
8017 resources

Using a Class to Conduct a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory: Lessons from Macalester College

  • Macalester College (MN)

During spring 2008, students in Macalester College's environmental studies senior seminar conducted a greenhouse gas emissions inventory of Macalester College as their class project. This project is the campus's first …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Teaching Sustainability Using an On-Farm Community Supported Agriculture framework

  • New Mexico State University (NM)

An organic garden operated as a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) venture at New Mexico State University (NMSU) was used as the framework for teaching sustainability concepts. The CSA model of …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Pacific University's B Street Permaculture Project

  • Pacific University (OR)

There are pressing concerns related to the global dependence on fossil fuels due to limited supplies and the expanding production of greenhouse gases. As leaders in the global community, institutions …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Function, Damn It! A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Teaching Sustainability

  • University of Nebraska at Omaha (NE)

In 2007, several faculty and staff members from UNO and the University of Nebraska Medical Center created and team-taught a class called "Sustainable Omaha?" The special offerings graduate and undergraduate …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Integrating Sustainability and Science in an Urban Infrastructure Course - Experience and Learning Outcomes

  • Tulane University (LA)

In the fall of 2007, a course was developed on sustainable infrastructure in urban environments, and the course was taught in the following spring semester. Aimed mainly at undergraduate students …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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One Size Does Not Fit All: How Every School's Character can Define a Distinctive Curriculum for Sustainability

  • Cadmus Group, Inc. (FL)

This paper will examine some of the paths to and virtues of diversity and difference in environmental education, and how this diversity enhances our common knowledge. In the quest for …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Running the Numbers: Enhancing Calculus through Education about Sustainability

  • Ithaca College (NY)

We will give a brief overview along with specific examples on how to incorporate sustainability themes into a calculus class. With the widespread availability of data and the commonality of …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Breaking Sustainability Ground in Art and Design

  • Savannah College of Art & Design (GA)

What has an Art and Design College to do with sustainability? The Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) currently offers 32 Majors ranging from Advertising Design, Architecture, Fibers, Historic …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Current State of Sustainability in Business Education

  • California State University, Sacramento (CA)

While evaluating our current undergraduate Marketing curriculum and considering the addition of courses or modules on sustainability, it was important to determine what other business schools were offering in their …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Campus Sustainability Films in a General Education Science Course

  • Furman University (SC)

Making students aware of and peaking their interests in campus environmental and sustainability initiatives can be difficult, given students wide range of interests and competing demands for their time. I …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Experiential Learning: UNC's Business Accelerator for Sustainable Entrepreneurship (BASE)

  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (NC)

The new Business Accelerator for Sustainable Entrepreneurship (BASE) at the University of North Carolina provides an innovative experiential learning opportunity for students to work directly with sustainably-oriented businesses. BASE is …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Sustainability Across the Curriculum: Strategies for Change

  • Auburn University (AL)
  • Emory University (GA)
  • St. Olaf College (MN)
  • San Diego State University (CA)
  • Santa Clara University (CA)

Curriculum change is one of the key components for helping colleges and universities create a more sustainable future. And yet, curriculum change remains challenging precisely because the curriculum is not …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Perspectives on Sustainability Curricula

  • Oklahoma State University (OK)
  • Unity Environmental University (ME)
  • Global Council Science and the Environment (DC)

Interdisciplinary environmental programs have proliferated and flourished in higher educational institutions across the United States for four decades. Despite this long history and the large and growing number of programs, …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Big Ideas and Faculty Learning Communities: A Strategy for Integrating Sustainability across the Curriculum

  • Peninsula College (WA)
  • Seattle University (WA)
  • Evergreen State College, The (WA)
  • University of Puget Sound (WA)

If sustainability perspectives and practices are to become part of college graduates' thinking, they must start appearing across the curriculum in ways that are meaningful for students. In the Puget …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Sustainability in Education Abroad

  • Keene State College (NH)
  • Living Routes, Inc. (MA)
  • CIEE (ME)

International Education exposes students to the world. It also exposes the world to the environmental, economic, and social impacts of travel and program activities. Program decisions about transportation, accommodations, food, …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Sustainability Education at the Edge: A Cohort Model for Doctoral Study

  • Appalachian State University (NC)
  • Prescott College (AZ)

The challenge for the field of Sustainability Education is how to develop and support "agents of change" who can profoundly impact and transform our educational systems to produce a more …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Doing Local Environmental History: Developing a Sense of Place and Ecological Citizenship

  • Fashion Institute of Technology (NY)
  • Ithaca College (NY)

Since the fall of 2005 a special partnership has been nurtured between the History of American Environmental Thought course and The History Center in Tompkins County (NY). Working in teams …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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The Sustainable Agriculture Education Association: Facilitating the Teaching and Learning of Sustainable Food and Farming Systems in Higher Education

