
8017 resources

Going Beyond the Classroom to Study Sustainability: How to Design Community-based Experiential Learning Courses

  • International Sustainable Development Studies Institute (Chiang Mai)

Education about sustainability should incorporate not just new ideas, but also innovative approaches to teaching. This presentation focuses on one such method-lessons learned and how to design experiential community-based courses. …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Ithaca College's Finger Lakes Project

  • Ithaca College (NY)

Ithaca College's Finger Lakes Project (FLP) is a sustainability curricular education workshop inspired by AASHE's Sustainability Across the Curriculum Leadership workshops. The FLP, which began in 2006, has grown into …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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What's Next? The Greening of Art Pedagogy

  • Land Views, Online Journal of Landscape, Art, and Design (NY)

Studio art teachers are confronting the unprecedented challenge of preparing students to maximize their artistic marks while minimizing their environmental footprints. What strategies can be adopted to integrate environmentalism into …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Principles and Practices for Effective Sustainability Education

  • Luther College (IA)

So your president signed the President's Climate Commitment, and you've completed a carbon footprint analysis. What do you do about the education component? This presentation will provide an informal survey …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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A Framework for Evaluation: Determining Criteria and Indicators for Effective Higher Education Programs Focused on Environmental Sustainability

  • North Carolina State University (NC)

An increasing number of colleges and universities in the United States are restructuring courses and research programs to focus on long-term use and maintenance of resources and protecting these resources …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Promoting Sustainable Agriculture Careers for Undergraduates through a Collaborative Experiential Learning and Research Program at Cornell University: The Sustainable Agriculture Scholars Program

  • North Carolina State University (NC)

The number of undergraduate students majoring in agricultural fields is steadily declining, resulting in fewer trained agricultural professionals able to address complex problems concerning agricultural sustainability. We developed and piloted …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Developing Integrated Research, Education, and Outreach Programs in Sustainable Agriculture at NC State University: A Model for Land Grant Universities

  • North Carolina State University (NC)

Land grant universities (LGUs) play a vital role in educating students and training extension agents in organic and sustainable agriculture. Incorporating research, education and extension outreach into their missions, LGUs …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Our Solar Sunflowers: Collaboration and Education

  • Northeast Wisconsin Technical College (WI)

Northeast Wisconsin Technical College has developed three certificate programs which began enrolling students this summer. The programs include: Renewable Energy - Solar, Sustainable Design, and Biofuels. The college is focusing …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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The Campus and Community, Tools for Teaching Sustainability: An Examination of a Service-Learning Project

  • Northern Arizona University (AZ)

This presentation will focus on a service-learning project that utilized the campus and community as tools to help teach sustainability in an introductory undergraduate course in Environmental Humanities. In this …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Sustainability and General Education

  • Northern Arizona University (AZ)

Universities, especially publically funded universities, have a responsibility to educate students about the world in which they live and the trends that are defining the world of the future. One …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Teaching Sustainability: Engaging Students in Developing Local Sustainability Indicators

  • Oberlin College (OH)

Students play an important role in defining the culture and spirit of a campus and engaging them in sustainability initiatives on campus and beyond is an important component of the …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Teaching Sustainability

  • Otterbein University (OH)

This presentation offers a case study of how teaching sustainability can become a force for change on campus and the wider community. The paper examines the 10 week process by …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Mapping the Landscapes of History: the Elwha River as curriculum

  • Peninsula College (WA)

The largest dam removal/river restoration project ever attempted is slated for the Elwha River in rural Washington state. A 1992 Act of Congress guaranteed the removal, following the efforts of …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Educators as Architects of Living Systems

  • Peralta Community Colleges District Office (CA)

Imagine a learning community as a wetland or a forest. Imagine a group of learners as a highly interdependent community, a vibrant living system not unlike an ecosystem in nature. …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Greener by Design

  • Pratt Institute (NY)

Pratt Institute, a leading school of art, architecture and design in Brooklyn, New York has been awarded a FIPSE grant to implement an innovative educational initiative that addresses one of …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Education Revolution: Empowering the Next Generation of Sustainable Designers

  • RMJM

Across the country, our nation's colleges and universities are leading the charge for sustainability - but are we really training the next generation of architects to be sustainable designers? How …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Green Building Maintenance and Management: A New Degree Program at Sullivan County Community College (SCCC)

  • Sullivan County Community College (NY)

In Fall 2008, SCCC will offer a new AAS in Green Building Maintenance and Management. One of the first programs, if not the first, of its kind in the country …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Promoting Campus Sustainability through Interdisciplinary Cooperation: A Case Study at the University of Arizona Visitor Center

  • University of Arizona (AZ)

During the 2006-07 academic year, University of Arizona students, faculty and staff designed and implemented a "green retrofit" for the UA Visitor Center. This retrofit emphasized two main components: water …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Academic Staff to the Rescue

