

AASHE’s publications library is the leading repository of reports, journal articles, books, and student research on sustainability in higher education. Certain publication types are entered in the annual AASHE Awards Program.

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3958 resources

Enhancing environmental management in universities through participation: the case of the University of Córdoba

  • Universidad de Córdoba

This article illustrates the methodology for a participatory process that encourages the campus community to help improve the environmental management of their institution, as an example of the effective integration …

  • Posted Feb. 20, 2018
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Energy use characteristics and benchmarking for higher education buildings

  • Griffith University (Queensland)

Higher education buildings serve complex functions by providing spaces for various activities and disciplines. This study aims to understand energy use characteristics of different types of buildings in higher education …

  • Posted Feb. 20, 2018
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Education of Sustainable Development Competence in Higher Education Institution

  • Vytautas Magnus University

The present paper aims at exploring the role of higher education institution (HEI) on education of sustainable development competence (SDC). Considering the connection of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), it …

  • Posted Feb. 20, 2018
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Education for Sustainable Development: Business modelling for flourishing

  • OCAD University (ON)
  • Halmstad University

As companies and other organizations increasingly recognize society’s demand for greater social and environmental sustainability, university and college business schools have responded with new pedagogic approaches. Business schools have begun …

  • Posted Feb. 20, 2018
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Educating for post-disaster sustainability efforts

  • Arizona State University (AZ)

Urgent sustainability problems call for accelerated and transformational change. Disasters can provide opportunities for accelerating such change towards sustainability by eliminating the impediments of “normal times,” but only if a …

  • Posted Feb. 20, 2018
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Does Specific CSR Training for Managers Impact Shareholder Value? Implications for Education in Sustainable Development

  • University of Zaragoza

This study aims to analyze whether specific corporate social responsibility +CSR) training in sustainable development can boost the potential impact of CSR on shareholder value (i.e., corporate reputation, brand image, …

  • Posted Feb. 20, 2018
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Developing digital educational materials for nursing and sustainability: The results of an observational study

  • University of Plymouth (Devon)
  • Maastricht University
  • Hochschule Esslingen University of Applied Sciences
  • University of Jaén

There is limited European literature on nursing and sustainability; nursing students are poorly prepared on the connections between resources, climate change, sustainability, and health, so they must acquire knowledge and …

  • Posted Feb. 20, 2018
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Designing a sustainability-driven entrepreneurship curriculum as a social learning process: A case study from an international knowledge alliance project

  • University of Vechta
  • University of Gothenburg
  • Masaryk University
  • Vienna University of Economics and Business

Integrating Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in higher education curricula requires innovative ideas and approaches how to combine educational, sustainability and disciplinary knowledge, skills, experiences, and motivations. Curriculum developers are …

  • Posted Feb. 20, 2018
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Decision making under the environmental perspective: Choosing between traditional and distance teaching courses

  • Universidade Paulista

Over the last 30 years, distance learning has rapidly spread in developed countries, and to niche markets in developing countries. In Brazil, approximately 5 million people are currently either achieving …

  • Posted Feb. 20, 2018
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The Biochemistry Cell Culture Facility at CU Boulder: Avoided costs and other benefits resulting from shared equipment in collaborative research space

  • University of Colorado Boulder (CO)

With scientists experiencing intense competition for federal biomedical research funding, efficiency and cost-saving measures are powerful tools to maximize the impact of those research dollars. The large environmental footprint of …

  • Posted Feb. 15, 2018
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Reporting for Sustainability: Guidance for Higher Education Institutions

  • Forum for the Future

Universities and colleges are already under scrutiny from a wide range of stakeholders, from prospective students to staff and government agencies. They are also being pressed to report on how …

  • Posted Feb. 15, 2018
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Critical success factors for embedding carbon management in organizations: lessons from the UK higher education sector

  • De Montfort University
  • Nottingham Trent University

Organizations are under increasing pressure from governments and stakeholders to reduce carbon emissions from their business operations for climate change mitigation. Universities are not exempt from this challenge and are …

  • Posted Feb. 15, 2018
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Leveraging Sustainability Reporting in Higher Education Institutions— A Multidimensional Research Agenda

  • University of Hildesheim

Sustainability has become increasingly important to research and practice. In order to determine impacts, identify improvement potential and to disclose efforts towards sustainability, an organization needs appropriate reporting. Thus, sustainability …

  • Posted Feb. 15, 2018
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Conceptualization of sustainable higher education institutions, roles, barriers, and challenges for sustainability: An exploratory study in Portugal

  • Universidade Aberta
  • Polytechnic Institute of Santarém
  • University of Aveiro

Higher Education Institutions play an important role in the promotion of sustainability and an increasing number of stakeholders expect them to be sustainable organizations. However, this can only be achieved …

  • Posted Feb. 12, 2018
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Comparative analyses of sustainable campuses as living laboratories for managing environmental quality

  • Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey

Despite an emerging trend in the higher education sector toward sustainable campuses, comparative analyses that span multiple themes across multiple campuses are still limited. The purpose of this paper is …

  • Posted Feb. 12, 2018
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Climate change and higher education: Assessing factors that affect curriculum requirements

