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184 resources

Exposing Students to Environmental Sustainability in Accounting: An Analysis of its Impacts in a U.S. Setting

  • Illinois State University (IL)
  • University of Northern Iowa (IA)

In this research study, we examine whether the introduction of two different forms of an environmental sustainability intervention into differing sections of an introductory-level managerial accounting course at a US …

  • Posted March 5, 2018
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Experiential Learning and Pathways to Carbon Neutrality

  • University of Montana- Missoula (MT)

To date, more than 650 university presidents across the United States have become signatories of the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment (ACUPCC). A central goal of being a …

  • Posted Feb. 28, 2018
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Education for Sustainable Development: Business modelling for flourishing

  • OCAD University (ON)
  • Halmstad University

As companies and other organizations increasingly recognize society’s demand for greater social and environmental sustainability, university and college business schools have responded with new pedagogic approaches. Business schools have begun …

  • Posted Feb. 20, 2018
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Building Sustainable Food Systems Programming and Community-University Partnerships: A Case Study of the UNC Student Farm

  • University of Northern Colorado (CO)

Institutions of higher education with programs focused on sustainability are increasingly integrating curriculum and experiential learning opportunities related to agriculture and food systems. The Environmental and Sustainability Studies (ENST) program …

  • Posted Dec. 1, 2017
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Campus as Classroom at Smith College

  • Smith College (MA)

This poster is a unique opportunity for attendees to engage with students who are actively using 'Campus as Classroom' methods for their respective research projects. Campus as Classroom is an …

  • Posted Dec. 1, 2017
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Prioritizing Sustainable Learning

  • Loyola University Chicago (IL)
  • University of South Alabama (AL)
  • University of Texas at Austin (TX)
  • CannonDesign (NY)

Many of today's colleges and universities have prioritized sustainability and, as a consequence, highly sustainable buildings and landscapes. And, without a doubt, both prospective and current students have expressed a …

  • Posted Dec. 1, 2017
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Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions at the University of Calgary

  • University of Calgary (AB)

At University of Calgary, our buildings are very large contributors to our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. With the goal of being a leading Canadian post-secondary institution in the area of …

The Future of Sustainability in Higher Education

  • Bowling Green State University (OH)

In this article, I explore the future of higher education within the context of teaching and learning for sustainability. Challenges currently facing sustainability education are identified along with opportunities to …

An On-Campus Botanical Tour to Promote Student Satisfaction and Learning in a University Level Biodiversity or General Biology Course

  • Xavier University of Louisiana (LA)

Outdoor, hands-on and experiential learning, as opposed to instruction-based learning in classroom, increases student satisfaction and motivation leading to a deeper understanding of the subject. However, the use of outdoor …

Using Model-Based Reasoning and Experiential Learning to Understand and Improve Sustainability in a Campus Food System

  • Warren Wilson College (NC)
  • AASHE (MA)

The webinar describes an introductory sustainability course at Warren Wilson College that explores the campus food system. Warren Wilson College has a sustainable dining policy and has adopted the Real …

  • Posted April 7, 2017
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Using an Outdoor Learning Space to Teach Sustainability and Material Processes in HE Product Design

This ‘case study’ of two jewellery workshops used outdoor learning spaces to explore both its impact on learning outcomes and to introduce some key principles of sustainable working methodologies and …

  • Posted Feb. 20, 2017
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Making Sustainable Development Real Through Role-Play: “The Mekong Game” Example

  • Georgetown University (DC)
  • Virginia Tech (VA)

This paper describes a role-playing, negotiation “game” based on the Xayaburi Dam in Laos. We have used this activity in our graduate programs as a tool for bringing to life …

  • Posted Feb. 20, 2017
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An experience-based learning framework: Activities for the initial development of sustainability competencies

  • Arizona State University (AZ)
  • Leuphana University of Lüneburg

Purpose - This paper aims to present an experience-based learning framework that provides a bottom-up, student-centered entrance point for the development of systems thinking, normative and collaborative competencies in sustainability. …

Transdisciplinary learning and teaching as answers to urban sustainability challenges


This paper aims to explain the relevance of science-society interfaces and their potential for higher education institutions to engage stakeholders in supporting sustainable change in cities, via the transdisciplinary …

  • Posted Jan. 18, 2017
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Community Based Teaching - Carbon accounting with local businesses from the Prince George Chamber of Commerce

  • University of Northern British Columbia (BC)

Climate change has given rise to a new generation of opportunities for sustainable business. In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, British Columbia has implemented several policies, including a carbon …

  • Posted Nov. 18, 2016
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Experiential Sustainability Certificates - Connecting the Classroom to the Real World

  • Duke University (NC)
  • University of Kansas (KS)

The 'living lab' concept is not new in the higher ed. sustainability world. However, developing robust programs that allow students, across disciplines, to study these complex issues while linking curricular …

