Wellbeing & Work

639 resources

Co-Creating the UN's Sustainable Development Goals in Higher Education: A Value Creation Inclusive Learning

  • Woxsen University

Abstract The United Nations initiative to "Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all" aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals by advocating for a transformative …

  • Posted Sept. 10, 2024
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UC Davis Nature Rx

  • University of California, Davis (CA)

Professionals with UC Davis Student Health and Counseling Services provide prescriptions for nature to their patients as part of a holistic healthcare approach. The prescription includes a worksheet where students …

Food Lockers Address Food Insecurity at Pitt

  • University of Pittsburgh (PA)

New food lockers at University of Pittsburgh make grocery and meal delivery more convenient and help address food insecurity for the Pitt community. Nonperishable food items, fresh produce and extra …

Kyle Field Football Stadium

  • Texas A&M University (TX)

Kyle Field view from Aggie Park which encourages campus and community members to spend time outdoors. Aggie Park hosts outdoor learning spaces, venues for community festivals, and an outdoor stage …

STARS of Data Accuracy

  • University of Houston (TX)

Beginning in 2019, University of Houston required all new buildings and major renovations to be designed and certified to LEED Silver or better standards. Since then, three projects have met …

PolyForm celebrates mission, spirit of Human Ecology

  • Cornell University (NY)

Students pass by the PolyForm sculpture near Martha Van Rennsselear Hall. The vision: A piece that evoked and celebrated College of Human Ecology’s interdisciplinary, human-centric mission spanning science, technology and …

Steminist Movement

  • Cornell University (NY)

The Steminist Movement, a Cornell student organization puts together STEM kits with Wendy Lin from the Community Partnership Funding Board. Fighting the Gender Gap in STEM through Education

Compass at Cornell Volunteer- Civic Service

  • Cornell University (NY)

Courtney Knight, a volunteer with Compass at Cornell, works with students, staff and other volunteers at the George Junior Republic High School (a school specifically designed to educate at-risk children). …

AFRIK! The Annual Fashion Show- celebration of Black fashion

  • Cornell University (NY)

AFRIK! The Annual Fashion Show: The Blueprint. An annual celebration of Black fashion creatives within the Diaspora! Anticipate beautiful clothing, amazing performances, and a beautiful night to remember.

Cornell’s first Indigenous fashion show

  • Cornell University (NY)

Native American Indigenous students at Cornell present Rematriation: The Fashion Show, Cornell’s first Indigenous fashion show. Michelle Schenandoah ’99, founder of Rematriation, is a member of the Oneida Nation Wolf …

Cornell’s first Indigenous fashion show.

  • Cornell University (NY)

Student models prepare backstage for “Rematriation: The Fashion Show,” Cornell’s first Indigenous fashion show presented by Native American Indigenous Students at Cornell.

Campus-Wide Civic and Voter Engagement: Opportunities & Resources

  • University of Michigan (MI)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development
  • Citizens' Climate Lobby (CA)
  • Campus Vote Project (DC)

From student life to residential hall activities, recreation and facilities staff to the sustainability office, each staff person, faculty and student on campus can encourage voter registration and participation. Data …

  • Posted July 24, 2024
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Earth Month 2024 at Northwestern University

  • Northwestern University (IL)

sustainNU, Northwestern University's Campus Sustainability Program, teamed up with the Block Art Museum for a guided tour of their current exhibition, Actions for Earth: Art, Care & Ecology as part …

Upcycle Journal Day at Joliet Junior College

  • Joliet Junior College (IL)

Students made journals from homemade and G.O.O.S. paper.

Bowie State University celebrates Earth Month 2024

  • Bowie State University (MD)

Bowie State University celebrated a diverse series of events throughout the entire month of April starting with the April 3 participation in the Maryland Climate Teach-In and culminating on April …

Nebraska Native Pollinator Garden at Creighton University

  • Creighton University (NE)

For Earth Day 2024, students, faculty and staff were invited to prepare the Nebraska Native Pollinator Garden, located on the Creighton University campus in Omaha, NE, for its next growing …

  • Posted April 29, 2024
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Healthy Ageing: Enhancing Healthspan with Plant-Forward Nutrition

  • Educated Choices Program

How can food influence the way we age? "Healthy Ageing: Enhancing Healthspan with Plant-Forward Nutrition" is being designed for older adults and those who care for older adults. Discover strategies …

  • Posted April 29, 2024
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Reproductive Rights in Higher Education: University Health Clinic Scorecards

  • Bard College (NY)
  • California State University, Northridge (CA)
  • University of California, Berkeley (CA)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • Center for Biological Diversity (AZ)

College is a time for discovery – a time to learn more about yourself and others. It is when youth move into adulthood. This transition should be done in an …