  • Vanderbilt University (TN)

Pervasive misinformation about climate change might be reduced if colleges were to include the topic within general education curriculum. This paper analyzes the general education (or “core”) curriculum in the …

  • Posted Feb. 12, 2018
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Carbon lock-in: an obstacle in higher education’s decarbonization pathways

  • University of Dayton (OH)

Carbon lock-in describes a force that perpetuates the fossil fuel energy system despite known risks and cost-effective alternatives, a consequence of which is the slow rate of diffusion of low-carbon …

  • Posted Feb. 12, 2018
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Campus as a Living Laboratory for Sustainability: The Chemistry Connection

  • University of Wisconsin-Madison (WI)

In the undergraduate curriculum, chemistry and sustainability connect easily and well. Topics in chemistry provide instructors with opportunities to engage students in learning about sustainability; similarly, topics in sustainability provide …

  • Posted Feb. 12, 2018
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Campus Alternative Food Projects and Food Service Realities: Alternative Strategies

  • Emory University (GA)

As United States colleges and universities have developed campus projects to contribute to alternative food networks, strategies have matured from event-based, on-ramp activities to purchasing commitments, statistical tracking, and new …

  • Posted Feb. 12, 2018
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Barriers to innovation and sustainability at universities around the world

  • University of Passo Fundo
  • University of São Paulo
  • James Cook University (Queensland)
  • Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
  • University of Nottingham
  • University of Michigan (MI)
  • Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS

This paper explores the link between innovation and sustainability in the context of higher education, with the purpose of investigating the fundamental barriers for innovation and sustainable development in universities …

  • Posted Feb. 12, 2018
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Avoid, Control, Succumb, or Balance: Engineering Students’ Approaches to a Wicked Sustainability Problem

  • Chalmers University of Technology
  • University of Gothenburg

Wicked sustainability problems (WSPs) are an important and particularly challenging type of problem. Science and engineering education can play an important role in preparing students to deal with such problems, …

  • Posted Feb. 12, 2018
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Assessing sustainability reports of US universities

  • University of Hamburg

The purpose of this study is to assess sustainability reports of US universities to provide findings on the relative importance of disclosure topics. The authors conducted content analysis by using …

Assessing sustainability in higher education curricula: A critical reflection on validity issues

  • University of Victoria (BC)
  • KU Leuven
  • Open University of the Netherlands

While curricular assessments can give insight as to the extent sustainability is integrated into higher education study programs, issues remain regarding how assessments are conducted. Previous research has identified and …

Analysis of Green Campus Initiatives Led by Voluntary Participants of University Students

  • Korean Association for Green Campus Initiative (Seoul)

Purpose: Since 2010, many universities in Korea have been implementing Green Leader Training Programs which are usually run by students themselves. In the last five years of 2015, the Green …

Analysing the literature on university social responsibility: A review of selected higher education journals

  • University of Cadiz

In the last 30 years, different economic, political and social changes have taken place in the university sector and this has led to an extensive reform to meet the new …

An Investigation of University Students' Attitudes Toward Environmental Sustainability

The adoption of pro-environmental behavior is critical to reduce negative environmental impacts and move toward a more sustainable future. The role of higher education in training professionals to protect the …

A proposal of a Balanced Scorecard for an environmental education program at universities

  • Université de l'État de Santa Catarina

By developing and implementing environmental concerns in its principles and infrastructure, universities are becoming increasingly active in promoting societal changes towards sustainable development. These environmental concerns are translated into comprehensive …

A Competency Model for Management Education for Sustainability

Management education needs transformation to avoid socio-economic volatility in this globalised world and to deal with the crises of responsibility and sustainability. Despite rising demand and increasing popularity, management education …

A Strategic Communication Model for Sustainable Initiatives in Higher Education Institutions

  • MacEwan University (AB)

Communicating sustainable initiatives in higher education institutions presents a challenge, given that few to no universities possess or maintain a strategic communication plan that addresses the need to share this …

(Re-)designing higher education curricula in times of systemic dysfunction: a responsible research and innovation perspective

  • Wageningen University
  • University College Cork - National University of Ireland, Cork (Co. Cork)
  • Queen's University Belfast

There is an urgent need to address the grand sustainability challenges of our time, and to explore new and more responsible ways of operating, researching, and innovating that enable society …

University Sustainability: Assessing College Sustainability Rating Systems

  • Yale University (CT)

This paper seeks to assess the three major university sustainability rating systems in the United States on their ability to drive positive sustainability outcomes. Since the mid-2000s the Association for …

Integrating Sustainability Philosophy into Business Curriculum

  • St. Thomas University (FL)
  • Westcliff University (CA)

This paper examines the status of sustainability integration in business schools and colleges as part of business education and training - curriculum. The authors argue that there is a need …

‘The learning sticks’: reflections on a case study of role-playing for sustainability

  • RMIT University

Use of role-plays to develop deep student-learning has many advocates. Role-play is a powerful approach for learning that develops relevant skills in a range of disciplines and situations. In Higher …