  • North Carolina State University (NC)
  • University of California, Davis (CA)

Sustainable agriculture as an academic discipline is an emerging field. In the past five to ten years, numerous U.S. colleges and universities have formed courses and programs dedicated to the …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Everyone Eats at This Table: Explorations of Ecoliteracy and Environmental Justice at the University of North Carolina, Pembroke

  • University of North Carolina, Pembroke (NC)

Taking the necessity of developing sustainability curriculum at North American educational institutions as a given, how do faculty who have never taught this curriculum go about creating meaningful courses? How …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Sustainability Across the Curriculum at Antioch University New England: Lessons & Questions from the Field

  • Antioch University, New England (NH)

Antioch University New England's stated purpose is to provide transformative education through scholarship, innovation, and community action for a just and sustainable society. This panel will explore how one academic …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Sustainability across the Curriculum - Elon University Faculty Scholars Program

  • Elon University (NC)

The Sustainability Faculty Scholars program was developed to assist faculty in the incorporation of sustainability themes across the University curriculum. Faculty members apply for the program by proposing the incorporation …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Innovative Methods in Renewable Energy Education and Training and the Integration of Campus Sustainability at Cape Cod Community College

  • Cape Cod Community College (MA)

Cape Cod Community College (CCCC) has a dynamic and vibrant environmental program that includes two degree and multiple certificate options, including three certificates in Clean Energy Technologies: Photovoltaic, Solar Thermal …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Sustainability at Missouri State University: A Public Affair

  • Missouri State University (MO)

Missouri State University has a State wide Mission of "Public Affairs". Over the past several years, that mission has been explored through a Public Affairs Conference and various themes. In …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Making Your Campus a Laboratory for Sustainability: Linking Operations and Curriculum

  • Evergreen State College, The (WA)

How can you incorporate daily operations of your campus into a laboratory for learning opportunities for students? This presentation will emphasize easily transferable strategies, regardless of campus size and orientation. …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Education for Ecocultural Sustainability: ENVS 410 The Campus as a Living, Learning Laboratory

  • Western Michigan University (MI)

This paper reports on the details of a remarkable, seven-year curriculum experiment directed at learning how to see and understand our campus as an ecocultural system. Taking a systems-oriented, action …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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A Sustainable Process for Sustainability Curriculum Development

  • Arizona State University (AZ)

Development of interdisciplinary curricula is always a complicated process, both conceptually and bureaucratically. Doing this work in a new field in a new School is particularly challenging. This presentation traces …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Ecotrail Design: Integrating Art, Nature and Sustainability

  • Daemen University (NY)

In an interdisciplinary collaboration between a biologist and artist/designer at Daemen College, we have initiated a multi-year project to engage students in environmental science through the creation of a campus …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Rational Resource Management: The Case EARTH University, Costa Rica

  • EARTH University

EARTH University, located on an 8,000 acre property in the lowlands of Costa Rica, Central America, is a private, international, university dedicated to education in the agricultural sciences and natural …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Undergraduate Management Education for Sustainability

  • Furman University (SC)

Furman University's Department of Business and Accounting plays a significant role in the university's sustainability efforts through innovative curriculum development and engagement of the corporate community. Sustainability concepts are infused …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Academics in Action: Bridging the Gap Between the Classroom and the Community

  • Grand Valley State University (MI)

In his 1949 polemic, "The Land Ethic," Aldo Leopold notes that the conventional answer to the question of how to develop an environmental conscience/consciousness is "more education" however, he also …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Green Research for Incorporating Data into the Classroom (GRIDc)

  • North Carolina State University (NC)

North Carolina State University (NCSU), NCSU Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, and the Department of Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education, the North Carolina Solar Center, and Pitt Community College are working …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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The Kanawha Project: Environmental Issues Across the Undergraduate Curriculum

  • Ohio University (OH)

The overall goal of the Kanawha Project is to enhance the undergraduate curriculum by integrating environmental issues across disciplines. During the 2008-7 academic year the following activities took place on …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Building A MASS Movement: the Masters of Arts in Sustainability Studies at Ramapo College of NJ

  • Ramapo College of New Jersey (NJ)

As Sustainability moves from a meandering stream to a roaring movement, it is important that we develop graduate programs that push development of the field and prepare leaders to implement …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Designing and Developing Service Learning Pedagogy in Support of Sustainability

  • University of Florida (FL)

Service learning has become a recognized form of pedagogy in University graduate and undergraduate education. The term takes a variety of forms including structured internships, design and policy studios, law …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Bridging the Disciplinary Divide: Tackling the Challenge of Educating for Sustainability at the University of MN

  • University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (MN)