  • Posted April 25, 2024
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Earth day Celebration 2024 @ AUC Tahrir CultureFest

  • American University in Cairo (Cairo)

Sunday, April 21, 2024 Reconnecting People: Better Together Reveal of the Third Edition of AUC's Sustainability Report, 2024: Learn about AUC's newest sustainability report, which showcases our University's sustainability efforts …

  • Posted April 24, 2024
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MIT adds another pollinator garden installation

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MA)

MIT students at MacGregor House worked with horticulturalist Grace Coburn to plant two new raised gardens filled with pollinator plants. The planter gardens are the latest installation building off MIT's …

  • Posted April 23, 2024
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UNC Charlotte Campus Beautification Day

  • University of North Carolina, Charlotte (NC)

University of North Carolina Charlotte staff, students, faculty, and alumni planted trees and picked up litter around campus on April 17th in celebration of Earth Month.

  • Posted April 23, 2024
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Biggest Hour For Earth

  • Technological University Dublin (Dublin)

Campaign message:

The countdown for Earth Hour is on! Since its beginnings, Earth Hour has been known for the symbolic 'lights off' in support of our planet. But this year, …

Sustainability and Health and Well-Being: Making Common Cause for Greater Impact

  • University of New Hampshire (NH)

Sustainability and health share common concerns, values, and aspirations. The work of promoting sustainability, and the work of promoting health and wellbeing within higher education and more broadly is a …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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Inner Development Goals for Sustainable Development Goal Success

  • Auburn University (AL)
  • Mount Holyoke College (MA)

Is it possible to influence the outer world by changing our inner world? If so, what skills, abilities, and qualities does one need to effectively bring about change, and how …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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Thriving as a Sustainable Leader: Creating a Personalized Resiliency Plan

  • Lebanon Valley College (PA)

In this session, we will examine the leadership challenges and opportunities that are specific to the intersection of sustainability and social justice work, including how external stressors have become more …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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Changing the Way Sustainability Feels by Engaging the Five Senses

  • University of Southern Maine (ME)

Too often, Universities’ sustainability outreach efforts feel transactional and lacking in human empathy for the intended audience. Sometimes we, the practitioners, get so caught up in crafting the perfect arguments …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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Practicing Hope: Combatting Pessimism in the Climate Movement

  • University of California, Berkeley (CA)

In the current state of the world, we are all experiencing heightened feelings of anxiety, fatigue, and despair. Crisis after crisis takes an enormous toll on our mental health and …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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Climate Emotions: From Anxiety to Action

  • Hampshire College (MA)
  • Tufts University (MA)
  • University of Connecticut (CT)
  • Williams College (MA)
  • The All We Can Save Project

Eco anxiety is real and pervasive. Students, faculty and community members often struggle with the overwhelming impacts of climate change, species loss, and structural environmental inequities. Sustainability practitioners in Higher …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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Developing Climate Hope, Antidotes for Climate Anxiety

  • Dartmouth College (NH)

In our line of work, we’re all familiar enough with climate anxiety and grief–it’s easy enough to despair amidst the daily slew of depressing headlines, after all. Couple this with …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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Fostering Resilience to Counter Eco-Anxiety: Mindful Multi-Modal Journaling

  • University of Wisconsin-River Falls (WI)

Eco-anxiety surrounding the climate crisis is negatively affecting the mental health and wellness of students in schools and is compounded by the mental health and wellness crisis initiated by the …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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Channeling Climate Anxiety Toward Collective Action Through the Employee Resource Group Model

  • Marquette University (WI)

While working groups and committees are effective for achieving collaborative sustainability outcomes on campuses, these structures do not always prioritize community building or foster wellbeing. This session will look at …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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Supporting Resilient Climate Leaders: Designing Emotionally Informed Sustainability Programming

  • Tufts University (MA)

Drawing from dissertation research on how youth climate activists process their emotions, this presentation makes suggestions for sustainability professionals who wish to support the complex emotional experiences of our students …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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Webinar: CSA as a Benefit: Cultivating Sustainability and Improving Health

  • University of Kentucky (KY)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • Organic Association of Kentucky (KY)

Colleges and universities have unique resources and infrastructures that allow them to develop, pilot, and study replicable employee benefits programs that fulfill Sustainability and Wellness goals. Additionally, innovations by colleges …

  • Posted Sept. 14, 2023
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Back to school

  • Université de Sherbrooke (QC)

The start of the new academic year at the Université de Sherbrooke is an opportunity for the university community to take advantage of the campuses and its beautiful nature in …

Student on the Main Campus

  • Université de Sherbrooke (QC)

The Université de Sherbrooke, nicknamed the “Green University”, provides its community with various extraordinary green spaces.

