
8018 resources

When Academics and Operations Collide

  • Chapman University (CA)

This proposal explores how using student senior Capstone projects can push operational activities forward and provide a new understanding of both the student experience and the inter-workings of a university. …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Debunking the Myth of the 'Idiot Farmer': Alternative Forms of Agriculture for a Healthier Economy

  • Ceres Greenhouse Solutions (CO)

The goal of this presentation is to highlight the importance of a new understanding of agriculture: directed by the young and educated, data driven, and focused on healthy and localized …

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Teaching to the SDGs: Experience and Resources for Business & Sustainability Curricula

  • George Mason University (VA)
  • Sustainability Curriculum Consortium (MD)

In this session, two experienced faculty will share their approaches, resources and lessons learned in teaching Business & Sustainability courses. Prof. Dann Sklarew developed and has delivered the Business & …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Two Approaches to Teaching Sustainable Economics

  • Colorado Mountain College (CO)
  • University of Hawaii Kapiolani Community College (HI)

Economic change is at the heart of making societies sustainable. The globalized industrial economy produces great wealth for some while increasingly disenfranchising and dispossessing many. As the current economy grows …

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Comparing Environmental Literacy of U.S. University Freshmen With Incoming International Students

  • Pittsburg State University (KS)

Since 2014, Pittsburg State University (a regional institution in southeast Kansas), has administered a survey to measure environmental literacy, pro-social environmental behaviors, and issue involvement of all incoming freshman as …

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Pursuing Sustainability in Education Abroad: Tools & Techniques

  • The Education Abroad Network (IL)

Well-designed education abroad programs expose students to the many ways other cultures prioritize and pursue sustainability. Foreign approaches to sustainability, biodiversity, and social justice reveal to students abroad the culturally …

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Building Off of Prior Knowledge... Even When it's Wrong

  • Michigan State University (MI)

Higher education has been designated by scholars as the most promising mechanism for preparing future generations to engage in sustainable living. But however encouraging the infusion of sustainability into higher …

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What Sustainability Skills Do Employers Want?

  • Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (Hong Kong)

The overarching goal of sustainability education is to make the concepts understandable to students in ways that influence their attitudes and behaviors to carry forward into their careers. In doing …

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Disciplinary Associations Network for Sustainability - A Networking Discussion Designed for all Educators and Academics

  • U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development

All academics and educators will benefit from this session! Have fun and meet new colleagues as we explore how to help students gain the knowledge and skills to create change …

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Teaching Sustainability Education through the Lens of Leadership Education

  • Colorado State University (CO)

Sustainability education is a broad topic that crosses many disciplines. While some institutions offer sustainability-specific degree programs others have placed focus on implementing sustainability education within their current programs. Since …

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The Experiential Learning Lab: Coproduction Through Campus Staff/Faculty/Community Partnerships

  • University of Dayton (OH)

Challenges in implementing and sustaining on- and off-campus experiential learning projects continue to deter staff, faculty and community partners from engaging in them. Persistent challenges include: student schedules and time …

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Revolutionizing Sustainability Connections: Corporations, Communities, and Higher Education

  • Montclair State University (NJ)

The PSEG Institute for Sustainability Studies at Montclair State University advances sustainability by developing community-engaged research projects and building educational programs through academic-corporate-public partnerships. We engage in activities that promote …

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Seeing Sustainability in Your Own Backyard: Place-Based Learning and the Liberal Arts

  • Goshen College (IN)

Goshen College students have a unique opportunity to live, learn, and research at the 1,189-acre nature sanctuary called Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center. Located near Wolf Lake, Indiana, Merry Lea …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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"Living Labs" that Integrate Sustainability Education, Community Engagement & Workforce Development

  • Boston University (MA)
  • Indiana University Bloomington (IN)
  • University of New Hampshire (NH)

A growing number of sustainability-related internships, practicum and fellowship opportunities are available, and increasingly, such programs are also working explicitly to integrate with community sustainability efforts, becoming network hubs and …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Self-Congratulatory Sustainability/Sustainability Light: Just What Are We Teaching?

  • Olympic College (WA)

All over the United States, colleges tout their hyperlocal sustainability and recycling programs. Many do a thoughtful job of introducing students to aspects of sustainability, including the complex, ongoing effort …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Self-Sustainability Business Model for Degree Programs in Sustainability Education

  • University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (WI)

Higher education in the U.S. is experiencing budget cuts, program reductions and a decrease in state funding not to mention a decrease in enrollment and engagement of student. In response …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Connecting Endowment Investing, Experiential Education and Curriculum to Build a Sustainable Economy

  • Intentional Endowments Network (MA)

This session will discuss the growth of student-managed investment funds pursuing sustainable investing strategies, as well as the growth of sustainable investing curriculum development, highlighting current successful funds and courses, …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Curriculum and a Hands-On Project: Manual vs. Automated Irrigation Methods in the University Garden

  • University of Houston - Downtown (TX)