  • Posted Nov. 18, 2016
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Sustainability Transformation at a Rural University: Building New Linkages across the Campus

  • Frostburg State University (MD)

Frostburg State University's commitment to sustainability has developed over a number of years as new linkages allowed to University to connect academic, residential, co-curricular, and community activities under the strategic …

  • Posted Nov. 18, 2016
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Using the Campus as a Living Learning Laboratory: Experiential Learning & Scaffolding in Informal Sustainability Education

  • University of Michigan (MI)

This poster will explore how new and existing sustainability projects at the University of Michigan are being integrated into a pathway for student sustainability engagement and leadership as we aim …

  • Posted Nov. 18, 2016
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Using Real-Time Campus Data to Explore Management and Behavior: Introduction to Teaching with Building Dashboard Technologies

  • Oberlin College (OH)

Many schools have adopted resource-use visualization 'dashboards' that provide real-time feedback on energy and water use in campus buildings. Parallel use of this technology for student engagement and facilities management …

  • Posted Nov. 18, 2016
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Rethinking Service Immersion: Engaging Students for Systemic Change on Campus and in the Community

  • Gonzaga University (WA)

An experiential service-learning program inspired three students at Gonzaga University to make measurable change on their campus. After a week of sustainability volunteerism, students returned to school with ideas for …

  • Posted Nov. 18, 2016
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Combining forces: Fostering sustainability collaboration between the city of Vancouver and the University of British Columbia

  • University of British Columbia (BC)

Purpose - This paper describes the sustainability partnership between the City of Vancouver and the University of British Columbia (UBC) and, in particular, the co-curricular Greenest City Scholars graduate student …

Paul Quinn College Transforms Football Field to Organic Farm, Shifting Value to Students

  • Paul Quinn College (TX)

At Paul Quinn College, where 83 percent of students are Pell Grant eligible (2016), students obtain both a liberal arts education and real-world work experience. This video showcases the historically …

  • Posted Sept. 20, 2016
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Furnace Brook Center Smart Home Laboratory

  • Onondaga Community College (NY)

Onondaga Community College has created a smart home laboratory at the College's Furnace Brook Center with the help of a $2.5 million grant from the Department of Energy. The building …

  • Posted Sept. 14, 2016
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The mercury game: evaluating a negotiation simulation that teaches students about science-policy interactions

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MA)

Environmental negotiations and policy decisions take place at the science-policy interface. While this is well known within academic literature, it is often difficult to convey how science and policy interact …

  • Posted Aug. 22, 2016
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Sustainability Pedagogies for the Business Language Classroom

  • George Washington University (DC)

Heightened urgency about the question of the earth’s survival has generated increased attention to how to teach sustainability across the curriculum. The business language course, positioned at the nexus of …

  • Posted July 13, 2016
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Sustainable Carolina Leadership Program

  • University of South Carolina (SC)

The Sustainable Carolina Leadership Program is a sustainability-focused, student professional development program at the University of South Carolina, . It was conceived and developed over the course of six years …

  • Posted June 11, 2016
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Eagles, Education, and Engagement through Green Technology

  • Alfred State College (NY)

Alfred State College (ASC) School of Applied Technology and the United States National Arboretum (USNA) have collaborated for over eight years in an innovative partnership that has generated significant measurable …

  • Posted June 10, 2016
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Empowering Students, Sustaining the University: The Southwestern Environmental Studies Capstone Experience

  • Southwestern University (TX)

Southwestern University’s Environmental Studies department has created a unique curricular program for their capstone students that allows them to identify aspects of the university where the social, economic, and environmental …

  • Posted June 10, 2016
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UTRGV Campus Tree Care Report: Proposal for sustaining a healthy and vibrant campus community forest

  • University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (TX)

The benefits the forest will provide are myriad. Large trees give us a sense of place and belonging by ensuring landmarks for the future, and add aesthetic beauty to the …

  • Posted June 10, 2016
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Project Sin Fronteras

  • University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (TX)

Project Sin Fronteras is a project without borders, crossing institutional boundaries, and transforming sustainability concepts and practices into enriched curriculum and research. It provides a two-pronged approach to education for …

  • Posted June 10, 2016
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Sustainability Peer Educator Program - Simon Fraser University

  • Simon Fraser University (BC)

Program Vision: Students are confident, informed, and active sustainability leaders who have the skills and experience to advance sustainability at and beyond SFU.

