

AASHE’s tools library showcases calculators, databases, recognition programs, and other tools that can help advance sustainability in higher education.

At a Glance

Total Resources
U.S. States & Territories
Canadian Provinces

Bars in graphs can be clicked to view resources that align with a particular category. Because a resource may be listed under multiple topics and disciplines, graph data may include higher total counts than what is indicated in total resources above.

122 resources

Choosing an LGBTQ-Friendly College

As a prospective student, it’s your job to find a college where you can thrive. This is particularly important for those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer …


  • Keep America Beautiful (CT)
  • College & University Recycling Coalition (DC)

RecycleMania is a friendly competition and benchmarking tool for college and university recycling programs to promote waste reduction activities to their campus communities. Over an 8-week period each spring, colleges …

Waste Reduction Model (WARM)

  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (DC)

The US EPA's Waste Reduction Model (WARM) calculates and totals GHG emissions of baseline and alternative waste management practices—source reduction, recycling, combustion, composting, and landfilling. The model calculates emissions in …

Bicycle Friendly University Program

  • League of American Bicyclists (DC)

The Bicycle Friendly University (BFU) program recognizes institutions of higher education for promoting and providing a more bikeable campus for students, staff and visitors. Specifically, it evaluates applicants’ efforts to …

ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager

  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (DC)

ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager is an online tool you can use to measure and track energy and water consumption, as well as greenhouse gas emissions. Use it to benchmark the …

Green Power Partnership

  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (DC)

The Green Power Partnership is a free, voluntary program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that encourages organizations to use green power as a way to reduce the environmental …

Zero Waste Database

  • College & University Recycling Coalition (DC)

The mission of this database is to create a useful, comprehensive resource for recycling and waste reduction advocates:

Baseline:  "What practices are out there?  Who and how many are doing …


  • Farm Forward (OR)

BuyingPoultry is a free independent buying guide that cuts through labels and marketing claims and makes it easy to find the highest-welfare products near you.

Scope 3 Evaluator

  • World Resources Institute (DC)
  • Quantis

To help facilitate the adoption of the Scope 3 Standard, GHG Protocol teamed up with Quantis to develop this free scope 3 screening tool. This tool provides users a simple …

Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT)

  • Conservation International
  • United Nations Environment Programme

IBAT for Research and Conservation Planning is an innovative tool designed to facilitate access to a range of global and national data layers, such as protected area boundaries, biological information …

i-Tree: Tools for Assessing and Managing Community Forests

  • Arbor Day Foundation (NE)
  • USDA (IL)

i-Tree is a state-of-the-art, peer-reviewed software suite from the USDA Forest Service that provides urban forestry analysis and benefits assessment tools. The i-Tree Tools help communities of all sizes to …

AWS International Water Stewardship Standard

  • Alliance for Water Stewardship

The AWS International Water Stewardship Standard (AWS Standard) is an international, ISEAL-compliant, standard that defines a set of water stewardship criteria and indicators for how water should be stewarded at …

IPaC: Information for Planning and Conservation

  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

IPaC is a project planning tool that allows the user to:

  • See if any threatened or endangered species, critical habitat, migratory birds or other natural resources may be impacted by …

Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas

  • World Resources Institute (DC)

Aqueduct's global water risk mapping tool helps companies, investors, governments, and other users understand where and how water risks and opportunities are emerging worldwide. The Atlas uses a robust, peer …

Food Recovery Verified

  • Food Recovery Network (MD)

Food Recovery Verified (FRV) is a program of Food Recovery Network that recognizes institutions, businesses and events for sending their surplus food to people, not landfills.

List of Universities with Bicycle Sharing Programs

  • Indiana State University (IN)

Editable Google Doc containing a list of universities with bike sharing programs, including funding information, year started, and additional notes. Feel free to add your campus bicycle sharing program to …

Food Recovery Challenge

  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (DC)

As part of EPA's Food Recovery Challenge, organizations pledge to improve their sustainable food management practices and report their results. The FRC is part of EPA's Sustainable Materials Management Program …

Real Food Calculator

  • Real Food Challenge (MA)

The Real Food Calculator is a tool for tracking institutional purchasing over time. College and University students in the U.S. use the Real Food Calculator as a platform for discussion …

Living Wage Calculator

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MA)

The Living Wage Calculator (U.S.) was first created in 2004 by Dr. Amy K. Glasmeier at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The living wage model is an alternative measure of …

Campus Carbon Calculator (legacy resource)

  • University of New Hampshire (NH)

The Campus Carbon Calculator was updated by University of New Hampshire in 2017, when it became SIMAP, the Sustainability Indicator Management and Analysis Platform. SIMAP is listed as a Hub …

Registry of Open Access Repository Mandates and Policies (ROARMAP)

  • University of Southampton

The Registry of Open Access Repository Mandates and Policies (ROARMAP) is a searchable international registry charting the growth of open access mandates and policies adopted by universities, research institutions and …

The Sustainability Literacy Test (Sulitest)

  • United Nations Environment Programme
  • KEDGE Business School (Bordeaux)

The Sulitest is a tool for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to assess and verify the sustainability literacy of their students when they graduate. It assesses the level knowledge in economic, …