

AASHE’s publications library is the leading repository of reports, journal articles, books, and student research on sustainability in higher education. Certain publication types are entered in the annual AASHE Awards Program.

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3958 resources

Constructivist approach in teaching sustainability and business ethics: a case study

  • Åbo Akademi University (Varsinais-Suomi)

This paper aims to explore methods of teaching sustainability and business ethics, relevant to the modern demand for student’s skills and knowledge. The study explores the challenges of teaching a …

  • Posted April 22, 2021
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Measuring environmental website communications in Latin American universities: multimodal and ecolinguistic benchmarking

  • Universidad De Alcalá

This paper aims to explore the current state of website environmental communications in Latin American universities through a benchmarking operational tool. The study considers how these universities communicate their environmental …

  • Posted April 22, 2021
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Bolstering responsible management education through the sustainable development goals: Three perspectives

  • Breda University of Applied Sciences
  • University of Antwerp

Acknowledging the roles and responsibilities of business in society and the importance of realizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), contemporary management education is characterized by the integration of a rich …

  • Posted April 22, 2021
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Long-Term Impact of Study Abroad on Sustainability-Related Attitudes and Behaviors

  • University of Florida (FL)
  • University of Tennessee at Knoxville (TN)

Using study abroad as a vehicle for sustainable education is a growing trend. However, an examination of the impact of study abroad on participants’ sustainability-related attitudes and behaviors years after …

  • Posted April 22, 2021
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Art Education Beyond Anthropocentricism: The Question of Nonhuman Animals in Contemporary Art and Its Education

  • Aalto University

In this article, I explore human relationships to nonhuman animals through posthumanism, contemporary art, and critical animal studies (CAS), offering perspectives for contemporary art education beyond anthropocentricism. I investigate the …

  • Posted April 22, 2021
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A case study on the suitability of STARS for green campus in China

  • Zhejiang University

With the continuous development of China's green campus, its future construction should learn from foreign advanced development experience and achievements. On the one hand, STARS, a global advanced green campus …

  • Posted April 22, 2021
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Sustainable Literary Competence: Connecting Literature Education to Education for Sustainability

  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Ecocritical scholarship has always had pedagogical ambitions. It is commonly assumed that education based on ecocritical readings of literature will change the attitudes and actions of pupils and students and …

  • Posted April 21, 2021
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Student-led sustainability transformations: employing realist evaluation to open the black box of learning in a Challenge Lab curriculum

  • Chalmers University of Technology

While sustainability-oriented education is increasingly placing importance on engaging students in inter- and transdisciplinary learning processes with societal actors and authentic challenges in the centre, little research attends to how …

  • Posted April 21, 2021
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Educators’ experiences and strategies for responding to ecological distress

  • University of Cambridge
  • University of Sydney (NSW)

Research is increasingly identifying the issues of ecological distress, eco-anxiety and climate grief. These painful experiences arise from heightened ecological knowledge and concern, which are commonly considered to be de …

  • Posted April 21, 2021
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Students, sustainability and education: Results from a survey of students in higher education around the world

  • Students Organising For Sustainability (SOS-UK)

Between April and October 2020, SOS International invited higher education institutions and student-facing organisations to send out a survey designed to gather insight into student experiences of sustainability and education. …

  • Posted April 21, 2021
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The wicked problem of teaching about wicked problems: Design thinking and emerging technologies in sustainability education

  • University of New Hampshire (NH)
  • Montpellier Business School (Montpellier)

In this paper, we explore the system-level challenges found in sustainability-focused education and consider how the intersections of design thinking and emerging technologies in augmented and virtual reality (AVR) can …

  • Posted April 21, 2021
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Students as change agents for campus sustainability in Malaysian universities

  • University of Malaya

The notion of students as change agents have widely been used in the campus sustainability literature, but very little has been done to unpack what it really means in practice. …

  • Posted April 21, 2021
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The motivation and development impact of energy saving to sustainability in the construction of green campus: a case study of the Zhejiang University, China

  • Zhejiang University
  • University of Kitakyushu (Fukuoka)