The Sustainability Peer Education program empowers students …

From in-vessel campus composting to sustainable urban farming: connecting science with education and community service

  • Kean University (NJ)

Kean University runs a food scrap composting program with a custom-designed in-vessel composter capable of composting up to 1000 pounds of food scraps per day. It diverts food scraps from …

Student Design Fund

  • University of Tennessee at Knoxville (TN)

The Student Design/Research Project Fund is a new and innovative sustainability project from the University of Tennessee. It created a pool of money to where applicants can apply for funding …

UNT Community Garden

  • University of North Texas (TX)

University of North Texas' first on-campus community garden is in the final stages of planning, with construction begining this fall, in a vacant lot next to the Legends hall, just …

American Chestnut Partnership

  • Unity Environmental University (ME)

Unity College has partnered with the Maine Chapter of the American Chestnut Foundation to help restore the iconic American Chestnut in Maine.

Student Sustainability Sculptures Contest

  • Johnson County Community College (KS)

Beginning in 2011, Johnson County Community College art faculty member Mark Cowardin assigned his Sculpture II students a project requiring the design, proposal, planning, and installation of a public art …

Report on the Study Group on Climate Change Participatory Workshop

  • Smith College (MA)

New England’s climate is projected to experience signifiant changes in the near future, including warmer temperatures, varied precipitation and extended periods of drought, with more extreme rainfall and snowfall events. …

Learning while transforming: solution-oriented learning for urban sustainability in Phoenix, Arizona

  • Arizona State University (AZ)

Conventional educational settings struggle with enabling students to acquire competence in collectively solving sustainability problems. Such competence is best conveyed in real-world learning settings. Solution-oriented sustainability learning (SOSL) programs create …

Linking classroom learning and research to advance ideas about social-ecological resilience

  • Arizona State University (AZ)
  • Dartmouth College (NH)
  • University of Alaska Fairbanks (AK)
  • University of Victoria (BC)
  • Stockholm University

There is an increasing demand in higher education institutions for training in complex environmental problems. Such training requires a careful mix of conventional methods and innovative solutions, a task not …

Development of a Year-round Student Organic Farm and Organic Farming Curriculum at Michigan State University

  • Michigan State University (MI)

How do you teach community supported agriculture (CSA) principles, small-scale organic farming, and local food issues at a major land grant university and develop related small-scale farming research and outreach? …

  • Posted April 28, 2016
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Development of Organic and Sustainable Agricultural Education at the University of California, Davis: A Closer Look at Practice and Theory

  • University of California, Davis (CA)

In the mid-1970s, University of California, Davis, students concerned about the environmental and social consequences of modern agriculture were interested in exploring the practice and theory of “alternative” agriculture. These …

  • Posted April 28, 2016
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Campus Sustainable Food Projects: Critique and Engagement

  • Emory University (GA)

Campus sustainable food projects recently have expanded rapidly. A review of four components—purchasing goals, academic programs, direct marketing, and experiential learning—shows both intent and capacity to contribute to transformational change …

  • Posted April 28, 2016
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Learner-Centered Teaching Activities for Environmental and Sustainability Studies

The broad goal of this volume from Springer International Publishing is to help advance environmental education practices that help increase students’ environmental literacy through learner-centered teaching activities.

  • Posted March 29, 2016
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Experiential, Community-based Learning and Sustainability Assessment: A Field Skills Course for Professional Degree Students

  • University of Saskatchewan (SK)

In 2014, the School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan, launched a week-long field course for its professional Master of Sustainable Environmental Management program. Previously separate ecological and social …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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High Impact Leadership Trips: Student-Led Experiential Learning

  • Concordia College (NY)

In 2012, Concordia College students organized an alternative spring break trip to Kentucky focused on how people are trying to stop mountaintop removal coal mining. This was so successful that …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Experiential Learning: A Win-Win-Win for Higher Education, Communities, and Sustainability

  • University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (MN)
  • City of Saint Anthony Village (MN)

This panel discussion provides an inspiring and informative overview of how the University of Minnesota's capstone course in its sustainability minor program has successfully built an ongoing and collaborative relationship …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Analyzing the future of education and the influence of experiential sustainability education

  • The GREEN Program (PA)

A Think Tank, presenting The GREEN Program findings related to weak signals and trends within the changing higher educational system, student-mindset and needs, and the industry expectations of graduates. The …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Public/Private Partnerships Utilizing Service and Experiential Learning to Facilitate Student Engagement

  • Clark Atlanta University (GA)

There are a number of local municipalities in the Metropolitan Atlanta area that are in need of developmental plans to transition their communities into sustainable, self-sufficient enterprises. The most obvious …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Active learning for sustainability education

  • James Madison University (VA)

Active learning engages students in to promote critical thinking and alignment of course material. In an environmental health course, students spend approximately 2 hours working at the campus recycling center, …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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Short-Term Internships In Higher Education: Creating Ambassadors for Sustainability Through Leadership and Experiential Learning

  • Western Michigan University (MI)

The Wesustain Internship Program is a semester-long, paid, and highly competitive opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students at Western Michigan University to gain leadership experience and explore global sustainability challenges. …

  • Posted Feb. 26, 2016
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