

AASHE’s publications library is the leading repository of reports, journal articles, books, and student research on sustainability in higher education. Certain publication types are entered in the annual AASHE Awards Program.

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3958 resources

Analysis of the perception of engineering students regarding sustainability

  • Université de Sherbrooke (QC)
  • University of Campinas
  • Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
  • Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Universidad Libre (Valle del Cauca)

This research aims to evaluate the engineering students' perception regarding sustainability. For this, a survey was developed based on sustainability parameters from a detailed analysis of the Global Reporting Initiative …

  • Posted March 4, 2020
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Education of sustainable development goals through students’ active engagement: A transformative learning experience

  • Università degli Studi di Torino

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to discuss and present new teaching techniques to advance the concept and the practice of education for sustainable development (SD). Due to the …

  • Posted March 4, 2020
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Hacking down disciplinary walls: Advancing sustainability and interprofessional competencies through a hackathon model

  • University of Calgary (AB)

The Calgary Interprofessional Challenge (CIC) engages university students across disciplines in a novel 44-hour hackathon based on faculty and peer-to-peer interprofessional education. CIC uses short introductory talks on problem-solving in …

  • Posted March 4, 2020
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Synergy of the (Campus) Commons: Integrating Campus-Based Team Projects in an Introductory Sustainability Course

  • Duke University (NC)

Faculty and staff at Duke have collaborated to teach a one-semester, introductory, undergraduate course on sustainability ten times over 12 years, including both theoretical and applied project-based content. This article …

  • Posted March 4, 2020
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Embracing conflicts for interpersonal competence development in project-based sustainability courses

  • Arizona State University (AZ)
  • Leuphana University of Lüneburg

Purpose Advanced skills in communication, teamwork and stakeholder engagement are widely recognized as important success factors for advancing sustainability. While project-based learning formats claim to advance such skills, there is …

  • Posted March 4, 2020
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Assessing the materiality of university G4-sustainability reports

  • Johannes Kepler University Linz (Oberösterreich)

Purpose Materiality, as a content-selection principle, is an emerging trend in sustainability reporting for making sustainability reports (SRs) more relevant for stakeholders. The purpose of this paper is to investigate …

  • Posted March 4, 2020
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Opportunities and Benefits of a University-Based Weatherization Assistance Program: The Case of Furman University's Community Conservation Corps

  • Furman University (SC)

Weatherization assistance programs have been in existence in the United States for decades, but they are commonly managed and implemented by local government organizations. Furman University, a small liberal arts …

  • Posted March 4, 2020
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If a Tree Falls: Business Students Learning Active Citizenship from Environmentalists

  • The Hague University of Applied Science
  • University of Oulu

This article presents and discusses student assignments reflecting on the documentary film If a Tree Falls, written as part of the Business Ethics and Sustainability course at The Hague University …

  • Posted March 4, 2020
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Reach out and touch: student training community projects for sustainability - a case study

  • Wageningen University

As one of the five concrete actions recommended for implementing sustainable development at universities (internal operations, institutional framework, research, education and capacity building), capacity building has received the least research …

  • Posted March 4, 2020
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The Mystery Method Reconsidered—A Tool for Assessing Systems Thinking in Education for Sustainable Development

  • Leibniz Universität Hannover
  • University of Kiel
  • University of Hamburg

Influence diagrams, derived from the mystery method as its learning output, represent an externalization of systems thinking and are, therefore, valid to research; so far they have not been conceptualized …

  • Posted March 4, 2020
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Weaving Equity and Sustainability into the Fabric of Higher Education: The University of Utah Experience

  • University of Utah (UT)

Sustainability is an idea that is celebrated, loathed, or deemed entirely useless given its many meanings and approaches. While scholars broadly agree it must include merging ecology, economy, and equity, …

  • Posted March 4, 2020
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Cultures of sustainability governance in higher education institutions: A multi‐case study of dimensions and implications

  • University of Vechta
  • Freie Universität Berlin

Organisational culture is frequently mentioned in the context of sustainability governance in higher education institutions, but its substance and role for organisational development remain largely unclear. This paper argues that, …

  • Posted March 4, 2020
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How Western Michigan University is approaching its commitment to sustainability through sustainability-focused courses

  • Western Michigan University (MI)

Many Higher education institutions have committed to the integration of sustainability issues into their curriculum, but these commitments often do not result in the desired changes. Recognizing the importance of …

  • Posted March 4, 2020
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Intersectional sustainability and student activism: A framework for achieving social sustainability on university campuses

  • Southwestern University (TX)
  • University of Sydney (NSW)

In recent decades, universities have made significant progress toward environmental sustainability and have likewise tightened their budgets and restructured economic models in the name of financial sustainability. However, institutions of …

  • Posted March 4, 2020
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Climate change and the fossil fuel divestment movement in Canadian higher education: The mobilities of actions, actors, and tactics

  • University of Saskatchewan (SK)

Situated within the broader climate justice movement, the fossil fuel divestment movement calls for both public and private divestment of financial holdings from fossil fuel companies. This paper examines the …

  • Posted March 4, 2020
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Analysing material and embodied environmental flows of an Australian university — Towards a more circular economy

