
391 resources

Ontario Tech Purchasing Impact Data

  • Ontario Tech University (ON)

Ontario Tech prioritizes sustainable purchasing choices by replacing aging fleet with electric vehicles and sustaining a Fairtrade campus.

AASHE Member Discount: 100% Off Navigator BASIC, An All-In-One Digital Platform

  • Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council (MA)

SPLC is announcing today the public availability of the SPLC Navigator - an all-in-one digital platform providing sustainable procurement measurement, benchmarking, performance tracking, targeted actions and supporting resources to drive …

Introduction to Sustainable Procurement and a Strategic Program Approach

  • Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council (MA)

Become familiar with the basic definition and common approaches to purchasing more sustainable goods and services in your organization. Learn what it means to take a strategic program approach, begin …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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FRESH to Table: A Homegrown Dining Initiative

  • Boston College (MA)

FRESH is a Boston College Dining Services (BCDS) initiative that stands for Fairly traded, Regional, Equitable, Sustainable, and Healthy. With these FRESH parameters, BCDS seeks to source food and food …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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Just Purchasing Consortium: Networking and Mutual Education

  • Georgetown University (DC)

Poultry processing is hazardous, horrific work. Processing lines move very fast, with some plants operating at a maximum speed of 175 birds per minute, and the working conditions are challenging …

  • Posted Feb. 21, 2024
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The Why and How Behind Aligning Your Institution’s Values With its Food Purchases

  • Emory University (GA)
  • Spelman College (GA)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • Bon Appétit Management Company
  • The Common Market

What is the impact of your purchases? Is your food service program taking steps to align its values—local sourcing, equity and diversity, climate, health, and beyond—with its purchases?

More and …

  • Posted Oct. 19, 2023
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Reusable Goods Used at Student Run Coffee Shop

  • Tufts University (MA)

The Sink, a student-run coffee shop, implements reusable dishware and fair trade coffee when serving beverages at the Tufts University campus center.

Acadia Receives Organic Campus Designation

  • Acadia University (NS)

Acadia University receives its Organic Campus Certificate from the Canada Organic Trade Association making it the first university in Canada to earn the national designation.

FRESH to Table: A Homegrown Dining Initiative

  • Boston College (MA)

Boston College (BC) seeks to foster the ethical and personal formation of its students to prepare them for citizenship, service, and leadership in a global society. In addition, as a …

USC’s Single-use Plastics Elimination – Beverage Bottles Policy

  • University of Southern California (CA)

The University of Southern California (USC) established the Single-use Plastics Elimination – Beverage Bottles Policy in July 2022, prohibiting the purchase or use of single-use plastic beverage products across the …

USC Trojan Shop Local Initiative

  • University of Southern California (CA)

Certainly, since the murder of George Floyd in 2020, and the pandemic years through recent months, the focus upon opportunities to close racial economic wealth gaps has heightened throughout Los …

Supplier Diversification program: Increasing procurement spending with diverse businesses

  • Seattle University (WA)

Seattle University wants to lead a paradigm shift in how local, large institutions do business. The university specifically intends to address the gap between businesses in the local Black community …

Air Travel Offset Program

  • University of Pennsylvania (PA)

In July 2021, the University of Pennsylvania enacted a University-wide travel sustainability policy that created the Climate Impact Offset (CLIO) charge to pay for projects that offset the carbon impacts …

Strategies to Decrease the Environmental Impact of Office Printing

  • Clover Imaging Group (IL)

In this session, you will learn about the different kinds of office printer cartridges, their environmental impact, and how the sustainability footprint of imaging devices can be improved by implementing …

  • Posted May 17, 2023
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Understanding your University's Emissions from Purchasing and Investments (Scope 3)

  • Arizona State University (AZ)
  • Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council (MA)
  • Persefoni (AZ)

This session will focus on providing universities information on understanding their own Scope 3 as it relates to their purchasing practices and supply chains. The panel will feature ASU to …

