

Waste reduction mitigates the need to extract virgin materials from the earth, such as trees and metals. Reducing the generation of waste reduces the flow of waste to incinerators and landfills which produce greenhouse gas emissions, can contaminate air and groundwater supplies, and tend to have disproportionate negative impacts on low-income communities. Source reduction and waste diversion also save institutions costly landfill and hauling service fees. In addition, waste reduction campaigns can engage the entire campus community in contributing to a tangible sustainability goal.

Featured Resources

1166 resources

Webinar: Innovation in Cleaning for Custodians and Students

  • Stanford University (CA)
  • AASHE (MA)

Stanford University’s Residential and Dining Enterprises has adopted a green cleaning standard that has reduced chemical usage in residences by over 90%. The system engineers water by infusing it ...

  • Posted Dec. 12, 2019
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Bringing the Circular Economy to Research

  • Rheaply, Inc (IL)

It is estimated that 2% of the world's global plastic waste is linked to laboratory waste- some 6 million tons of waste annually. Given the the existing tools available ...

  • Posted Dec. 6, 2019
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Leading with Circular Economy Concepts, Business Cases and Tools

  • Stanford University (CA)
  • Cascadia Consulting Group, Inc. (WA)
  • Interface, Inc (GA)

A circular economy is an economic system aimed at minimizing waste and making the most of resources. This regenerative approach (in contrast to the traditional linear economy, which has a ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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What Links Climate Change, Biodiversity, Water, and Food Systems? Population

  • Bellevue College (WA)
  • Center for Biological Diversity (AZ)

Human population growth is a main driver of environmental degradation. According to Dr. Wynes (2017) in 'The climate mitigation gap: education and government recommendations miss the most effective individual actions ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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What is Old is New Again: Establishing a Free Store in an Urban Environment

  • Virginia Commonwealth University (VA)

During the 2018-2019 academic year, VCU increased tuition by 6.4%. This increase in tuition was unavoidable and was the highest within the state of Virginia. Concurrent with this, VCU ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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College & University Recycling Coalition (CURC) Membership Meeting

  • University of South Carolina (SC)

Members and non-members alike are invited to join this annual CURC membership meeting. Board members will provide organizational updates, discuss current projects and share opportunities to get involved. The meeting ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Zero Waste - Rethinking Definitions and Metrics

  • University of California, Office of the President (CA)

The University of California has been undertaking a process of rethinking how we define and measure zero waste. Previous targets had been based on diversion rates; however, we have recently ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Reuse Makes a Comeback: How to Bring the Circular Economy to Asset Management

  • Rheaply, Inc (IL)

Reduce, reuse, recycle. The mantra is ingrained in us from our early childhood, but the attention naturally goes to the first and last R - like a lost middle child. Today ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Bringing Buildings on Board

  • University of Texas at Austin (TX)

Resource Recovery conducts weekly audits with student interns, analyzing office and classroom building waste to paint a picture of over 18,000,000 square feet of campus building space. We ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Zero Waste Versus Energy Conservation: We Can Have Both

  • The Ohio State University (OH)

A recent audit of Ohio State's waste stream found that 10% of our total waste was from used paper towels. In order to address that huge amount, Ohio State ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Recycling Signage Study Group

  • Penn State Harrisburg (PA)
  • Busch Systems International Inc. (ON)

We know recycling and waste bin signage influences whether people sort items correctly. The question is, what combination of words and images is most effective? The goal of this networking ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Designing Signage to Influence Recycling Behavior

  • Penn State Harrisburg (PA)
  • Busch Systems International Inc. (ON)

In the face of static diversion rates and pressure to reduce contamination, many schools are experimenting with different bin signage to see what best influences recycling behavior. How do people ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Implementing Composting at Eureka College: Challenges and Successes of Small Campus Composting

  • Eureka College (IL)

Composting systems are slowly becoming a common addition to college and university dining halls and facilities operations across the country, yet smaller campuses with fewer resources face unique challenges in ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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A Plan for A Zero-Waste Earlham

  • Earlham College (IN)

This research focused on waste streams at Earlham; specifically, we looked at how to reduce the amount of waste produced on campus and how to improve diversion from landfills. A ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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College & University Recycling Coalition (CURC) Campus Recycling Workshop

  • Appalachian State University (NC)
  • Clemson University (SC)

The annual CURC Workshop provides opportunities for attendees to network with Campus Recyclers from around the country, hear presentations from and interact with national experts, and participate in roundtable discussions ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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True Zero Waste - The Last 10%

  • College of Charleston (SC)
  • Medical University of South Carolina (SC)
  • University of North Carolina, Wilmington (NC)
  • Eco-Products (CO)

By many definitions, achieving Zero Waste requires a 90% diversion rate of all discarded materials from being land-filled or incinerated. Diverting the last 10% is complex, challenging, and potentially costly ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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On-Campus Composting: How to Start, Evolve, and Overcome Challenges

