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286 resources

Helping Students Gain Sustainability Project-Based Leadership Skills to be Competitive in the Job Market

  • National Wildlife Federation (VA)

EcoLeaders is National Wildlife Federation's sustainability career and leadership development program for college students and young professionals. This workshop will guide students through the plan, do, communicate and sustain process …

  • Posted Dec. 1, 2017
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Engaging Senior Leaders in Organizational Design and Idea Flow: Lessons learned from Corporate & Higher Education Sector Leaders

  • Harvard University (MA)
  • Swarthmore College (PA)

This session will present key findings from a landmark corporate CEO study along with applied leadership engagement case stories from higher education institutions to help advance our collective efforts to …

  • Posted Dec. 1, 2017
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Sustainability Ambassadors: Modeling a Culture of Sustainability at New Student Orientation

  • Boston University (MA)

The mission of the Sustainability Ambassadors program is to motivate, inspire, and lead Boston University's efforts in supporting a culture of sustainability during new student orientation. The approach to incorporating …

  • Posted Dec. 1, 2017
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Cultivating Student Sustainability Leadership

  • University of South Carolina (SC)
  • University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (MN)

How does one lead in a way that is inclusive, equitable and ecologically conscious? Can we become leaders who seek to empower change agents and inspire a value shift through …

  • Posted Dec. 1, 2017
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Learning for Sustainability Core Competencies Through an Evidence Based Internship Program

  • Western Michigan University (MI)

The Wesustain Internship Program is a semester-long, paid, discovery-driven opportunity for ambitious students seeking to gain leadership experience while exploring both on and off campus sustainability projects. This program provides …

  • Posted Dec. 1, 2017
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Learning the Language of Executive Leadership to Increase Sustainability's Value

  • Pennsylvania State University (PA)
  • U.S. Green Building Council (DC)
  • Purdue University (IN)

With higher education facing a new political landscape, ongoing budget cuts and an affordability crisis, among other challenges, sustainability professionals must be able to define and communicate sustainability's value core …

  • Posted Dec. 1, 2017
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Accelerating Sustainability Integration through Strategic Leadership

  • Denison University (OH)
  • Swarthmore College (PA)
  • Unity Environmental University (ME)
  • University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (TX)

Positioning the institution's highest-ranking sustainability professional within an executive level leadership team is essential for advancing institutional strategy and readiness for change. C-suite sustainability provides transformational leadership that is urgently …

  • Posted Dec. 1, 2017
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Breaking Through the "Green Ceiling": Sustainability as a Path to Executive Leadership

  • Princeton University (NJ)
  • University of Connecticut (CT)
  • National Association of College & University Business Officers (NACUBO) (DC)
  • AASHE (MA)
  • Korn Ferry International (PA)

One way to measure the value of sustainability in higher education is to determine whether any of our more experienced and successful members have climbed the ladder and been promoted …

  • Posted Dec. 1, 2017
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EMERGE: Mindshifting Through Emergent Leadership

  • AASHE (MA)
  • The EMERGE Leadership Project (WA)

If mindset is the most important place to leverage change in an institution, that that’s the place we want to intervene, but our own mindset is as important if we …

  • Posted Nov. 30, 2017
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JMU’s Cultivating the Globally Sustainable Self Summit Series Promotes Transformative Teaching and Learning in Research and Practice

  • James Madison University (VA)

The Cultivating the Globally Sustainable Self Summit Series has brought together leading scholars, educators, and practitioners from around the world to address the crucial problems facing modern society.

