the academic education …

Is Going Green Worth It? Assessing Fan Engagement and Perceptions of Athletic Department Environmental Efforts

  • North Carolina State University (NC)
  • Ohio University (OH)
  • Seattle University (WA)

The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which environmentally themed activities within an intercollegiate sport context impact fan engagement. A total of 557 fans responded to …

Critical Thinking and Normative Competencies for Sustainability Science Education

  • Hokkaido University (Hokkaido)

In this paper, we extend the competencies framework of education for sustainability development (ESD) to argue that critical thinking should be taught as a core competency and that normative dialogue …

Community-level environmental projects as learning tools for planners: a case study of graduate planning students

Despite the potential environmental impact of urban planning, there is little research on Environmental Education (EE) in the context of urban planning curricula. This study follows graduate planning students’ learning …

Alive, Survive, Strive, Thrive: A Grounded Conceptual Sustainability Taxonomy

  • Bowling Green State University (OH)

A conceptual sustainability taxonomy has been needed to better communicate the value of sustainability, to align sustainability scholars’ theories and sustainability educators’ practices, and to develop curriculum, teaching, learning, and …

A Rubric to Analyze Student Abilities to Engage in Sustainable Design

  • Georgia Institute of Technology (GA)
  • James Madison University (VA)
  • The Citadel (SC)

As engineering programs have begun to infuse sustainability into their undergraduate curricula, assessment tools are needed to further inform these reform efforts. The goal of this project was to demonstrate …

Strategies Toward the Inclusion of Environmental Education in Educator Preparation Programs: Results from a National Survey

  • Trinity University (TX)
  • University of Texas at San Antonio (TX)

A national study was conducted to investigate the inclusion of environmental education (EE) into educator preparation programs across the United States. Responses from teacher educators in institutions of higher education …

  • Posted April 27, 2017
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The Nitrogen Footprint Tool Network: A Multi-Institution Program to Research and Reduce Nitrogen Pollution

  • University of Virginia (VA)
  • Eastern Mennonite University (VA)
  • Brown University (RI)
  • Dickinson College (PA)
  • Colorado State University (CO)
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (DC)
  • University of New Hampshire (NH)
  • University of Chicago (IL)

Humans release reactive nitrogen into the environment at a rate that is 4 to 5 times as large as from natural terrestrial processes. They do this by producing and applying …

  • Posted April 26, 2017
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Universities run for, by, and with the faculty, students and staff: Alternatives to the neoliberal destruction of higher education

After analysing the organisational pathologies and societal ills created by the neoliberalisation of universities, the article engages in an organisational critique of the pseudo-business model currently in use. It poses …

  • Posted April 26, 2017
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Six ways to ensure higher education leaves no one behind


Noting the lack of sufficient institutions to cater to the growing demand for higher education as well as increasing disparities in its access, the United Nations educational and scientific agency …

  • Posted April 25, 2017
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Beyond Interpersonal Competence: Teaching and Learning Professional Skills in Sustainability

  • Arizona State University (AZ)

Successful careers in sustainability are determined by positive real-world change towards sustainability. This success depends heavily on professional skills in effective and compassionate communication, collaborative teamwork, or impactful stakeholder engagement, …

  • Posted April 25, 2017
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In what ways are teacher candidates being prepared to teach about the environment? A case study from Wisconsin

There is an urgent need for primary and secondary students to develop awareness, knowledge, attitudes, and an environmental ethic necessary to undertake environmental issues and problems. The need to adequately …

  • Posted April 25, 2017
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Business School Legitimacy and the Challenge of Sustainability: A Fuzzy Set Analysis of Institutional Decoupling

Business schools face growing institutional pressure to respond to the sustainability agenda, especially since the financial crisis highlighted the need to educate business leaders who engage with issues beyond a …

  • Posted April 24, 2017
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Sustainability Education Through Active-Learning in Large Lecture Settings: Evaluation of Four Out-Of- Class Exercises

  • Sonoma State University (CA)

