

AASHE’s publications library is the leading repository of reports, journal articles, books, and student research on sustainability in higher education. Certain publication types are entered in the annual AASHE Awards Program.

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3958 resources

Integrating sustainability learning outcomes into a university curriculum: A case study of institutional dynamics

  • University of Vermont (VT)

Higher education institutions increasingly have gained momentum in integrating sustainability into university curricula. The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the approval, implementation and management process of the new …

  • Posted Dec. 11, 2018
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Toward designing sustainability education programs: a survey of master’s programs through semi-structured interviews

  • University of Tokyo
  • Osaka University

With the emergence of sustainability science as an academic field, sustainability education (SE) has increasingly been discussed in terms of nurturing students’ competencies to bring about environmental innovation and global …

  • Posted Dec. 11, 2018
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An emerging signature pedagogy for sustainable food systems education

  • Montana State University (MT)
  • University of California, Davis (CA)
  • University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (MN)
  • University of British Columbia (BC)

Concerns are growing over the ability of the modern food system to simultaneously achieve food security and environmental sustainability in the face of global change. Yet, the dominant tendency within …

  • Posted Dec. 11, 2018
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Bill McKibben’s Influence on U.S. Climate Change Discourse: Shifting Field-Level Debates Through Radical Flank Effects

  • Temple University (PA)
  • University of Michigan (MI)
  • (NY)

This article examines the influence of radical flank actors in shifting field-level debates by increasing the legitimacy of preexisting but peripheral issues. Using network text analysis, we apply this conceptual …

  • Posted Dec. 11, 2018
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The challenge of coordinated civic climate change education

  • Pennsylvania State University (PA)
  • St. Mary's College of Maryland (MD)
  • University at Albany (NY)
  • Dickinson College (PA)
  • Stanford University (CA)
  • James Madison University (VA)
  • University of Richmond (VA)
  • Bard College (NY)

Many sustainability educators want to more effectively engage their students with climate policy. They also seek to support students’ civic and change agent skills and dispositions to take on critical …

  • Posted Dec. 11, 2018
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Integrating Corporate Social Responsibility Awareness Into a Retail Management Course

  • Babson College (MA)

Both students and industry are demanding that marketing instructors incorporate discussions of environmental and social responsibility into their courses. Marketing educators play a critical role in developing the knowledge and …

  • Posted Dec. 11, 2018
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Higher education for sustainable development in Flanders: balancing between normative and transformative approaches

  • Open University of the Netherlands
  • University of Antwerp

This paper provides critical reflections on higher education for sustainable development (HESD) from a philosophical perspective. A theoretical framework is developed, based on John Dewey’s thoughts on the aim of …

  • Posted Dec. 11, 2018
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Why do people accept environmental policies? The prospects of higher education and changes in norms, beliefs and policy preferences

  • University of Gothenburg

Pressing problems of environmental degradation are typically argued to require coordination, primarily through state intervention. Social scientists are struggling to understand how attitudes toward such state interventions are formed, and …

  • Posted Dec. 11, 2018
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Toward a Validated Competence Framework for Sustainable Entrepreneurship

  • Wageningen University

Knowledge, skills, and attitudes to manage sustainable development have become significant components of different career paths. Previous research has explored which competencies are needed for future change agents in the …

  • Posted Dec. 11, 2018
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The influence of instruction, prior knowledge, and values on climate change risk perception among undergraduates

  • Auburn University (AL)
  • Michigan State University (MI)
  • North Carolina State University (NC)
  • University of Colorado Boulder (CO)
  • University of British Columbia (BC)

We evaluated influences on the climate change risk perceptions of undergraduate students in an introductory Earth Science course. For this sample, domain‐specific content knowledge about climate change was a significant …

  • Posted Dec. 11, 2018
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Teaching Sustainable Development Goals in The Netherlands: a critical approach

  • Leiden University

One of the main outcomes of the Rio + 20 Conference was the agreement to set Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The most common terms in the17 goals are economic growth, …

  • Posted Dec. 11, 2018
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How Committed Are Australian Universities to Environmental Sustainability? A Perspective on and from the University of Melbourne

  • University of Melbourne (Victoria)

