

AASHE’s publications library is the leading repository of reports, journal articles, books, and student research on sustainability in higher education. Certain publication types are entered in the annual AASHE Awards Program.

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3958 resources

Connecting Learning About the Earth to Societal Issues: Downstream Effects on Faculty Teaching

  • Carleton College (MN)
  • University of Washington, Seattle (WA)

This chapter describes InTeGrate, a national sustainability curricular development program, and the influence of the program on instructors who created the curriculum as well as those who utilized the InTeGrate …

Alliances of Change Pushing Organizational Transformation Towards Sustainability across 13 Universities

  • University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna

Universities are expected to play a leading role in developing and maintaining sustainability. To contribute to a systemic and dynamic understanding of organizational change that is necessary in order to …

Resilient Learners, Learning Resilience: Contemplative Practice in the Sustainability Classroom

  • Michigan State University (MI)
  • University of North Carolina, Asheville (NC)

Through literature review, anecdote, and empirical case study, this chapter explores the role of contemplative practice—yoga, meditation, reflection, breathwork—in the sustainability classroom as a way to increase both learner resilience …

Does higher education prepare students to bridge divides in today’s democracy?

  • Western Washington University (WA)

Recent political events serve as a reminder that American society comprises groups with divergent visions for the future and mutually incompatible ideas of how to achieve those futures. Despite this …

(Dis)agreement over what? The challenge of quantifying environmental worldviews

  • University of Southern California (CA)

Ever since environmentalism emerged as a social movement, researchers have been trying to quantify the attitudes underlying environmental concern. From the 1970s through the early 2000s, the practice of measuring …

Narratives of place: critical reflections on place-making in the curriculum of environmental studies and sciences (ESS)

  • California State University, San Marcos (CA)

This essay reflects on the experiential learning of place and place-making in the ESS curriculum, and contributes to the literature on critical place-based education. This paper discusses “narratives of place” …

Interdependencies of Culture and Functions of Sustainability Governance at Higher Education Institutions

  • University of Vechta
  • Freie Universität Berlin

Sustainable development practices in higher education institutions are diverse, with regard not only to the types of challenges that have to be addressed, but also to the forms of sustainability …

The Role of Universities in Sustainability-Oriented Competencies Development: Insights from an Empirical Study on Polish Universities

  • Cracow University of Economics/Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie (UEK) (Kraków)

The growing importance of sustainable development constitutes a challenging trend for education. Universities create study programs and organize extracurricular activities in order to prepare future generations of professionals as well …

Factors Impeding the Integration of Sustainability Elements in Built Environment Academic Curricula

  • University of Uyo (Akwa Ibom State)

Development within the construction industry shows that higher education is critical in the sector’s skills improvement. However, research findings are also explicit about absent and shadow integration of core sustainable …

Evaluating the implications of Stakeholder's role towards sustainability of higher education

  • Montpellier Business School (Montpellier)
  • OP Jindal Global University (Haryana)
  • Symbiosis International University (Maharashtra)

This paper aims to evaluate the relationship between academic optimism and sustainability of higher education. The intervening role of extra role behavior and internal branding is also examined. The data …

University living learning labs: An integrative and transformative approach

  • La Trobe University (Victoria)
  • Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • International Islamic University Malaysia

Having the global movement of the University’s third mission of co-creation for sustainability, the living lab has mentioned as one of innovative and transformative approach for university response to the …

Framework proposal for the environmental impact assessment of universities in the context of Green IT

  • Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG) (GO)

The concept of Green IT refers to sustainable technologies and information systems as well as environmentally friendly IT practices. Universities, which hold responsibility for propagating and applying knowledge, play an …

Application of international energy efficiency standards for energy auditing in a University buildings

  • Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design
  • National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv)

This study seeks to provide insights on understanding the contemporary problems of energy efficiency in Ukrainian universities by developing a comprehensive energy efficiency management framework that encompasses its participating subjects, …

Educating for Sustainability: The Crucial Role of the Tertiary Sector

  • Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University/Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (Stuttgart)

The Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations represent a universal response to current global challenges that include climate change, poverty, political instability and the massive displacement of people worldwide. …

A framework for teaching socio-environmental problem-solving

  • Georgetown University (DC)
  • James Madison University (VA)
  • The Ohio State University (OH)
  • North Dakota State University (ND)
  • National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) (MD)

The urgent environmental challenges we now face, from climate change to biodiversity loss, involve people and the planet, the social, and the environmental. Teaching students to become effective socio-environmental problem-solvers …

Should responsible management education become a priority? A qualitative study of academics in Egyptian public business schools

