PhD in Environmental Engineering & Sciences

Rice University

Date Posted: Feb. 25, 2016
Submitted by: Monika Urbanski
Sustainability Topic: Curriculum
Content Type: Academic Programs
Discipline: Engineering
Program Type: Doctoral Degree
Distance: Local Only
Commitment: Full-Time


The Ph.D. degree in CEE has two sub tracks: (1) Civil Engineering (CE) and (2) Environmental Engineering and Sciences (EES). In both cases, to earn a PhD degree, students must comply with candidacy, oral examinations, and the thesis requirements. Specific requirements include:Complete 90 semester hours of approved credits past BS (60 semester hours past MS) with high standing, including core course requirements stipulated below. Pass a preliminary written examination in civil and environmental engineering (see guidelines below). Pass a qualifying examination on course work, proposed research, and related topics. Complete a dissertation indicating an ability to do original and scholarly research. Pass a formal public oral examination on the thesis and related topics. PhD candidates in civil and environmental engineering take the preliminary exam, administered by department faculty, after 2 semesters of course work. Candidates who pass this exam then form a doctoral committee according to department requirements. The qualifying examination administered by the doctoral committee after candidates develop a research proposal evaluates their preparation for the proposed research and identifies any areas requiring additional course work or study. As part of the advanced degree training, we also may require students to assist the faculty in undergraduate courses and laboratory instruction.

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