Drawing upon our experiences at the University of Melbourne, we examine the issue of how environmentally sustainable that university and other Australian universities are in an era increasingly impacted by …

  • Posted Dec. 11, 2018
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The role of transformation in learning and education for sustainability

  • North-West University (North West)
  • Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
  • University of Campinas
  • Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Damascus University
  • University of Latvia
  • Manchester Metropolitan University
  • Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
  • University of Belgrade

Education research has acknowledged the value of transformation, which offers an opportunity for researching and rethinking how appropriate and successful educational practices may be. However, despite the role of transformation …

  • Posted Dec. 11, 2018
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Deep learning for a sustainability mindset

  • University of Oulu
  • United Nations Global Compact (NY)

While ‘sustainability’ in management education is mostly addressed from a technical perspective, the emotional and ‘being’ aspects can be key for creating a new mindset. In this paper the authors …

2018 Sustainable Campus Index

  • AASHE (MA)

The 2018 Sustainable Campus Index (SCI) recognizes top-performing colleges and universities overall by institution type and in 17 sustainability impact areas, as measured by the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating …

Aggregating Higher Education Demand for Renewables: A Primer

  • AASHE (MA)
  • Edison Energy (CA)

Campuses are increasingly looking to renewable energy as the most financially attractive strategy for achieving dramatic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions while reducing long-term energy costs and minimizing energy price …

Scholarship and the SDGs: Connecting Yale teaching and research to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

  • Yale University (CT)

In 2015, the Yale Office of Sustainability began looking at how teaching and research at Yale aligns with the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Adopted by 193 countries, …

Educating science teachers for sustainability: questions, contradictions and possibilities for rethinking learning and pedagogy

  • Université du Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
  • Université de Montréal (QC)

In this review, we explore what educating science teachers for sustainability implies according to the 23 book chapters and many sampled teacher education and science methods courses in the edited …

  • Posted Nov. 29, 2018
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Design, implementation, and evaluation of an inverted (flipped) classroom model economics for sustainable education course

  • Vienna University of Economics and Business

How effective is the Inverted Classroom Model (ICM), a teaching tool most often used with undergraduates, when applied to postgraduate learners in economics and sustainability? ICM, also known as the …

  • Posted Nov. 29, 2018
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Critical Thinking Development—A Necessary Step in Higher Education Transformation towards Sustainability

  • University of Presov

Education for sustainable development has been addressed by professionals, authorities, and a number of research studies in the last decades, and yet the results are not clearly visible. Teachers as …

  • Posted Nov. 29, 2018
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What does environmentally sustainable higher education institution mean?

  • Riga Technical University

Sustainable development, environmental protection and climate change definitions are increasingly emphasized globally. As analyses on global warming shows, all stakeholders in society must act to reduce their environmental impact. With …

  • Posted Nov. 26, 2018
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Transferring Sustainability Solutions across Contexts through City–University Partnerships

  • Arizona State University (AZ)
  • Portland State University (OR)
  • Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (DF)
  • Leuphana University of Lüneburg
  • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

The urgency of climate change and other sustainability challenges makes transferring and scaling solutions between cities a necessity. However, solutions are deeply contextual. To accelerate solution efforts, there is a …

  • Posted Nov. 26, 2018
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Developing and Sustaining Sustainability-Related Academic Programming: Observations of Emerging Practices

  • University of West Florida (FL)

This paper offers an overview and summary of selected sustainability-related academic programs and certificates delivered by universities and colleges that are located within the same geographic area (Grand Rapids, Michigan, …

  • Posted Nov. 26, 2018
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Teaching and Research on Sustainable Architecture at the University of Applied Sciences Vienna–FH Campus Wien

  • University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien

The University of Applied Sciences in Vienna has offered university degree programs in the field of construction for more than twenty years and has thus gained great expertise in developing …

  • Posted Nov. 26, 2018
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Sustainability in the professional accounting and finance curriculum: an exploration

  • University of Chester

Whereas the integration of sustainability into business schools has received increasing attention in recent years, the debate continues to be generic rather than recognising the peculiarities of the more quantitative …

  • Posted Nov. 26, 2018
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Environmental Education at Faculty of Agriculture and Changing Awareness, Attitude and Behavior towards Environment in Turkey

  • Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University
  • Hitit Üniversitesi

Environmental problems have become increasingly more destructive. For this reason, environmental education and awareness have gained importance. This study had two objectives: to determine the factors affecting the attitude and …

  • Posted Nov. 26, 2018
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Panoramic difference of academicians in promoting sustainable change

  • Jaipuria Institute of Management
  • University of Petroleum and Energy Studies

The social, economic, cultural, ecological and political transformations are essential factors of sustainable development and studies have shown that higher education is one of the important sources to bring required …

  • Posted Nov. 26, 2018
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Communicating a social agenda within HEIs: the role of the social enterprise mark

  • University of Salford
  • University of Huddersfield

By using the lens of the social enterprise mark (SEM) accreditation which enables social enterprises to “prove” that the interests of people and planet are put before shareholder gain, this …

  • Posted Nov. 26, 2018
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Assessment of Ecological Footprint and Sustainability Analysis of Debre Berhan University in Ethiopia

  • Debre Berhan University

Ecological footprint is an environmental tool to assess the environmental impacts and resource consumption by the operations and activities in a given area. This approach, to make university campus area …

  • Posted Nov. 26, 2018
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Environmental performance of universities: Proposal for implementing campus urban morphology as an evaluation parameter in Green Metric

  • Università Roma Tre

Over the last years, various sustainability evaluation tools for universities have been developed and have gained a certain diffusion. This paper reviews the applications of the most widespread university ranking …

  • Posted Nov. 26, 2018
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A practical learning environment for sustainability and sustainable tourism: The case of student engagement at the sustainability house (SH)

  • University of North Texas (TX)
  • Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza
  • Kyung Hee University

This paper aims to review the current joint master’s program between two international institutions in the USA and Costa Rica; to identify students’ perceptions and experiences with the sustainability house …

  • Posted Nov. 26, 2018
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Understanding Finnish student craft teachers’ conceptions of sustainability

  • University of Eastern Finland

This study aims to explore student craft teachers’ conceptions of sustainable craft. This is an important issue because the Finnish National Curriculum of Basic Education emphasises sustainability, especially in craft …

  • Posted Nov. 26, 2018
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Student teachers’ perceptions about the social pillar of urban sustainability: Attached importance and believed effectiveness of education

  • University of Western Macedonia

This study aims to detect preschool and primary school student–teachers’ (STs) views about the social pillar of urban sustainability and particularly about the importance they attach to various social aspects …

  • Posted Nov. 26, 2018
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Protecting Life on Land and Below Water: Using Storytelling to Promote Undergraduate Students’ Attitudes toward Animals

  • National Sun Yat-sen University

The framework of Global Education 2030 Agenda suggests 17 learning objectives for sustainability education. Restoring the human–animal relationship is a core task emphasized by Goals 14 (Life below water) and …

  • Posted Nov. 15, 2018
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Students’ mobility attitudes and sustainable transport mode choice

  • University of Bergamo

This study aims to explore the propensity of university students to use different sustainable transport modes, taking into account individual and specific trip characteristics, as well as students’ psychological traits …

  • Posted Nov. 15, 2018
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Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Sustainability: Systematic Review 1990–2016

  • Universidad de Antioquia

For any transition towards sustainability to be successful, it is necessary to understand the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) – related to sustainability – in different populations. A systematic review …

  • Posted Nov. 15, 2018
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Enhancing university students’ global citizenship, public mindedness, and moral quotient for promoting sense of environmental responsibility and pro-environmental behaviours

  • Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University
  • King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi

Many universities have attempted to courage their students to engage in sustainable, green behaviours. However, the mere role of environmental knowledge cannot contribute to students’ engagement in pro-environmental behaviours. This …

  • Posted Nov. 15, 2018
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Bridging barriers to advance global sustainability

  • Columbia University (NY)
  • The Ohio State University (OH)
  • University of Maryland, College Park (MD)
  • University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
  • SEA Education Association (MA)

Academic enterprises seeking to support society’s efforts to achieve global sustainability need to change their legacy reward systems. We need new structures to foster knowledge that is deeply integrated across …

