
8018 resources

PBL and sustainable education: addressing the problem of isolation

  • Erasmus University Rotterdam

Problem-based learning (PBL) is an innovative educational approach that dates back to the 1960s. However, the twenty-first century goal of sustainable education poses a challenge to PBL, especially as it …

  • Posted March 4, 2020
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Advancing STEM-Based Business Sustainability: Mending the Curricular Gap

  • Montana State University - Billings (MT)
  • Murray State University (KY)
  • University of Arkansas (AR)
  • RAND Corporation (CA)

Businesses are increasingly facing economic, social, and environmental sustainability challenges. Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) are needed to address business sustainability needs, yet such competencies are noticeably absent from …

  • Posted March 4, 2020
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Analysis of the perception of engineering students regarding sustainability

  • Université de Sherbrooke (QC)
  • University of Campinas
  • Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
  • Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Universidad Libre (Valle del Cauca)

This research aims to evaluate the engineering students' perception regarding sustainability. For this, a survey was developed based on sustainability parameters from a detailed analysis of the Global Reporting Initiative …

  • Posted March 4, 2020
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Education of sustainable development goals through students’ active engagement: A transformative learning experience

  • Università degli Studi di Torino

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to discuss and present new teaching techniques to advance the concept and the practice of education for sustainable development (SD). Due to the …

  • Posted March 4, 2020
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Synergy of the (Campus) Commons: Integrating Campus-Based Team Projects in an Introductory Sustainability Course

  • Duke University (NC)

Faculty and staff at Duke have collaborated to teach a one-semester, introductory, undergraduate course on sustainability ten times over 12 years, including both theoretical and applied project-based content. This article …

  • Posted March 4, 2020
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Embracing conflicts for interpersonal competence development in project-based sustainability courses

  • Arizona State University (AZ)
  • Leuphana University of Lüneburg

Purpose Advanced skills in communication, teamwork and stakeholder engagement are widely recognized as important success factors for advancing sustainability. While project-based learning formats claim to advance such skills, there is …

  • Posted March 4, 2020
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If a Tree Falls: Business Students Learning Active Citizenship from Environmentalists

  • The Hague University of Applied Science
  • University of Oulu

This article presents and discusses student assignments reflecting on the documentary film If a Tree Falls, written as part of the Business Ethics and Sustainability course at The Hague University …

  • Posted March 4, 2020
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The Mystery Method Reconsidered—A Tool for Assessing Systems Thinking in Education for Sustainable Development

  • Leibniz Universität Hannover
  • University of Kiel
  • University of Hamburg

Influence diagrams, derived from the mystery method as its learning output, represent an externalization of systems thinking and are, therefore, valid to research; so far they have not been conceptualized …

  • Posted March 4, 2020
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How Western Michigan University is approaching its commitment to sustainability through sustainability-focused courses

  • Western Michigan University (MI)

Many Higher education institutions have committed to the integration of sustainability issues into their curriculum, but these commitments often do not result in the desired changes. Recognizing the importance of …

  • Posted March 4, 2020
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Cooking up a Course: Teaching sustainable marketing at MBA

  • Wageningen University

To explore how a critical course on mainstream marketing and business theory can shift the perception of sustainability as an extrinsic goal to sustainability as an intrinsic boundary condition to …

Combining the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of teaching sustainability: the case of the business school academics

  • University of Auckland

Faculty are key to bringing about ‘bottom-up’ change for sustainability education. Yet, research is still needed on the backgrounds and experiences of change agents in universities and the challenges they …

Webinar: Closing the Loop: Connecting Class to Campus Sustainability with Cases

  • University of Michigan (MI)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • Sustainability Curriculum Consortium (MD)

This webinar will discuss how multimedia, case-based learning can be used to better engage and inform students regarding sustainability-related efforts on campus and create opportunities to build upon their projects …

  • Posted Feb. 7, 2020
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Higher Education for Sustainability: Seeking Intellectual Independence in Aotearoa New Zealand

  • University of Otago (Otago)

This book explores how higher education and sustainability interact in New Zealand, and argues that higher education at present may be contributing as much to unsustainability as it does to …

Competencies and Pedagogies for Sustainability Education: A Roadmap for Sustainability Studies Program Development in Colleges and Universities

  • Colorado Mountain College (CO)

Sustainability studies educators in colleges and universities must identify and teach the knowledge, skills, and abilities their graduates will most need to advance sustainability while confronting perhaps the most serious, …

Watershed Sciences Minor

  • Auburn University (AL)

Freshwater is an essential resource but becoming increasingly scarce in many parts of the world. Watershed science and management is an expanding field that involves managing the availability, quantity, and …

  • Posted Feb. 3, 2020
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Urban Environmental Sciences Minor

  • Auburn University (AL)

More people live in urban areas than ever before. Natural resource specialists with training in urban areas are increasingly needed to manage resources at the expanding urban-rural fringe and within …

  • Posted Feb. 3, 2020
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Nature-based Recreation Minor

  • Auburn University (AL)

Tourism is one of the world’s largest industries and has witnessed significant growth over the last half century. One of the fastest growing segments of the industry, Ecotourism, is anchored …