  • Colorado State University (CO)
  • Fort Lewis College (CO)
  • Princeton University (NJ)
  • St. John's University, New York (NY)
  • Western Michigan University (MI)

Is your campus considering starting an on-site composting program, but doesn't know where to start or which system to choose? Or does your campus want to evolve its program ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Closed-Loop Mechanical Recycling of Polylactic Acid Filament in 3D Printing Labs

  • University of California, Berkeley (CA)

3D Printing has furthered innovation at UC Berkeley by providing access to new research methods and tools. However, considering the benefits of 3D printing, the large amount of plastic waste ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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EcoCoin Program as an Effective Alternative to Banning Plastic Bags

  • University of Connecticut (CT)

On a small scale, localized bans and ordinances against single use plastic bags present many challenges: How will it impact local businesses' bottom line? Will customers go elsewhere? Who enforces ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Sustainable Economy in Labs: I2SL's Landfill Diversion Working Group Pursues Upstream Dysfunction

  • Emory University (GA)
  • University of Georgia (GA)

Researcher time is for research! Join us in calling for upstream innovations to build a circular economy and protect valuable scholar time! Achieving sustainability in laboratory settings with regard to ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Our Community Composting Project

  • University of Louisville (KY)

The University of Louisville Community Composting Project has been creating compost with and for the community for the past ten years. Sourcing our organic material from local coffee shops, restaurants ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Worm Poop Creates Sustainable Economy!

  • University of Louisville (KY)

After almost fifteen years of trying to turn worm poop into sustainable community and economy, the good news is that this is possible. It's a good deal of work ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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MOVING to Zero Waste: Diverting from Res Hall Move-Out Using Community Resources and Partnerships

  • The Ohio State University (OH)

Residence halls across the United States struggle with the amount of waste that is left behind by students when they leave for the summer, particularly at large, midwestern research institutions ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Outdoor Waste Receptacle Removal: A Creative Approach to Waste Management

  • Indiana University Bloomington (IN)

Institutions across the country have found success in strategically phasing out outdoor waste receptacles and focusing their waste efforts on the management of indoor waste streams. Though perhaps counterintuitive to ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Weigh the Waste: Assessing Food Waste at Winthrop University

  • Winthrop University (SC)

Food waste makes up nearly half of all municipal solid waste produced in the United States. EPA estimates that 40% of all food produced for human consumption is wasted. The ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Raising Food Waste Awareness in Residential Halls - Michigan State University

  • Michigan State University (MI)

A large factor in creating a more sustainable economy will come from changes in human behavior with an effort to live more sustainability. Part of this change will be individuals ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Clean Plates at State-Raising Food Waste Awareness in Residential Halls at Michigan State University

  • Michigan State University (MI)

Clean Plates at State is a food waste audit conducted in all nine residential dining halls on Michigan State University's campus. This program helps to put environmental sustainability into ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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University of Kentucky Organic Waste Composting Pilot Project: Growing Sustainability Partnerships

  • University of Kentucky (KY)

In 2019, the University of Kentucky (UK) College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, UK Dining, Aramark, UK Physical Plant (Waste, Recycling, & Grounds), and UK Sustainability began a strategic partnership ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Don't Let it Go to Waste: Three Scrappy Strategies for Managing Food Waste and Organics in Kentucky

  • University of Kentucky (KY)
  • University of Louisville (KY)
  • Western Kentucky University (KY)
  • Aramark (PA)

Food waste is all too often seen as nothing more than 'trash.' Yet capturing food waste for positive transformation can and should be a key component of campus sustainability efforts ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Closing the Loop: Connecting Education and Operations with a Food Waste Dehydrator Project

  • Western Technical College (WI)

In October 2018, in order to meet our sustainability goals and provide relevant connections to coursework in several of our program areas, Western Technical College student government and the facilities ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Fighting Irish, Fighting Food Waste: Converting Food Waste into Energy at Notre Dame

  • University of Notre Dame (IN)

Nearly 40% of all food in the United States goes uneaten, and 95% of all wasted food winds up in the landfill. At Notre Dame, food and hospitality is a ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Social Sustainability at NAU: Implementing Menstrual Cups on Campus

  • Northern Arizona University (AZ)

This presentation describes an initiative carried out in Spring of 2019 at Northern Arizona University (NAU) that made free menstrual cups available to the NAU student body. The NAU Green ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Pursuing Zero Waste Goals Through Student-Led Projects

  • University of California, Berkeley (CA)

Implementing a closed loop waste processing system at University of California, Berkeley is of high priority to achieving the campus' and the larger UC system's goal of reaching Zero ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Zero Waste

  • Post-Landfill Action Network (NH)

This is a meetup for all students, staff, companies, and professionals that are working on campus Zero Waste efforts. Whether you're helping your campus achieve Zero Waste goals, or ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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A Proven Upstream Funding Model for Waste Management from the University of Kentucky