A major challenge facing the world is sustaining people's productive and meaningful livelihoods and the natural ecosystems on which they depend. Universities have a unique capacity, and an important responsibility, …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Living Green, Learning Green: Applying Green Values to Housing and Across the University

  • University of South Carolina (SC)

At the University of South Carolina, applying green values across the campus is part of an attempt to transform not only the curriculum but also the daily lives of students …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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The FLC-SHE: A Transdisciplinary Faculty Learning Community on Sustainability in Higher Education

  • Western Carolina University (NC)

In 2007, an ad hoc Campus Sustainability task force at Western Carolina University was regenerated as a Faculty Learning Community (FLC), with a focus on integrating sustainability in the WCU …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Integration of Sustainability Education into Pre-service Teacher Preparation

  • Western Washington University (WA)

In Washington state, beginning Fall, 2009, all new teacher candidates will need to provide student-based and teacher-based evidence demonstrating they are able to prepare effective citizens for an environmentally sustainable, …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Exploring New Terrain in Business Education: Bringing Sustainability to Ground Level

  • Aquinas College (MI)

Sustainable business, as an emerging field of study, explores new approaches to commerce and business practices. Its focus on commerce departs from the linear "heat, beat, and treat" structure of …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Careers in Sustainability

  • Arizona State University (AZ)

Sustainability education options increase each year. Colleges and universities offer courses, concentrations, certificates, minors, and now even full degree programs. Still, questions remain as to where students will use their …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Preparing Graduate Students to Teach Sustainability

  • Arizona State University (AZ)

This presentation outlines an innovative approach to training graduate students to be effective teachers of sustainability in academic, K-12, community, and professional environments. Because most of our graduate students will …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Sustainability in the Curriculum: A Case Study in Art

  • Auburn University (AL)

This presentation will summarize ongoing efforts to integrate sustainability into the theory and practice of the sculpture program at Auburn University. The first half of the presentation will focus on …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Many Fields of Green: An Interdisciplinary Approach

  • Bridgewater State University (MA)

This curriculum-oriented presentation provides an overview of how sustainability principles are taught in a variety of academic disciplines at the college level. Through a series of examples and case studies, …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Out of the Trash Aquarium: How Do We Teach Teachers to Educate for Sustainability in Their Classrooms?

  • Bridgewater State University (MA)

In the United States as well many other countries, teachers must fulfill a governmental authorization of the particulars of their curriculum. These curriculum mandates propose benchmarks in pupil academic expertise. …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Double Dipping: Combining Research and Outreach in a Sustainability Service Learning Project

  • California State University, Sacramento (CA)

Students in an introductory environmental science course for non-majors participated in a service learning project for Earth Day 2008 that combined outreach to fellow students and data collection for research …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Posters for Change: the Power of Communication Design

  • Carnegie Mellon University (PA)

The course, "Design & Social Change," at Carnegie Mellon University strives to promote environmental literacy in the early years of secondary education, encouraging students to incorporate environmental thinking into their …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Sustainable Energy Curriculum Development

  • Eastern Connecticut State University (CT)

At Eastern Connecticut State University, we are developing on-campus and online courses which serve the general student as well as majors and minors in Sustainable Energy Studies. The course sequence …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Economics and Sustainability: Using the Campus and Community as a Laboratory

  • Furman University (SC)

Economics is not always at the center of sustainability discussions, but it is an essential consideration as universities and communities transition from discussion to policy formation. The answers to questions …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Sustainability as Part of the Curriculum: An Example from a Liberal Arts College.

  • Furman University (SC)

There are many opportunities to engage students in sustainability projects in a liberal arts setting. Such engagement benefits the students but is also beneficial in moving the college toward greater …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Navigating Theory and Practice: Indiana University's Summer Program in Sustainability

  • Indiana University Bloomington (IN)

As a prominent component of its emerging, campus-wide program of sustainability Indiana University has developed a high-profile internship program for its IU Bloomington campus. The IU Summer Program in Sustainability, …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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This tab provides access to data collected through AASHE’s Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS). STARS is a transparent, self-reporting framework for colleges and universities to measure their sustainability performance. STARS enables meaningful comparisons over time and across institutions using a common set of measurements developed with broad participation from the campus sustainability community.

All responses reference content from reports under the latest version of STARS, version 2.2. AASHE membership and log-in is required.

AC 1: Academic Courses

AC 2: Learning Outcomes

AC 3: Undergraduate Program

AC 4: Graduate Program

AC 5: Immersive Experience

AC 6: Sustainability Literacy Assessment

AC 7: Incentives for Developing Courses

AC 8: Campus as a Living Laboratory

Additional analysis on scores and quantitative fields can be conducted using the STARS Benchmarking Tool.

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