Crop and Soil Sciences (MS)

Michigan State University

Date Posted: Dec. 17, 2020
Submitted by: Monika Urbanski
Sustainability Topic: Curriculum
Content Type: Academic Programs
Program Type: Master's Degree


The Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences requires all graduate students to participate in a meaningful teaching or extension experience and to exhibit proficiency in both writing and general presentation skills as a part of their graduate programs. The teaching/extension requirement is to be an experience that is beneficial and relevant to the education of each student. All M.S. students are required to successfully complete a final oral certifying examination. The oral examination is considered to be a comprehensive examination of the M.S. degree. Since M.S. degree programs may vary markedly between students, the oral examination will also vary, but in each case the examination will attempt to determine if the candidate has achieved (a) an acceptable level of competence in the general area of crop and/or soil science and related fields, and (b) a comprehensive knowledge of his/her major area of specialization. In addition to the oral examination, a written examination may be given by and at the discretion of each member of the guidance committee.

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