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1222 resources

1.7 kW Pole mount: Student Recreation Center

  • Colorado State University (CO)

Solar Curve, pole mount solar PV array outside the Student Recreation Center. PV Panel Type: (6) Lumos 285 watt panels. Inverter Type: (1) Fronius 1.5 kW.

  • Posted Sept. 22, 2020
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Cost Savings and Carbon Reduction through DERs -- GridMarket Facilitated Project at Paul Quinn College

  • Paul Quinn College (TX)
  • GridMarket (NY)

GridMarket worked with Paul Quinn College to help them identify and maximize their unique DER opportunities.

GridMarket -- an energy consumer advocate and distributed energy resources project facilitation platform -- conducted a ...

  • Posted Sept. 11, 2020
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Achieving Carbon Neutrality at Arizona State University

  • Arizona State University (AZ)

In 2019, Arizona State University achieved carbon neutrality for scope 1 and 2 emissions. Through this accomplishment, ASU seeks to inspire immediate action to address the climate emergency. Despite reaching ...

Clean Disruption of Energy and Transportation

  • Bard College (NY)

'Rethinking the Future - Clean Disruption of Energy and Transportation' is Tony Seba's opening keynote at the 70th annual Conference on World Affairs in Boulder, Colorado, April 9th, 2018.

The ...

  • Posted June 12, 2020
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Solve Climate by 2030: Solar Dominance + Civic Action

  • Bard College (NY)

A nationwide series of campus and community Power Dialogs will educate students about Power as clean energy, but also about Power as engaged citizen action. Dialogs will spotlight how transforming ...

  • Posted May 28, 2020
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Office of Sustainability Living Lab Case Study

  • Gonzaga University (WA)

The Gonzaga University Office of Sustainability is the living lab for testing renewable energy technologies on Gonzaga’s campus. The purpose of this student initiative is to push for renewable ...

Multi-Campus Collaboration Kickstarts Solar Project to Cut 100% of GHG Emissions from Electricity

  • Dickinson College (PA)
  • Lafayette College (PA)
  • Lehigh University (PA)
  • Muhlenberg College (PA)
  • Coho Climate Advisors (MD)

Four independent colleges and universities in Pennsylvania collaborated to explore renewable energy solutions, develop a strategy, and implement a combination of onsite and large-scale offsite projects that will result in ...

BCIT Wood-Waste-to-Energy Project

  • British Columbia Institute of Technology (BC)

In pursuit of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, showcasing environmentally-sustainable projects for widespread use, and incorporating sustainability more broadly in curriculum, British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) has created a closed-loop ...

A comparative study of approaches towards energy efficiency and renewable energy use at higher education institutions

  • University of Beira Interior
  • University of Passo Fundo
  • Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • University of Campinas
  • Manchester Metropolitan University
  • Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) (Perak Darul Ridzuan)
  • American University of Central Asia
  • The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Hamburg University of Applied Sciences

The potential for energy efficiency and for the deployment of renewable energy at universities is substantial, and they represent promising ways to meet an institution's energy needs on the ...

Insertion of Photovoltaic Solar Systems in Technological Education Institutions in Brazil: Teacher Perceptions Concerning Contributions towards Sustainable Development

  • Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
  • Electric Energy Research Center (CEPEL)
  • Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN) (RN)

Teaching spaces are seen as institutions presenting relevant power to promote sustainability. Thus, in addition to knowledge (re)producers, they must also assume ethical obligations to incorporate daily sustainability-oriented actions ...

Solar Energy on Campus (Part II: Solar Purchasing Options and Communicating Renewable Energy Use)

  • Center for Resource Solutions | Green-e (CA)

This report examines the solar purchasing options available to higher education institutions, and the fundamental components of each deal that affect renewable energy certificate (REC) ownership, claims, and the environmental ...

  • Posted April 17, 2020
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Are Electric Buildings a Feasible Carbon Neutrality Strategy?