Fostering Sustainability in Higher Education: A Mixed-Methods Study of Transformative Leadership and Change Strategies

  • Antioch University, Seattle (WA)

As evidence of the earth's limited capacity to sustain human life mounts, institutions of higher education are being looked to for leadership in the effort to educate students about environmental …

  • Posted Sept. 5, 2017
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Sustainability Leadership Programs: Emerging Goals, Methods & Best Practices

Colleges and universities are rushing to respond to an increasingly urgent challenge: developing the next generation of sustainability leaders. Although diverse in program design, teaching methodologies, assumptions, and skills taught, …

  • Posted June 20, 2017
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Assessing the impact of a program designed to develop sustainability leadership amongst staff members in higher education institutes: a case study from a community of practice perspective

This study focuses on the impact of a sustainability leadership development program (SLDP) designed to develop staff members as leaders who encourage sustainability practices within institutions of higher education (IHE). …

  • Posted March 7, 2017
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The Future of Sustainability Leadership Rests with Higher Education

  • AASHE (MA)

Higher education institutions are poised to be leaders on the sustainability front. Not only are they able to develop responsible environmental policies and procedures for their campuses, but they are …

Strategic Power: Public Leadership & Change Maker Skills

  • Elected Officials to Protect America (SC)

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win' - Gandhi This dynamic, interactive workshop will hone your public leadership skills to create …

  • Posted Nov. 18, 2016
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Transformational Sustainability Leadership: Accelerating the shift to life-sustaining and just societies

  • University of California, Office of the President (CA)
  • University of California, Irvine (CA)
  • SERES (Sacatepequez)

Over the last few years the Sustainability Initiative at the University of California, Irvine and the nonprofit SERES have collaborated to offer students an introductory and advanced level training in …

  • Posted Nov. 18, 2016
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NWF EcoLeaders Helps Students Gain Project-Based Leadership Skills and Explore Career Pathways

  • National Wildlife Federation (VA)

National Wildlife Federation's EcoLeaders Program is a career and leadership development program for college students and young professionals. NWF's EcoLeaders provides students with the virtual space to initiate projects on …

  • Posted Nov. 18, 2016
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Educational Sustainability Leadership

  • University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (WI)

In this session, there will be a discussion about the importance of creating leaders in education that understand sustainability. The term educational sustainability will be defined and described in order …

  • Posted Nov. 18, 2016
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The Wicked Problems in Sustainability Initiative - Creating and Supporting a Multi-Institution Course Community

  • Engineers for a Sustainable World (CO)

Creation or replication of multidisciplinary courses with real-world context is limited by technical and economic constraints at many institutions. Efforts that connect multiple institutions to multidisciplinary resources can enable success …

  • Posted Nov. 18, 2016
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Sustainability Leadership Program at DePauw University

  • DePauw University (IN)

DePauw's Sustainability Leadership Program (SLP) is a hands-on, co-curricular initiative that pairs student cohorts with sustainability projects on campus and in the community. Through both paid and volunteer hands-on opportunities, …

  • Posted Nov. 18, 2016
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Beyond Campus: Does Student Leadership Translate to Professional Success?

  • American University (DC)

Many students join peer-to-peer education programs to promote campus sustainability while building their resume. Serving in these leadership roles alongside faculty and staff enables students to gain valuable project management, …

  • Posted Nov. 18, 2016
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From "me" to "we" in the Academic World Towards Sustainability: Path and Purpose

  • Stevens Institute of Technology (NJ)

My passion to create a shift in society will hopefully show you how to switch from "me" to "we" and build a Sustainable World. Two years ago, I discovered my …

  • Posted Nov. 18, 2016
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Showcasing Community Sustainability Champions on Campus: Why? How?

  • Indiana University South Bend (IN)

For several years, the IU South Bend Center for a Sustainable Future has held a Sustainability Lecture Series on campus. The format has evolved over time to best meet the …

  • Posted Nov. 18, 2016
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Exploring Student Leaders for Sustainable Development: Components and Personal Practices

  • Baylor University (TX)

Presentation that shares research study structure, methodology, findings, and recommendations for future research regarding the cultivating of student leadership capabilities through personal practices focused on sustainability education. The purpose of …

  • Posted Nov. 18, 2016
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It's Everyone's Job! Sustainability Leadership at SUNY Cortland

  • State University of New York at Cortland (NY)