  • Posted May 17, 2023
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Student-Led Initiatives Increasing Sustainable Purchasing

  • Butler University (IN)
  • University of Oregon (OR)

The combined purchasing power of colleges and universities is staggering, touching on everything from pens to consultants to multi-million dollar buildings. Because of this consumer power, colleges and universities can …

  • Posted May 17, 2023
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Tackling Single-Use Plastics on Campus - What’s Working and What’s Not

  • George Mason University (VA)
  • National Wildlife Federation (VA)

Plastic pollution has been a problem for decades and the COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated it. A University of California, Santa Barbara, study concluded that between 2002 and 2015 the …

  • Posted May 17, 2023
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Using the STARS Electronics Purchasing Credit to Drive Safer Chemicals in IT

  • TCO Certified (TX)

Learn how to use the STARS Electronics Purchasing Credit to drive safer chemical content in IT products! Electronics contain a number of chemicals and substances that are hazardous to people …

  • Posted May 17, 2023
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Lightning Talks: Campus Operations (Group 4)

  • Rochester Institute of Technology (NY)
  • State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (NY)
  • Farm to Institution New England (VT)

This session consists of 3 15-minute Lightning Talk sessions related to campus operations. The Lightning Talks are: Innovations in Sustainable Procurement: A Campus Green Purchasing Guide - This session introduces …

  • Posted May 17, 2023
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Augsburg University’s Local Food Initiative: Student-Designed, Locally-Sourced

  • Augsburg University (MN)

In 2020, Augsburg University’s Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship launched Augsburg Local, a campaign to leverage Augsburg University’s purchasing power to support local businesses. Purchasing at Augsburg typically takes …

  • Posted May 17, 2023
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The Working Farms Fund: Partnership to Build a Sustainable Local Food System and Support a Diverse New Generation of Farmers

  • Emory University (GA)
  • The Conservation Fund (GA)

Emory University has partnering with the national non-profit The Conservation Fund (TCF) to support a diverse new generation of farmers in rural Georgia and help build the local food supply …

Specifying Residential Upholstered Furniture to Safeguard Human Health and Well-Being: A Toolkit for Reducing Fires and Chemical Risks

  • Chemical Insights (GA)

This toolkit can be applied by sustainability professionals and procurement staff at higher education institutions looking to acquire environmentally sustainable and healthy furniture materials for residence halls and other campus …

Webinar: Guidance for the Sustainable Procurement of Laboratory Supplies

  • University of Georgia (GA)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council (MA)

Laboratories often represent a “hot spot” within organizations for environmental waste, toxins, and even supply chain labor issues. Until now, comprehensive guidance wasn’t available for purchasers seeking to address these …

  • Posted Dec. 2, 2022
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Diverse Business Training Showcase hosted by Supplier Diversity Department for WashU buyers (detail)

  • Washington University in St. Louis (MO)

St. Louis Anchor Action Network - The St. Louis Anchor Action Network (STLAAN) comprises organizations committed to reducing inequities through increased employment, health and wealth-building opportunities. The University of Missouri–St. …

Diverse Business Training Showcase hosted by Supplier Diversity Department for WashU buyers (overhead)

  • Washington University in St. Louis (MO)

St. Louis Anchor Action Network - The St. Louis Anchor Action Network (STLAAN) comprises organizations committed to reducing inequities through increased employment, health and wealth-building opportunities. The University of Missouri–St. …

Sustainable Catering@Penn

  • University of Pennsylvania (PA)

Sustainable Catering@Penn - A newly designed webpage at University of Pennsylvania provides search functionality for information about Penn’s Preferred Contract Caterers. Through Catering@Penn, users can now search for caterers based …

BU Wind

  • Boston University (MA)
  • Edison Energy (CA)
  • ENGIE (TX)

BU Wind is a clean energy project in South Dakota that the University enabled, fulfilling a key goal of the University’s Climate Action Plan (CAP). A central element of Boston …