  • University of California, Office of the President (CA)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (CA)

The path to campus carbon neutrality is becoming clearer: electrify everything and procure renewable electricity. Electrifying campus energy infrastructure is a complex undertaking that requires a significant financial investment. While ...

  • Posted March 18, 2020
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The Workability of Dominican University of California (DUoC) Transitioning to a Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) Program Energy Supply

  • University of San Francisco (CA)

For almost 10 years Community Choice Aggregation (CCA), or community based energy programs, have been developing and or providing clean energy resources to both commercial and residential customers in various ...

  • Posted March 6, 2020
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Developing a Framework to Assess Renewable Energy Options for Higher Education Institutions: Values-Based Recommendations for Portland State University

  • Portland State University (OR)

Voluntary renewable energy projects offer organizations like Portland State University (PSU) the opportunity to address climate action-related goals and address other environmental, economic, and social values. To achieve the goals ...

  • Posted March 6, 2020
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Energy Systems Engineering Technology (Advanced Diploma)

  • Mohawk College (ON)

Students will experience a unique new program introducing a multi-disciplinary approach that focuses on the generation, capture, storage, and distribution of clean and renewable energy and their integration with conventional ...

  • Posted Feb. 3, 2020
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Sustainable Energy Studies Minor

  • Eastern Connecticut State University (CT)

Continuing growth in fossil fuel energy consumption is not sustainable into the indefinite future and a transition to an economy based on renewable energy technologies such as hydroelectric, solar, and ...

  • Posted Dec. 6, 2019
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Lots of Watts: Building an Energy Cohort to Buy Big Renewables

  • Lafayette College (PA)
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MA)
  • Swarthmore College (PA)
  • Second Nature (MA)
  • Coho Climate Advisors (MD)

Cohorts of colleges and universities are aggregating energy loads to achieve economies of scale when sourcing renewable energy. This workshop helps campuses achieve dramatic reductions in greenhouse gases by sourcing ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Sustainable Energy Education Through Demonstration (SEED) in Secondary Education

  • State University of New York at Geneseo (NY)

Sustainable Energy Education through Demonstration (SEED) is a ten-week program that educates students on the mechanics of renewable energy production and the value of these energies in combating climate change ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Food Waste to Energy: Partnering with Dining Halls for Waste Diversion and Electrical Production

  • Central Connecticut State University (CT)

Central CT State University has partnered with our food service vendor to collect food waste from our dining halls. The waste is brought to nearby Quantum BioPower where it produces ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Achieving Resilient, Low Carbon Campuses via a Sustainable Economic Model

  • Pratt Institute (NY)

We are developing a Roadmap to achieve a resilient, low carbon campus as well as upgrade our infrastructure, and have been working to find private partners who can help us ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Local Power: How to Partner With Local Investors to Install Renewable Energy Systems on Campus

  • Luther College (IA)

This session addresses the following question associated with the conference theme: 'How can higher education most effectively collaborate with business, government and civil society to create a sustainable economy?' The ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Stronger Together - Aligning Milwaukee's Institutions and Civic Agencies for Large-Scale Renewables

  • Marquette University (WI)
  • Milwaukee Area Technical College (WI)
  • University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (WI)

Urban land use, regulated utility markets, and up-front financing play into the challenges for renewable energy in Milwaukee, WI, as it does for many institutions across the country. On-site installations ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Broadening the Impact of Renewable Energy Purchases: A Case Study

  • Low Impact Hydropower Institute (MA)

Current trends in the renewable energy market, particularly in the growing PPA procurement segment, have focused on energy usage and supporting new development. This limited focus has been directed primarily ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Solar Energy Systems: Site Assessment of Eureka College

  • Eureka College (IL)

Students in the Environmental Science and Environmental Studies majors at Eureka College are required to complete both an internship for college credit and a capstone course to earn their degree ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Partners in Greening the Economy: Clean Energy and Electrification on Campus and in the Community

  • Weber State University (UT)

For sustainability, we collectively need to green our economy to improve environmental and human health and wellbeing. One aspect of this larger process is to shift to clean energy sources ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Lots of Watts: Building an Energy Cohort to Buy Big Renewables