This poster session will share the model of diffused sustainability used at SUNY Cortland. It will share how multiple areas of the campus community including the President and grounds crew …

  • Posted Nov. 18, 2016
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Greek Sustainability Leadership Network

  • GreeniPhi (VA)

This networking meeting invites Greek alumni and conference attendees from institutions sustaining Greek life to convene for structured and unstructured conversations about our capacity to accelerate the advancement of sustainability …

  • Posted Nov. 18, 2016
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Student Leadership & Sustainability Results

  • Agnes Scott College (GA)

At Agnes Scott College, students are at the heart of all sustainability initiatives, whether it is waste diversion or the installation of solar arrays. The Center for Sustainability has a …

  • Posted Nov. 18, 2016
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Certificate in Sustainable Business Leadership

  • Saint Louis University (MO)

The professional certificate in Sustainable Business Leadership is a self-paced, fully on-line course featuring insights, videos, and experiences on sustainable leadership gathered from top thought leaders, companies, sustainability professionals, and …

  • Posted Nov. 11, 2016
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The Master of Sustainability Leadership Program at ASU

  • Arizona State University (AZ)

The Master of Sustainability Leadership (MSL) degree at Arizona State University will prepare professionals to advance social and environmental responsibility. The program teaches organizational leadership skills through the lens of …

  • Posted Oct. 13, 2016
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Leadership Skills for a Sustainable Economy

Based on a survey of sustainability staff at member companies of The Prince of Wales’s Mayday Network on Climate Change and also member companies of Business in the Community, this …

Boreas Leadership Program - University of Minnesota

  • University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (MN)

Boreas offers University of Minnesota graduate and professional students and post-doctoral fellows free co-curricular leadership development opportunities that build on the strengths of graduate education to create effective change agents. …

  • Posted Sept. 13, 2016
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PhD in Organizational Systems: Leadership of Sustainable Systems

  • Saybrook University (CA)

This program is designed to help students lead in a way that empowers people within the communities they serve. Guided by faculty with years of experience in the field, students …

  • Posted Aug. 31, 2016
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Ohio University Online Master of Public Administration – Concentration in Environmental & Energy Policy

  • Ohio University (OH)

Unlike other Master's in Public Administration online programs, Ohio University offers a curriculum built for the real challenges of public administration. You won't find us teaching hypotheticals. Instead we focus …

  • Posted Aug. 12, 2016
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Learning sustainability leadership: An action research study of a graduate leadership course

  • Portland State University (OR)

This study used action research methodology to examine the development of sustainability leadership in a graduate leadership course. The research investigated the impact of this leadership course, which was designed …

Campus Diversity and Inclusion resources website

  • American Council on Education (DC)

The Campus Diversity and Inclusion resources website from the American Council on Education (ACE) showcases regularly updated featured content on the following campus diversity and inclusion topics:

  • Racial/ethnic minority students …

An integrated leadership model for leading education for sustainability in higher education and the vital role of students as change agents

  • University of Plymouth (Devon)

This paper explores the leadership of education for sustainability (EfS) in higher education, focusing specifically on the key role students can play as internal catalysts for change. It presents a …

  • Posted July 21, 2016
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The Big Ten Prospectus: Aligning Sustainability with Collective Mission Level Priorities

  • Purdue University (IN)
  • Pennsylvania State University (PA)
  • University of Maryland, College Park (MD)
  • University of Iowa (IA)
  • University of Michigan (MI)
  • Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, Central Office (NJ)
  • University of Illinois Chicago (IL)
  • University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (MN)
  • Indiana University Bloomington (IN)
  • Northwestern University (IL)
  • University of Nebraska - Lincoln (NE)
  • Michigan State University (MI)
  • University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (IL)
  • University of Texas at Austin (TX)
  • The Ohio State University (OH)
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison (WI)

With higher education facing ongoing budget cuts, top to bottom reviews of programs and policies, and critical questions regarding the value of a college education, we—as sustainability professionals—must be able …