Climate Impact Offset Charge (CLIO) for University of Pennsylvania Air Travel

  • University of Pennsylvania (PA)

As of July, 2021, the University of Pennsylvania enacted a University-wide travel sustainability policy that created the Climate Impact Offset (CLIO) charge to pay for projects that offset the carbon …

A proposal of personal competencies for sustainable consumption

  • Leuphana University of Lüneburg

Despite advances in Environmental and Sustainability Education (ESE) scholarship and practice, ESE has not yet contributed to mitigate the sustainability-related problems it is meant to remedy. As part of an …

Paper Steps on Campus

  • National Wildlife Federation (VA)

Campuses across North America play a pivotal role in creating and demonstrating successful sustainability programs to be emulated across society. When it comes to recycling of vital resources, which is …

  • Posted April 28, 2022
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Atlas Zero Waste Certification as a Tool for Changemakers

  • University of South Dakota (SD)

Atlas is a certification program that assesses campuses' progress toward zero waste. It looks at the whole materials management system, including purchasing, reusing, and discarding. The Atlas assessment will be …

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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How Fair Trade Campuses are Collaborating to Amplify Their Impact

  • University at Albany (NY)
  • University of California, Riverside (CA)
  • Fair Trade Colleges & Universities

Fair Trade Campaigns is a powerful grassroots movement mobilizing thousands of conscious consumers and Fair Trade advocates on campuses and in communities across the U.S. Our Fair Trade Colleges & …

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Influencing Sustainability Decision-Making: A "Simple" Triple Bottom Line Cost Benefit Analysis Tool

  • Ohio University (OH)

Making the business case argument for sustainability initiatives can be the most difficult part of a sustainability leader's job. A group of faculty, staff and students at Ohio University has …

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Implementation of a Single-Use Plastics Ban: Navigating Contracts, Procurement, and Outreach

  • University of California, Office of the President (CA)

In 2020, the UC system passed a single-use plastics policy that aims to greatly reduce plastics on campuses and health systems. The policy went into effect in 2021, starting with …

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Simplifying Sustainable Procurement: EPA's Recommendations of Standards and Ecolabels

  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (DC)

EPA's Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) program harnesses the power of the over 650 billon dollar federal pocketbook to catalyze a more sustainable marketplace for all - reducing climate impacts, improving …

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Expanding Sustainability: Using Food Procurement to Help Poultry Workers (through a new consortium)

  • Georgetown University (DC)
  • University of California, Office of the President (CA)
  • University of Michigan (MI)

Many colleges and universities are working on sustainable procurement goals, but how many of us have looked at social sustainability and the impact of our procurement on workers? During the …

  • Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Food at the University of Michigan: A Report Developed for and Supported by the U-M President's Commission on Carbon Neutrality

  • University of Michigan (MI)

This report was compiled during the academic year of 2019-2020 for the University of Michigan (U-M) President's Commission on Carbon Neutrality by the Food Internal Analysis Team. Through its work, …

  • Posted Nov. 17, 2021
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Zero-Waste Philosophy Implementation at a University: Initial Steps in Addressing Student Perception

  • University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (WI)

Zero waste is a conceptual philosophy that provides a holistic, sustainable approach to addressing and remedying the consequences of a throw-away mentality. The main goal of the zero-waste philosophy is …

  • Posted Nov. 15, 2021
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Keys to Safer Disinfection in a COVID Environment

  • University of Virginia (VA)
  • Healthy Schools Campaign (IL)

Sustainability in higher education often follows a top-down approach, focusing on student enrichment and project-based solutions. What has been missing is the willingness to consider who has been left out …

  • Posted Nov. 15, 2021
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Leveraging the Buying Power of Universities for Sustainable Procurement and Market Transformation

  • Boston University (MA)
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MA)
  • University of California, Office of the President (CA)
  • Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council (MA)

College campuses are seeking to use purchasing power to drive sustainability goals, yet lack the leverage, as single institutions, to shift supplier behaviors. This session will begin with the compelling …

