Date Posted: Aug. 30, 2018
Submitted by: Claire Pope
Sustainability Topics: Curriculum, Water
Content Type: Academic Programs
Program Type: Baccalaureate degree


The University of Nebraska-Lincoln's water science major includes instruction in water science, natural resources, biological and physical sciences and mathematics and statistics, as well as in the humanities, social sciences and communications. The program gives students the option of studying aquatic ecology, hydrology, water law and policy, water quality, or watershed management. The major allows for water study from a variety of perspectives with guidance from faculty in the School of Natural Resources and other departments such as Agricultural Economics, Agronomy and Horticulture, Biological Systems Engineering and Earth & Atmospheric Sciences.

Many graduates pursue a master's degree. Other graduates work in environmental education, environmental regulation, inventories of the status of natural resources and research in water supply and quality. Water science students also have many opportunities to work in student organizations related to their major and for internships during the school year and summers.

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