  • Estonian Business School (Harjumaa)
  • Université Internationale de Rabat
  • Cardiff Metropolitan University

In this paper we investigate why responsible management education (RME) should become a necessity in Egyptian public business schools. A total of 80 academics from three universities were contacted and …

Rethinking Teacher Training According to 21st Century Competences

  • Universitatea Transilvania din Brasov (Brașov)

One of the demands of our educational system is the orientantion towards sustenability. To prepare people for future we need teachers who are able to develop the 21stcentury competences – …

Using Short Fiction to Teach Business and Environmental Ethics

  • Sanata Dharma University

This study firstly explores Ecohumanism as the educational paradigm in today’s world. Raising environmental awareness is essential in studying economics to care for the sustainability of earth resources. Using the …

Green Economy Marketing in Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Kenya

  • Technical University of Mombasa

Green skills are relevant for Sustainable Development for the modern economy. To adapt green economy, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) are important in the contribution towards its success …

E-waste recycling assessment at university campus: a strategy toward sustainability

  • Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit (Nayarit)

Electronic waste is one of the main environmental problems caused by the consumption’s dynamics. E-waste disposal is concerning all the stakeholders, from policymakers to the end users. Hence, an assessment …

University Social Responsibility – Good Practices of Polish Higher Education Institutions

  • Gdynia Maritime University (Gdynia)

All organizations, including Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), should be socially responsible. Therefore, the article aims to answer the following research questions: How are the principles of social responsibility implemented by …

The Role of Universities in a Sustainable Society. Why Value-Free Research is Neither Possible nor Desirable

  • Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Oberbayern)

The current climate crisis confronts us with a deep discrepancy between knowledge and action. Therefore, this article is looking for a readjustment of the relationship between science and society. The …

The Concept of Sustainability in the Romanian Top Universities’ Strategic Plans

  • Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara

The concept of sustainability has been given more and more attention lately as the effects of climate change drastically impact society and threaten the wellbeing of future generations. In this …

Transfer for Sustainable Development at Higher Education Institutions—Untapped Potential for Education for Sustainable Development and for Societal Transformation

  • Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development/Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde (Brandenburg)

Higher education institutions (HEIs) are increasingly confronted with societal needs beyond research and teaching. These include sustainable development and technology transfer as well as the practical application of knowledge and …

A Design-Based Learning Approach for Fostering Sustainability Competency in Engineering Education

  • Hunan City University (Hunan)

This paper provides and illustrates a design-based learning (DBL) approach for fostering individual sustainability competency in engineering education. We performed two studies with engineering students in typical educational activities. The …

Solid Waste Characterization and Recycling Potential for a University Campus in China

  • University of Surrey
  • Henan Agricultural University (Henan)

Waste characterization is the first step to a successful waste management system. This paper explores the trend of solid waste generated on a university campus (Longzi Lake Campus of Henan …

Authentic leadership towards sustainability in higher education – an integrated green model

  • Montpellier Business School (Montpellier)
  • OP Jindal Global University (Haryana)
  • Symbiosis International University (Maharashtra)
  • Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh)

Purpose Sustainability in higher education has drawn the attention of various scholars. However, to date, very few studies have examined the human side of green employee behaviour towards sustainability. Thus, …

Students’ perceptions of HEI regarding environmental sustainability – a comparative analysis

  • Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra (Coimbra)

Purpose This paper aims to compare the environmental sustainability practices at the campus operations between two Portuguese higher education institutions (HEIs) at different stages of the implementation of an Eco-School …

Principles for responsible management education in 2068

  • Glasgow Caledonian University
  • The Sino-British College, USST (Shanghai)
  • Gratia Christian College
  • Donghua University (Shanghai)

The authors explore the potential relevance of the United Nations initiative Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) in 50 years’ time, including whether, and how, the six Principles on which …

An assessment of socially responsible consciousness and multi-level integration of business morals, corporate social obligation and sustainability in higher education

  • Delhi Technological University

The recent developments have generated the need for sense of community building, social apprehension and inculcation of social-consciousness in the young managers and achieving this requires being a part of …

Putting sustainability research into practice on the university campus: An example from a Caribbean small island state

  • University of Zurich
  • University of Aruba

Despite increasing efforts to incorporate sustainability in curricula and practices of institutions of higher education, effective implementation remains challenging. The purpose of this study is to present an approach to …

Enhancing Growth in Rooftop Gardens with CO2 from Human Respiration Inside Buildings

  • Boston University (MA)

Cities are essential areas for human society. They face many environmental challenges while providing opportunities for integrating human infrastructure with the surrounding environment. This study proposes a system whereby carbon …

Sustaining a Student-Led Environmental Movement at San Diego State University: Leveraging Collaboration to Create an Environmentally Sustainable Endowment