  • Posted Nov. 15, 2021
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Using the Real Food Database in Food Procurement

  • Real Food Challenge (MA)

What food products are Real? Which vendors are verified as fair, ecological, and/or humane? Now, institutions can find out through the Real Food Database! Compiled from years of research done …

  • Posted Nov. 15, 2021
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Who Made Your T-Shirt & Why Should You Care? What You Need to Know About University Ethical Sourcing

  • Sumerra (OR)

You wear the same mascot-clad t-shirt to every home football game. It's a valuable good luck charm, but what value did the factory worker who made your t-shirt get in …

  • Posted Nov. 15, 2021
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Looking ahead to 2030: Updating the University of California Sustainable Food Policy

  • University of California, Office of the President (CA)
  • University of California, Berkeley (CA)

In 2009, the University of California (UC) developed a goal to meet 20% sustainable food by 2020, asking each UC campus to integrate sustainable food into their menus while remaining …

  • Posted Nov. 15, 2021
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Product Selection and Design that Prioritize People and Planet

  • Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute (CA)

Green and healthy buildings require selecting products that are safe for humans and the environment. As we transition from our current take-make-waste linear systems into models that enable greater cycling …

  • Posted Nov. 15, 2021
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Resilient Recycling- Build a Strong Recycling Program Against Market Forces and Beyond Good Behavior

  • University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (WI)

Contamination, 'wish-cycling', and global market changes are shaking the very foundation of recycling. The barriers to recycling and zero-waste are not just in marketing & campus behavior, but rather they …

  • Posted Nov. 15, 2021
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Innovation in Food System Funding - The New England Food Vision Prize for New England Campuses

  • Sodexo USA (MD)
  • Henry P. Kendall Foundation

In order to challenge and empower campus dining programs to become instruments of change in farm to institution, the Henry P. Kendall Foundation launched a new type of food system …

  • Posted Nov. 15, 2021
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Achieving University Circularity in 2050

  • Ayers Saint Gross (MD)
  • CannonDesign (NY)
  • Ellen MacArthur Foundation

It's 2050 and the world's civilizations have successfully implemented 100% recycled materials, 100% material waste diversion, 100% renewable energy-fueled systems and perpetual environmental regeneration. Within the design field, as a …

  • Posted Nov. 15, 2021
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Transforming Your Supply Chain for a Sustainable Future

  • Aramark (PA)
  • Better Food Foundation (DC)
  • Harvest Table Culinary Group (PA)

Developing a resilient food system is a crucial task for de-escalating and reversing the interrelated social and ecological crises unfolding as a result of industrial scale animal agriculture. Universities and …

  • Posted Nov. 15, 2021
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Good Food, Good Data, Big Impact: Innovative Approaches to Capturing Farm to Institution Impact

  • Michigan State University (MI)
  • Real Food Challenge (MA)

Interest in purchasing and serving local foods in campus dining continues to grow, but documenting and quantifying the benefits and impacts of these purchases, including for local producers, is challenging. …

  • Posted Nov. 15, 2021
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Just Transition: To a Circular Economy

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MA)
  • Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Moving from our current extractive economy to a regenerative economy is no longer a question of how but a question of how quickly'. Learn ways to help your institution transition …

  • Posted Nov. 15, 2021
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This tab provides access to data collected through AASHE’s Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS). STARS is a transparent, self-reporting framework for colleges and universities to measure their sustainability performance. STARS enables meaningful comparisons over time and across institutions using a common set of measurements developed with broad participation from the campus sustainability community.

All responses reference content from reports under the latest version of STARS, version 2.2. AASHE membership and log-in is required.

OP 11: Sustainable Procurement

OP 12: Electronics Purchasing

OP 13: Cleaning & Janitorial Purchasing

OP 14: Office Paper Purchasing

Additional analysis on scores and quantitative fields can be conducted using the STARS Benchmarking Tool.

Purchasing Partners