  • University of Kentucky (KY)

The University of Kentucky funds several of its materials management programs by charging all university accounts a disposal fee each time they purchase materials and supplies. This system has been ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Planning for Zero Waste and Beyond

  • Indiana University Bloomington (IN)
  • Stanford University (CA)
  • Cascadia Consulting Group, Inc. (WA)

Zero waste has been the ultimate goal for many campus recycling and sustainability departments for the last two decades. Stanford has made great strides towards this target, increasing its landfill ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Piloting a Pay-As-You-Throw Program at an Institution of Higher Education

  • Yale University (CT)

In January 2019, Yale University launched a Pay As You Throw (PAYT) pilot program, the first of its kind at an institution of higher education within the United States. PAYT ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Game Changer: How Recyclemania Caused Lasting Change in Facilities

  • University of Houston (TX)

Participation in Recyclemania, a yearly recycling competition between campuses, has become fairly standard in the world of higher education sustainability efforts. While the competition itself is great for awareness building ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Driving Zero Waste Programming with Data in Dorms and Dining at Stanford

  • Stanford University (CA)

Stanford is on the path to zero waste by 2030. Stanford's Residential & Dining Enterprises represents one-third of the campus where over 12,000 students live and eat. In ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Promoting Sustainable Behavior Through the use of Personal Recycling Bins in Residential Halls

  • Oklahoma State University (OK)

College campuses provide a unique stage for waste diversion and sustainability efforts, especially in on campus housing. As students from all over the nation and world come and go from ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Small Changes Make a Big Impact: Sustainability Matters with Today's Students

  • Boxed Water is Better (MI)

In today's environment, there is more discussion than ever about sustainable alternatives to single-use plastic and single-use aluminium. However, there is even more confusion about what steps each of ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Breaking the Disposable Mindset: How to Reuse Garment Waste on University Campuses

  • University of Louisville (KY)

Textile waste has become one of the leading issues in sustainability. With millions of tons of this waste produced annually, it can begin to seem as if there's no ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Help Your Campus POP (Pass on Plastic): An Applied Research Project to Evaluate Behavior Change

  • University of Kentucky (KY)

In 2018, the University of Kentucky launched a campaign called 'UK POPs' (Passes on Plastics) as a combined effort of the campus offices of UK Dining, Recycling, and Sustainability. UK ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Reducing Waste on Campus Through Reusable Bags

  • University of Denver (CO)

Plastic banners used for advertising purposes often end up in the landfill after being used. To prevent this waste, we partnered with Mile High Workshop to re-purpose these banners into ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Learning From Failure: Designing an Accessible Waste Management System

  • Humber College (ON)

Along with institutions around the world, Humber College in Toronto Canada (over 31,000 full-time students on two campuses), continues to struggle to reduce and manage waste effectively. In 2017 ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Managing (and Surviving) a Paradigm Shift to Achieve Zero Waste - Infrastructure, Process & Culture

  • University of California, Los Angeles (CA)
  • CleanRiver Recycling Solutions (ON)

Right-sizing and streamlining waste management infrastructure, while rolling out operational programs is essential in reducing contamination and increasing community engagement. Attendees will hear a case study on UCLA's journey ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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The Compost Catastrophe: Our Adventure to Residence Hall Composting at Appalachian State University

  • Appalachian State University (NC)

Appalachian State University has been composting on campus since 1999 and has grown and developed into one of the most successful programs in the country. Our facility has the ability ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Waste Reduction - Connecting the Student Experience, Academics, and Sustainability

  • Wayne State University (MI)

Wayne State University embarked upon an expansive campus-wide waste reduction program to support the goals of the Strategic Plan and Sustainability Plan. These planning documents call for increased operational efficiency ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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The Compost Stewards Program: A Case Study in Campus Composting

  • University of Wisconsin-Madison (WI)

This informational session will describe the Compost Stewards Program operated by the Office of Sustainability at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. This program originated from a proposal to our campus Green ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Waste Not, Want Not: How Campus Waste Reduction Becomes Part of the Circular Economy

  • University of Washington, Seattle (WA)
  • University of Washington, Tacoma (WA)

Rising carbon emissions and the increasing visibility of waste from our linear system of production and consumption have precipitated urgent conversations about how to grow an effective circular economy. Aimed ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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This tab provides access to data collected through AASHE’s Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS). STARS is a transparent, self-reporting framework for colleges and universities to measure their sustainability performance. STARS enables meaningful comparisons over time and across institutions using a common set of measurements developed with broad participation from the campus sustainability community.

All responses reference content from reports under the latest version of STARS, version 2.2. AASHE membership and log-in is required.

OP 18: Waste Minimization & Diversion

OP 19: Construction & Demolition Waste Diversion

OP 20: Hazardous Waste Management

Additional analysis on scores and quantitative fields can be conducted using the STARS Benchmarking Tool.

Waste Partners