BS Biological Science
California State University, Fullerton
The CSUF Department of Biological Science is dedicated to educating the individual student using active-learning, inquiry-based educational approaches throughout its curriculum. The curriculum for biology majors provides a broad exposure to key biological principles through the core and depth of knowledge within the student's chosen emphasis. Many opportunities for faculty-mentored student research exist. Our focus is on guiding students to acquire the skills, develop the attitudes, and master the information necessary to continue their education, obtain desirable employment in biology-related areas, and be productive citizens.
There are five concentrations. Please use the link to the CSUF University Catalog to see the official requirements for each concentration.
1) Ecology and Evolutionary Biology: The study of all biological organisms (ranging from the level of the individual to the ecosystem), their responses to the environment on evolutionary and ecological time scales, and their conservation.
2) Cellular and Developmental Biology: The study of the structural and functional dynamics of cells, including topics such as compartmentalization and secretion, cell motility, and cell-cell interactions as they apply to the the specialized fields of immunology, microbiology, neurobiology, physiology, and developmental biology.
3) Marine Biology: The study of marine organisms and their coastal and oceanic habitats, including classification, structure/function, ecology and physiology of these organisms, and conservation, environmental and evolutionary issues related to these organisms and their habitats.
4) Molecular Biology and Biotechnology: The study of genetics, molecular biology, and biotechnology and their applications to medicine, agriculture and the environment (e.g., cancer, infectious diseases, gene therapy, crop improvement, and bioremediation).
5) Plant Biology: The study of plant biology, including plant diversity, plant cell biology, developmental plant biology, plant ecology, plant evolution, plant genetics, molecular plant biology, organismal plant biology, phycology, plant physiology, plant animal interactions, plant-microbe interactions, and plant pathology.