Large classes on sustainable development present certain challenges. Often high student to instructor ratios encourage passive learning pedagogies. However, because sustainability education seeks to increase awareness and help students shift …

  • Posted April 24, 2017
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Sustainability and Undergraduate Management Curricula: Changes Over a 5-Year Period

  • Bond University (Queensland)

Global initiatives and a rapidly expanding academic literature identify the responsibility that universities have to incorporate sustainability education into their curricula. This study had two aims: first, to investigate the …

  • Posted April 24, 2017
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RMIT University Climate Risk Assessment

  • RMIT University

This report details the process and findings from the first climate risk assessment carried out for RMIT University, with a primary focus on the Melbourne City campus. The analysis considered …

  • Posted April 24, 2017
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Approaches to embedding sustainability in teacher education: A synthesis of the literature

  • Queensland University of Technology
  • James Cook University (Queensland)

This study investigated how teacher education academics embed sustainability education in learning and teaching, using a systematic literature review of peer-reviewed journal articles. A taxonomy of four distinctive approaches was …

  • Posted April 24, 2017
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Repeat performance: CSU earns second STARS Platinum

  • Colorado State University (CO)

This news story from Colorado State University mentions highlights from the university that helped it achieve AASHE STARS Platinum rating for the second time, the only university thus far to …

  • Posted April 21, 2017
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Feeding the Flames: A Report on Student Hunger at UIC

  • University of Illinois Chicago (IL)

This report represents the results of a yearlong study of student food insecurity at UIC conducted by students and faculty in the School of Public Health, Division of Environmental and …

  • Posted April 21, 2017
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Restroom Water Reduction Potential at an Urban University

  • University of Illinois Chicago (IL)

A water audit was conducted at a variety of University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) campus buildings to help evaluate the potential to conserve water and save the university money. …

  • Posted April 20, 2017
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Students see promise in careers in the business of sustainability

  • Colby College (ME)
  • College of the Atlantic (ME)
  • Unity Environmental University (ME)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • International Society of Sustainability Professionals (ISSP) (OR)

Two small, isolated Maine colleges that focus on sustainability and the environment know they aren’t for everyone.

Students have to work in the local community, where they experience the real …

  • Posted April 20, 2017
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AAUP 2016-17 Faculty Compensation Survey Report

Between the 2015–16 and 2016–17 academic years, average salaries for full-time ranked faculty members (assistant, associate, and full professors) increased by 0.5 percent after adjusting for inflation. The average salary …

  • Posted April 20, 2017
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LGBTQ Students on Campus: Issues and Opportunities for Higher Education Leaders

  • Michigan State University (MI)

The American Council on Education published a blog piece about LGBTQ issues on higher education campuses. The piece includes key issues for higher education leaders, suggestions for good practices that …

  • Posted April 17, 2017
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Good practice in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in the UK: Case Studies

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is described by UNESCO as enabling us to address present and future global challenges and create more sustainable and resilient societies by changing the way …

  • Posted April 17, 2017
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Universities and the Sustainable Development Future: Evaluating Higher-Education Contributions to the 2030 Agenda

Since the mid-1970s, a series of international declarations that link environment and sustainable development to all aspects of higher learning have been endorsed and signed by universities around the world. …

  • Posted April 17, 2017
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Opening up the Pandora's box of sustainability league tables of universities: a Kafkaesque perspective

The aim of this paper is to explore the institutional impact of sustainability league tables on current university agendas. It focuses on a narrative critique of one such league table, …

  • Posted April 12, 2017
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For function or transformation? A critical discourse analysis of education under the Sustainable Development Goals

  • Clark University (MA)

We conduct a critical discourse analysis of the extent to which Sustainable Development Goal 4, “to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for all and promote lifelong learning,” promotes a …

  • Posted April 12, 2017
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Education for Sustainable Development, Nature and Vernacular Learning

  • Mount Saint Vincent University (NS)

Mainstream education for sustainable development conceives of nature as a resource or commodity. The natural world is, for the most part, accorded only instrumental or utilitarian value. As a field …

  • Posted April 5, 2017
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