2016 National Solar Jobs Census

The Solar Foundation’s National Solar Jobs Census 2016 is the seventh annual update on employment, trends, and projected growth in the U.S. solar industry. The Solar Jobs Census 2016 found …

North American College/University Market Carsharing Impacts: Results from Zipcar’s College Travel Study 2015

  • University of California, Berkeley (CA)
  • Zipcar (MA)

In partnership with Zipcar, researchers at UC Berkeley's Transportation Sustainability Research Center (TSRC), conducted a survey of collegiate Zipcar members to better understand the impact that carsharing has on college …

Sustainable Campus Transportation Toolkit: A Toolkit for Best Practices in Sustainable Transportation on Vermont College and University Campuses

  • University of Vermont (VT)

This toolkit provides Vermont colleges, universities, and institutions with a set of strategies, case studies, and supporting information that may be utilized to improve the sustainability of campus transportation systems. …

Sustainable Development: Educating With Purpose

  • International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN) (MA)

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY “Sustainable Development: Educating with Purpose” is the focus of this year’s ISCNGULF report. In an increasingly fractured world, the Sustainable Development Goals are an instrument for solidarity. Their …

Sustainability-oriented higher education networks: Characteristics and achievements in the context of the UN DESD

  • University of Zurich

Higher education institutions (HEIs) are, as a sector, an important actor in society and their role in sustainability transition has been acknowledged. However, their commitments to sustainability expressed through the …

Connecting Cities and Campuses through Climate Leadership Initiatives

  • Arizona State University (AZ)
  • California State University, Northridge (CA)
  • Second Nature (MA)

Climate change presents one of the most pressing challenges facing humanity. Opportunities for inter-sectoral collaboration to drive climate solutions are beginning to emerge and mature with the higher education sector …

Fostering Sustainability by Management Education

This book presents insights and solutions for more effectively integrating corporate social responsibility into management education. Authors critically review this multifaceted process in a variety of countries. The book is …

Preparing Sustainability-Literate Teachers

  • Western Washington University (WA)

Background/Context: This article explores sustainability as an emerging paradigm for preservice preparation of teachers. Sustainability education, which is rooted in Deweyan ideas about the fundamental social purposes of schooling, …

  • Posted Jan. 25, 2018
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Essential Elements of Sustainability in Teacher Education

  • Madonna University (MI)
  • University of Michigan (MI)
  • Creative Change Educational Solutions (MI)

This article focuses on defining the proficiencies new teachers need in order to be able to lead in educating for sustainability (EfS). Educating for sustainability involves teaching and learning collective …

  • Posted Jan. 25, 2018
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Vignette question design for the assessment of graduate sustainability learning outcomes

  • RMIT University

The development of university wide graduate attributes has become an important mechanism for setting generic learning outcomes across higher education institutions. Many universities around the world have developed sets of …

  • Posted Jan. 25, 2018
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Evaluating the Theory and Outcomes of the Teen Advocates for Sustainability Corps (TASC) Summit

  • New York University (NY)

The attached research was written as my thesis for a Master of Arts in Environmental Conservation Education, from New York University. It analyzes an environmental advocacy program I developed for …

Towards a Theory-Based Framework for Assessing the Mainstreaming of Education for Sustainable Development: A Case Study of Teacher Education Institutions in Botswana

This article presents the development of a theory-based framework for exploring the ways in which different teacher education institutions in Botswana have worked towards the infusion of education for sustainable …

  • Posted Dec. 22, 2017
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Learning about Sustainability—What Influences Students’ Self-Perceived Sustainability Actions after Undergraduate Education?

  • Gävle University College

Changing societies’ minds about sustainability requires knowledge about the situation, awareness of what needs to be done and actions to change today’s unsustainable behaviors. Universities are challenged to develop students’ …

  • Posted Dec. 22, 2017
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Rogative Learning in Education for Sustainable Development: Environment, Human Rights and Democracy

  • University of Gothenburg

The question underlying the investigation in this paper is how within a context of education for sustainable development it is possible to learn about the environment, human rights and democracy …

  • Posted Dec. 22, 2017
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Methodology of energy efficient building refurbishment: Application on two university campus-building case studies in Italy with engineering students

  • Polytechnic University of Milan

Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI) has launched since 2011 the project “Città Studi Sustainable Campus” to improve the university’s sustainability performances within three main principles: building refurbishment, sustainable campus development and …

  • Posted Dec. 22, 2017
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Fossil fuel divestment in US higher education: student-led organising for climate justice

  • Pitzer College (CA)
  • Responsible Endowments Coalition (PA)

Based on over one year of participant observation within the student-led fossil fuel divestment (FFD) movement, this article contextualises the origins, successes, challenges, and inner workings of the FFD movement …

  • Posted Dec. 22, 2017
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Evaluating the engagement of universities in capacity building for sustainable development in local communities

  • Bournemouth University (Dorset)
  • Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
  • University of Beira Interior
  • University of Passo Fundo

Universities have the potential to play a leading role in enabling communities to develop more sustainable ways of living and working however, sustainable communities may only emerge with facilitation, community …

  • Posted Dec. 22, 2017
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