The Center for Urban Agriculture and Sustainability (CUAS) at the University of Houston-Downtown (UHD) has combined innovative curriculum with hands-on projects to teach sustainable practices. Students enrolled in the CUAS …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Foodies in Sustainability Education

  • Portland Community College (OR)

In this workshop we will connect and exchange ideas on how best to utilize food to teach sustainability across disciplines. Food has a central place in individual lives, community culture, …

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Care Enough 2B Energy Aware: Using Submetering & Energy Models 4 Curriculum Dev. & Community Action

  • St. Louis University High School (MO)

St. Louis University High School's faculty-coached and student led Energy Reduction team uses Energystar Portfolio, electric and solar panel submetering data, and energy modeling to create accessible curriculum for various …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Faculty Sharing Success Stories of Teaching with Paul Hawken's Book DRAWDOWN

  • Fort Hays State University (IL)
  • Project Drawdown (CA)

CALLING ALL FACULTY: Have you taught with Paul Hawken's best-seller book 'Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming'?? Bring your stories to share during this informal …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Values-Education and Inequity: Complicating Sustainability Education with a Justice Lens

  • Oregon State University (OR)

Nearly 40 years ago, Wendell Berry (1981) issued a call to educators to re-invent our colleges and universities, to move away from the mechanized framework of specialization and instead offer …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Networking Meeting: Sustainability Curriculum Consortium (SCC)

  • Sustainability Curriculum Consortium (MD)

The Sustainability Curriculum Consortium (SCC), an AASHE member organization, will convene a networking session at the AASHE 2019 Conference. This session will allow participants in SCC activities to engage in …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Campus as Lab - Networking Session

  • Portland State University (OR)

The Campus as Lab Networking Session will provide an opportunity for both new and experienced campus as lab practitioners and researchers to meet, network and share best practices.

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Preparing Graduates for the Sustainability Economy through an ILO Framework

  • Humber College (ON)

We are moving toward increasingly collaborative work environments where everyone can positively impact an organization's contribution to a sustainable economy. At Toronto's Humber College, our post-secondary graduates recognize they need …

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Curriculum for (re)Conceptualizing the University Campus as an Ecosystem

  • University of Utah (UT)

Can the planning and operations of a university campus be reconceptualized with an ecological and systems approach, viewing the campus environment as analogous to an ecosystem? If so, then an …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Engineering for One Planet: Join a growing interdisciplinary community to define and foster environmentally responsible engineering

  • The Lemelson Foundation (OR)
  • VentureWell (MA)

Hosted by The Lemelson Foundation and VentureWell, this panel will provide attendees with an opportunity to learn about and join a multi-disciplinary, multi-sector initiative to co-create a framework to integrate …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Award Winner Session: Creating an SDG Based Course Inventory & Sustainability Pathways at the University of Toronto

  • University of Toronto (ON)

The Expanded Student Engagement Project (ESE) at the University of Toronto (UofT) has been awarded AASHE's 2019 Campus Sustainability Research Award for authoring 'Expanding Student Engagement in Sustainability: Using SDG- …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Getting Credit: Partnerships between Sustainability Offices and Academic Departments

  • University of Massachusetts Amherst (MA)

This poster gives an overview of UMass Amherst's Sustainability Fellowship Program, which began in 2009. Fellows are compensated with three academic credits per semester (awarded by the Department of Environmental …

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Laudato Si and the UNSDGs: An Ignatian Approach to Teaching Human Geography

  • St. Louis University High School (MO)

In 2017 SLUH created a new Foundational Social Studies Curriculum that integrated Ignatian spirituality, neuroscience, executive functioning, research writing, and the AP Human Geography curriculum into a holistic course for …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Only Connect: Learning English and American Culture Through Service Learning and the SDGs

  • Portland State University (OR)

This session will present various ways in which different ESL instructors have come together to engage their students in sustainability work, both inside and outside the classroom. The 17 SDGs …

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Vesting Faculty to Make an Impact: In-House Training for Sustainability & Climate Consequence

  • Delta College (MI)

The pathway to empowering students with knowledge of sustainability, climate resiliency, and climate adaptation begins with passionate, knowledgeable faculty embedding these concepts into classes across the curriculum, service learning, study …

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Food, Forage, Farm, Feast: Teaching Reskilling, Sustainability and Commensality at Antioch College

  • Antioch College (OH)

This session presents Bridgeman's work at Antioch College in developing a series of Reskilling and Resilience courses aimed at providing students with new ways of thinking, and a toolkit, for …

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What do Students Know, Think, Feel, and do about Sustainability and Climate Change?