  • University of California, Santa Barbara (CA)

The Ellison Hall Sustainability Committee (EHSC), a 15-member group of faculty, staff and students representing six departments in University of California Santa Barbara's Ellison Hall, recently implemented the "Zero Waste: …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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From Operations to Mission: Finding Points of Pedagogical Leverage in Campus Sustainability Initiatives

  • University of California, Santa Cruz (CA)

Drawing on case studies and research conducted at the University of California Santa Cruz, this paper discusses the integration of campus sustainability initiatives and academic curriculum in universities. It explores …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Student Directed Bicycle Education Course Creates Community Understanding

  • University of California, Santa Cruz (CA)

This project addresses the challenges UCSC faces with implementing sustainable transportation. The primary mode of campus transportation is via automobile. The cost of automobile use for the UC, students, and …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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SEE and Sustainability Across the Curriculum: Cooperation Among the Natural Sciences, Humanities and the Social Sciences

  • University of Dayton (OH)

The University of Dayton, a Catholic Marianist institution, is currently developing an interdisciplinary program, Sustainability, Energy and the Environment (SEE). SEE is not a new major in environmental studies, but …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Promoting Sustainable Business Practices by Teaching Business Principles to Environmental Scientists

  • University of Idaho (ID)

This presentation will report on a newly created course (spring 2008) to teach business principles to environmental science students. The course introduces the environmental scientist to how environmental sustainability is …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Creating Sustainable Colleges: Environmental Audits as Course Projects

  • University of Illinois, Springfield (IL)

In Fall 2007, as a course project, students taking the Sustainable Development course from the Department of Environmental Studies conducted an environmental audit for the operation of the College of …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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The Environmental Action Component in Sustainability Coursework: Service Learning in the Syllabus

  • University of Texas at Austin (TX)

In 2007, a new module for service learning in sustainability education at UT Austin was implemented. Known as the Environmental Action Component (EAC), the module dynamically included environmental community service …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Ecocritical Praxis: Re-establishing the "Principle of Relevance"

  • The University of Texas at Dallas (TX)

The term "ecocriticism" was coined by William Reuckert, who proposed, in 1976, that literary criticism shift its locus to "a principle of relevance": he suggested that critics "experiment with the …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Students Teaching Students (STS) Courses: Supporting Peer Education on Emerging Environmental Themes

  • University of Vermont (VT)

Courses designed and taught by students on emerging environmental themes have been offered at the University of Vermont since 1985 through Environmental Studies. Students Teaching Students (STS) is presented as …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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The Learning Barge Initiative: Advancing Sustainability through Multi-disciplinary Research Service Learning

  • University of Virginia (VA)

The Learning Barge Initiative is a unique example of university students and community partners collaborating on a project with wide-reaching social, educational and environmental benefits. The research, design and construction …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Nature Immersion: A Model for Sustainability Education

  • University of Wisconsin-Superior (WI)

This presentation is an overview of a new Nature Immersion Model for Sustainability Education. This model entails a week-long "Leadership in Sustainability" seminar offered through Student Support Services at the …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Curriculum and Sustainability

  • Wake Forest University (NC)

This presentation explores how to create an educational experience for undergraduates and graduate students that explore firm-level strategy through the lens of sustainability. The core question addressed is "how do …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Applied Psychology: Service Learning to Address Campus Sustainability

  • Wells College (NY)

In an upper-level psychology class titled, "Environmental Problems and Human Behavior," service learning was incorporated to address sustainability issues on the Wells College campus. Working in groups, students chose three …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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You Can Take It With You: Practicing Sustainability Within and Beyond the Academy

  • Western Illinois University (IL)

In his essay "Sustainable Composition," Derek Owens suggests that teachers have an ethical and social responsibility to their communities to consider more sustainable practices in our pedagogy and professional lives, …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Incorporating Sustainability into a College Course: Measuring the Impact of One Assignment on Sustainability-related Attitudes of the Students.

  • Whatcom Community College (WA)

This presentation reports on a four year project measuring student attitudes about sustainability issues, and the impact of one assignment that focuses on related issues. A survey of sustainability-related attitudes …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Deepening the Conversation: Making the Connections Between Social Justice Education and Sustainability

  • University of Colorado Colorado Springs (CO)
  • Hackman Consulting Group

This case study seeks to help those who are not familiar with social justice educational frameworks gain an initial understanding of what they are and then how they connect to …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Using a Social Justice Lens to Address the Doubt, Denial and Dismissal of Climate Change and the Need for a Sustainable Future

  • Hackman Consulting Group

This half-day workshop is designed to help participants respond to campus doubt, denial and dismissal regarding climate change through the utilization of a social justice perspective on climate change and …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Growing a Crop of 21st Century Innovators: Adapting our Learning Garden to Changing Times at Portland Community College’s Rock Creek Campus

  • Portland Community College (OR)