The construction of green campus is related to the global sustainable development. Under the guidance of campus energy-saving policy, China’s green campus mainly focuses on campus’ energy saving. In contrast, …

  • Posted April 21, 2021
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Sustainable economic development in higher education institutions: A global analysis within the SDGs framework

  • Universidad de Almería (Almeria)

Universities must focus their efforts on being economically competitive without harming the chances of being sustainable. The study of sustainable economic development (SED) of higher education institutions (HEIs) has experienced …

  • Posted April 21, 2021
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Spatial distribution of urban vegetation: A case study of a Canadian University Campus using LiDAR-based metrics

  • University of British Columbia (BC)

Planners and urban managers design green spaces according to established standards, aspiring to create green spaces within and around the built environment. However, when building density is extremely high, it …

  • Posted April 21, 2021
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IoT Platform for Energy Sustainability in University Campuses

  • University of Coimbra
  • Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Comillas Universidad Pontificia (Madrid)

University campuses are normally constituted of large buildings responsible for high energy demand, and are also important as demonstration sites for new technologies and systems. This paper presents the results …

  • Posted April 21, 2021
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How An Arboretum Outreach Activity Changed Students’ Attitudes Towards Sustainable Development

  • Penn State Brandywine (PA)

In Fall 2017, Penn State Brandywine kicked off an initiative titled Sustainovation, emphasizing programming and community collaborations through sustainability and innovation. The campus identified Tyler Arboretum as a community partner …

  • Posted April 21, 2021
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Geographers declare (a climate emergency)?

  • University of Wollongong (New South Wales)

Over the last two decades ‘climate emergency’ has grown from a little-known term to a mainstream public issue. In Australia, the term gained traction during the 2019-2020 ‘Black Summer’ bushfires. …

  • Posted April 21, 2021
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The paradox model: towards a conceptual framework for engaging with sustainability in higher education

  • Canterbury Christ Church University

The growing awareness of climate change, biodiversity loss and the wider global environmental emergency has led to calls for decisive and immediate action from all sections of society. This paper …

  • Posted April 21, 2021
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DEI and Social/Environmental Justice Planning at University Sustainability Offices

  • Tufts University (MA)

This document is a memo written by an intern at the Tufts Office of Sustainability. The memo benchmarks 22 institutions of higher learning, noting the plans and initiatives that related …

  • Posted April 21, 2021
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Which Are the Main Factors Influencing Corporate Social Responsibility Information Disclosures on Universities’ Websites

  • Universidad de Granada

Universities are now becoming more active in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Nevertheless, they do not appear to be granting the same degree of importance to the dissemination …

  • Posted April 8, 2021
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Developing a Practical Framework of Sustainability Indicators Relevant to All Higher Education Institutions to Enable Meaningful International Rankings

  • University of Limerick

Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) sustainability assessments are receiving significant attention in the academic literature, with ever more complex grading and ranking systems being developed. This paper aims to provide national …

  • Posted April 8, 2021
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Hybrid method for measuring the accessibility and safety of students’ walking routes in car-dominated campuses

  • King Abdulaziz University

Creating a systematic, simple, and inexpensive method to measure walking route accessibility and safety is important for improving walkability in car-dominated university campuses. This study is the first to design …

  • Posted April 8, 2021
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Community-based climate action planning as an act of advocacy: a case study of liberal arts education in a rural community

  • Colgate University (NY)

The current lack of comprehensive federal climate policy highlights the critical need for effective subnational climate policy and programs. We describe our efforts to create and cultivate a community-based multi-stakeholder …

  • Posted April 8, 2021
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Field-Based Experiential Education in Geography: Discovering and Rethinking Urban Environmental Challenges and Possibilities

  • Boise State University (ID)
  • York University

Drawing on our experience teaching a 2-week field-based geography course on urban environmental issues, we reinforce the value of field-based experiential education (EE) especially as it faces growing threats. We …

  • Posted April 8, 2021
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Exploring the coverage of environmental-dimension indicators in existing campus sustainability appraisal tools

  • The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Despite the plethora of comprehensive review of campus sustainability assessment tools, reporting, and indicators in the extant literature, studies are absent specifically on campus-wide and spatial-based indicators in existing tools. …

  • Posted April 8, 2021
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Perceptions of salient stakeholders on the integration of sustainability education into the accounting curriculum: a Jordanian study

  • University of Waikato

This paper aims to examine the perceptions of salient stakeholders in Jordan concerning the importance of integrating sustainability education (SE) into the accounting curriculum.