  • Lafayette College (PA)
  • Coho Climate Advisors (MD)

As campuses face climate action targets, or seek to manage energy budgets, large-scale renewable energy power purchase agreements (PPAs) have emerged as a practical and cost-effective way to reduce greenhouse ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Incorporating Stakeholder Values: Assessing Renewable Energy Options at Portland State University

  • Portland State University (OR)

To determine options for renewable energy development and procurement, the Campus Sustainability Office at Portland State University (PSU) turned to it's Living Lab program to engage students in this ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Committing your campus to 100% renewable energy

  • Environment America (MA)

It's 2019. We have the power to harness clean, abundant energy from the sun and the wind, and we can do it more efficiently and cheaply than ever before ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Installing Solar on Campus: A Student-Led Action Plan

  • Gonzaga University (WA)

Gonzaga Renewable Investment Group will discuss options for financing renewable investments and describe how we have analyzed Gonzaga's buildings for solar panel installment. These important components are combined into ...

  • Posted Dec. 4, 2019
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Evaluating a collaborative governance regime in renewable energy: Wind power and the Lake Erie Energy Development Corporation (LEEDCo)

  • Baldwin Wallace University (OH)

Abstract The Lake Erie Energy Development Corporation (LEEDCo) illustrates the leverage that the collaborative governance regime (CGR) brings to start-up renewable energy ventures. Called Icebreaker, the effort to build the ...

  • Posted Nov. 13, 2019
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Renewable energy education: A global status review

  • Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
  • Strömstad Academy

Need for renewable energy education and training at all levels is globally recognized. During the last three decades a large number of countries across the globe have initiated academic programmes ...

Webinar: Student Power to Fund Renewable Energy: A New Take on the Solar PPA

  • Southern Oregon University (OR)
  • AASHE (MA)

As campuses look to expand on site renewable energy generation, one of the greatest barriers to implementation is often initial project funding. Over the last year and a half, students ...

  • Posted Aug. 29, 2019
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Research & Innovation to Improve Small Wind Turbines

  • Clarkson University (NY)

Ducted Wind Turbine Research - A Clarkson University aeronautical engineering professor, Ken Visser, received assistance from students and the entire campus community to develop and commercialize a ducted wind turbine. The ...

Renewable Energies Technician (Co-op)

  • Fanshawe College (ON)

Students will begin by building foundational knowledge in the electrical, electronic and mechanical disciplines and how they function in the renewable energies sector. Students will also study the design and ...

  • Posted July 22, 2019
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A Solar PPA Designed for Positive Externalities

  • Pennsylvania State University (PA)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • The Nature Conservancy (VA)

Drs. Meghan Hoskins and Peter Buckland from Penn State’s Sustainability Institute in collaboration with Elizabeth Johnson, The Nature Conservancy, PA and Emilie Wangerman, Lightsource BP will describe the rationale ...

  • Posted July 18, 2019
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Renewable Energy Specialization, Bachelor

  • DeVry University - Naperville Center (IL)

Have a passion for technology and protecting the environment? Get started on a path to a new and more fulfilling career with a Bachelor’s Degree with a Specialization in ...

  • Posted July 11, 2019
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DESS in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

  • École de Technologie Supérieure (QC)

This program totals 30 credits and has continuing education objectives. It is intended for engineers and professionals wishing to acquire advanced knowledge on the different types of renewable energy. They ...

  • Posted July 10, 2019
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RFQ for Large Scale Renewable Energy consultant

  • Arizona State University (AZ)

This template will assist you in drafting a REquest for Qualifications for a consultant to assist in acquiring renewable energy via a Large Scale Renewable Energy (LSRE) project. Adapt at ...

Renewable Energy Minor

  • American University of Sharjah

Renewable energy is a multidisciplinary area that integrates different fields including electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. The minor provides students with an opportunity to acquire skills that would enhance their ...