  • University of Melbourne (Victoria)

Humans are extracting and consuming unprecedented quantities of materials from the crust of the Earth. Contributing to this consumption, university campuses require large amounts of materials to operate. This offers …

  • Posted March 4, 2020
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Student perceptions of sustainability in higher education - An international survey

  • National Union of Students

Since the academic year of 2010-2011, the National Union of Students (NUS) has carried out research with higher education students in the UK into their experiences of, and demand for, …

  • Posted Feb. 11, 2020
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Quantifying potential savings from sustainable energy projects at a large public university: An energy efficiency assessment for texas state university

  • Texas State University, San Marcos (TX)

At Texas State University (TSU) in the United States, “sustainability” is pursued within the context of (1) a non-binding declaration in the University’s plan, and (2) a State legislative directive …

  • Posted Feb. 10, 2020
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A lifecycle cost analysis of transitioning to a fully-electrified, renewably powered, and carbon-neutral campus at the University of Dayton

  • University of Dayton (OH)

This paper analyzes the cost-effectiveness of converting the University of Dayton (UD) to a fully-electrified, renewably powered, carbon-neutral campus by 2025. The greenhouse gas (GHG) impact and 30-year lifecycle costs …

  • Posted Feb. 10, 2020
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A review of empirical data of sustainability initiatives in university campus operations

  • University of Coimbra

Given the need to actively address the challenges of climate change, university leaders have a growing interest in reducing their campuses’ environmental impact. This article carries out a comprehensive literature …

  • Posted Feb. 10, 2020
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TrojanSense, a participatory sensing framework for occupant-aware management of thermal comfort in campus buildings

  • University of Southern California (CA)

This paper describes the development of TrojanSense, a participatory sensing framework developed to collect, analyze and report user assessments of thermal preference at the campus scale with room-level spatial resolution. …

  • Posted Feb. 10, 2020
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A methodological framework for the implementation of circular economy thinking in higher education institutions: Towards sustainable campus management

  • University of Mondragon, Spain (Guipuzcoa)
  • University of Manchester (Lancashire)

Many higher education institutions have started to develop academic curricula, research capacity and outreach activities related to circular economy. However, little is known yet on how to apply circular economy …

  • Posted Feb. 10, 2020
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Strategies for thermal comfort in university buildings - The case of the faculty of architecture at the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil

  • Universidade Federal da Bahia, Escola Politécnica (Bahia)

Buildings constructed according to bioclimatic architectural principles in amenable climates have often experienced posterior interventions that have closed ventilation openings for the installation of air conditioning units.

The present work …

  • Posted Feb. 10, 2020
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The Partial Deinstitutionalization of Affirmative Action in U.S. Higher Education, 1988 to 2014

  • Brown University (RI)
  • University of Toronto (ON)

Since the 1990s, affirmative action opponents have targeted colleges’ and universities’ race-conscious admissions policies and secured bans on the practice in eight states. Although scholarly and media attention has focused …

Increasing Vegetable Intake by Emphasizing Tasty and Enjoyable Attributes: A Randomized Controlled Multi-site Intervention for Taste-Focused Labeling

  • Stanford University (CA)

Healthy food labels tout health benefits, yet most people prioritize tastiness in the moment of food choice. In a preregistered intervention, we tested whether taste-focused labels compared with health-focused labels …

Cooking up a Course: Teaching sustainable marketing at MBA

  • Wageningen University

To explore how a critical course on mainstream marketing and business theory can shift the perception of sustainability as an extrinsic goal to sustainability as an intrinsic boundary condition to …

The Role of Higher Education Institutions in Preparing Youth to Manage a Sustainability-Oriented Future Workplace

  • Open University of the Netherlands

This paper aims to highlight the different forms, levels and pathways of engagement with climate change and sustainability of young people living in different contexts of vulnerability and adaptability. It …

Universities as the engine of transformational sustainability toward delivering the sustainable development goals: “Living labs” for sustainability

  • Harvard University (MA)

Universities can do more to deliver against the sustainable development goals (SDGs), working with faculty, staff and students, as well as their wider stakeholder community and alumni body. They play …

Combining the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of teaching sustainability: the case of the business school academics

  • University of Auckland

Faculty are key to bringing about ‘bottom-up’ change for sustainability education. Yet, research is still needed on the backgrounds and experiences of change agents in universities and the challenges they …

The influence of campus characteristics, temporal factors, and weather events on campuses-related daily bike-share trips

  • University of Nevada Las Vegas (NV)

Recently, there has been an increase in bike-sharing programs on university campuses. However, there is scarce literature on the campus characteristics that are most favorable for these programs. This study …

Creating a Culture of Wellness: A Call to Action for Higher Education, Igniting Change in Academic Institutions

  • Franklin University (OH)
  • The Ohio State University (OH)
  • The University of Texas at Tyler (TX)

Background: Due to the continued rise of chronic conditions and unhealthy lifestyle choices, more innovative and evidence-based practices are needed for students, faculty and staff to improve population health outcomes …

