MS in Environmental Engineering

San Diego State University

Date Posted: Feb. 25, 2016
Submitted by: Monika Urbanski
Sustainability Topic: Curriculum
Content Type: Academic Programs
Discipline: Engineering
Program Type: Master's Degree
Distance: Local Only
Commitment: Full-Time


The SDSU programs provide the scientific and technical knowledge to effectively tackle the environmental problems of not only the present but also the future. Environmental Engineers are needed in both private and public sectors. The SDSU programs provide students with an education that will allow them to compete successfully for positions in engineering consulting firms, industries, private and municipal agencies, local, state and federal government, international agencies, research institutions and universities. The Environmental Engineering Programs at SDSU are offered to grant BS, MS, and PhD degrees. The environmental engineering field and environmental engineering education are multi-disciplinary. The BS degree provides a solid foundation in the fundamentals of mathematics, physics, chemistry and engineering design that are needed to practice the profession or to pursue a graduate degree. Environmental engineering education also includes a range of other disciplines, such as biology, ecology, geology, public health, economics, computer science, and process engineering principles. To be able to address the spectrum of issues facing the environment, environmental engineers are broadly educated, as well as technically trained.

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