  • Posted Nov. 15, 2018
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Wicked Leadership Competencies for Sustainability Professionals: Definition, Pedagogy, and Assessment

  • Virginia Tech (VA)

Sustainability professionals need specialized leadership competencies to effectively influence the complex, uncertain, conflicted, and dynamic (i.e., wicked) sustainability challenges of our time. Higher education programs can teach these leadership competencies …

  • Posted Nov. 15, 2018
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A pedagogy of interconnectedness for encountering climate change as a wicked sustainability problem

  • University of Helsinki
  • University of Eastern Finland

Climate change is a wicked problem of our time. It is a phenomenon that is difficult to combat with prevailing ways of thinking and behaving related to a modern understanding …

  • Posted Nov. 15, 2018
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Teetering on the Brink: Subversive and Restorative Learning in Times of Climate Turmoil and Disaster

  • Sustainability Frontiers

Unchecked climate change poses a self-inflicted existential risk to humanity as it exacerbates the multiple-crisis syndrome facing global society. In international policy, education for sustainable development is widely flagged as …

  • Posted Nov. 15, 2018
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The Sustainability Consciousness Questionnaire: The theoretical development and empirical validation of an evaluation instrument for stakeholders working with sustainable development

  • University of Antwerp
  • Karlstad University

In this paper, the concept of sustainability consciousness, an individual's experience and awareness of sustainable development, is introduced. Based on UNESCO's definition of sustainable development, a sustainability consciousness questionnaire (SCQ) …

  • Posted Nov. 15, 2018
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(Education for) Sustainable Development in Geography Education: review and outlook from a perspective of Germany

  • Université du Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
  • University of Hamburg

Nearly 15 years after the Rio Conference and 10 years after the Lucerne Declaration on Geographical Education for Sustainable Development we are interested to what extent the goals of this …

  • Posted Nov. 13, 2018
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A critical realist inquiry in conducting interdisciplinary research: an analysis of LUCID examples

  • Lund University

In recent years, a strong natural science hegemony has predominantly framed our understanding of sustainability challenges and, as a result, the production of solution strategies. In countering this, some academic …

  • Posted Nov. 13, 2018
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Prefiguring Sustainability through Participatory Action Research Experiences for Undergraduates: Reflections and Recommendations for Student Development

  • Arizona State University (AZ)
  • Colorado State University (CO)
  • University of Cincinnati (OH)

PAR-based UREs are undergraduate research experiences (UREs)—built into university-community partnerships—that apply principles of participatory action research (PAR) towards addressing community-defined challenges. In this paper, we advance PAR-based UREs as an …

  • Posted Nov. 13, 2018
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Impact of communication sources for achieving campus sustainability

  • Cornell University (NY)
  • University of Washington, Seattle (WA)

Using self-reported data from over 12,000 students, staff, and faculty members, this study aims to quantify the effectiveness of various sustainability information sources on the awareness and behavioral changes of …

  • Posted Nov. 13, 2018
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We Want Black Students, Just Not You: How White Admissions Counselors Screen Black Prospective Students

  • Florida Gulf Coast University (FL)

Most historically and predominantly white institutions (HPWIs) now desire some number of black students on their campuses. However, recent theoretical scholarship suggests that HPWIs’ desire for and willingness to embrace …

  • Posted Nov. 13, 2018
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Sustainable development concept in the chemistry curriculum: An exploration of foundation students’ perspective

  • National University of Malaysia

Purpose This paper aims to investigate the knowledge, attitude and behaviour of foundation chemistry learners concerning the sustainable development concept.

Design/methodology/approach Qualitative and quantitative studies were conducted. Atlas.ti software was …

  • Posted Nov. 13, 2018
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Transformative Sustainability Learning Within a Material-Discursive Ontology

  • University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (WI)

In this article, sustainability education is defined within the three orders of change—education about, for, and as sustainability. The third-order change, education as sustainability is defined as transformative sustainability education—an …

  • Posted Nov. 13, 2018
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Education for Wonder

  • UNSW Sydney (NSW)

This article argues that rejuvenating a sense of wonder towards nature is essential to ecocentric education and to finding a sustainable future. It examines the barriers that block education for …

  • Posted Nov. 13, 2018
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