  • Posted June 3, 2019
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UVM Campus Sustainability Commitments

  • University of Vermont (VT)

Gioia Thompson, Director of the Office of Sustainability, discusses policy and action relating to the University's institutional commitments to climate neutrality, clean energy, energy efficiency, and ending sales of ...

  • Posted May 22, 2019
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The Searle Biodiesel Lab - Loyola University Chicago's Student-Run Biodiesel Program

  • Loyola University Chicago (IL)

The Biodiesel Lab is a student-run biodiesel production facility within Loyola University’s Institute of Environmental Sustainability. Starting from a single student’s idea over a decade ago, nearly 100 ...

Fighting Irish, Fighting Food Waste: Converting Food Waste into Energy at Notre Dame

  • University of Notre Dame (IN)

At Notre Dame food and hospitality are integral aspects of campus culture. Over the last three years, two student-centered projects aimed at fighting food waste will allow Notre Dame to ...

Our Solar Potential

  • University of Saskatchewan (SK)

Farm the Sun with Us is a term project led by students working on an assessment to determine the feasibility of implementing a campus solar farm. The project continues to ...

Solar PV as a mitigation strategy for the US education sector

  • Carnegie Mellon University (PA)
  • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (CA)

Solar photovoltaic (PV) is an important strategy to de-carbonize the energy sector in the United States and to reduce the health, environmental, and climate change damages associated with the production ...

A High Performance Campus Building at Ozyegin University

  • Özyeğin University
  • Fiba Holding
  • Fundacion Circe Centro De Investigacion De Recursos Y Consumos Energeticos (CIRCE)
  • DIRCO S.R.L.
  • SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut Ab (SP)
  • Vue Sur Mons S.A (VSM)
  • D´appolonia Spa (Dappo)
  • Acciona Infraestructuras S.A. (Acciona)
  • Université de Mons
  • Imprima Costruzioni Srl (Imprima)
  • Derome Hus Ab (Derome)
  • M5
  • Ingenieria Y Control Electronico, S.A. (Ingecon)
  • Bureau D'architectes Format D2 Sprl (FD2)
  • Intesasanpaolo Eurodesk S.P.R.L. (ISPE)
  • University of Zaragoza
  • Bg Mi̇marlik Müşavi̇rli̇k Li̇mi̇ted Şi̇rketi̇ (BDesign)

This AASHE application is about a high-performance energy-efficient sustainable building of The School of Foreign Languages (SCOLA) at the Ozyegin University (OzU) Campus as a sustainability initiative OzU has constructed ...

Sustainable Energy (MEngSc)

  • University College Cork - National University of Ireland, Cork (Co. Cork)

UCC have developed a Masters in Engineering Science in Sustainable Energy, in recognition of the growing international market for sustainable energy systems and the shortage of qualified engineers. This programme ...

  • Posted May 5, 2019
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Financing and Deploying Clean Energy Certificate

  • Yale University (CT)

This online certificate aims to build students capacity in the areas of policy, finance, and clean technology.

The world urgently needs leaders with this combination of skills; in 2017, the ...

  • Posted May 5, 2019
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Sustainable Energy Systems (SES) Certificate

  • University of Texas at Austin (TX)

Today, we face the grand challenge of meeting the energy needs of a growing population while minimizing the adverse effects of these technologies on the environment. The Sustainable Energy Systems ...

  • Posted May 5, 2019
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Aggregating Higher Education Demand for Renewables

  • APPA: Leadership in Educational Facilities (VA)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • Coho Climate Advisors (MD)

Cohorts of colleges and universities are aggregating energy loads to achieve economies of scale when sourcing renewable energy. This article highlights the benefits of this aggregated approach by examining several ...

  • Posted April 4, 2019
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Parametric analysis for cost-optimal renewable energy integration into residential buildings: Techno-economic model

  • Illinois State University (IL)
  • Hanyang University

Determining the optimum penetration of renewable energy systems and their associated aggregated technical and economic benefits is a growing concern for both researchers and policy makers. The purpose of this ...

  • Posted March 31, 2019
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