This interactive session will provide the historical perspective of developing a large learning garden at Portland Community College’s Rock Creek Campus. The Learning Garden includes 51 raised beds, 2 acres …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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The College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University: A Case Study in Sustainability

  • Saint John's University (MN)

College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University (CSB/SJU) embarked actively on incorporating sustainability into operations and education by declaring 2010-2011 as the Year of Sustainability. This focus was a …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Integrated Design: Linking Curriculum, Sustainability and Buildings that Teach

  • Pierce College District 11 (WA)
  • Opsis Architecture (OR)

Through a "cross-campus, multi-disciplinary" process, the Science and Technology Center was conceived as an interactive and sustainably-focused facility where the building becomes an integral part of math and science curriculum …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Using experiential learning to create community linkages

  • University of Toronto (ON)

The University of Toronto Mississauga environment program offers a practicum course that features environmental sustainability campus based initiatives for small groups of students. This structure engages students to undertake primary …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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AASHE, USGBC, NWF and Second Nature Announcement

  • National Wildlife Federation (VA)
  • Second Nature (MA)
  • U.S. Green Building Council (DC)
  • AASHE (MA)

Meghan Fay Zahniser from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE), Julian Keniry from the National Wildlife Federation (NWF), Jaime Van Mourik from the U.S. Green …

  • Posted Feb. 25, 2016
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Environmental Literacy and Sustainability as Core Requirements: Success Stories and Models

  • Oakland Community College (MI)

At a number of colleges and universities, the core General Education requirements for all degrees include an in depth exposure to environmental literacy. Many colleges are also including a degree …

  • Posted Feb. 25, 2016
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Rice U 2012 Syllabus - Engineering Solutions for Sustainable Communities

  • Rice University (TX)

The Rice University course Engineering Solutions for Sustainable Communities is cross-listed between Chemical Engineering and Environmental Studies. The class explores the principles of sustainability, the science of global warming, and …

  • Posted Feb. 25, 2016
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Ecological Footprint Journal Assignment

  • Bellevue College (WA)

This is a journal assignment that I ask students to do after calculating their ecological footprint. The prompt from the last time I gave this assignment is attached.

  • Posted Feb. 25, 2016
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Citizen Pledge Assignment

  • Bellevue College (WA)

As a Political Science instructor, one of my primary goals is to help students realize their rights and responsibilities as citizens. By “realize” I mean both knowing and appreciating what …

  • Posted Feb. 25, 2016
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Global Trade Game

  • Bellevue College (WA)

One of the ways I like to assess student learning is through class games. I use this particular game to assess knowledge about globalization and the stake holders involved in …

  • Posted Feb. 25, 2016
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Facebook Project

  • Bellevue College (WA)

Here is a quarter long project that I use in my SOC:278 Global Sociology class. The Project Outline includes weekly assignments that require students to spend 50 minutes on Facebook …

  • Posted Feb. 25, 2016
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Rice U 2012 Syllabus - Environmental Issues: Rice Into the Future

  • Rice University (TX)

Attached is the course syllabus for Rice University's ENST 302 / SOCI 304 "Environmental Issues: Rice Into the Future," a project-based class that uses the university as a laboratory for …

  • Posted Feb. 25, 2016
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SCT100: Introduction to Sustainable Built Environments

  • Maricopa County Community College District Office (AZ)

Study of the built environment and implications on human health, the natural environment, and society. Understanding of strategies that achieve sustainable design. Exploration of positive and negative sustainable product attributes. …

  • Posted Feb. 25, 2016
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Triple Bottom Line Reporting

  • University of Massachusetts Dartmouth (MA)

Triple Bottom Line Reporting focuses on transparent disclosure of the organization’s triple bottom line: economic, environmental and social aspects, also known as the three pillars of sustainability. While not legally …

  • Posted Feb. 25, 2016
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Imagined Landscapes: Visions of Sustainability

  • University of Utah (UT)

Sustainability is often characterized, graphically, as three overlapping ellipses, typically labeled “People”, “Planet”, and “Profit”. If we think of these ellipses as individual lenses though which to view the world, …

  • Posted Feb. 25, 2016
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This tab provides access to data collected through AASHE’s Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS). STARS is a transparent, self-reporting framework for colleges and universities to measure their sustainability performance. STARS enables meaningful comparisons over time and across institutions using a common set of measurements developed with broad participation from the campus sustainability community.

All responses reference content from reports under the latest version of STARS, version 2.2. AASHE membership and log-in is required.

AC 1: Academic Courses

AC 2: Learning Outcomes

AC 3: Undergraduate Program

AC 4: Graduate Program

AC 5: Immersive Experience

AC 6: Sustainability Literacy Assessment

AC 7: Incentives for Developing Courses

AC 8: Campus as a Living Laboratory

Additional analysis on scores and quantitative fields can be conducted using the STARS Benchmarking Tool.

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