  • Posted April 8, 2021
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A New Face of Mining Engineer—International Curricula to Sustainable Development and Green Deal (A Case Study of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology)

  • Wrocław University of Science and Technology

The mining industry in the world has undergone a major metamorphosis in recent years. These changes have forced higher education to modify the curricula in a thorough way to meet …

  • Posted April 8, 2021
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Teaching about sustainable consumption with sustainable tools

  • Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

This paper focuses on the topic of sustainable consumption in order to support teacher trainers and future primary teachers in planning and integrating Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) competencies within …

  • Posted April 8, 2021
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Academic Research on the 2030 Agenda: Challenges of a Transdisciplinary Field of Study

  • Loyola Universida Andalucía

In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly formally adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with the scope to shift the world on to a resilient path focused on promoting …

  • Posted April 8, 2021
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Locating a Course on Environmental Justice in Theories of Environmental Education and Global Citizenship

  • University College London (London)

Environmental education is an increasingly important concern for policymakers and universities, as it is critical to the success of the broader agenda represented by the 2015 Sustainable Development Goals. Achieving …

  • Posted April 8, 2021
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Learning and Teaching Interdisciplinary Skills in Sustainable Urban Development—The Case of Tampere University, Finland

  • Tampere University of Applied Sciences

Developing the economic, environmental, and social sustainability of urban environments is challenging due to the complex and interconnected nature of the context and objectives. In order to be successful in …

  • Posted April 8, 2021
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Earth Science Education as a Key Component of Education for Sustainability

  • Universidade do Porto
  • Weizmann Institute of Science

Environmental insight has emerged as a new scientific concept which incorporates the understanding that the Earth is made up of interworking subsystems and the acceptance that humans must act in …

  • Posted April 8, 2021
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Defining social change as social action: higher education’s role in addressing social change

  • University of Greenwich

Social issues that need addressing have never been in short supply and, despite regular calls for action, some of them recur with unfortunate regularity. Higher education institutions have a key …

  • Posted April 8, 2021
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A generic model for integrating ESD in a university course – complementing a textbook with contemporary material

  • Umeå University

A large number of stakeholders are demanding more education for sustainable development (ESD) at Swedish universities, among them students who are expecting to find ESD in their courses. The aim …

  • Posted April 8, 2021
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Education for Advancing the Implementation of the Bioeconomy Goals: An Analysis of Master Study Programmes in Bioeconomy

  • Technical University of Crete
  • Riga Technical University

Bioeconomy in Europe has become one of the leading courses for sustainable and resource-efficient development. Main aspects of bioeconomy: development of new technologies and processes, development of markets and competitiveness …

  • Posted April 8, 2021
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University campuses can contribute to wildlife conservation in urbanizing regions: a case study from Nigeria

  • American University of Nigeria (Adamawa,)

Globally, colleges and universities are increasingly mandating sustainability and environmental protection into their practices. To date, such institutions have focused their efforts on recycling and energy-use reduction and less on …

  • Posted April 8, 2021
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Dealing with global environmental change: the design and validation of the GEC attitude scale

  • Monash University (VIC)
  • University of Vigo
  • University of A Coruña (a Coruña)

Global Environmental Change (GEC) refers to alterations in the structure and functioning of Earth Systems arising from the detrimental effects of human activities in the biophysical and socioeconomic spheres. This …

  • Posted April 8, 2021
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The Challenge of Global Environmental Change: Attitudinal Trends in Teachers-In-Training

  • University of Vigo
  • University of A Coruña (a Coruña)

The aim of our research was to study attitudinal trends in Spanish trainee teachers regarding Global Environmental Change (GEC), in order to identify elements that should be enhanced in their …

  • Posted April 8, 2021
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Implementing social projects with undergraduate students: an analysis of essential characteristics

  • Université de Sherbrooke (QC)
  • University of Campinas
  • Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
  • University of Passo Fundo
  • Universidade Federal Fluminense

This study aims to analyse the essential characteristics for the success of social projects developed with undergraduate students of higher education institutions (HEIs).

