MS in Earth Systems Science

George Mason University

Date Posted: Feb. 25, 2016
Submitted by: Monika Urbanski
Sustainability Topic: Curriculum
Content Type: Academic Programs
Program Type: Master's Degree
Distance: Local Only
Commitment: Both


The innovative, interdisciplinary MS in Earth Systems Science addresses the growing national and regional demand for trained professionals in Earth systems science and applications. The MS in Earth Systems Science (ESS) emphasizes a research-oriented global systems approach to the study of the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere, including their interrelationships and their interactions with the biosphere. Emphasis is on the observation and quantitative analysis of Earth systems science with a global perspective, and which involves the biological and human dimensions. This is particularly important as societal, governmental, such as NASA's Earth Science Enterprise, and international, such as IGBP, Earth science program priorities evolve to include biological and human dimensions.

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