  • Posted Feb. 3, 2020
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Natural Resources Ecology Minor

  • Auburn University (AL)

Natural resources ecology is a broad and rapidly evolving field that includes landscape, plant, animal and abiotic systems. A minor in Natural Resources Ecology provides students with the opportunity to …

  • Posted Feb. 3, 2020
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Natural Resources Economics & Environmental Policy Minor

  • Auburn University (AL)

Natural resources and the environment have become areas of major concern. The Natural Resources Economics and Environmental Policy minor is designed to provide students with an understanding of how both …

  • Posted Feb. 3, 2020
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Sustainable Biomaterials and Packaging Major

  • Auburn University (AL)

Environmental concerns and evolving technologies are moving companies toward the use of sustainable forest biomaterial for everything from packaging, cosmetics, and automobiles to appliances, pharmaceuticals, and commercial construction. These developments …

  • Posted Feb. 3, 2020
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Wildlife Ecology & Management Major

  • Auburn University (AL)

Whether it be working with endangered species, with farmers to help mitigate agricultural depredation by wildlife, or with the CDC to understand the role of wildlife populations as carriers of …

  • Posted Feb. 3, 2020
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Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Major

  • Auburn University (AL)

A bachelor’s degree in fisheries science prepares students for employment in commercial aquaculture, aquaculture extension, fish hatchery management, fish population assessment, management of recreational fisheries and enhancement of aquatic environments. …

  • Posted Feb. 3, 2020
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Natural Resources Management Major

  • Auburn University (AL)

The Natural Resources Management (NRM) major prepares the next generation of leaders with the knowledge, ability, and excellence to conserve and manage our natural systems for a sustainable future. The …

  • Posted Feb. 3, 2020
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Environmental Design (BS)

  • Auburn University (AL)

Environmental Design is a multidisciplinary degree that emphasizes a blend of sustainable practices from a local and global context, within a framework of comprehensive design and systems thinking. It builds …

  • Posted Feb. 3, 2020
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Biological & Agricultural Technology Management Major

  • Auburn University (AL)

The goal of the Biological and Agricultural Technology Management program (BATM) is to produce graduates that use technology to solve problems. BATM graduates are practical problem solvers because of their …

  • Posted Feb. 3, 2020
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Biosystems Engineering Major

  • Auburn University (AL)

The focus of the Department of Biosystems Engineering is to produce competent engineers that are able to develop sustainable and resilient solutions to global challenges and life’s essentials: food, water, …

  • Posted Feb. 3, 2020
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Stewardship-Based Agriculture Minor

  • Auburn University (AL)

The minor in stewardship-based agriculture is designed with a focus on crop and animal production for small-scale, international or other alternative production systems (such as urban gardens) beyond conventional ag-scale …

  • Posted Feb. 3, 2020
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Crop and Soil Sciences Minor

  • Auburn University (AL)

Crop science incorporates the basic sciences (such as biology, chemistry, physics, geology and microbiology) into an applied science, which is the foundation for most agriculture. Soil science involves issues related …

  • Posted Feb. 3, 2020
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Crop and Soil Sciences Major

  • Auburn University (AL)

Crop science incorporates the basic sciences (such as biology, chemistry, physics, geology and microbiology) into an applied science, which is the foundation for most agriculture. Soil science involves issues related …

  • Posted Feb. 3, 2020
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Environmental Science Major

  • Auburn University (AL)

Auburn's Environmental Science program is an interdisciplinary degree, incorporating studies such as physics, chemistry, biology and geology. Environmental solutions also frequently require mathematical expertise, as well as specific knowledge of …

  • Posted Feb. 3, 2020
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Urban and Regional Planning Technician - Geographic Information Systems

  • Mohawk College (ON)

Students in the program delve into the processes and technologies used for healthy, sustainable urban and regional land use planning and development. Throughout their studies, students learn land use planning …

  • Posted Feb. 3, 2020
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Energy Systems Engineering Technology (Advanced Diploma)

  • Mohawk College (ON)

Students will experience a unique new program introducing a multi-disciplinary approach that focuses on the generation, capture, storage, and distribution of clean and renewable energy and their integration with conventional …

  • Posted Feb. 3, 2020
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Environmental Technician

  • Mohawk College (ON)

Students in the Environmental Technician program will learn the fundamentals of solid waste, water and wastewater treatment. The sources, impacts, monitoring and control of water/wastewater pollutants, air pollutants, and solid …

  • Posted Feb. 3, 2020
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Environment and Natural Resources (PhD)

  • The Ohio State University (OH)

The School of Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) PhD provides high-level research and scholarly training for individuals who wish to pursue independent, original thinking and careers in academia or high-level …

  • Posted Feb. 3, 2020
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Master of Science (MS), School of Environment and Natural Resources

  • The Ohio State University (OH)

The MS is a 30-credit hour program intended for those planning to pursue research-oriented careers, including those interested in pursuing a doctoral degree. Students will take 5 credit hours in …

  • Posted Feb. 3, 2020
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Master of Environment and Natural Resources (MENR)

  • The Ohio State University (OH)