  • Posted April 8, 2021
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Community needs and interests in university–community partnerships for sustainable development

  • University of Northern British Columbia (BC)

This paper aims to examine the broad concept of university–community partnerships as it applies to creating sustainability initiatives. The benefits of university–community partnerships are increasingly recognized, and this paper offers …

  • Posted April 8, 2021
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Students’ attitude toward sustainability and humanitarian engineering education using project-based and international field learning pedagogies

  • University of San Diego (CA)

Environmental sustainability and social contexts are becoming increasingly important concepts. The infusion of sustainability and humanitarian engineering (HE) into the academic core curriculum is often challenging. This study aims to …

  • Posted April 8, 2021
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Mathematics Applied to the Economy and Sustainable Development Goals: A Necessary Relationship of Dependence

  • Universidad de Murcia (Murcia)

Higher education must include training in sustainability to make all actors aware of the serious problems our planet is facing. Mathematics plays an important role in the achievement of the …

  • Posted April 8, 2021
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Predicting college students’ intention to purchase local food using the theory of consumption values

  • University of Alabama (AL)

While extensive research has been conducted on local food and consumer behavior, there is little research investigating college students’ intention regarding purchasing local food. The purpose of this study is …

  • Posted April 8, 2021
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Organizational Happiness Dimensions as a Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals: A Prospective Study in Higher Education Institutions in Chile, Colombia and Spain

  • Universidad de Alicante
  • Universidad Tecnológica De Bolívar
  • Universidad de Atacama

The aim of this study is to reveal the perception of current and future organizational happiness in the context of higher education institutions (HEIs) in a cross-national study, to reveal …

  • Posted April 8, 2021
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A Holistic Approach to Integrate and Evaluate Sustainable Development in Higher Education. The Case Study of the University of the Basque Country

  • University of the Basque Country

Since the United Nations (UN) approved the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development in 2015, higher education institutions have increasingly demonstrated their commitment by supporting several initiatives. Although a great deal …

  • Posted April 8, 2021
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Infusing the UN Sustainable Development Goals into a global learning initiative

  • Pennsylvania State University (PA)
  • University of North Texas (TX)
  • University of South Florida (FL)

The Global Citizens Project (GCP) is a university-wide global learning initiative at the University of South Florida, aimed at enhancing undergraduate students’ global competencies through curricular and co-curricular experiences. The …

  • Posted April 8, 2021
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The incoherence of sustainability literacy assessed with the Sulitest

  • Elon University (NC)
  • Northern Illinois University (IL)
  • University of California, Santa Barbara (CA)

Improving sustainability knowledge has long been central to international efforts to achieve sustainable development. In response to these efforts, which are formalized in Target 4.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals, …

  • Posted April 8, 2021
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Sustainability practices at private universities: a state-of-the-art assessment

  • University of Passo Fundo
  • Universidade Federal de Vicosa
  • College of Charleston (SC)
  • Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
  • University of A Coruña (a Coruña)
  • University of Worcester
  • University of Minho
  • Pompeu Fabra University
  • Hamburg University of Applied Sciences

Private universities also play a key role in the sustainability debate. But despite their importance, there a shortage of research on how sustainability is being implemented at private universities. Based …

  • Posted April 8, 2021
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Guilty by Association: Addressing Sustainability in Architecture Education

  • Universidad ORT Uruguay

Despite the growing interest in sustainability, negative associations of this term with naïve discourses, green-washing, or low-quality design are still common within some areas in the discipline of architecture. Through …

  • Posted April 8, 2021
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