Higher Education for Sustainability: Seeking Intellectual Independence in Aotearoa New Zealand

  • University of Otago (Otago)

This book explores how higher education and sustainability interact in New Zealand, and argues that higher education at present may be contributing as much to unsustainability as it does to …

Competencies and Pedagogies for Sustainability Education: A Roadmap for Sustainability Studies Program Development in Colleges and Universities

  • Colorado Mountain College (CO)

Sustainability studies educators in colleges and universities must identify and teach the knowledge, skills, and abilities their graduates will most need to advance sustainability while confronting perhaps the most serious, …

Accelerating the Circular Economy Through Commercial Deconstruction and Reuse

  • Google, Inc (CA)
  • Ellen MacArthur Foundation

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation and Google team up to explore how a circular economy approach can address the systemic challenges of reuse, particularly in the built environment.

Deconstruction presents a …

Annual SDG Accord Report 2019: Progress towards the Global Goals in the University and College sector

  • Environmental Association for Universities & Colleges (EAUC) (Gloucestershire)

The Global Goals are a global blueprint that are designed to deliver progress, peace and prosperity for people and the planet. But to turn this plan into action, the UN …

  • Posted Dec. 13, 2019
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Reflective Practices in Sustainability Education

  • Saint Joseph's College - ME (ME)

The more we learn about the climate crisis and its far-reaching impacts, the harder they become to negotiate. Learners of all ages express anxiety and fear about circumstances beyond their …

  • Posted Dec. 12, 2019
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Revisiting Global University Rankings and Their Indicators in the Age of Sustainable Development

  • University College London (London)

This article is an attempt to facilitate the implementation of sustainable development goals (SDGs) by encouraging adjustments in international university ranking systems as influential players in the field of higher …

  • Posted Dec. 12, 2019
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Annual SDGs Report 2018

  • National University of Sciences and Technology (Federal)

Realizing the importance of United Nations 17 SDGs, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) , Pakistan has adopted UN SDGs framework to monitor and improve the impact of contribution …

Slow Conferencing: A Recipe for Connection in Troubled Times

  • University of Toronto (ON)

The international conference comes at a cost in terms of our carbon footprint, but it also comes at a cost in terms of building broad communities of interest - particularly …

The environmental footprint of academic and student mobility in a large research-oriented university

  • McGill University (QC)
  • Université de Montréal (QC)

Academic mobility for field work, research dissemination and global outreach is increasingly recognized as an important contributor to the overall environmental footprint of research institutions. Student mobility, while less studied, …

Evaluating a collaborative governance regime in renewable energy: Wind power and the Lake Erie Energy Development Corporation (LEEDCo)

  • Baldwin Wallace University (OH)

Abstract The Lake Erie Energy Development Corporation (LEEDCo) illustrates the leverage that the collaborative governance regime (CGR) brings to start-up renewable energy ventures. Called Icebreaker, the effort to build the …

  • Posted Nov. 13, 2019
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2012 Sustainability Reporting of the Top U.S. Universities

  • Claremont McKenna College (CA)

This report is an analysis of the web-based reporting of sustainability topics covered by the 124 American national universities most highly-ranked in 2011 by U.S. News and World Report. The …

Learning for a Change: Exploring the Relationship Between Education and Sustainable Development

  • University of Bath
  • South West Learning for Sustainability Coalition

Whether we view sustainable development as our greatest challenge or a subversive litany, every phase of education is now being urged to declare its support for education for sustainable development …

The action competence approach and the ‘new’ discourses of education for sustainable development, competence and quality criteria

  • University College South Denmark

Action competence has been a key concept in educational circles in Denmark since the 1980s. This paper explores the relationship between the action competence approach and recent discourses of education …

Business ethics, CSR, sustainability and the MBA

  • University of Ulster

The issues of business ethics, corporate social responsibility and sustainability have come to attract increasing attention in management education in recent years, at least from the perspective of potential employers, …

Renewable energy education: A global status review

  • Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
  • Strömstad Academy

Need for renewable energy education and training at all levels is globally recognized. During the last three decades a large number of countries across the globe have initiated academic programmes …

Universities as Potential Actors for Sustainable Development

  • Technische Universität Kaiserslautern

Universities can contribute to the solutions of major challenges of the 21st century such as increasing environmental and socio-economic crises, inequalities of income and wealth and political instabilities by integrating …

Quality Disclosure in Sustainability Reporting: Evidence From Universities

  • Università degli Studi di Firenze - UniFI (Italy)
  • Università Telematica Internazionale Uninettuno

Attention towards sustainability reporting is very high with reference to higher education. The paper aims to assess the maturity level of sustainability reporting and to measure its quality by evaluating …

Ecological Efficiency of High Education—Ecological Footprint of University Campus

  • Shenyang University

The principles of the componential method for ecological footprint calculation are introduced and its mathematical model formulated. The method is then applied to case studies of university campuses to investigate …

True Green and Sustainable University Campuses? Toward a Clusters Approach

  • Gran Sasso Science Institute

Campus greening is often the first step universities take towards sustainability. However, the diffusion of sustainability reporting methodologies and rankings is still at an early stage, and is biased in …