The MENR is a 36-credit hour program that can be completed in two years of full-time enrollment and includes a credit-granting internship. The degree features a rigorous but flexible program, …

  • Posted Feb. 3, 2020
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Environment, Economy, Development, and Sustainability (EEDS) Minor

  • The Ohio State University (OH)

The EEDS minor offers students a multi-disciplinary program that focuses on the human, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainability – often referred to as people, planet and profit. Through enrollment …

  • Posted Feb. 3, 2020
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Agribusiness Minor

  • The Ohio State University (OH)

The Agribusiness minor provides an understanding of business concepts important for effective agribusiness decision-making and an understanding of the role of economic constraints in the efficient operation of an agribusiness …

  • Posted Feb. 3, 2020
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Science, Engineering and Public Policy Minor

  • The Ohio State University (OH)

The Science, Engineering and Public Policy minor from the John Glenn College of Public Affairs provides students with an understanding of how governmental roles and responsibilities surrounding science, engineering, innovation, …

  • Posted Feb. 3, 2020
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Natural Resource Management major, BS in Environment and Natural Resources

  • The Ohio State University (OH)

A major in Natural Resource Management (NRM) promotes an awareness of the connection between environmental systems and the social sciences. Coursework will help students understand how decisions are made regarding …

  • Posted Feb. 3, 2020
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Environmental Policy and Decision Making major, BS in Environment and Natural Resources

  • The Ohio State University (OH)

Environmental policy and decision making explores the protection of long-term natural resource use and environmental quality through changes in human behavior and policy. Students study the economic and social forces …

  • Posted Feb. 3, 2020
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Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife major, BS in Environment and Natural Resources

  • The Ohio State University (OH)

The Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife (FFW) major uses basic biology to create sustainable solutions for ecosystems, habitats, and plant and animal species that are affected by human use of the …

  • Posted Feb. 3, 2020
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Environmental Engineering (BS)

  • The Ohio State University (OH)

Environmental Engineers work with government, industry and private groups to design and implement projects to improve the environment and public health. They address topics such as wastewater management, solid waste …

  • Posted Feb. 3, 2020
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Summer REU in Urban Ecology and the Environment

  • City University of New York, Baruch College (NY)
  • The City University of New York (NY)
  • City University of New York, Brooklyn College (NY)

The Brooklyn Urban Ecology and Environment Program (BUEE) is a NSF-sponsored Research Experiences for Undergraduates hosted at Brooklyn College of the City University of New York. BUEE supports the training …

  • Posted Feb. 3, 2020
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ESD for 2030: The Future Depends on Us!

  • Portland Community College (OR)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • Greater Portland Sustainability Education Network (GPSEN) (OR)

The United Nations has established a new decade, beginning in 2020, focused on the power of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). “ESD for 2030” calls for educators to help advance …

  • Posted Jan. 23, 2020
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Global Justice & Human Rights Specialization, Global Governance (PhD)

  • Wilfrid Laurier University (ON)
  • University of Waterloo (ON)

This field is concerned with the study of the relationship between global governance and issues of global justice and human rights. Courses in this stream explore themes such as: the …

  • Posted Dec. 23, 2019
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Global Environment Specialization, Global Governance (PhD)

  • Wilfrid Laurier University (ON)
  • University of Waterloo (ON)

This field is concerned with the global governance of environmental issues. Courses in this stream examine contemporary dilemmas relating to the ways in which environmental challenges are being addressed and …

  • Posted Dec. 23, 2019
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Environment & Health Concentration, Biological and Chemical Sciences (PhD)

  • Wilfrid Laurier University (ON)

The PhD program in Biological and Chemical Sciences is research-based, and works on an apprenticeship model, where students work closely with a faculty supervisor. Student research falls within one or …

  • Posted Dec. 23, 2019
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Environmental Studies (MES)

  • Wilfrid Laurier University (ON)
  • University of Waterloo (ON)

The MEs is for those students interested in Environmental and Resource Management or some aspects of Human Geography or environmental applications of Geomatics.

This field is concerned with ecosystem characteristics …

  • Posted Dec. 23, 2019
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Sustainability Option (Geography)

  • Wilfrid Laurier University (ON)

The Sustainability Option offers students an opportunity to: (a) learn how to consider and integrate issues related to environmental resilience, community well-being and economic prosperity; and (b) engage in interdisciplinary …

  • Posted Dec. 23, 2019
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This tab provides access to data collected through AASHE’s Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS). STARS is a transparent, self-reporting framework for colleges and universities to measure their sustainability performance. STARS enables meaningful comparisons over time and across institutions using a common set of measurements developed with broad participation from the campus sustainability community.

All responses reference content from reports under the latest version of STARS, version 2.2. AASHE membership and log-in is required.

AC 1: Academic Courses

AC 2: Learning Outcomes

AC 3: Undergraduate Program

AC 4: Graduate Program

AC 5: Immersive Experience

AC 6: Sustainability Literacy Assessment

AC 7: Incentives for Developing Courses

AC 8: Campus as a Living Laboratory

Additional analysis on scores and quantitative fields can be conducted using the STARS Benchmarking Tool.

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