  • Posted June 11, 2016
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Students and Sustainability: Mechanism for making Green Leaders

  • Ball State University (IN)

Introduction: Lead primarily by student initiative, a sustainability program has evolved into a new program whose mechanics are meant to make action, foster sustainable leaders, and educate a sustainable culture …

  • Posted June 11, 2016
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Eco-Schools Leadership Initiative (ESLI)

  • College of William & Mary (VA)

I co-founded Eco-Schools Leadership Initiative (ESLI) ( which is an after-school program where high school and college students teach elementary school students about the environment. There are six high schools …

  • Posted June 10, 2016
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Encouraging sustainability in the workplace: a survey on the pro-environmental behaviour of university employees

  • Wageningen University

In order to enhance more sustainable behaviour in households, recent research focuses on the identification of factors that have an impact on sustainable or pro-environmental behaviour. The aim of this …

  • Posted June 10, 2016
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University of Minnesota, Morris student leads implementation of the Student Engagement Leadership Forum on Sustainability (SELFsustain) across the University of Minnesota-system

  • University of Minnesota, Crookston (MN)
  • University of Minnesota, Duluth (MN)
  • University of Minnesota, Morris (MN)
  • University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (MN)
  • University of Minnesota, Rochester (MN)

The University of Minnesota (U of M) is leading the way in cultivating student-driven sustainability leadership across Minnesota -- from the prairies to Lake Superior. For five years, U of …

Sustainability Peer Educator Program - Simon Fraser University

  • Simon Fraser University (BC)

Program Vision: Students are confident, informed, and active sustainability leaders who have the skills and experience to advance sustainability at and beyond SFU.

The Sustainability Peer Education program empowers students …

For the Planet Leadership Series: Building Sustainability Leadership in Higher Education

  • University of North Texas (TX)

The “For the Planet Leadership Series” is a five-week professional development course planned, researched, and taught by Senior Alyssa Wolverton at the University of North Texas. Her goal was to …

Sustainability Champions: Role Models in Sustainability Graduate Education

  • University of Saskatchewan (SK)

Sustainability champions are iconic men and women who have shaped the scholarly understanding of sustainability by considering broad, alternative, and visionary solutions to sustainability problems. For instance, sustainability champions such …

Organizational transformation and higher sustainability management education: The case of the MBA Sustainability Management

  • Griffith University (Queensland)
  • Leuphana University of Lüneburg


This paper aims to investigate the roles of leadership in enabling sustainability transformation of universities and higher sustainability management education. It advocates research into the role of leadership for …

Integrating environmental sustainability into universities

  • Monash University (VIC)

Universities play a fundamental role in addressing global environmental challenges as their education, research and community involvement can produce long-lasting environmental effects and societal change. By demonstrating best practice in …

Turnaround Leadership for Sustainability in Higher Education

  • Western Sydney University (NSW)
  • Australian National University
  • University of Gloucestershire (Gloucestershire)

Universities play a central role in addressing key challenges of social, economic and environmental sustainability. For this role to be delivered effectively it is critical to identify not only what …

Celebrating campus sustainability leadership on Earth Day 2016

  • University of Alberta (AB)

The University of Alberta's annual Campus Sustainability Leadership Awards are given out on April 22 to help celebrate Earth Day. This year, we awarded seven groups and individuals for their …

Conversations in Sustainability: The University of British Columbia

  • University of British Columbia (BC)

"We have the chance, which doesn't come very often in human history, to make this fundamental change." The University of British Columbia is exploring and exemplifying new ways of addressing …

  • Posted April 14, 2016
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Campus Sustainability Leadership Professional Certificate Program

  • University of Vermont (VT)

Professional Certificate in Campus Sustainability Leadership

As we stand at a critical moment in Earth’s history, colleges, universities, and other institutions must play a critical role in developing innovative practices …

  • Posted April 11, 2016
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