Adaptive measures

  • Université de Sherbrooke (QC)

The Program for the Integration of Students living with Disabilities of the Université de Sherbrooke is designed to assist students with disabilities or learning disabilities succeed in their university studies …

Staff Day

  • Université de Sherbrooke (QC)

The Université de Sherbrooke Staff Day is an annual development day organized for all employees. Several sports (on the picture : yoga), social, and cultural activities are held with the …

A campus where it's good to be

  • Université Laval (QC)

Social cohesion is important for sustainable development. Every year, the University organizes activities at the start of the academic year to encourage people to take ownership of the campus and …

Outside yoga activities

  • Université Laval (QC)

In the wake of the pandemic, Université Laval set up a number of outdoor initiatives to encourage the community to take ownership of their campus. Depending of the season, different …

Data File: 2023 Higher Education Sustainability Staffing Survey

  • AASHE (MA)

Along with publishing the 2023 Staffing Survey Report, AASHE is continuing the tradition of making respondent data from the Higher Education Sustainability Staffing surveys available to AASHE members for further …

Incentives and penalties tied to sales volume in contracts between beverage companies and public universities in the United States

  • Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (MD)
  • Center for Science in the Public Interest (DC)

To assess whether and how beverage companies incentivize universities to maximize sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) sales through pouring rights contracts. Cross-sectional study of contracts between beverage companies and public U.S. universities …

  • Posted June 15, 2023
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What's to Eat and Drink on Campus? Public and Planetary Health, Public Higher Education, and the Public Good.

  • University of California, Santa Barbara (CA)

Public higher education institutions (PHEIs) have a unique and important role in responding to the public and planetary health crisis—they are centers of research on public and planetary health and …

  • Posted June 15, 2023
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Creating Cultures of Health in the Academy: Bringing Together Top-Down and Ground-Up Approaches

  • University of California, Riverside (CA)
  • University of Southern California (CA)

This article reports on a 3-year longitudinal study focused on the impact of cross-sector, collective impact approaches to creating cultures of campus health. The study sought to understand the integration …

  • Posted June 15, 2023
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From food access to food sovereignty: Striving to meet university student needs

  • Western Washington University (WA)

The ongoing neoliberalization of higher education has meant that college and university students at state institutions face declining state support for their education, increasing debt, precarious post-graduation job opportunities, and …

  • Posted June 15, 2023
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Incentives and penalties tied to sales volume in contracts between beverage companies and public universities in the United States

  • Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (MD)
  • Center for Science in the Public Interest (DC)

To assess whether and how beverage companies incentivize universities to maximize sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) sales through pouring rights contracts. Cross-sectional study of contracts between beverage companies and public U.S. universities …

  • Posted June 15, 2023
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Hopkins Office of Sustainability Retreating Into Nature

  • Johns Hopkins University (MD)

The Johns Hopkins Office of Sustainability staff held their staff retreat at a local arboretum reflecting on the past year, setting team and individual goals for the next 5 years, …

Addressing Climate Anxiety through Resilience and Community Building

  • Portland Community College (OR)

Sustainability and climate work require resilience to fend off burnout and avoidance. While our college does good work promoting sustainability through our Climate Action Plan and curricular and co-curricular environmental …

"Improv to Improve the Earth"

  • University of California, Merced (CA)

The University of California, Merced (UC Merced) in partnership with Quarantine Improv (QI) hosted its second annual Earth Day event, "Improv to Improve the Earth". The goal was to bring …

Cooking with Purpose – Empowering Food-insecure College Students to “Take Back Cooking” for Climate Mitigation, Nutrition and Budget Benefits!

  • Appalachian State University (NC)
  • AASHE (MA)

Food pantries on college campuses have a wide variety of food choices with a wide variety of cost, nutritional, and greenhouse gas impacts. In an effort to encourage food-insecure students …

  • Posted May 18, 2023
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Centering Sustainability and Well-Being in University Strategic Planning

  • Colorado State University (CO)

When it was time to develop a new strategic plan, Colorado State University made a bold decision to put a thriving planet and a flourishing humanity at the center of …

  • Posted May 17, 2023
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This tab provides access to data collected through AASHE’s Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS). STARS is a transparent, self-reporting framework for colleges and universities to measure their sustainability performance. STARS enables meaningful comparisons over time and across institutions using a common set of measurements developed with broad participation from the campus sustainability community.

All responses reference content from reports under the latest version of STARS, version 2.2. AASHE membership and log-in is required.

PA 12: Employee Compensation

PA 13: Assessing Employee Satisfaction

PA 14: Wellness program

PA 14: Workplace Health & Safety

Additional analysis on scores and quantitative fields can be conducted using the STARS Benchmarking Tool.

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