  • San Diego State University (CA)

As the global economy grows, environmental activists increasingly work towards more environmentally sustainable investing practices, especially at higher education institutions. As Sustainability Commissioner (2019-2020) at San Diego State University (“SDSU” …

A Machine Learning Based Tool for the Assessment of Energy Consumption in K-12 Schools

  • Florida Institute of Technology (FL)

Energy costs are the second highest operational expense for K-12 schools in the United States. Improving energy efficiency and moving towards sustainable school buildings not only result in substantial cost …

Reducing Smith College’s Dining GHG emissions: An analysis of beef and milk substitutions

  • Smith College (MA)

The life cycle of food is responsible for over a quarter of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through production, processing, distribution, and waste. The environmental impact of food varies by …

Biodiversity in the Campus Landscape: A Meta-Evaluation of Landscape Metrics and Rating Systems

  • Smith College (MA)

In the context of globally dwindling biodiversity, Smith College is in the process of developing a new Landscape Master Plan. This research analyzed approaches to landscape management rating systems and …

Unveiling the path towards sustainability: scientific interest at HEIs from a scientometric approach in the period 2008-2017

  • Carlos III University of Madrid

Humanity has experienced the impact of an unsustainable economic model at all levels. This topic has crystallized in different summits and conferences during the 20th century. As a result of …

Solar Microgrid Investment in the US: Financial Modelling Challenges for a University Based Project

  • California State University, San Marcos (CA)

Unlike economies that are still experiencing growth, established markets like the United States have a difficult time generating returns with large upside potential for investors. If an exceptional return is …

Questionnaire survey on consciousness and behavior of students to achieve SDGs in Kyoto University

  • Kyoto University

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), consisting of 17 goals and 169 targets regarding the economic, social and environmental objectives to achieve global sustainable development by 2030, have received considerable attention not …

The Development of Critical Success Factors, Benefits and Challenges for Higher Education for Sustainable Development Model (HESD) in Malaysian Public Higher Institutions

  • Universiti Sains Malaysia
  • Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Selangor)
  • Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (Perak Darul Ridzuan)

Sustainable development as well as effective practices is important in higher education. Higher education institutions are facing challenges specifically in sustainability. Thus, the objective of this study is to identify …

Assessing the green behaviour of academics: The role of green human resource management and environmental knowledge

  • Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (Terengganu)

Purpose Studies have highlighted concerns about the role of knowledge creation between human resource management practices and employee behaviour. The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of …

Sustainability in Brazilian HEI: practices overview

  • Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to verify how Brazilian HEIs apply sustainability practices, as means to improve their effects towards society, making clear to the public, including current …

Teaching and mindsets regarding sustainable development – a Mexican case study

  • Universidad de Sonora (Sonora)

Aim: The world has become increasingly interconnected and complex. This represents a very serious problem for sustainable development; therefore, the development of instruments that reduces ignorance as well as fragilities …

Assessment of the car-free day implementation on UTM campus using a shortest path method

  • Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

A Car-Free Day (CFD) initiative was introduced on the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) campus and intended to reduce vehicle emissions, promote healthy lifestyle modes of transportation and improve environmental sustainability …

Sustainable Facilities Management: Interviews with FM practitioners for Malaysian universities

  • Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Sustainability in Facilities Management (FM) is a new approach in managing buildings and may be influenced by practitioners involved within an organisation.Sustainability inthe organisation has a significant impact on organisational …

Critical Pedagogy and Eco-pedagogy: Discussing Ethics and Radical Environmentalism at Business School

  • The Hague University of Applied Science

This article discusses critical pedagogy and ecopedagogy, which stimulate active citizenship through the lessons of environmentalism, exposing students to the critique of the underlying power structures of society. This article …

The Smart Classroom as a Means to the Development of ESD Methodologies

  • Rovira i Virgili University

Educational institutions are envisioned as principal agents for addressing the current sustainability challenge that society is facing. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is transformational and concerns learning content and outcomes, …

Sustainability funding in higher education: a literature-based review

  • Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to report a literature review on sustainability funding in higher education and an analysis of the theoretical influence on academic research. The theoretical …

Sustainability in management education: a Biggs’ 3P model application

  • Loyola University Maryland (MD)
  • Centro Universitário da FEI

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to assess the main factors that contribute to teaching and learning sustainability in management education (SiME), which is defined as a body of …

Graduate ability to show workplace sustainability leadership: demonstration of an assessment tool

  • RMIT University

Information associated with the assessment of graduate attributes, in the workplace, is limited. Yet if the many environmental and social problems that confront communities are to be managed, we need …