  • University of Hawaii System Office (HI)

This session describes three separate but coordinated projects within the University of Hawaii System: a survey, a focus group study, and an assessment pilot project. Moderated for synthesis, each panelist …

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Design Your Own Ecovillage: Playing the Ecovillage Game to Explore Sustainability

  • State University of New York at Potsdam (NY)

Ecovillages are living laboratories of sustainability and they can be found all over the world. They are intentional or traditional communities 'using local participatory processes to holistically integrate ecological, economic, …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Award Winner Session: Food Waste Digester Project: An Ongoing Collaborative Project Model for Experiential Student Learning

  • Chandler-Gilbert Community College (AZ)

This presentation will focus on The CGCC Food Waste Recycling Project, a grant-funded campus-wide ongoing collaborative project that offers deep, cross-disciplinary, experiential student learning via an innovative solution for CGCC's …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Developing Interdisciplinary Sustainability Programs at Small Liberal Arts Colleges

  • Eureka College (IL)
  • Muhlenberg College (PA)

With undergraduate enrollment ranging from under 450 to 2,500 and total full-time faculty sizes from 40 to 150, small liberal arts colleges experience a number of challenges to implementing major …

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Building Social Cooperation and Mutual Support Competencies in Agroecology Education

  • Johnson County Community College (KS)

Farming in a restorative and regenerative economy will require cooperative mutual support networks and skills that have not been the hallmark of commodified agriculture in the 20th and 21st centuries. …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Narratives of relatedness: Engaging metaphor, story, and contemplative practices for economic change

  • Portland State University (OR)

The current dominant economy is rooted in patterns of extraction, destruction, scarcity, and disconnection with the living earth. These capitalist patterns have shaped our dominant culture, institutions, and our ways …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Breaking the Silos: Increasing the awareness and adoption of Green Chemistry across disciplines

  • Beyond Benign (MA)
  • State of Washington (WA)

Green chemistry is the design of chemical products and processes that use and generate less hazardous materials. In practice, green chemistry can result in tremendous benefits such as the reduction …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Learning to Change the Game: What Should Management Education for Sustainability Look Like?

  • Bard College (NY)
  • Swarthmore College (PA)

Sustainability requires business to radically reimagine how to keep the lights on, put food on the table, and provide housing, transportation, and education for a population that is headed for …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Sustainability Curriculum: Status Quo or Transformation?

  • Ripon College (WI)

In the last several years, we have witnessed a growing number of sustainability undergraduate programs across the United States. Often stemming from the work of existing departments, these programs address …

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Ripon College Catalyst: Sustainable Futures Through General Curriculum

  • Ripon College (WI)

Higher education will play an important role in equipping students with knowledge and competencies to address environmental and social problems as well as preparing them for civic engagement and the …

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Preparing Students for Success Through Sustainability Competencies, Community and Hope

  • University of Georgia (GA)

As sustainability educators we need to prepare students to address the challenges of sustainability in every field and for positions that have not even been developed yet. In addition to …

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Catalyzing Careers in Sustainability: Benefits of Community Engaged Course Design

  • Indiana University South Bend (IN)

As Nathan Hensley of Bowling Green State University described in the March 24, 2017 issue of The Journal of Sustainability Education, sustainability education should be based on 'transformative, experiential, and …

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Growing Strong Leaders: A Collaborative Approach

  • Dartmouth College (NH)

Sustainability problems are intersectional and multi-faceted. Solving these problems will require collaboration between stakeholders working in different sectors and communities, and using different strategies. Our approach to training changemakers and …

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Advancing University Sustainability via a Co-Creative Process of Assessing Barriers & Change Drivers

  • Kennesaw State University (GA)

Higher education institutions increasingly aim to integrate sustainability at all levels including students, faculty, staff, and the larger community. However, universities also face barriers to enacting change towards greater sustainability, …

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Institutionalizing Sustainability Literacy: Leveraging Opportunities for Sustainable Development

  • College of Charleston (SC)

Creating leveraging opportunities for institutionalizing sustainability is a pervasive issue for institutions of higher education. This presentation will discuss various potential barriers encountered at the College of Charleston and how …

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Learn to Lead the World Climate Simulation, a Mock UN Climate Negotiation

  • University of Massachusetts Lowell (MA)
  • University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (MN)

Learn to lead a World Climate Simulation - a mock United Nations (UN) climate negotiation meeting - on your campus or community. As a facilitator for the World Climate Simulation, …

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Co-Creating a Sustainable Economy Through Climate Adaptation Strategies

  • University of Dayton (OH)

This session will provide the audience applicable lessons and ideas on how to integrate learning opportunities of a sustainable economy into the curriculum. While informing and inspiring attendees on cutting …

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This tab provides access to data collected through AASHE’s Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS). STARS is a transparent, self-reporting framework for colleges and universities to measure their sustainability performance. STARS enables meaningful comparisons over time and across institutions using a common set of measurements developed with broad participation from the campus sustainability community.

All responses reference content from reports under the latest version of STARS, version 2.2. AASHE membership and log-in is required.

AC 1: Academic Courses

AC 2: Learning Outcomes

AC 3: Undergraduate Program

AC 4: Graduate Program

AC 5: Immersive Experience

AC 6: Sustainability Literacy Assessment

AC 7: Incentives for Developing Courses

AC 8: Campus as a Living Laboratory

Additional analysis on scores and quantitative fields can be conducted using the STARS Benchmarking Tool.

Curriculum Partners